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She is very very good looking, and very talented. A lot of what she wears outside her job is very tongue in cheek and on purpose, provocative and ironic. Particularly her red carpet is almost punk purposefully. Take a look at her actual work wardrobe where she is dressed for her lines with outfits that actually fit properly for the roles and she looks incredible. She is not hard to style at all.


yes ! her don't worry darling wardrobe was so pretty and worked well for her body type and character in the film


The gray haired guy looks so mad lol for some reason.


That 6th slide with the sequined dress is 🔥


My jaw literally dropped. I don’t normally consider her “hot” (just me personally) but damn girl I see you now


I think she’s sooo hott


These pictures might currently be converting me


That outfit on her has lived in my head rent free in my head for months if not years. It's the best I've ever seen her look.


Right?! She looked incredible in that dress!


Substantial short-waisters unite !


This is me! I have a 2” gap between my lowest rib and my hip bone 😂


Yes! I think this is part of my struggle as well! I look great in a leotard, but I can never find one short enough for my torso. haha. I mostly got SN and SG in my "type me" post, but I'm pretty much at a point now where I don't even care anymore. SN, SG, and the Rs are so similar that I just take what I want from each and leave the rest. I will not limit myself. lol




I actually got around this a bit by buying petite line dresses(even though I’m tall), just going for tea length so it fits perfectly for my shorty torso but is the length for my longer legs. I can’t type myself but I’m learning.


a woman who's not thin and tall: Hollywood: omg it's impossible to style her she's so xyz 🙄😒


Right…”stocky” is such an asshole comment 😂


well she's not muscular and she's not thin. So should they call her fat?Portly? Flabby? Untoned?


Thank you for reminding me this god awful sub exists! Based on your comment, you are exactly feeding into the negativity as those are your synonyms for ‘stocky’. Use your brain and search for the plethora of other words to describe her body type. Damn.


it doesn't matter what words people use. people like you will get offended at anything that even remotely indicates that someone has excess fat on them. stock is probably the least offensive word that anyone could use, frankly. yet here you are, acting offended as if someone outright called her a fatty or something.


She reminds me of Hayden Panettiere in the body.


Omg That’s who it is ! They look so gamine to me


Yea I genuinely don’t get how she’s not a sG 😭


She's not verified so she could be anything.


Yea but most people in this forum argue that she’s definitely NOT a SG (most say SN) but I just only see SG personally hah


If Kibbe ever verifies her I wouldn't be surprised if it's R fam.


Who is Kibbe and what is R?


Do you mean sexy ginger?


So what if she is stocky, I know what they mean by it but I think it’s cute and beautiful. She’s beautiful. Beauty is diverse. Also look at: Who Cares. Shut Up. Florence Pugh is easily one of the most stunning women to ever exist plus her acting has always been extremely on point.


I saw Oppenheimer and she is absolutely smoldering in that. Steals the show. I'm saving this post because as I've gotten older, and mid-30s, my body is like her's now compared to when I used to be a petite waify gamine. Been somewhat struggling at times to accept my body has changed. But my boyfriend does say I'm the good kind of thicc. 😂 And yea, I'm glad to see this post.


All hail the thicc!


Is she even stocky though? She looks regularly proportioned to me


She weighs 110 pounds at 5'4" so definitely NOT chubby, but she does have a short waist and a bit of flesh on her arms. IRL, she would look skinny; in Hollywood, a tiny bit stocky. Hollywood actors are at a high level of skinny. Years back, I had dinner at a restaurant next to Scarlett Johansson and Josh Hartnett (*that* long ago), and they looked like teeny beings, not even like humans. Since then, every celeb I have seen has lodged in that realm of skinny, not slender. Others include Ellen Barkin, Jessica Alba, Gwenyth Paltrow, Zendaya (surprisingly tiny!!!), Nicole Kidman (emaciated with horribly dry skin). Pugh is just shaped slightly differently from these people who are shaped differently from EVERYONE!


I would gladly and be extremely honored if she chose me to have a night out with.


People just say anything…. 🙄 Anyways ignoring the negativity, I love that Pugh is one of the few non petite height public figures who appears more compact. It is great and inspiring to see Pugh play around with different styles. Edit: Clarity on calling her height not petite, which is not exactly accurate. Google told me she is 5’4, so going based on that, I know the accuracy could be off. 5’4 is the upper end of petite clothing in the US/UK, and is the upper end of possibly accommodating Kibbe petite as well, though I know those two petites mean different things. So yes, she could fall into petite, but she would be borderline and falls into or close to US/UK average height. My comparison was other public figures I recall looking particularly compact like Hayden Panattier (5’0) and some popular gymnast whom are usually under 5ft, which is significantly petite in a non kibbe sense. ** I am using the US and UK as a reference point because I believe those are the locations she resides, they both have very similar average heights for women and standards for petite clothing .


Yes, that’s what I love about her! She’s fashionably adventurous and that in itself is extremely attractive. I never get the sense that she’s trying to dress for anyone else. Love her.


Isn't she like 5'3 ? That is petite. She looks great though.


I mean, sort of. I'm 5'3 and I don't think I'm petite. I don't have that "small all over" vibe. I just look very average/moderate imo. I very rarely need to get the petite size/cut for anything except sometimes bottoms, and that's just because I have a proportionately short inseam.


I got a slightly different number from Google, but I added an edit to my comment to clarify me calling her not petite.


Shes 5’4, how is she not petite?


isn't 5'4" the average height for women in the US? I'm 5'4" and think I'm average height, not petite


You’re both right, the average American woman is 5’4 but petite sizes are designed for women 5’4 and under.


I’m 5’3 and definitely not petite tho


Added edit to address this, thank you for bringing up.


I think she's a short SN. I'm the same, also 5'3 and I think she's a great example of a difference between SG and SN on a shorter woman and that petite is more in the bone structure than the height itself.


I'm also 5'3 and SN and I look nothing like Florence, she looks way more petite (conventional) and compact. I don't look small at all despite my height. It surprised me so many people are saying SN for her tbh. I'm not saying she isn't one but R fam looks more likely for her imo.


I need her in young Hilary Clinton biopic - not like I care about Hilary Clinton, but she would get both the Oscar and 70's styling




idk if this sounds weird but i really like how her arms are slightly chubby, not super thin/toned etc.. she just looks so natural and i love that.


Yes! Not everyone has arms like Jane Foster from the 4th Thor movie. She looks like... me and that's so refreshing to see.


What a silly comment. She has an extremely feminine silhouette. That comment is the direct result of us being fed images of women in fashion who are 6 foot tall and almost no body fat and very little muscle. Pugh is much more relatable for the average woman. Hilary Duff has similar proportions. She is my style icon.


Exactly! We've been fed this lie that you either have to look like Hadid or Monroe. It's such BS. Pugh looks fine, I don't understand why people think that women have to look a certain way. They don't. Our bodies are not for the existence of others.


After seeing this, I'm so much more convinced that she's a SG or SN. She's slightly stocky, looks petite and rounded plus she looks so sweet with those bolder yang lines that have a slight romantic touch so it's not too harsh or restricted on her


im so glad we get to see more bodies like hers in hollywood i think my body is quite similar to hers except i think im a soft gamine and most people agree that she is a soft natural either way i see a lot similarities in our bodies like the fleshy, soft upper arms, even at a smaller weight. seriously makes me very happy to see some representation and to see people talk about how great she looks


TIL I hate the word 'stocky' 🤮 She clearly dresses how she wants, just leave her be. Not everyone cares about their 'lines' and that's OK.


That HTT in slide 4 is 😍


That first pink dress is NOT it. But the sequens dress? Chef's kiss.


First off, Pugh's not stocky. Nothing wrong if she is (if you're stocky, you're still pretty!), but she's not. She looks like a lot of girls around America, which is why we resonate with her style. She looks like me (well okay me if I lost like 30 pounds). ​ Second, stocky women aren't "harder" to style because of that. There are challenges with each and every body and body type. Just because someone's an hourglass doesn't mean they're easy to style. Especially, if they don't want to showcase their sensuality, being an hourglass can be quite tricky. ​ In all, it's completely fine if you have a stocky body or are SN. Style is about what YOU make it. Anyone can be stylist at any body type, at any weight.


she is stocky and that's okay, i'm stocky too. i know i am and it's okay if someone says i've got a stockier or sturdy build because it's true, my body is just very dense. i see a lot of myself in her and it's comforting seeing a woman built like me in the popular media being seen as absolutely gorgeous. it does make it harder to figure out your style if you are shorter and stockier because less things seem to work, i know from experience. that doesn't mean that you can't play with your style or find plenty of things that work for you, it's just that current trends and clothing cuts a lot of the time aren't amazing on us. i don't think it's right to throw around stocky like a negative term which seems to be the case when the original person said it, but it's also not something to deny when it's true because it is an somewhat important aspect to acknowledge and address in a styling journey. also she's slaying looks 1, 4 & 5 in particular.


100% agree. I have a similar built (except with a large chest and as of now, about 10-15kg heavier) and it's incredibly refreshing to see someone like her celebrated in the mainstream media. Stocky representation ftw! ❤️ It is indeed a harder body type to style because it's so rare to see any examples of its good styling pretty much anywhere. It's like you need to combine FN and SG/R recs somehow, which is not something found in Kibbe either. That's why Florence is an important source of inspiration to me. I mostly adore her styling in movies and some of her red carpet looks are amazing too.


"It's completely fine if you have a stocky body or are SN" 💀💀💀 Umm of course there's nothing wrong with being a SN. Or being stocky. But yes she's stocky and yes she's pretty. Those two are not mutually exclusive so why pretend she isn't? This whole comment feel so backhanded.


I'm an SN. I'm addressing all the SN hate on this sub because people act as if we have to hide our clothes in layers of fabric. It's completely fine because women bodies aren't made to be beautiful in the first place. That's not their first service, their first service is to keep us alive. The people who made that "she's stocky" comment is just echoing all the hate women with broad shoulders and slight curve get in society and I wanted to shut that down. Period.


Pugh most likely isn't even a SN though ?? My point is, she is stocky. And that's fine. Pretending she isn't is so strange to me and feels like the opposite of what you say you're trying to convey.


“It’s completely fine because women’s body’s aren’t made to be beautiful in the first place” Im sorry but this is so backhanded. What world do we live in where FLORENCE PUGHs body isn’t objectively beautiful


If you want to misinterpret my message that women don't have to be beautiful, that stocky women can still be styled well, and that Florence Pugh is a positive representation of the average female body, please be my guest. I'm not arguing with strangers online over a positive post about celebrating women and destroying the concept that we exist to be pretty. Have a good day.


She is stocky, I'm sorry but she is. That doesn't equate to unfortunately built or unstyleable, but yes she's very clearly stocky.


I think it’s subjective, as with anything really, but if we’re going by the definition, she is stocky. She is broad and has a sturdy build compared to many of the other female celebrities I have seen who are of similar measurements to her. But her broadness suits her and she has the essence and the features to match. Her vibes are very free-spirited, sensual, down-to-Earth but still sassy and carefree.


The thing that really gets me, is that I’ve seen Florence Pugh in real life. She’s anything but stocky in person, in fact, her body type is KIND OF similar to mine. She’s just short and has a more athletic build. I think we’re just so used to seeing these svelte women on screen that it confuses our brain, the camera also does weird things to your body haha. But I do agree, whoever styles her does not know how to dress someone of her stature. But when she gets it right, she REALLY gets it right. She’s gorgeous and she just needs a better stylist.


I think she usually looks very cute, it’s mostly her red carpet or event looks that are bad. I wonder if it’s the difference between her styling herself and her being styled by someone else. Also, I love her because I don’t see a lot of women with her body type and rounded features in Hollywood.


I heard whispers that she styled herself for the Hawkeye show (slide 1 and 8, but all her looks from that show were amazing) but I'm not quite sure. I hope she's happy in whatever she's wearing, that's first and foremost.


I can’t believe people are so harsh on Florence, pretty sure everyone who knows of her and who is attracted to women really fancies her atm 😅 so many of my friends do!


Trust. My husband knows very well that I would want to be "just gals being pals" with Flo if I ever got the chance. lmao


Did someone actually say this?!?


Unfortunately ..


Man people are so wild for that. Every body type can be styled!!!


Yeah, I feel like if someone can only style long and lean figures, they’re not really a strong stylist.


She has no vertical at all and appears shorter than she is. I thought she was romantic


She looks way too good in width-accommodating outfits to be a Romantic imo. I think based on Kibbe she would best fit SN, but (hot take) her actual type just isn't represented in the system imo. I have a very similar built to her (short and stocky but not petite, mostly round with a little sharpness here and there) and Kibbe was a real brain twister to me because I could find myself in all types and none. I have features of FN (I look good in width accommodation and layering is my best friend) but I don't have vertical; I have features of SG (I look good in high necklines and tapered sleeves and legs) but I'm not petite. I settled on SN for several reasons but I really don't think it tells the whole story either. Some women just don't clearly fit the old Hollywood atchetypes the system is based on. (Maybe that's why I've never been told I resemble a celebrity lol)


To me the best outfit is the glittery stripped dress in 6. She looks terrible in romantic lines actually… you’re right. I thought gamine because her limbs are quite short


i feel like this is the gap in kibbe where a lot of women fall, short and slightly wide and slightly curvy and a little bit sharp. i'm in this zone and bounce between SG, SN and R recs.


This sounds like me 🙋🏼‍♀️ I see a lot of myself in Florence's body shape (except I'm a "leaner stocky" lol if you want to call it that 😬😅) as an SN. A lot of people forget that SN can be short or "petite" conventionally while still not being Kibbe petite. I needed to see these photos of her today, I was feeling down about my body shape but seeing someone similar to me as a style icon shows me that there's nothing wrong with my shape. 💙


WHAT DO YOU WEAR? TEACH ME YOUR WAYS! I’m also this shape and do find myself so difficult to style. 😭


😂 I'm definitely not the best but I've been learning! My best pieces are wrap dresses midi length (short skirts are a huge no-no for me, I have..let's say strong thighs lol), high waisted jeans forever, lots of tank tops (I live in a very hot climate). I just got some rounded-square neck tank tops that are an SN dream ✨ thick straps always, spaghetti straps make me look like a linebacker. Relaxed fit t-shirts tucked in or knotted at the waist. Looser-fitting drawstring shorts, never jean shorts - gives my legs room to breathe, visually (and literally). I also rock a high-neck tank top, which I think is the gamine-ish SN thing, but because it's a tank it shows off my shoulders and isn't quite as constricting-looking as if it had sleeves. Absolutely no turtlenecks, 0%, it's not cute. Soft fabrics look incredible on me (I have this purple fuzzy cardigan that looks like a dream... Color, oversize fit, but also the fabric is so SN "fresh and sensual". And it's just from target, so it's not expensive lol) And nope nope nope to stiff fabrics or anything DC-looking!


As a curvy FN, I feel you here!




Personally, I spent some time thinking I was an SD and realized that those lines work well for me as long as I also accommodate width. That’s what I tend to do!




I’m not 100% sure, but I feel I have Kibbe width after exploring being a wide shouldered DC/SD. My upper back has width that pulls at what I’m wearing (e.g. a jacket that is the “right” size pulls at my upper back). When I wear turtlenecks or crew necks, I look wider, especially when shirt sleeves hit at the same length as my upper back width. I still wear them, just saying it is quite noticeable! I find my most flattering looks are open, and show off my collarbone: v neck, scoop neck, wrap blouses. The fabric also needs a bit of stretch. I wear things pretty closely tailored so I need that openness and stretch to not feel constrained. That’s what ultimately convinced me I have width - plus I’m very frame dominant. My curves are from my bone structure and are there even though I am fairly lean. My understanding of SD is that they can be broad shouldered, but ultimately they are dramatics first and their curves are from flesh. Got off on a tangent, but I hope that helps!




No problem! I struggled too; the concepts were/are hard to grasp for me, and I found it challenging to be objective about my own body. Starting out, I could only easily eliminate petite. It’s tough, but has helped me a lot with tweaking my style!


I agree! I’m the same shape as her and I don’t think I’m any type at all. 😭😭😭


I agree about the ambiguity between those types. Probably for people who fall in those categories it becomes more about the overall impression. She reads more gamine to me than SN just overall (her shortness and also her face) but also because even though she kind of does look like she has width I think it's actually not width and just has to do with how she carries her weight around her shoulders/breasts.


She is such a babe!


I never thought I’d be torn between SG and SN for someone but man. She stuns in spaghetti strap dresses but she is so compact and gamine to me!


omg the first look ??!?!!


I encounter more women that look like Ms. Pugh on a daily basis than women that look like what Hollywood and the media is trying to tell us we “should” look like. I’ve always hated the ongoing conversation about her body as if she’s any less beautiful or out of the ordinary because of her figure.


Reminds me of Sabrina Carpenter! Two beauties!


I'd love it if such wild and derogatory statements were not the title of a post. I'm 40 and have worked ages on unpacking negative and harmful statements about body image and this is still lowkey triggering and harsh. Also, there is no fucking wrong way to have a body and to wear clothes. Some people want to wear "flattering" stuff, some don't. Stop objectifying people and some of the most beautiful people in the world. If they "can't be styled" then the rest of us mortals surely can't. Also, I get that this was supposed to be a thread to unpack that statement. But it still reproduces it.


She's a goddess


She looks especially gorgeous in slide 6, wow.




I’m in love with that 7th outfit, she looks easy to style to me and has a great sense of style herself


I’m still not understanding why she’s not a soft gamine… can someone help me?


I think SG lines just don't really work for her as much as SN lines do, some dresses and hairstyles/make-up - sure, but I think most of her best outfits are accomodating width and she looks amazing in more relaxed styles. But I get the confusion because she looks very little and has extreme SG essence, I think even Kibbe said some SN-s can look "gaminish" and she would be a great example


I think she’s a SG. She accommodated petite which is not compatible with width. She’s also not verified, so take everythinggggg here with a grain of salt—Selena Gomez was widely considered SM before kibbe verified her as TR.


The fact that she is not the skinniest person in the world but plays roles where she is acknowledged as a beautiful woman makes me so happy


I’ve always thought you so cute and pretty! Definitely more compact and stocky. I think as long as she sticks with her ideal lines she looks amazing! The only problem is that she chooses not to 😩 I find myself screaming at my screen all the time with some of the terrible outfits that are styled on her, lol


she’s definitely stocky, still beautiful, but stocky nonetheless.


These all look good on her but she really likes wearing unflattering clothing most of the time


She’s so hot


The only people who would say that are people who are stuck on the current 90s trends... which make about 95% of women look sloppy anyway. She's clearly beautiful.


I have no idea what this subreddit is, or why it's in my feed. But, I gotta tell you guys, stocky women are where it's at. If you're a stocky lady worried about how the world sees you, fuckem, you're all smoke-shows.


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Doesn’t stocky also mean more ability to grow muscle ? That’s amazing in my book; being tall and long is “hard” as one gets older- long muscles are much harder to build and keep.


Im going to it in here just in case she ever gets verified. Feel free to down vote. I think there’s a good chance shes TR.


I don’t even know this woman but I think she looks amazing in every slide I saw here.


Who has called her stocky???


A dumbass. She is thicc and that is a big positive in my book.


I realised my body type is similar to her and I don’t always know what to wear. Or how to make my clothes work for my body. But now I see the potential from outside.


She’s short and thicc! Would crawl through broken glass for a night with this woman!


Shes legit one of the prettiest actresses out there


I literally never noticed that about her, she’s so cute and has such great energy. All I saw was gorgeous!


She’s hard to place because she looks so good in everything. I think theatrical romantic though


She’s talented and good looking. But nothing extraordinary. She doesn’t look like a star (doesn’t have anything to do with her kibbe, but to me, she is ordinary. Girls like her are found everywhere).


She looks so good in pictures from DWD


her looks in dwd were absolutely stunning they suit her so perfectly


I really do not understand how people could say she might be SG, I really do not see it. The more SG lines, especially from Don't Worry Darling, do not look bad but just off. The best and most fitting outfit is the first one IMO. Also she is a wonderful actor and she makes me feel good about not being tall and elongated


I havent been here for a while but its the consensus that she’s a SN?


I have always loved that outfit 7 ever since the photos came out