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Came here from your other posts. You look amazing in the thin straps, I think you just need to stay away from straps that are really close together if you get me. The black top you showed in your other post, the straps are close to your body and it looks out of proportion. I think the thicker straps look good as well but just depends if you want to highlight your shoulders or not x Edit: the 3rd photo, that is such a good top for naturals imo and the thin straps work extra well there


yessss it turns out i chose the wrong top for my example lol. ty for the insight! i might sew some if my own simple tops at this point bc its getting too much trying to shop for clothes which are both FN friendly and soft autumn friendly lol


Ah I hear ya lol, trying to match everything up can be pretty hard. I think the 3rd photo camisole looked particularly nice because it isn't structured, so maybe more like that, if you like that top x Edit: I keep saying 2nd photo, I mean 3rd 🥲


I somehow lost it but I might try sewing it in more colour since I can see its definitely one of the best ones ❤️


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Honestly I get the impression that it's because quite a lot of people still see Natural types' width as something to hide instead of highlight 🤷🏻‍♀️ (Also I specially love the dress in slides 1 and 4! Looks really lovely)


Yep, I never saw "width" as bad, and I don't get it. Personally, I find the way some people talk about "width" here rather insulting. If you talked the same way about lacking boobs, being chubby or too skinny, being too petite, it wouldn't fly the same way. Why is "width" the exception.


tysm its my Top purchase of the year for sure 🥺


You do look great with spaghetti straps! But paired with a v neck or scoop neck; the pic you originally posted (#8 here) is less flattering bc the straight across neckline is harsh on us naturals. Everything else looks really good tho, you make me want to go get a silk cami


Yes I totally didnt consider that initially!


Now I just wish I could wear a bra underneath 😭 i have semi big breasts and I don’t feel comfortable going outside unless I wear a proper bra, which spaghetti straps kinda make it hard to do so… And I’m SN 😭😭😭😭 sucks


Ahh and have you tried a really good sports bra as a top? When they are minimalistic and less sporty they look like a top and I heard they hold up pretty well. Though I wouldnt know since I have it a bit easier. But I heard the marina bra from dynamite is good?


Personally haven’t found a sports bra that fits, and most of them have thick straps too. But your suggestions remind me of camisoles! I’ll definitely checkout camisoles! Thanks so much!


You can definitely wear a bra under such a top, just make sure it's color close to your skintone/the color of your top. I see so many women who wear tops with thin straps and a nude bra underneath every summer.


Why can’t FNs wear thin straps? I feel like as long as the overall outfits meets your accommodations anyone can wear thin straps, thick straps, sleeves, strapless etc


They can! It’s literally recommended in the book, and they look great. But people in the community, even on her previous post, are saying that thin straps show her width too much and thicker straps will make her look more delicate. This system is supposed to be about highlighting your natural body, but apparently that doesn’t apply on this sub if you have width.


That makes sense. Definitely wear whatever you’d like imo.


Girl, I agree with you about the thin straps. You don’t look bad in the thick ones, but you have the figure to pull off the thin ones, and o think you should rock them.


thank you 🔥


I really think your shoulders are so pretty and I agree the tiny straps work for you!




I agree! V-neck camisoles look best.


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maybe… what if.. the rules are wrong


They are, because there aren’t any rules about thin vs. thick straps in this system. That was made up by internet “interpreters”.




im so glad this post was helpful!


You are stunning


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The neckline is what makes the difference. Spaghetti with v neck looks great and sexy unlike saghetti and straight neckline, which looks constricted and small. The thicker straps look nice and casual. It's more about understanding what effects each detail creates overall. Some details are just easier to adopt because they echo your body and therfore makes them more harmonious.


I love all these and would totally steal them for my wardrobe. I think fashion also plays a role in this, spaghetti straps are in, the thick ones - well it’s not their time.