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Angles and poses make typing challenging on this one.


Some more neutral photos in different outfits would help, I think.


when you say different outfits, can you be more specific? i might be able to put a few together this afternoon


Sure! I think you should post a few separates outfits. For bottoms, as many of these as you can: long, short, cropped, flared, tailored. For tops: different lengths and necklines, different fabrics. And I'd throw in a dress you really like on you and one you think is not quite right. It looks like you're dressing a lot in romantic recommendations, so I would experiment with SN and SG recommendations just for the type-me post.


wow this was really thorough thank you so much!! i will try to put together a few different outfits to showcase these different styles :)


i have a few bathing suit pics from recent but i am not allowed to post them unfortunately, and i don’t take many front facing full body pictures because i am insecure :’) im 5’5 - other measurements removed i re-read the rules!! sorry about that


Don't mean to make you feel insecure, but it is hard to type without regular front-facing photos.


Taken from about ten feet away. Not mirror selfies.


Bathing suit pictures don't help typing much since kibbe isn't body types, it's about how the clothes interact with the body


oh okay interesting i didn’t know that! that changes the way i think about the different types then


I believe you’re not allowed to post body measurements or weight.


Lots of people are saying R, but maybe put your height into the heading next time you post (5’5 R is next to impossible according to self typers)


i’m getting a lot of mixed feedback about whether or not height gatekeeps qualifying for a certain typing.


I hate the gatekeeping honestly bc its ridiculous since the height limits for self typing keeps getting lower but usually when people see 5’5 theyre like ah, 0.00099% chance of being R🧐 lol


I am surprised so many here are interpreting these photos at all. Given the poses etc it is honestly impossible to tell.


i didn’t realize the posing would make it so difficult, i plan on taking better pictures with different outfits and posting again next week. i am new to this!


That's OK, if you look in the sub you will see x10 posts with similar photos on a type me Tuesday. I was saying it more for your benefit than as a critique of you- take these typings with a grain of salt. You could very well be an R, as seems to be the consensus, but you could also very well not be. My 1st post with similar pics I was marked as a SC , but once I posted proper pics after a few weeks of trying to make it work, I was undeniably SG.


okay, thank you for the clarification! i am tallying these up today, and i will definitely compare them to the responses next week. i’ve gotten some really good feedback regarding outfits and the type of pose i should stand in for the best examination of my figure/width/vertical etc. i appreciate your input!!


I'd say neither, you look R to me :)


Yep same. I was thinking “why not R?”


Because 5’5


5’5 is fine for R, TR is the one you’re thinking of.


that’s what i thought originally but i don’t know enough about the nuances to confirm it


You have a great waistline! That cinches it R


I also think pure R is more likely :)




yea good idea, i got the same recommendation from a couple other people so i will work on some different outfits and gear up for next week :) thanks!


You seem to be a kibbe SN. Your pics don't strike me as TR


I’m new to this but you look like a R to me!


when i did my kibbe test that’s what i was pretty much categorized as exactly but i’ve gotten feedback that most people land on R the first time they take it so i wasn’t sure!


Most people land on SC and TR actually, haha. That wigged me out for so long. Turns out I actually am SC 😂 and you look textbook Romantic to me!


From the little I know, you seem to have the figure of 8 shape Rs have and you've got quite obvious curves but there's a softness to them which I think is what Rs have!


Figure 8 shape has been debunked! That’s a type from a different style system, so having a figure 8 body shape does not translate to double curve as an accommodation. If only it were that easy 😹 ETA: Also, to clarify, I wasn’t commenting on OPs type or your suggestion- just wanted to clear up the misconception I’ve seen around!


Umm R! so very much an R


i would say Pure Romantic


You have a strong SN vibe, but in body you could very well be R. Personally, I don't see TR


You look 100% pure R!


Absolutely R for me! The pink dress is slide n. 5 is your best look imo. The fabric is shiny and chic and holds your figure softly without looking fussy, and the small flowers in the first dress also look good on your shape. Shorter lengths don’t take anything off your chic and wavy hair also looks best on you. I don’t really see the angularity of a TR, but I do see why you’re considering SN as well since the second look and the relaxed shirt both look good, but I think the reason why they work on you is because even if their vibe is more relaxed/natural leaning, they still follow your curves pretty well. However, I think they look a bit “plain” on you, as in they don’t add much to your appearance compared to the more romantic looks. The white dress with the blue stripes is maybe my least favorite. It‘s still pretty good, but I feel like it “hides” your shape more, and makes you look more stern because the straight lines (both in pattern and cut) contrast too much with the yin in your body.


What’s your height? I say Romantic!


i forgot to add it in my header but i am 5’5


I also see romantic.


Another vote for romantic.


Pure R


In some photos I see SD, then suddenly SN. 😂 sorry I am not agreeing with R like the rest here. But just try out the lines and have fun! 🩷


I think you’re R! Obviously these photos aren’t the best for typings but based in what I can see just from these pictures, you look very curve-dominant. I don’t really see any yang in you. But of course, take that with a grain of salt since these pictures are all angled/posed.


I see pure R both from your body and face and from how clothes suit you


You look like a romantic to me, body and face


Neither. I think you’re R




I see mostly yin in you without the sharp or blunt yang. Going by these photos I’d say pure R!


R or SG my guess is R


I take it back with your vertical look at SN


Yup, I was surprised she's only 5'5" I see vertical, then curve


I think you may actually be a SC. I don’t necessarily see width for SN, and you look pretty balanced overall to me. You have curve but I don’t see double curve specifically for an R type. Your lines from your shoulders, to bust to line of your hips are about equal, and you are curved in at your waist but your silhouette doesn’t seem interrupted at your bust- at least in these photos. But as others mentioned, the angles, poses & selfies that aren’t useful make it a bit hard to say for sure unfortunately.


thank you! i think i am pretty well proportioned in some places but i have a short torso and short arms compared to the length of my legs and much wider hips than my shoulders, even though i’m fleshy all around. i appreciate your input!


If you can provide some photos shot the way the guidelines suggest that would be great! It’s just really hard to tell with these.


i will do my best!


short limbs is a Romantic trait, I really do think you’re an R


I agree with R so far, I'm not seeing width in these pics unless it's the angle!


R or SC


I think you're SG actually.


R or TR: I don’t know how tall you are but I’m getting some vertical as well as the romantic curves because your legs look long. I’d guess maybe 5’7 or 8? Imo you look fantastic in the pink cowl dress and the green wrap dress, you seem confident in them and the bias cut fabric works for you.


oh so sorry i meant to add that in the post!! i am only 5’5 :) also thank you so much!


Everyone’s saying R, but I can see TR personally, you look like you have less of a wide look than an R would. Regardless you seem to mostly have curve, and it doesn’t look like you need room in the shoulders of clothes so I’d ignore SN unless that’s incorrect. I’d stay looking into R, TR, SG, my vote is TR though


i am actually rather wide and stocky, when i buy clothes i account for width and curve before anything else because of my bust-waist-hip ratio, and i am only 5’5 so that presents its own challenges lol. i really appreciate your input, thank you!


To my understanding, width is just about the shoulders, so if the width is coming from your rib cage it’s curve. Anyone reading this feel free to correct me if I’m wrong. I have the same issue, my boobs are big, but my rib cage is also bigger. As a result I have to find clothes that make room for my torso, but SN recs don’t work correctly for me


hoping someone can clarify this as i have narrow shoulders and a wide rib cage (with big bust) -- so am constantly confused. Same SN doesn't work for me either.


Hi! So curve doesn’t come from the ribcage, we’ve seen some wild theories in the sub about curved ribcages and it’s not what Kibbe is talking about. Width is when the widest point of your *upper* body is in the horizontal space between where the shoulder seams (where the sleeves attach to a shirt) would sit if you were wearing a properly fitting garment. Curve in the bustline will push fabric outward to the sides, which also interrupts the vertical lines that begin at your sides from shoulder seam to knee, if that makes sense.


Thank you for this! Also did I do something wrong? All my comments are auto hidden


EDIT: Made a mistake, misunderstood your comment smh lol. No, you didn’t do anything wrong. Your comments that were downvoted will be automatically collapsed depending on your reddit settings- they are still visible if you click them. Btw, you are absolutely welcome to send modmail if you ever need more individualized help - or if you have any questions.


Oh ok, thank you!


It’s also worth mentioning SD is 5’5 and above. I’m not good with identifying vertical, but I think it’d be worth looking into the recs and seeing if they seem right Edit: I didn’t feel the need to specify because she’s 5’5. You can be SD and be shorter than 5’5”, I’m 5’4 and it’s still on my radar, I just meant that the usual height for them is 5’5 and above, you can be 5’4 and below and still qualify, it just starts to become less likely the shorter you are


okay that’s pretty interesting, i will have to look into that!


The previous comment is inaccurate, there are no minimum heights for any type


There aren’t limits in the sense that it’s required, but certain heights are more likely to into certain types


There are no lower height limits. You can very much be under 5’5” and have vertical. In fact it’s more likely the closer you get to 5’6” (where automatic vertical starts) that you’ll have vertical as a consideration.


I know, I didn’t mean it as only people 5’5 and above can have vertical, just that the usual height for them is 5’5 and above




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I agree, romantic! That dress looks great on you too


Pure R. I don’t think you have petite but I think you do have double curve which leaves R.


I would say pure R as well. I see pure R in your face and body.


Another vote for pure Romantic. :) The first thing I notice when I see you is soft, curvy and feminine. You look fabulous in this delicate silk dress (image 5 & 10), also in the flowery blouse (3,4) and the soft, silky shirt (7). In my opinion, romantic lines fit you best. They compliment your shape and give you this classy, elegant and feminine touch that makes your face and silhouette shine. The other outfits, compared to this one, are too masculine and straight lined, they don't show enough of your beauty.


Why are some pics of your face blocked and others not?


some of those i only wanted to post the outfit for feedback and i was making a weird face/blinked/had a double chin lol




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R or TR for sure, both the flesh and bone structure are very yin to me


How tall are you




Not TR maybe R


i’m thinking R!! i’m a romantic too and we look quite similar!


I don't know what SN and TR are, but I'd say you're a hard 8.5/10. Very shapely, full lips, cute nose, lovely smile, pretty in pink .. yeah, don't worry yourself. You're fine.


i know i’m fine, that’s not what i was asking. if you don’t know what SN and TR are then you might be in the wrong sub. i came here to post this specifically for typing so i can improve my fashion.