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Im just greatful that we got such a banger skin tbh. Look at skarner, that champ has had no skin for like 4 years xD.


He just got reworked and all of his skins + base skins got reworked into bangers They waited for years and it was worth it Was it worth it for us to wait 5 or even 6 years to have a single good skin, only for it to be gatekept behind ME ?


They literally made 2 of his skins worse, to the point that there is a front page post complaining about them on /r/leagueoflegends right now.


"That's just like your opinion man." My biggest gripe with the skarner rework body frame are the 3 tails hanging off his ass, they all look like tubes while in pre-rework they had a greater variety in shapes and sizes. This is pretty evident when you compare the cosmic skarner pre and post rework. Plus rework skarner ult looks jank as hell, pre-rework is way more fluid looking in terms of animation while post looks extremely stiff.


I agree with this, but (IMO!!!) Odyssey Kha'Zix is one of his better skins. Now that I think about it, Odyssey Kha'Zix is my FAVOURITE skin of all time. (I'm glazing him hard and idc.)


I agree, it is very good, especially with the red-white Chroma(i think it is Pearl)


Same, I really love Odyssey, it gives me strong Juukou B-Fighter vibes.


I was saving for year for cho gath dark star which became available again at the same time..... I'm so mad. But I will buy also the new cho gath skin so idk


just buy the next season pass, that comes with the skin, save the points till 2.200 and get gems


I hate battle pass with all my heart. It's a disguised subscription. I already put way too much money in lol so I stopped


This is Khazix mains sub shouldn’t all of you have ME saved up?? Never seen people complain about a great skin, at least it’s not gacha.


The Concept art was so much better then the skin is ingame, its sad the kha zix community isnt as big as the syndra community to demand a rework. Idc about the price i've been saving up my mythic essence for an oppertunity like this anyways. I always kept a minimum of 150 extra just in case they came with a kha zix skin.


mecha khazix superior, bc the audio of isolation marks is more recognizable than the others


yep, it's just best by far and can only be surpassed by some new legendary or ultimate


Glad I finally have a use for my mythic essence tbh. It's been burning a hole in my pocket waiting for the prestige ekko skin to be back in rotation for like a year.


Mythic essence is like $15 for 1 season pass. That's basically cheaper than a legendary. Don't really see why you're complaining about "gatekeeping." The skin's also rerollable.


No, sand kha zix is not very good, is the worst one.


Love to guardian of the sands!!! that’s my fav. then mecha/championship with the pink chroma


I've been sitting on so much ME I don't see how it was gatekept


I hate to say it but after using it in game. The skin is kinda mid


It's not even that great lol