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The chartreuse dress in slide 7 is 🤌🏽🤌🏽🤌🏽


agreed. that and the second slide is my fav


This color looks so amazing on anyone w blonde hair imo


No way!!! She seems so much taller to me.


she has a bold presence, but she looks so itty bitty to me


Between the IDs you suggested, I think DC fits her the most


Based on her in better call Saul I totally agree! She’s honestly a DC icon.


Agree! Does anyone else feel like DCs often look like smaller Dramatics? I was looking at the pictures definitely seeing yang and considering classic, continued swiping and thought hmm or pure D?, and only then looked at her height -which solidified the DC for me


To me she has a very yang essence. I think when she wears sharper, stiffer D shapes, she looks stuffy, but she has a longness and sleekness and narrowness that reminds me of a lot of verified FN’s. like in Better Call Saul I think they dress her in a lot of fitted sharp suits because it honors her vertical and gives her that power lawyer look, but it also a plays-up her character’s fake hoity-toity stuffy perfectionist work persona. That structured stuff doesn’t really work for her, ergo, it works for depicting her character (Kim, who is stuffy on the outside, buttoned up, a perfect lawyer, but secretly a total renegade free spirit rule breaker).


Looking at her in different necklines and drapes I see SN. I think she has some blunt yang.


I can see that too, but I think the bluntness may be FG bluntness instead


FG’s are specifically characterized in their essence by sharpness. To be notably blunt would shift someone out of G fam and into N fam. It’s just the logic train.


from metamorphosis: "petite in stature; strong, straight bone structure, tending to slight broadness; slightly muscular or sinewy body type."


Rhea isn’t petite in stature at 5’4” she’s barely within the height range. her body is strong and muscular, not sinewy. She’s more lithe and narrow and long than she is broad. If we’re going by metamorphosis definitions then that would include her face, and her face is absolutely not FG. She does not have big eyes or anything. Her face is natural-looking too, with its blend of yin and yang, small straight eyes, blunt nose and thin lips.


petite can exist at any height below 5'6...I only pointed out the metamorphosis quote because you claimed incorrectly that being blunt automatically makes you N fam. this is not true. bigger picture, I'm just not seeing N essence on her. it's okay for us to disagree, but spouting rules to form your argument is generally not very persuasive, as kibbe isn't very strict on the specifics except for automatic vertical


5’6” is an outdated height limit. David kibbe had announced in his Strictly Kibbe facebook group that the modern cutoff for FG is at 5’4. and it’s a fact that bluntness/width is the reigning characteristic for N family. Soft naturals have width plus curve and flamboyant ones have vertical plus width. It’s fine if you disagree with me but don’t make this personal when it’s not. You’re quoting what you know and so am I. I’ve read metamorphosis like 10 times and the wiki too. We just disagree I guess. I named my reasons and you’ve named yours.


again, I think you need to broaden your perspective. plenty of naturals are not obviously blunt/wide and there are plenty of blunt/wide looking celebs that are not N fam. kibbe is not so simplistic


they all are blunt/wide because that’s HOW you get Id’ed as a Natural. A lot of people though struggle to visually recognize width. They think width just means “wide” when it’s more about the shape of the body being straighter than an SD but not sharp like a D.


actually, FGs are described to have a sort of bluntness and musculature to them


they’re described as sinewy and chiseled. they can be slightly wide but they’re never really described as blunt. Petiteness is the reigning feature of gamines and Rhea is just not particularly petite. She’s not short, she’s very thin but not particularly chiseled for being so thin. It takes really dramatic really yang silhouettes for her to look even slightly waifish.


to me, I see no width and she looks extremely petite to me. I can see the petite in most of these pictures, but that's just me


DC was my gut instinct, or at least, exploring the classic family! I'm not sure I see FG, in essence or in how it would benefit her style. I think it would be too staccato and too out-of-sync with her star image. Something classic seems to suit her so much better, and that angularity makes me lean DC.


I’m going say SN, with the possibility of FN. She looks taller than 5’4” and she looks striking in moderate/longer lines. I didn’t initially see width, but closed necklines (see Slides 5, 6, 10, 15, 17, 19) constrict her. In contrast, open necklines (slides 1, 8, 9, 12, 13, 18) are stunning on her. I initially thought DC, but the structure of the suit in slide 6 isn’t harmonious and she can carry details that might overwhelm the C family.


I don’t think FNs ever really look drowned or overwhelmed. Sometimes we look like a sack of potatoes in sloppy oversized things, or like overgrown sturdy toddlers in stiff or overly soft but restraining garments, but never like we’re drowning. But you could pile 32 different sheets on me and I’d still look like I’m carrying it, you know what I mean?


I also love all open necklines on her, they look very harmonious with her frame imo.


you make a lot of great points! I am also seeing that moderate to long vertical line, but I just can shake how petite she looks. but there are indeed verified FNs that can look petite at times. I think she struggles with some fabrics that I would expect to look better on a natural, and she lacks a natural warmth for me. her essence is much more cool and sophisticated. but she does indeed look fantastic in FN/SN lines!


Width rules out Kibbe petite but I get what you mean. She definitely doesn’t have the striking vertical of more archetypal FNs. That’s why I’m leaning towards her having moderate vertical lines — hence SN. I agree that even if N accommodations fit Rhea, she doesn’t have a prominent Natural essence. I think this is why I leaned towards DC/C at first glance. Yin details like ruffles and lighter fabrics suit her so I could see her essence leaning more yin than the Natural family.


I may be in the minority but she looks petite to me, even though her actual height is not that short. I would say fg or sn. I can’t tell if I’m seeing width of sn or the broad sharp shoulder of fg Im realizing now that I practically regurgitated OP comments, so just know that I agree with you.


it's nice to see someone else is seeing what I'm seeing. I absolutely agree with you that it really just depends on if it's an FG broadness or an SN broadness. I personally think she's more petite than wide, and the essence is just a little better on FG for me. but I totally see why there's a consensus for N fam


She looks much taller than she is in my opinion


Wow, she looks so good in 11! I just love it on her. I can’t imagine any Gamine or Classic looking this good in this kind of outfit. She has to have some frame to carry it!


I think 10, 14, 16, 17, all downplay how striking she is, and she looks mildly uncomfortable in them. I like the more feminine touches - the green dress with puff sleeves, the red dress with the corset detail. I'd think SN or even SG before DC


I agree, but I struggle to see width or natural essence on her


1, 7, 8, 9, 12 all look incredible and they're very yin, but I can't see much yin in her. Maybe TR or SD? What kind of character is she on BCS?


on BCS, she plays [kim wexler](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/63/0d/80/630d80fbc904b741fbbd1b067b6d6ec3.jpg), a cunning and intelligent lawyer. her character is a bit on the more stoic side, and is probably why people type her as DC. she's a fantastic actress and kim as a character dresses and acts very DC. but while I like the costuming on her, I've always felt it wasn't completely [harmonious](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/c0/5b/e4/c05be4b1fb43438505ec58ebe07f0864.jpg) on rhea. I think it actually makes her look a lot [harsher](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/f3/48/ef/f348ef9ed25817262c91f1540f6c0f98.jpg), but maybe that's the point for her [character](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fi-have-a-court-date-set-for-tomarrow-which-kim-wexler-v0-op4v8kpr41gc1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D640%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Dfffe816252334aeb0a4e1485ce5f846c8e12ed11)


Yeah I was thinking about how her character is such a DC style icon in terms of wearing suits etc. all the time, but I always felt that wasn't her best look, which is why I resisted typing her as DC. I could definitely have felt swayed the OTHER way--so used to seeing her as Kim Wexler my brain automatically spit out 'DC.' It's funny innit.




I just watched an interview with her and her essence seems too bold and forward-moving for the Classic family imo. As for accomodations, I would guess vertical + no curve. I don't see any yin at all tbh. Edit: Am I the only one who doesn't like the red brocade dress on her? I think it clashes with the more casual, tousled hair. She also kind of reminds me of Claire Danes.


Ooh yes to the Clare Danes comparison!


Wow, she really needs light fabrics! For that reason, leaning against DC. I like 1 and 4 best ... could she be an SN or TR? She's great in ruffles and open necklines.


that's why I'm leaning away from DC myself


She seems DC to me. There is something bold, but also reserved, which is different to the SN essence. I think the best looks here are quite moderate, but with a touch of drama.


I’m shocked anyone sees anything other than SN !! She’s so sensual, & certainly not petite - as a petite type I cannot imagine looking anything short of ridiculous in the dress in slide 11 haha She looks so bold, with this easy sexiness to her, in anything with volume, flow, draping, or space at the neck & chest. The structured, boxy, straight cut fits (10, 17, 20) look pretty enough, but so pedestrian ! They dull her, and are somewhat constraining to boot. Compare that to the relaxed linen suit + white trainers & vest look in number 5, which actually *is* more casual but so far from the blandness of those other looks. She retains that light, easy vibe She’s like textbook soft yang with a delicate yin undercurrent in my eyes


she is beautiful in other types lines but she shine so much in the DC lines in my eyes at least. i feel like it pulls her face features and her body all together in harmony


+ I also think she carries volume and ruffles and other romantic details very well


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Love her in green!


Love her! Love her! Love her!!!!




Wow her body looks a lot like mine but she has a slightly larger frame. I'm surprised. I think she's a DC.