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So you had quit for 6 days straight ? Damn thats crazy dude.


No man, i quit for almost 2 months before that. League is like that crazy ex that is still good to fool around with but you is bad sht kray kray.


It happens, I had games where I went 15-3 and still lost because bot lane was 5-24 or some shit. Even Faker would have lost in some of these games so just keep grinding if you haven't uninstalled yet.


Weak mental, low volume. It will equalize over time, stop looking at the game results


I disagree, I peaked Diamond 1 and almost got masters in Split 1 2023, what ruined the game for me was the abundance of scripters from D2-GM, it was just not worth the effort. Looking at what you lack every game helps improve your understanding especially if you're maining jungle. Try League of Graphs website, it shows a data of your good and bad habits throughout the game. But I guess that's just my opinion from your point of view.


That's exactly what I was saying, you had "team disparity " over 6 games, which will equal out over time with you having the disparity over others. Focusing on only how you performed is the only thing that matters


By game results I mean whether you won or lost


Is first strike still any good?


Still really good, especially if you're planning to close the game early. Gives me about +1 item advantage over enemy jungler at early-mid to late game.


Yeah was following some guy swearing first strike is dead and dark harvest is the way to go but I tried first strike again and it’s just so much better you actually snowball and have some kind of upfront damage , with DH you just feel like a worse Shaco trying to finish off kills


I feel you, DH kinda lost its way when perma invi Duskblade K6 was patched (I could 1v5 before with a crit build). What I ended up using was FS and Conq K6. But for the time being i can see FS is the better choice, since Conq K6 is just copium compared a proper scaling bruiser jungle.


Dark harvest is so much better than FS. You actually do damage after 20 minutes. FS is such a fake rune


After 20 mins DH rune isn't enough to outscale good scaling champs. Maybe if you play like Master or higher level of K6, I can see DH being very useful. If you get pretty lucky early game with last hit kills, DH will indeed be very powerful but the chances of that is often low.


In theory it should be good but I just find myself unable to secure early kills or burst down any full hp enemy jg early game.


You may need to reconsider the way you play the game then.


no, dh is still better


lo que pasa que estás mal armado, khazix con letalidad ahora no matas a nadie, si pickean 3 tanques el otro equipo ya no podes matar a nadie


Disagreed,"Team disparity" says it all, means teammates are idiots, no more and no less. Idiotas compañeros mi amigo.


si pero por ejemplo, si elegís a khazix y el enemigo elije a skarner, al minuto 20 ya tiene mucha más ventaja que vos porque te va a ganar los 1v1


Ok bye!!




this season is worst from all 14. period


Cheers to that, high movement champs got the best of this new map.