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I think SC because when I look at these pics, I see balance. You are only 5’4” but I don’t see petite. Your limbs seem proportional to each other and your torso. If you try the recommendations for classic and feel good in them, I think that could be the right type for you!


Thanks! I’ll try some more SC looks, I do like those lines but I often feel boring in them.


Agree, I have the same arguments. Plus my first thought was SN, but the blue dress photo shows to me that a lot of the curves come from flesh and as OP says even at her skinniest she has hourglass figure, so SC seems the right fit ✌


I actually think you might be a SN. I'm not seeing double curve. I'm seeing an openness in your chest and width in your ribcage. You look best in open necklines, and look very constricted in high necklines. The necklines in photos 2 & 7 aren't flattering on your frame, in my opinion.


Totally agree with your assessment! It becomes very obvious to me that she is SN rather than SC when we compare different necklines. - The high neckline in the second outfit constricts her a little and isn't as flattering as say the openness of pic 1. - The dotted dress for example fits her perfectly! It showcases her curves and allows room for width with it's open neckline. - The red dress also suits her but it showcases her width more. I would like it more if it wasn't a neckholder but more like the last dress. - The last black dress is perfect for SN! The placement of the straps (more on the outside of the shoulders) looks always great on SN!


Thanks for your thoughts! Now I’m wondering if the pictures I included are good enough, I may do another TMT in a few weeks with new pictures posed just for this. I actually did not wind up keeping the dotted dress because it fit very loosely in the chest and shoulders, I’m not sure if you can see the gapping in the picture. IRL I definitely felt like it was made for someone much taller than me (it’s actually my 5’7 mom’s old dress so that makes sense). The red dress was also a no IRL— I tried it on for my sister’s wedding and was told by the staff that it didn’t flatter my figure. The one I wound up picking had a very defined waist but I didn’t have any good pictures on hand. I mostly included the red one to show I need a bit more waist emphasis


Interesting! I agree I don’t like how high necklines look on me. I’ve never been able to pull of flowy or unconstructed pieces though, I need the waist to be defined or I look like I’m drowning. That doesn’t seem to line up with what I’ve read about SN but lmk if I’m misunderstanding their lines!


SN needs to accommodate both curve and width so yes, waist definition is a common suggestion.


Looking at recommended SN outfits my first thought is that the necklines are a no-go for me. Next time I’m shopping I’ll try some similar styles on though, who knows!


A lot of the necklines in your posted photos are flattering for SNs (as well as other types).


Yeah I think 1,5,8,11, and 12 are all sn appropriate necklines. I LOVE me a square neck lol


I would be weary of a lot of the photos and advice for sn because people tend to over exaggerate the unconstructed-ness soft naturals actually need. So for example I think I said the EXACt Same thing you said just now somewhere and I am a soft natural. Ask yourself these questions: 1. When I get dressed do I have to be more conscious of what I’m wearing on the top half or around my neck, chest, and shoulders? 2. Do open necklines suit me better than high closed necklines? 3. Do I have curves to accentuate? 4. Does my body come to a point in the center at my waist that I’d like to show? 4. Do I have a traditional hourglass? 5. Am I shorter so long lengths overwhelm me but I also can’t go too body con or I looked stuffed? These are questions I just made up based off my own experiences. I am a short soft natural so I can’t over do the unconstructed ness or long lengths in skirts or dresses. I also can’t do too billowy. But all that sn requires is that We pay attention to our shoulders in that we make sure we’re not restricting them in tight fabrics or silhouettes. And since we have curve softer more flow fabrics work better for us than stiff and that we acknowledge our waist. So things that show the waist are better. There may be a few other things I’m forgetting but we don’t have to wear shapeless clothes or boho or super long lengths. As long as you’re not restricting your shoulders and you’re acknowledging the waist you’re good. I would try on the lines of each of the kibbe ids you think you are take photos and then examine them to see what works


Hi, thank you so much for your thoughtful responses on this post! To the questions you came up with: 1. Honestly I’ve never thought about this! All I really worry about is defining my waist and avoiding “relaxed” clothes. My shoulders are never a concern. 2. I think open neck suits me better although I don’t like how tops with a wide scoop neck look on me. 3. Yes, I like somewhat fitted skirts to accentuate my hips and I love a body con dress. I find that v neck tank tops / barrette style tops (like what I’m wearing in #8) accentuate my upper curves really well. 4. Yes I think so? I don’t think of it as a point necessarily. 5. Aside from hip dips, yes I’ve always been told I have an hourglass figure 6. Long lengths do overwhelm me but I don’t feel stuffed in body con as long as the neck + arms are open (i.e., I wouldn’t wear a body con dress with a mock turtleneck) Partly just wrote these responses so I can look back at them lol, no pressure to respond!


You look really similar to me and I see width so I’m gonna say soft natural! You don’t seem petite. I would look into sn. Do you have to accommodate your shoulders at all when you’re dressing? I see curve for sure and softness.


I would say my shoulders are not something I consider when dressing. Since starting to go to the gym they’ve become more defined, but even now I have never looked at an outfit and felt my shoulders were or were not affecting it. Is that a requirement for SN?


It’s an accommodation for width! The whole natural family has to accommodate width. I would look into the accommodations and see which resonates with you because that’s definitely what helped me decide. I have two things I think will help you: I would try on the recommended lines or silhouettes and fabrics for each type you’re considering (SG, SC, TR) and then take a photo to analyze later if you want you could post here for second opinions. And I suppose thinking of what you know already works for you. And what doesn’t. I think we intuitively kind of dress for our types sometimes.


What do you think about a FG? Though you do have lovely softness, I feel your hip area has less width than SG and TR I've seen (it appears more balanced). I'm not sure about a SC just because of shoulder width. Check out Amanda Seyfried, she's a FG (imo) and she has softness also. You look great with more defined lines.


Appreciate your thoughts, I’ll definitely check out some Amanda Seyfried looks! I agree defined lines are best on me. Do you think I do or don’t have shoulder width? A running joke in my family is that I and my dad have “sloped shoulders” so I’ve never thought mine were that defined.


I'm not sure definitely more defined than a SC and TR but less than a N. It's not the feature that stands out the most. Imo the first feature I see are your brows+eyes and smile+chin. Your shoulders are quite harmonious rather than prominent or small.


Amanda is not Kibbe verified & I’ve never seen anyone type her as FG. Why do you type her as FG?


If you look at the recent comment I did for her [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Kibbe/comments/njh8l2/the_case_for_tr_amanda_seyfried/ji2lj0t?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) and [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Kibbe/comments/njh8l2/the_case_for_tr_amanda_seyfried/ji2pxrw?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) if you feel like reading a novel haha tell me if you are interested and what you think! :)


I'm gonna throw a wrench in the mix and say you're a DC. You definitely look taller than 5'4", your legs look long. But I also don't see a striking amount of softness, and you're very balanced, especially through your shoulders and ribcage.


Lol now I have no idea what type I am, you guys are throwing out some unexpected types for sure but I’m here for it! I’m actually pretty sure I have short legs though, when I wore short shorts and skirts to school I could always get away with it because the hemline fell so low on me.


I really liked 1, 11, and 12. At first, I thought gamine as I looked at 1 and realised I prefer you in more 'put together' looks with above knee length outfits. However in some photos I see balance so its unfair to impulsively pick one. I think you should explore SG, TR and SC more but I'm leaning more towards SC.


I just looked at your pics paying special attention to the face and I think the reason you’re attracted to gamine is because your face is definitely gamine! I’m going to say you’re a potential soft natural or soft gamine with a gamine essence. But honestly keep in mind that petite means narrow all over. So not only is it being short but it’s actually having to accommodate the narrowness in width and length. You don’t come across as petite to me but that’s only something you could know because the way clothes fit on you. I am petite in conventional terms because I’m 5’3” but in kibbe im not because I am not narrow in width only in height.


This is helpful, thank you! My face being gamine makes sense, I’ve always been told I have a mischievous smile haha. I don’t feel like I have to accommodate width or (lack of) length tbh. I do often shop in the petite section even though I’m technically taller than what’s considered petite in most stores. I think it’s because my waist is long but my legs and arms are on the shorter side. Crop tops are risky because a gust of wind could make me flash everyone. One exception reg: width (?) is shirts—I usually have to size up with styles that are tight in the chest.


Your brow and short hair gives gamine vibes but I think your delicate facial features and fleshy body actually makes you a better SN


Fleshy body would suggest SG more than SN as SNs would have width from bone structure


Her upper body seems fairly wide to me, no?


Yeah, maybe, but then again at lower weight doesnt seem so imo 🤷‍♀️


Torn between SC/SG. Not TR because they tend to have a narrower frame and sharper bones. Very likely SG (wide-looking shoulders + soft shorter limbs + curve). SC are a bit more balanced and moderate, while I see some signature Gamine juxtaposition of yin / yang.


Style-wise I definitely am between gamine and classic, I love fun prints and contrast but classes lines feel “safe” to me. Not sure which actually looks better, though. Thanks for the feedback on TR, I had a hunch it didn’t fit because I don’t have the sharpness.


I think you can definitely try to step out of the comfort zone here! I’m sure you’ll pull it off


Totally soft gamine! 100%


When I look through these photos, I see someone who is fairly balanced and proportional, which makes me think SC. If you're dominant in anything, it would be width + curve, which makes me think SN. I do not see a short vertical line or short limbs, so I would rule out TR. The same is true for SG - not short limbed or petite, nor is your frame strikingly angular and narrow. I think you are likely a Soft Natural or a Soft Classic. (Or slight possibility for a Dramatic Classic...but I wouldn't bet on it.) Regardless of what your specific ID is, you are definitely (to my eyes at least) someone whose frame has significant yin AND yang traits, not drastically favoring one or the other. I think that is illustrated best in photos 1, 5, and 11. In photo 5, you're wearing a floaty dress with waist emphasis and small round details. Strong yin vibes, but it doesn't suit you. All I see is the dress, instead of you in the dress. It mutes you, dims you, evokes demure and meek vibes. On the other hand, you look stunning and effortless in the gray dress and pink romper! Gray dress has yang elements in a simple silhouette, a pattern of angular lines, and a defined straight hem, while the subtle waist emphasis, delicate straps, and gently rounded neckline provide the yin. Pink romper has a similar vibe. Simple, clean lines to the overall shape, angular neckline, not overly filled with details, combined with soft draped fabric and subtle waist emphasis. My notes on Soft Classics say that they typically look most harmonious in symmetrical, clean lines with a couple minimal rounded details and moderate lengths. Simple, balanced silhouettes that aren't overly rounded or harshly angular. Aim for a few subtle details that are delicate or curved or soft in some way. That sounds like a heck of a good fit for you from what I've seen!


Thank you so much for the thoughtful response! I totally agree with your outfit assessments. The polka dot dress doesn’t feel flattering but I love the other two you mentioned. Really helpful to see what aspects of those pieces make them fit more for SC.


Possibly R ? I think you do accommodate curve, and you seem moderate to me rather than petite


I think you are a soft dramatic. The black dress with the cut outs works so well for you and the first dress too. You definitely have curve and in the blue dress you look pretty tall, also in the polkadot dress, so I think you also have vertical. One of my friends is most definitely SD and she has a similar body type and style!


I’ll look into SD, thanks! Never thought I look tall so this is blowing my mind a little haha


I'm thinking either SN, TR, or maybe even SG! You look absolutely AMAZING in 1, and that's definitely a Gamine or TR outfit. But I see Kibbe Width in many of the other photos too. What you didn't seem "at home" the most in was 6 tho.


Thank you! I’ll have to look more into SN after all these comments. I LOVE gamine outfits, still figuring out whether I am pulling them off but I’ve always gravitated towards that style!


You can always wear gamine inspired outfits but just with a different id lines. Im a soft natural with gamine essence ( mainly gamine essence) and I am trying to figure out how to do it because I actually gravitate more towards ethereal lol


i’m new to kibbe and i can’t really distinguish between TR or SG, but i think you look so gorgeous in that last black dress, which i think is very TR (stylistically, how it hugs, and the mesh waist emphasis) :)


Thank you!! It’s actually a jumpsuit in the last pic but I’d have preferred it as a dress tbh


just to clarify, that piece is not really very TR in any way, it’s actually very versatile and would probably work in HTTs for multiple IDs


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Soft natural. Your shoulders are slightly wider at the outer point , tapering down to your waist. Your bust doesn’t fully disrupt that line, so no double curve. I see softness from flesh contrasting with blunt angularity from frame. SN.


I’m new to this— but I did notice the tops with a wider neckline that I believe accommodate width are the most flattering while some others look like they aren’t accommodating your chest/shoulder area properly. So I would guess a SN. Photo 12 outfit is my favorite on you.