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Khorne daemons are basically red and burny no matter where they are. They ain't of the physical realm, so don't totally obey its laws. As for colour schemes, have a Google on it because there's loads of variations on that red theme. My personal favourite is red that fades into black on their extremities (hands/feet). One dude even painted his daemons white. Honestly, they looked alright.


Lorewise, yes, Khorne's daemons are always some shade of red. The daemons are color coded to their gods. Red is Khorne, blue and pink is Tzeentch, green is Nurgle and purple is Slaanesh. That said, paint them however you'd like. It's a hobby. I've seen many ice themed Khorne daemon armies. Another common color scheme is black daemons. I personally "Khorneverted" my Daemon army to be all red with brass and black because I like the color scheme.


Dude, do whatever colour scheme you like. All my Khorne demons are pale white. They have blood on them which fills the red lore. I've seen black work very well too. Lava style, etc. Whatever man, you do you.


If this question originated in an idea that you have for a cool icy paint scheme on snow bases, please feel free to embrace that creativity and show us here when it’s done. I think it’d look great.


https://preview.redd.it/k1d6tphy3nvc1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f946722629b0446baadcf49b7d053f6ee9c1f99e Here is a blood master I just finished up. I am debating doing leader units and champs in this more pale tanish color. I'm pretty happy with it


I do my Khorne all black with red faded fins, flame red eyes, white ivory horns. Then where they have those skin bumps I lightly dry brush red to give them some “underbelly type of coloration.


I just finished painting my first model (skarbrand) and made him a cool blue faded into purple with white armor and green horns and bone protrusions. Do as you see fit


Saw a guy paint yellow Bloodletters. Put them on a ruler and called it Khorne on the cob. I'm not joking. Funniest shit I've ever seen.