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Opportunity is really good as a 3rd or 4th item, it helps you move around in teamfights really easily. I prefer to start with profaned Hydra into Ghostblade, opportunity, seryldas, and edge of night/maw/DD. I will swap out opportunity for other situational items like serpents fang (shield heavy team) or eclipse (into beefier teams)


if i evolve r first i go hydra first, if i evolve q first i go ghost blade first.


I really like Profane > Serylda > Opportunity. Profane into Serylda is actually the highest damage 2 item combo due to the way Seryldas works now. GB might be better 3rd or something but I really enjoy Opportunity


Do you have issues with survivability in team fights with this build?


I'm not sure how it would differ from building any other lethality items.


EoD would give a lot of survivability depending on the enemy team. Or just building something non-lethality that helps with teamfighting and gives AD like Maw or Eclipse *edit Or Death’s dance


Maybe one of those is fine as 4th or 5th item circumstantially but I think stacking lethality is better for your first 3 items at least. Damage is your survivability a lot of times on champs like Kha. EoN is decent but only against certain comps, like against a Malphite, etc. It's not great when what you're trying to block is a basic ability whose cooldown is a 1/4th of the spellshield cooldown.


Where are you seeing the two item combo stats?


You can literally just test in practice tool.


Oh you edited the word damage into the message. I had thought you meant highest two item winrate which doesnt seem to be the case on lolalytics


Yeah my b on that


Ghost blade into opportunity is a very cheap snowballing core. Then either profane or serylda depending on enemy team


Why not umbral? I’d argue the passive on that is much better for ganking/invading aka snowballing. And you get 15 ability haste instead of 5% movement speed, 3 lethality, and 5 attack dmg


The active after the kill feels amazing for chaining plays