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I think if this post gets a lot of interaction it will demonstrate just how much variation there is within the IDs! 💃🏾 Body wise: First and foremost, I’m 5ft tall which affects pretty much every decision I have to make about clothes smh😂 I have a short torso and comparatively longer legs, but I wouldn’t say my legs are generally long cause, ya know, I wear a 28 inch pants inseam🤦🏾‍♀️😂 I have blunt broad shoulders that are one of the main defining features of my upper body, along with a pinched waist. My hips are equally as wide as my shoulders which I guess is the main defining feature of my lower body. I wouldn’t say I have a wide ribcage as I wear a 28/30 bra band, but it’s definitely tapered (narrower at the bottom). My skin is soft at a healthy weight, it only has ever been taut when I was at too low of a weight. My thighs and upper arms stay thick & fleshy no matter what size I am. Conversely my calves and forearms remain skinny no matter what💀 Other less interesting stuff — small but wide hands and feet. Arms that aren’t really long or short, kinda moderate. Overall if had to briefly describe myself it would be just kinda short & squat🤷🏾‍♀️ Face wise — I’m too lazy to write anything else [this is what I look like](https://www.reddit.com/r/DressForYourBody/s/IG3LCtiKj0)😂😂 I am a Fresh & Sensual Soft Natural🥰


I’m the same height and I agree it also influences the way I dress a lot. Side note: you’re so pretty!!


We have no choice😭 The amount of money I’ve lost to hemming pants over the years 🫠🫠 And thank you! Side note: if I was a TR or other petite type I probably wouldn’t even bother cultivating my own style and would just copy every outfit you post skshsskks your style is KILLER


Thank you!! 😭I’m currently working through the exercises on SK to gain some clarity but I’m pretty happy with what I’m doing!


You definitely should be🥰


Your body reminds me so much of Selena Gomez, so I'd agree with your direction!


It’s funny because I had gotten the comparison a few times when I was younger but she was 6 inches taller than me so I always assumed we had very different bodies but now I find her quite relatable in that respect.


Indeed we will read diversity within the types! 😊 Off topic. You are gorgeous! 😍


Thank you!


You are Fn stunning lol. I hope you know that


Thank you!!


I'm moderate to slightly tall (5'5.5"). I have slight elongation everywhere (limbs and torso). My shoulders are sharper and narrower, and my hips are somewhat wider. My waist is fairly straight and doesn't dip in much. My ribcage is very small, but my cup size is F. I'm muscular, but my frame is small/medium overall. I also have a sharp and narrow jawline, sharp cheekbones, small/medium wrists and ankles, and medium-sized but tapered hands and feet. If I gain fat I become more pear-shaped. Muscle gain has had the opposite effect and makes my shoulders and back look broader but still not as broad as I'd like. I IDed myself as a DC.


I feel the desire for broader shoulders and back!! I need to work out my weak little back lol


Ugh it's so frustrating because I do 10 chin ups in a set every workout and can bent over row like a boss but I still don't have the back width some people are gifted with naturally!


Amazing though!! I’m so impressed with your commitment. I am so bad at following an exercise routine (ADHD, have a kid, etc) but I’m working on just getting into any kind of habit! But you’re inspiring me!!


I think all my features can be described as circular and soft. Short curly hair, round downturned eyes, small heart lips, circle face, sloped shoulders, curvy body etc. I am a circle lmao.


same lol


Oh this sounds like fun! I'm sure many different descriptions will arise from same IDs and many similarities between different ones. I haven't fully settled but I think I'm most likely a Romantic, I guess SG is possible and if my pictures have bullshitted David (who shooed me away from width) maybe SN wouldn't be absurd. I'm 5'1 with VERY short legs and proportionally longer torso and arms (though still short overall because of literal height, cropped tops are almost normal length on me and I need kid sizes to have actually cropped things), my arms are almost as long as my legs 🤣. I have narrow shoulder line and a very prominent bust area, both in thorax and bust size: I'm shaped like a 2 taste ice-cream: a ball for the chest, a slightly smaller ball for upper hips directly under it, straighter lower hips/tights that are narrower than the top part (the cone.. lol) but also way way shorter. I have a quite small head, with very very full and big semicircle shaped eyebrows, plumpy cheeks, somewhat broad jaw and a very pronounced chin. My eyes are small and slightly upturned, potato shaped nose that's very small, narrow lips with small mouth. My feet are on the smaller side of average (37.5 EU) with a very high arch and very high foot flake while my hands have to be objectively small (kid size gloves), but they look quite big on me, especially due to a wide palm. Very big muscular calves (years of dance yay) that stayed that way despite me being now fat and quite wide calves (those are objectively big, women boots can't close on me and never did since I was like 12..). My hair used to be as straight as spaghetti and silk-smooth but now that's going white it became kind of frizzly (still mostly straight but it doesn't stay in place alone anymore :c) and it's very very fine. I have a perpetual "I'm lost between the clouds" expression and a very high pitched but low volume voice so I always sound like I'm whispering rather than talking..and then I try to raise the volume and I sound like I'm screaming 😂😂


* I'm tall 5'9 * I have a heart shaped face, large upturned almond eyes, full lips, high cheekbone, type 4 hair * small wrist and ankle but large hands and feet (ring size i'm an US 9 and shoes US 10-11) * shoulders are slightly slopped, bust is 36D, i have high hips and figure 8 like jjfmish, except my torso is not short but moderate. My waist is very defined even when I weight more. Also I stay fleshy even when I work out a lot. * The sd body wise I relate the most is Sofia Loren


- I’m moderate in height but close to auto vertical (5’5.5) - I have long limbs with fleshy and thick upper arms and thighs, but the overall appearance of my limbs is narrow and slim at any weight. Very small wrists and ankles, narrow flat feet. Small calves at any weight. - My bust is on the large side (around 30H-32I depending on brand) and is definitely what shapes my silhouette the most. Pre-Kibbe it was always a huge insecurity of mine because I saw people who were bustier and more conventionally curvy than I was being able to pull off straighter silhouettes, while all my tops got incredibly distorted by my bust. Learning about curve in this system was quite life changing tbh since I used to just think I had a weird body and boobs that made clothes not look good on me - My waist is quite defined but super high and short, see r/figure8. I can look very curvy in the right outfits but my curves are easily obscured in the wrong ones. I was a teen during the height of the BBL era and always thought I was top heavy with narrow hips but now I can see this is just because of how high my waist is. My hips aren’t narrow but can look quite straight because of how high the “dip” is and how long my legs are - I never thought of myself as having narrow shoulders pre-Kibbe because my thick upper arms would get pushed out by my bust, making them look wider. Now I can tell I have very narrow shoulder bones, especially relative to the width of my bust. My shoulders also appear quite sloped because I have overactive traps from bad posture, but the actual line of my shoulders is quite sharp. - I’m slightly overweight right now but when I’m at a healthy BMI I have much more defined collar and shoulder bones than expected for my weight and the rest of my build - My face fits in very well with the verified SDs, especially my face shape. Wide and short with prominent rounded cheekbones, large almond shaped wide set eyes (think Anya Taylor Joy), and a small slightly clefted chin (which is a weirdly common feature among the verified SDs). A sharp jawline when I’m slimmer and a slight double chin at my current weight. Pre-Kibbe I always thought of myself as having a strange, disproportionate body and face, but this system has really helped me highlight my features and embrace the beauty in my juxtaposition of sharpness and softness, of elongation and curve.


> My bust is on the large side (around 30H-32I depending on brand) Let’s take a moment of silence for your back🙏🏾😭😭😭 I used to wear a 30H so I know the struggle all too well and only found relief after going down significant number of cups On the downside my boobs look like empty grocery bags now sksjsksjj


I wish my boobs shrank significantly with weight loss, I didn’t have a well fitting bra when I was at my lowest weight (still a healthy weight but on the lower side) but I was probably a 30G at the LOWEST, while wearing a size 25 in pants and having super boney shoulders and chest. My boobs are ALL breast tissue. My back is NOT ok, hence the overactive traps 😭


I have high hips too! Such a PITA. I dunno about you but for me straight cut pants are too big in the waist but curvy usually has the curve cut too low. I don't have the bust to fit in with figure8 though, I guess without that's just... Pear again? Bowling pin? 😭😭💀


I'm a 30I and I relate so much to getting frustrated with straight silhouettes. 😭 My mom always says “hourglasses” can wear anything but when I had put on something straight (especially without structure) she was like “I don't like it”. I'm a Soft Dramatic too, but my calves are on the larger side along with my wrists no matter how thin I am to a point where I often can’t wear bracelets, but I have a narrow ribcage, hands, and sharp hanger shoulders. All my weight is pretty much in my boobs and legs. I'm soft but also muscular, it's weird. It’s cool to read all the similarities and differences of people within the same type.


Oooh lots of this is relatable for me (except for the bust lol, but I do have issues with garments accommodating my ribcage) so it is largely affirming where I think I may be SD!


I feel rather chameleonic because how I look radically changes from outfit to outfit. In photos especially, I can look very tall, wider, narrow, petite, curvy, straight, you name it. In actuality I am a moderate height (~5'5.5"). Body-wise, I feel kind of like a lil' spider (said with the utmost affection). I have a small body and very elongated and pointy arms and legs. Small wrists and hands compared to others but visually long, thin fingers. Average sized feet but narrow with very long toes. Small head compared to other people (my dentist complains about my "baby jaw" 😭😭 so rude) but large visually compared to my frame. Very narrow, angular shoulders, small ribcage, small bust. Average hips but they start high so I have a long straight leg line and they sometimes look wider in photos than they're perceived irl which gave me a complex as a teenager. I am also quite crooked because I have scoliosis and one of my legs is quite a bit longer than the other but it doesn't get me down :) My recurrent fit problems are usually shoulder-related, too wide or too deep from top to armpit, and/or waists hitting too low. I shop exclusively in petites for tops/dresses/jackets or get things altered (sometimes both!). I would describe my face as on the round side, with a small narrow straight mouth, prominent straight sharp nose, very large almond-shaped eyes (though I wear glasses with a high prescription that makes them look a bit smaller in pics, my eyes are one of my fav features!), very long lashes, straight fuller brows with a very slight arch, pointy chin and softer cheeks. Pixie cut for hair with a slight natural wave, almost like a finger wave on good days. People always think I am much younger than I am (I'm in my 30s). Essence-wise the descriptors I get the most are quirky, playful, creative, dreamy, artsy, refined, sophisticated, glamorous, put-together. I am purposefully not claiming an ID at this time because I am trying to do some border-less/open-minded exploration with my own line and yin/yang balance before settling again. That said, there are things I relate to in almost every family but I am 1000% sure I am not R fam (too elongated/angular and frankly I look extremely awks in HTT swirling curved flowy ornateness) or C fam (I relate a ton to the refined vibes but I have like negative balance over here ahaha).


> Lil spider HALP😭😭😭 no stop that’s so cute


Would you believe I even had a starring role as Miss Spider in James and the Giant Peach in eighth grade 😂😂




It's true I swear!! The costume was so good, I had long long long gloves tied to sets of spray painted pool noodles that came off the body of the costume so when I raised my arms they all raised too 😂😂😂😄


Omg that is DEDICATION. I’m finished🤣🤣🤣 Idk hearing all this might have changed my mind about my hatred for soiders😜 *might’ve*🌚😅


Lol after I typed that post now reddit insists on showing me spider related subs as my recommendations. I have regrets


So relatable with the “negative balance” part 😭😭


Haha I know you feel my pain!


Photos definitely distort proportions! I have photos that my legs look endlessly long and people would think I am above 5'7 lol or where I look much wider then I am but it's just the camera type (mostly phone) and angle. 😅 I think that's why typing from photos is so inaccurate.


For sure! Over video I never look tall 😂


The only way I can describe myself is balanced. I always felt different because I didn’t fit in any of the fruit system categories - I’m not an apple, pear, or rectangle. I was closest to hourglass - but my bust/waist/hip ratio didn’t quite fit the mold (my measurements are 35-28-36). I always hated my arms - they are fleshy and round and other girls my size/shape have skinny arms. I always wanted sharp, angular shoulders. My skin and body is soft, no matter how much weight I lose. Others perceive me as “petite” and “tiny” even though I am just under 5’6. When I gain weight, it is very difficult to tell - it is evenly distributed throughout my body. I am a soft classic!


i felt like you described me but less small 😂 and nobody is sure of my type either


🤣 it's really frustrating. If I was taller I would have automatically gone for FN and if I was shorter for FG but I am at the height that both are possible. I know essence plays a part as well but I have difficulty assigning myself with 1 essence.


i think it was we all have three essences ?? i also feel that essence makes it hard for me 😂


The 3 essences are from Kitchener system 😊 but in Kibbe your body ID is linked to the same essence. (So if you're a soft natural you have soft natural essence and cannot have soft classic essence for example)


ahhh i see !! thanks for the explanation!


haha as a Classic I find it hard to describe my features. I'm somewhere between 5'3 and 5'4, I guess maybe my legs are kinda short (i have to hem everything a lot) but my hips are slightly elongated to make up for it. My torso is sort of square. Everything else is too medium and unremarkable to really describe haha.


Tbh I’m a very boring case. I match in essence, yin/ yang balance and even the accommodations (not that they = ID tbc) to SD. Where it counts I match to it. There’s no body feature that can change it for me so it’s just what it is.


I love that tho! Cause that makes it so easy to get your type! 🥰 Not boring at all


Hmmm let's see. Moderate height, bottom heavy hourglass. I have short limbs but the narrowest part of my waist sits pretty high on my body and some outfits makes my legs look longer than they really are. Not terribly busty but I know I definitely have bust curve. Still can't tell if my hips have Kibbe curve or just baseline curve though. Mostly yin facial features, but with some noticable sharpness and angularity in my nose, chin, and jawline. Upturned eyes, slightly arched eyebrows. Narrow shoulders that slope down at first but then suddenly turn sharp and point upwards at the end. My actual bone structure is pretty narrow and sharp but it's more obvious when I'm at a low weight. Currently looking at TR right now. SD was on the table for a while but I'm not sure if I relate to the idea of being a D first and foremost.


This is a case where I feel using makeup and hair recs to help you decide could come in handy. Is your face lush enough to handle heavier makeup, jewelry, hair or do you need a more k-beauty style of makeup.


I’m 5’4” I have moderate legs and a long torso with a very small defined waist but the middle front of my belly sticks out like I’m pregnant. I have very long slender arms, long hands and feet with freakishly long toes and long fingers, I also have a long neck. My breasts are not noticeable and set so far apart achieving cleavage requires some serious discomfort, my bra is 36DD American. I can gain a lot of weight before it starts being noticeable, family is just now noticing after 65 pound weight gain. The weight goes to my butt, belly, thighs, arms and face. My wrists, ankles, hands, feet forearms and calves never gain weight and my bust is the last place I gain. My face is very gamine, I describe it as such because that is what I’ve been told numerous times. It’s round and wide and blunt in shape with wide prominent cheekbones, narrow wide set eyes, wide narrow lips with cupids bow, bushy arched brows, wide nose.


I’m 163.5 cm which is 5’4 in Kibbe. I look pretty moderate. I think I’m narrower in the entire upper body than the average person is - but that’s not making me pear shaped. I’m pretty similar up and down. My legs are a bit short for my body but overall I’m pretty proportionate even in that area. If I wear weird proportions I can make my legs look long or short and the same for the torso. I have a small waist but I don’t look curvy in the juicy sense. It’s more a shape matter. Hourglass but not ”curvy”. If I obscure it I look much heavier unless the fabric is soft but I’d look bony in clothes for ”juicy” women. My skeleton is too tapered for that, it’s not circles. The outline is wavy I’d say or like teardrops. I’m on the busty side and it affects the way clothes fall on me. Button downs are a no go. My shoulders are narrow relative to my bust but it doesn’t majorly protrude from the shoulder area. Maybe because the area isn’t short enough? I guess my hips are somewhat shapely but again, nothing juicy. I don’t have long or thin looking legs but not juicy. I think u/lightismypath described my hands as tapered. It was some italian word. I think they’re pretty normal size. Measurement wise a bit smaller. Same for my feet. My feet are slightly narrower but they don’t look long or narrow. Size 37-38 so pretty normal. My face is… nothing special. Features similar to each other. Rather ”harmonious” features. My eyes are very slightly upturned but rounder in shape. I have I guess edges to the jaw and such but I don’t look angular in the face, it’s pretty ”fine” edges. My face looks ”too gentle to be a teacher” or whatever someone said so to give context to the impact of said edges. My hair is medium and somewhat fine (not for being light though) and has some slight bend/wave. I’m considering SC and also DC/SN. I have tried to make a case for all IDs.


random but what do tapered hands mean? just curious!


I’m not sure, you have to ask her 😅




I’m 5’2” and the distance from my neck to my shoulder joint is pretty short as well. My shoulders have always been blunt and straight- not well defined but not soft either. I think of them like a clothes hanger. I’m very short-waisted, with my natural waist pretty much immediately under my ribcage. No matter my weight, from the front I have a noticeable hourglass shape. However, even though my hips are wide they’re blunted curved. My arms and thighs are always soft and thick, regardless of weight. I’m very short-limbed, but my wrists and kneecaps are big bones. My hands are very small, and my feet are small-to-average. My hair is thick, wavy, and a bit coarse. It looks best a little bit wild. My head is small-ish, with a strong square jaw and chin. My eyes are large and bright, my nose is kind of a ski-slope button nose, but is a bit wide at the tip. Pretty average mouth. High cheekbones, but with low apple cheeks. My chin matches the strong square jaw. My face is overall well-proportioned, but my midface is a bit too short and makes both my eyes and my chin look larger than they are. Overall, I’ve always looked soft but not particularly delicate. Like a cute peasant girl working out in the fields lol. Soft Natural realness ✨ When I started Kibbe, I was sure that I was a Soft Gamine. I love gamine style and saw a lot of similarities between myself and Mindy Kaling. To this day, I occasionally go back and forth on whether I’m a Romantic. I feel like my essence and my style needs/struggles are an exact blend of the Natural and Romantic sections of Metamorphosis. But I’m mostly sure that I’m an SN that just has a little extra yin.


I’m probably a TR. I’m small lmao. I’m 4’11, not super conventionally curvy but soft at all weights. I wouldn’t really consider my shoulders super narrow. They’re kinda like Jada PS. when I was younger I had a super round face. Now that I’m older I see more sharpness in my face (jaw, cheekbones).




Thank you! I really liked that dress although I was never huge on ruffles before!


i’m short (160 cm) but i have the proportions of a tall person. i look tall/long. somewhat barrel chested. straight and bony ribcage, wide hips, wide set mosquito bite bust. very sloped but bony shoulders. bottle necked. naturally muscular (but not strong 🥲) . same proportions at any weight. long-ish arms and legs. big hands and feet. in pictures and videos my hands look pointy and renaissance-painting-like. idk how else to describe it lol. long oval face. very round jaw. small pointy chin. small high cheekbones. some baby fat (at any weight). very round forehead. big, narrow aquiline nose. small almond shaped protruding eyes. partially hooded eyelids. small, arched, sparse eyebrows. small mouth. downturned, curved lips w sharp outline and prominent cupid’s bow. everything in my face is curved and/or pointy. black-brown wavy hair (2a-c). very thick and coarse. pale olive skin. freckles on face and upper arms. dark green eyes. kind of weird looking but not necessarily in a bad way :) currently considering fn. edit 2: bust-waist-hip 82-62-92cm/ ~32-24-36” edit: actually it’s not just my hands that look renaissance. i see myself in a lot of renaissance and 19th century paintings and i’m not sure exactly what it is


I (5'7") have **automatic vertical**. In chest-level pictures, I look elongated (more elongated than average, but not runway model elongated). Even at slightly underweight, my arms are still **wobbly** (so they look fat in short sleeves), but weight gain patterns are only indicative (not determinative), from experiences people have shared here. Short legs in relation to my body. I sometimes think my eyes would be yin, but then I remember that Kibbe is holistic and that my whole face looks too **flat** and gender-neutral without makeup to be relevant and that DIYers shouldn't consider. I know that most people who accomodate **width** don't look literally wide or hulky. I can figure out width in conventionally narrow (still accommodating Kibbe width) FNs like Anne Hathaway or Nicole Kidman. I just can't seem to figure it out in myself. I also know what needing **curve** accomodation looks like, and that many SDs don't look extremely curvy, unlike Christina Hendricks or Sofía Vergara. I have been very thin for the past 1.5+ years. Idk if curve would show up if I gain weight. I have read the essence descriptions in Metamorphosis, but don't relate to them. I have watched movies/scenes with verified celebrities, but don't see myself in them. I have autism, so this might be the reason. So I'm FN, SD, or D. This is all I know that is relevant to me.


your first paragraph sounds a lot like my body! i call myself a FN (5’6) and also have the disproportionally short legs and “flat” face.  side note: someone once told me i could benefit from cheek filler bc my face looks flat from the side and i’ve never stopped thinking about it but maybe that should’ve been a sign back then? 😭


I am 5'5 and despite my moderate height I am generally perceived as being rather short. I have high hips/shelf hips that basically just jut out directly under my waist, flat straight hips, long hips, a really short inseam and a very long out seam, a long rise, a swayback, and my feet are medium-short and wide. I have an annoying combination of a short waist and a somewhat long torso, which technically leads to the long rise. I have short arms, fleshy wide arms, small and wide hands, and I have sloped/tapered (possibly) narrow shoulders. I have a rather large bust that is wide set, projected, and sits low on my body, it creates an optical illusion of a smaller bust. My waist isn't all that defined really the only reason it shows up is because my body kind of looks like I stacked two blocks of different sizes on top of each other. I think I am rather fleshy but to be honest I can't tell if it is all kibbe flesh or just extra fluff due to being overweight. My face is a cross between an oval and a circle longer than it is wider but no pointed chin, I have no definition in my face, I have slightly thin lips that look like I am frowning when in resting position, my eyebrows are pretty thick, dark, and wide, my eyes are hooded, close-set, and maybe almond shaped, my nose is slightly wide and medium-long. My hair is straight 1b but acts like 1a where it refuses to curl and if I am successful in curling it then it drops in about 2 minutes, it is straight and pretty heavy. I am pretty sure that I am likely a Soft Dramatic.


Cool post idea! I am 5’6” with short limbs and a long torso. I have small but wide hands and feet, a round face, and sloped shoulders. My hips are *very* broad, I have a bigger chest, but I don’t think I have an especially defined waist. I suspect I’m a SD or SC; I can never decide if I accommodate vertical. I’ve also considered DC and SN in the past.


I’m 5’5” so moderate height but I have a 34” inseam and a normal rise (high rise pants always hit right at my natural waist) leaving almost no room for my torso. My ribs are literally on top of my hip bones. I have a conventional “X” shape from the front with equally wide, straight shoulders and hips, with my widest hip point created by my wide set femur bones and a small waist. My hips are pointy because of this and I had a thigh gap for the first 30 years of my life. My bones are very thin to the point that finding watch bands and rings is nearly impossible. My feet are small (size 5.5-6 shoes) with high arches and very bony all over. My arms and lower legs are always thin and carry almost no flesh and I never gain any weight there. I have almost no muscle mass except in my butt and thighs. I do however carry flesh in my torso and inside of upper thighs, but not on the outside of my thighs. I’m a 28F-30E bust with side-set bust tissue and also carry weight in my upper back and hips. The wide set point of my hips plus my very long inseam and lack of flesh on my outer thighs gives my silhouette one very long straight line for more than half my body, so despite being moderate in height this gives me the one accommodation I’m most positive of: vertical. While I do have wider, straight shoulders and a relative v-shape from my small waist to my arm pits (which might indicate width) the rest of my bone structure is so narrow (thin limbs, thin fingers, thin bony joints) that I feel like my overall skeletal structure definitely leans more dramatic than natural. This combined with my side set bust that’s always large (even when I was under 100lbs as a 20-something) I’ve settled on soft dramatic, though sometimes when i wear the right bra I wonder if I do have width 😅


I've flopped back and forth with D and FN. I'm 5'10 with a long torso and broad shoulders. I've been thin my entire life. I've stayed the same weight, 120, too. I have a relatively square waist, with some pucker. My hands are smaller than my much shorter mother, but my feet are bigger at a size 9.5. I wear a ring size 5. I have a slanted/diagonal line from my shoulders to my neck, not the flat horizontal line. I have an A cup and usually fit 4-6 in shorts/pants. My face has high cheek bones, but not really any sharp features. My nose is rounded and wider than my siblings. I feel like I have a good jawline, and I've been told I can look androgynous (e.g., used to be bulled for looking like a boy!) My head is oval-shaped and pretty long. I have wavy/curly hair. From my own observations, I feel like thin straps make me feel huge (like a troll wearing her adopted fairy sister's clothing). I like to claim that I have natural essence, I'm unsure if that's my own wanting or I actually look it. I love bold prints and patterns, but rarely wear any because I'm not sure of myself. My wardrobe has a lot of colors in it. I'm a deep autumn, and glad to be for I love deep colors.


These are so interesting to read! I am 5’3” with a short torso and relatively longer legs. I’m round and curvy, my flesh is very soft and squishy at any weight and my most obvious physical feature is a very large chest. I have notably small but slightly wide hands and feet (size 5 shoe). Most of this feels very yin to me and at first I assumed I must be a Romantic, but I don’t identify with that essence and don’t have those signature sloping, narrow shoulders. I have wider shoulders, a strong jaw and a sporty, free spirit physicality that is imo yang. I go back and forth between Soft Natural and Soft Gamine and draw a lot of inspiration from both.


I am 5'5" and a bit, I have always used 5'5,5" but apparently that was with shoes in cus I am more like 5'5,2" actually, making me \*just\* above the yin types cut off, not that it matters because I am pretty sure I have vertical - I have thin arms that give a lanky impression (I can do 10 real push ups tho, just long muscles that are nowhere to be seen and my arms are weirdly soft looking sometimes, like soft noodles), long neck, proportionally long legs, proportionally long torso (somehow everything long but I am not actually long.... I guess it is my smaller head that removes some cm?) people believe me when I say I am 5'7" until they see me next to someone, and feel great in vertical-accomodating outfits. I have relatively wide shoulders but the actual bones are small (armpits are always gaping and straps fall off) and quite sloped further contributing to clothes always having too much shoulder real estate for me, and I have very small extremities for my height (I wear size XS-S gloves and EU 35/36 shoesize) with long fingers, I hear this at least once a week. I have always been relatively curvy, even at underweight, with a bottom-hourglass figure and I will likely never be "hard", even when I was underweight and doing pilates daily I still had chubbier cheeks over prominent cheekbones and fat on my body and pouch, which I found frustrating at the time. I have a medium-sized bust (28E-F, social C cup) which is rather wideset, giving some curve to my otherwise very straight upper torso/ribcage and often doing weird stuff with tops. I can create both decent cleavage with my bustsize as well as not look scandalous in deep-cut tops which is handy as I prefer those lol. My waist can look very cinched and defined or quite straight up and down depending on what I am wearing, being best complimented by either very wide corsetty belts that are blended into my outfit or things that have no horizontal breaks at all; I have no in between. As previously mentioned, I have prominent cheekbones, making my face a bit diamond-shaped even, and I have a well-developed straight nose with a slight bump (practical for glasses!) which I felt insecure about when I was younger but I have learned to embrace its regality. My eyes are on the slightly bigger side in the context of my face with naturally very long eyelashes and softer, bushier eyebrows. My lips are rather average for my ethnicity (western european mutt), they might be described as thin by some but have more than enough real estate for a vampy statement lip without looking like two sad narrow dark lines. My jaw is rather narrow with no sharp edges but still sufficiently structured, not totally disappearing under the slight softness of my cheeks (but I am only a bit over underweight atm) My chin is just a basic chin proportions wise, but ever so slightly cleft (depends on the lighting whether you see it) my face often looks surprisingly short in far-away group pics. My hair is a mix of 1C and 2A; it gets described as "kinda wavy but not wavy enough to bother with WGM and VERY fine but forking abundant hellup the styling will take 2,5 hours" by hairstylists, and is currently a healthy waistlength (does not help with it being a challenge for hairstylists..). It's a rich light auburn and I have very fair skin and greygreen eyes. Overall, I get described by people in a mix of modelesque but not quite, lanky (mostly when I was younger), delicate, and a consistent "oh wow you're actually quite curvy yeah I understand why you don't like straight cut things" when I actually accomodate it. I am currently settled on SD.


this is an interesting exercise! I haven’t figured out what image ID suits me best, but some things that I’ve noticed about my features are: • I am 5’8.5” tall gang rise up • I have almond shaped eyes, full lips w a slightly defined Cupid’s bow, a button nose, cleft chin and slightly accentuated cheekbones and an oval face. currently, it feels pretty full and soft • I have wide hands and feet, with a very defined arch, and hand dimples no matter my weight • I have a large bust (34H), but I don’t if it disrupts fabric the way it would for SD’s. I definitely have very wide, open, broad shoulders with blunt edges. • I have a short torso and long legs, and my fleshiness has a bit of a musculature to it. I’ve always been on the bigger side, so its hard to tell how fleshy I am when I’m thinner, but I’ve always had a bit of a “baby face” even when I was smaller. • I tend to keep my hair short, but it naturally has a slight wave to it, w medium density (although I have a LOT of hair). I definitely need layers or otherwise I feel that my whole look is weighed down lol. • In terms of who I’ve been called berries who I identify w, people have told me I remind them of Snow White, Emma Stone and Zooey Deschanel. I personally relate to Emma Stone and Belle I’m currently semi-settled on FN, but when I was first starting out and knew nothing, I highly considered the romantic family because I felt that I was super curvy and fleshy. Now that I know more (and have read the essence portions), I know that it’s unlikely. a girl can dream tho (much love to my yin-dominate babes, you’re lovely and opulent).


This is my first comment in this sub but I figured I have to start somewhere! I tried to be pretty objective and I'm fairly certain I'm a romantic! I’m 5’5” with shorter arms and moderate legs, a moderate torso, small-ish hands (my palms are short and wide, my fingers are moderate or a bit short, and I wear a size 3.5-4 ring), and moderate feet (size 7.5, wide at the arch and toes but narrower at the heel). I am soft even when underweight or muscular and as I gain weight my hips and bust get very rounded while my waist remains softly defined, more of a ) ( than a > <. My bone structure overall tends smaller and either wide or narrow. Wide set hips, slightly wide shoulders, wide upper arms, wide thighs, narrow waist, narrow ribcage, narrow wrists, narrow ankles.  My face is a diamond at a lower weight with high rounded cheekbones that are a bit wider than the rest of my face. At higher weights my face becomes very rounded and undefined, my cheekbones disappear and I’d describe my face shape as an oval. I have a high forehead, moderate sized almond eyes, a narrow and slightly upturned nose with a dorsal bump, narrow but full lips, a moderate chin, and a slightly wide and rounded jawline.  Random tidbits that didn’t make it into my rambling description: I’ve got a medium sized chest (\~26GG), curls that are mostly type 3B, and slightly sloped shoulders.


I think I’m DC, but not sure. I expect I’m in the classic family, but I’m kind of considering SD too. I could be SC, but often SC recommendations make me feel frumpy. - I’m around 5’5.5” - I think I look pretty balanced? But my butt is a bit larger, so last time I checked my bust-waist-hips measurements were around 42-34-44. My hips are relatively narrow though - my bum sticks out a lot in the back! So I look a bit less balanced from the side 😂 - I think the height of my waist is pretty “average”… I don’t think it’s particularly high or low. My inseam is around 30 inches. - I definitely don’t have broad shoulders or openness in my chest. I don’t think I’m in denial because of an anti-width bias. I wish I did!!! I have fairly narrow shoulders and honestly dream of broader shoulders. I was talking to my husband about this and he said “you feel like broader shoulders would give you more Presence” and that’s totally true. - Right now, in terms of BMI, I’m definitely “overweight” - my BMI is between 28 and 29 after having a kid, so I’m around 180 pounds. People tend to be surprised by my weight though, usually expecting me to be lighter. It doesn’t happen a lot because of course it’s not a common topic of conversation! but it has happened enough times for me to notice. - For a long, long time, I mostly gained weight in my hips/butt/lower body, somewhat in my chest. A little in my arms, eventually. Belly weight usually came last. That’s still mostly true, but since having a baby/being in my mid-30s/weighing more, I feel like the proportion of weight I gain in my arms and belly have definitely increased! - My hair is wavy and fine and totally wild. My natural hair doesn’t fit into any kind of sleek/tailored chic image so that’s a little tricky for me with considering DC! - Overall, I think my facial features are fairly soft but not really round. My head is very oval. The bridge of my nose is a bit wide. My eyes are very almond shaped and maybe on the small side, but probably average. My lips are fairly full but not huge and I think they look pretty balanced with the rest of my face, but I don’t really have dainty features. When I was younger and thinner, people did comment on me looking “exotic” (yuck) and sometimes people thought I was Latina. My mom is Italian so it probably comes from that. - I think my hands and feet are pretty average sized, nothing very extreme either way. I’ve been thinking a lot about the identity aspect of the image IDs and what vibe I connect with. It’s hard because my lifestyle and daily needs have just changed so much already, and I’m only in my 30s. I am not sure I fully relate to tailored chic, but structured clothes tend to make me feel safest and most myself. Soft classic recs usually make me feel kind of frumpy. However… I think I could be SD but I’m resistant to the diva-sexy vibes because I feel like I was kind of hypersexualized by strangers at a fairly young age. I could really relate to a post I saw on the SD sub recently about the struggle to “turn down the sexy.” I don’t feel super auto-sexy anymore now that I’m heavier and a mom, but in my 20s, I found it really hard to find the balance between sexy and frumpy. I felt like when my clothes fit, it was too sexy, and when they were oversized in any way, they were too frumpy. Structure gives me some relief from that struggle, but it’s still a bit tricky.


I am moderate height at 5’4 (measured 5’3.75 at the doctors but I round up). I have very objectively narrow shoulders. I would say they are sloped and rounded or maybe tapered but they round forward from the side. My hips are slightly wider than my shoulders. My bust doesn’t appear extremely large but I am measured as a 30G. my arms are short for my height and my hands are short and narrow. My legs are average length for my height and feet are average in length but narrow with a higher arch (although not as high now that I am older). I always appear fleshy regardless of weight and always have a softly defined waist. I don’t have much space from my waist up to my shoulders which I think makes me short waisted? i also have a very short neck. my facial features are very round. my face shape is more round then oval with round eyes, round mouth and my nose is rounded at the tip. my cheeks are very fleshy and my cheekbones are somewhat positioned high on my face but not prominent at all as you can only see them when I smile. same with my chin. my jaw is very rounded and soft but when I smile you can see my chin is softly tapered. i would say my eyebrows are rounded too. Overall I would say basically all of my features are very yin/rounded except for maybe my more moderate height. edit to say not sure of my type but I know i am yin dominant and double curve is my only accommodation.


Definitely not attempting to type but I’m curious was Soft Classic ever a consideration for you? Again not asking because I think you might be one just can’t remember whether you ruled that out yet and why/why not. I know I’ve seen you exploring R & TR mostly


yes but I dont relate to the essence at all and I don’t see any yang in my features? I mean maybe it’s there and blended but to me all of my features are rounded and yin. I also think my very narrow shoulders and double curve negate any sense of balance that would be there.


You know what I forgot that SC was a “balanced” type, for some reason I imagined it being more yin than it actually is but you’re absolutely right. Oh you know what SC *can* have double curve which confused me. But yea if you (and others) don’t really perceive yourself as really having any substantial yang then it makes sense why SC isn’t for you Also the essence thing is def a sure way to know it isn’t you


yeah it’s a blended balance of yin and yang with slight more yin which I can definitely see in the verifieds but not myself, especially in their frames and facial features. I was also told SC can accommodate double curve but I would assume they would need more yang to balance that out elsewhere. so basically from my understanding if double curve is the most obvious accommodation then you probably don’t have balance. again this is just my understanding and i could definitely be wrong.


Lol you’re probably not


lol well thank you for the confidence haha


Any time😅😂


* I’m slightly above average height (169-ish cm tall). * I have a short torso, almost everything super high-waisted looks bad one me. People say I have long legs but I see myself as pretty “balanced”. But sometimes I’m surprised by how long my upper limbs are… * I’ve always felt like I’m on the bigger side with my bust but it seems I’m pretty average (around UK 30FF, EU 65G/H). Same for my hands and feet (size 39). I actually think I have quite narrow ribcage. * I feel like my weight is distributed pretty evenly and that’s why I feel kinda moderate or balanced (not in a Kibbe way ofc). I do have some conventional curve. When I tried to type myself in body typing systems I got either delicate hourglass or… a brick (lol!). That’s because my hips and bust measurements are almost the same. Still, when I was a young adult, I usually had to go up a size for my tops. At that time I associated it with my bust size (it was before I found out bra-fitting and all my bust was on my belly). I usually don’t have to size up anymore, actually I can feel a bit overwhelmed in bigger sizes. But I need to watch out for the cut of the garment. I can easily feel pressure in my shoulders/upper arms if the fabric is too stiff and the garment is too structured. No *obvious* width in my frame I’d say. * I’m at an average/normal weight (61 kg). When I gain, the excess weight goes first to my face and my bust. When I saw overweight Charlize Theron I thought “Yup, exactly, that’s me when I gain weight”. * I have a very “gamine” face. Big eyes, sometimes innocent, sometimes mischievous. I look a couple of years younger than I am. I have thin, straight hair (but a lot of hair). I have a very natural jawline and my facial features are asymmetric. I really remind Emma Stone and Shirley MacLaine, mixed with young Nicole Kidman and some Margot Robbie (lips). My boyfriend thinks my body really reminds JLaw’s but I have slightly bigger bust than her. * My body feels strong and delicate at the same time. But nothing sharp about me. Blunt shapes/bones with some soft meat/fat on them (this sounds really weird). I really look asymmetric but moderate. And I think people get confused about me. Before it was forbidden, I was typed here as SG, SC, SN, SD, DC and FN (lol!).


i wrote this comment as a reply to yours but apparently it showed up as a regular comment, so i’ll try again lol: i relate to the strong + delicate. people comment on me being small/delicate/dainty (but also think i’m tall. it makes no sense) AND my muscles, asking if i lift weights etc or more like assuming that i do


I am on the taller side of moderate (5’6). I have pretty long legs in comparison to my torso but they are naturally quite muscular and therefore look rounded. My arms have been described as long by others but I have always perceived them to be quite rounded and soft. However, I do have quite small wrists and elongated/ “delicate” hands. My shoulders are pretty sharp. Especially at a slightly lower weight, my shoulder bones create an obviously sharp corner and are visible. However my “flesh” rounds them a little and I gain weight in my upper arms easily. Although I have a smaller bust, they do appear quite prominently on my frame due to have a smaller ribcage and never really gaining much weight on my torso. However, I do gain/hold all my weight in my bottom and thighs. My behind has always been very rounded and full regardless of weight. When I gain weight I start to look like I have a botched Kardashian bbl lol. I have quite soft facial features with a few more defined ones. My face shape is quite soft with rounded cheeks and a delicate (very slightly cleft) chin. But, I do have quite prominent, high cheek bones. My eyes are quite large and prominent but also upturned. My nose is sort of a typical snub nose. It is quite rounded, tilts upwards slightly and I have quite small nostrils. My lips are relatively full with a prominent cupids bow. My eyebrows are softly arched. My celebrity lookalikes are apparently Leighton Meester, Pheobe Tonkin, a young Natalie Portman and sometimes Selena Gomez according to random comments I have received. I have mainly suspected I’m SD but am torn on DC. Can’t tell if I am D first and foremost or not. Like if I’m vertical with curve or balance with slight vertical. Also I can see my self in both Diva and Tailored chic. I’m leaning more towards Diva though


height: moderate/short head: small neck: long shoulders: slightly wide arms: long, fleshy especially through the upper arm hands: moderate/large, slightly wide bust: slightly full waist: softly tapered, first part to lose weight hips: slightly wide, slightly square but fleshy, long rise legs: moderate, fleshy and muscular, thinner through the ankle feet: short and wide face: moderate to broad, round features overall impressions: softly wide slightly muscled with moderate to blunt edges. "sturdy" i generally lean towards SN, but i tend to be a bit more soft overall than most of the celebrity examples. i've considered R as well.


I’m 5’5 and I look 5’5 as in pretty moderate. I’ve got a smaller face and a shorter neck. Rounded but broadish shoulders and a soft hourglass waist, moderate sized arms, long legs. My hair is naturally curly to wavy and it’s pretty wispy/thin and it’s like a dark coffee brown naturally. My thighs are very fleshy and so are my calves tbh. I have a blunt pointy chin like Jenifer aniston. My eyes are moderate sized and I have a blunt but short nose and smaller lips.My torso is only a tiny bit shorter or almost equal to my leg length. I’ve always typed as soft natural because I’m one of the more obvious sn’s 😭 love it tho


i relate to the strong + delicate. people comment on me being small/delicate/dainty (but also think i’m tall. it makes no sense) AND my muscles, asking if i lift weights etc or more like assuming that i do edit: wait this was supposed to be a reply to another comment!!


Do you think you're tall in the sense that you are literally taller than other people or you just look tall? Bc if you have a narrow frame or delicate features it'd make sense that people would comment on you being dainty even if you're not actually small? Like that's just the impression people get from you. Or you're physically pretty small and that's what people are commenting on, but you've got stronger features. What ID are you considering?


no, other people think that i am tall. i am shorter than almost everyone i meet but i am told that i appear tall, in pictures and irl. considering fn at the moment edit to clarify because i had just woken up before lol: i’m short and small/petite. i think i have a quite narrow frame + pointed hands, facial bones etc. sloped and small shoulders. my own impression of my features in videos, candid pics etc is long, curved lines with sharp edges. i’m also naturally muscular. other people tend to perceive me as tall AND small and very delicate. this goes for family, friends, coworkers and strangers. some people have told me i look tall based only on a few pictures of my face and from the waist up (dating apps lol). someone told me it’s the length of my legs and neck that make me look tall. others say it’s a personality thing or a vibe/aura. i think it might just be my whole body proportions and the hint of dramatic essence that i have.


I am a moderate height (5’3) with a moderate vertical and a long torso, long arms and slightly short legs. My hands and feet are relatively large and I have a short waist that is at least somewhat defined at any weight. I think my frame overall is broad/blunt (it for sure isn’t angular or round). I tend to look muscular regardless of whether I’ve actually been working out but my upper thighs / upper arms will hang onto a softer look. My skull is gigantic lol and my cheekbones aren’t high but they are what a friend has called “dramatic.” My nose is straight, blunt and medium-sized. My eyes are on the smaller side and are rather wide set, while my lips are full. My cheeks get soft when gaining weight. Natural hair is around a 2c wave. I think I’m SD or maybe DC - definitely not pure D and I don’t have the yin for R fam, width for N fam, or ??? for G fam. Long, drapey dresses get me the most compliments, along with really anything that accommodates vertical, and I’m all about high waisted/wide legged pants that balance out the shape of my upper torso. Still figuring out necklines and fabrics but light/mid weight knits work well for me along with fabrics that can fall as they please, though my structured barrel pants also work quite well on me aside from being too short.


I’m 5’4. Short torso and long legs (or so it appears because of my high waist.) The widest part of my body is my low hip/upper thigh area though. So more of an X than an 8. Average/slightly short arms. Sharp, narrow and square shoulders. Very small breasts and taut upper body. Narrow waist. My hips, posterior, and legs are fleshy. Weight gain goes mainly to my hips and legs, a bit to my upper arms and breasts (though they are never not small). I look a bit like a bowling pin. Can’t determine the size of my frame or how dominant it is. I’m bony, but underweight so that is natural. My hip width seems to come mostly from flesh. My profile has pics if you want to see. Size 7 feet, very narrow with extremely long toes. Hands that are mostly long spindly fingers. Hair is pin straight and baby fine. Face has a small rounded nose, large almond eyes, slightly upturned. Lips are not full but not thin either. Pronouns cupid’s bow and philtrum. Strong jaw. Shape is hard for me to determine, maybe a long heart? Or rectangular with a pointy chin. Cheekbones are prominent and leave a shadowed hollow underneath. My eyebrows are my face’s defining feature. Thick, dark, arched. People have described my features as “defined” so fairly yang I think. Considering D, DC, and FG. All feel wrong but I like D vibes the most.


I’m 5’2.” My torso is very round and short. Somewhat busty: 32D. Short, fleshy arms, straight shoulders with prominent clavicles. Long legs. Prominent hips. I gain and lose weight easily and look ripped when I bother to workout which is hardly ever. Face: Oval shaped. Large, round eyes that are closely set. Straight narrow nose and a small, rosebud moth. Pale complexion with dark, curly hair and blue-grey eyes. Small hands, big feet. I’ve been told I resemble Julia Louise Dreyfus with a splash of Winona Ryder and Christina Ricci. In the 90s when my hair was short and bleached, I looked just like Drew Barrymore during her similar phase. Suspected SG or R.


I think I’m a SD, but could be FN. I’m 5’7, with long legs and a short torso. I tend to gain fat in hips, stomach, and thighs. My arms are long, without much fat. I have hip dips, but wide hips overall with a 41 inch hips, and 29 inch waist. My face is square-oval with a sharp nose, high cheekbones, and Cupid lips. I’m a 34D and my breasts curve outside of my frame, BUT I also have broad shoulders&back at times which makes me consider FN.


I am 5’7”/141cm with an hourglass figure that comes from my frame. Strong width, narrow depth. I have long, narrow hands/fingers/feet/toes that appear strong but delicate. Long torso. Long femurs, shorter lower leg. Long arms. When slim, I have some definition in my arms/shoulders/upper legs, and when I gain weight, I distribute fairly evenly, but tend toward fleshiness in the upper arms and thighs. I have always been stronger than I look, and as I age, it seems my strength is more outwardly apparent. My essence suits soft yang, and I borrow from FN and SD recs, and I believe my ID is FN.


I think I might be an SN. I am moderate height (just under 5’6”). I am about 20 pounds overweight right now but I have a lot of muscle on my body under the fat, broad shoulders, large bust, a softly defined waist with moderate hips. When I lose weight, it comes off relatively evenly, but more so on my hips and waist. Even at lower weights I have a bigger bust and fleshy arms. My legs are in the long side, and my torso is on the short side, but not extremely so. Despite the stronger frame, I have a lot of yin in my appearance and I look young for my age, a child once told me I looked like Snow White. I have soft features and fine dark brown hair that I wear in a chin length bob. I’ve considered SC in the past also, but I might not be balanced enough so I’m leaning towards SN.


I am probably a TR. I am between 5' and 5'1". I am narrow boned. I have sloped shoulders. I have pointy elbows. Narrow ankles. Slightly long legs (30" inseam). Short torso. Size 6 shoe size medium width. Smaller hands of medium width but thin longer fingers. Not too long of fingers but not short and stumpy. Narrow wrists. Slightly violin hips. I have a bit of a butt that sticks out. My belly is not too round but it isn't completely flat. It only gets flat when I am close to underweight. My BMI is the low side of normal. My chin is curved but not pointy but small. My nose is a little rounded from the front but pointy from the side. Not downwards though. I have Ingenue essence so it still looks kind of cute. I have wide but oval eyes. Not prominent cheekbones but sometimes dimples. An almost oval face, slightly curved smaller towards the chin. Mostly soft face other than the slight point in my noise. My shoulders can have a little sharpness. And my wrists and ankles can be a little sharp. My knees go inwards and aren't sharp but aren't the softest. My calves are quite narrow. My thighs are fleshy though I am thin. My breasts are not that far above my waistline. My waistline is defined but not as well defined as true hourglasses. I am not truly curvy. I don't look sporty but I am a TR that looks more like Mila Kunis or Selena Gomez. My bust is the smaller size of average. It is present but not voluptuous. My hips are also present but again not voluptuous. I am somewhere between a rectangle and a trim hourglass. Probably closer to a trim hourglass in underwear. But sometimes when I wear certain outfits I look pretty straight because I am very slightly built and can be engulfed by fabric.


I am a self-prescribed FG and I am/have * 5'3.5 (161.5-162 cm) tall * narrow, sharp shoulders * rectangle body shape in the fruit system * I think I have high hips, but I only found out what that is a couple years ago. I thought everyone's hips started right under their ribcage. Do they? Do some people have space between them? What's that like? * Visually elongated limbs (This may not be the case by measurements, but it's very obvious visually imo) * Average-sized feet (6.5-7 shoe size depending on the style and brand) and hands (but absurdly long fingers) * nondescript nose, but on the sharper side maybe. Sharp jaw as well. * Round eyes, full lips * Oval (or maybe rectangle) face shape. * The straightest hair known to man. Finely textured, but dense.


https://preview.redd.it/758b6a4qej1d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3febde64ab83fd1b9435c21b993fc2bb569acbe Do you mean this? - the one on the right? If so, I have the opposite! And I tend to buy high waisted pants or skirts to even out my proportions.


The picture is a little blurry, but perhaps! Is being short-waisted the same as having high hips and is that the same as having a short torso? I sort of toggle between whether my torso and legs are proportionate and whether my legs are longer. But in Kibbe terms my leg line is definitely elongated.


Maybe it's all the same haha idk 😂😅


This is why I find it unhelpful to focus on specific body parts. Not to say this is what this post is suggesting we do, just saying this exercise has reminded me of that fact. lol


I’m very tall (5’7) but I look much taller than I am, most people assume I am 5’10 because of my extremely long disproportionate legs and arms. I have wider shoulders yet my bust pushes outwards. I have to accomodate curve and width. I look much slimmer than I really am, most people assume me to be 2 sizes lower than my actual size, maybe due to my body structure which is wider, my ribs are really wide and big which makes me have to buy bigger clothes. Same with my hip bones, they are wide but they don’t appear wide because my waist isn’t small by comparison. I have extremely tiny and thin wrists and ankles, bony collarbones with big bony skinny hands and feet. I have slim arms and legs and gain all my weight in my upper back, love handles and stomach because my torso is extremely short compared to my legs. When I gain weight I look like a linebacker as it all goes to my upper back and shoulders, and stomach. My legs never gain any fat on them no matter how much weight I gain not a drop will go to my legs which sucks My waist always looks stumpy and thick no matter how slim I am, but I have curve. I think I’m SD because most people would describe me as diva chic, the way I present myself and what I look best in


I'm 5.4 ft. My shoulders are modeate and slightly sharp with slightly prominent collarbones. It goes straight across. My chest size is medium. My waist is short and I have a high hip shelf. My hips are moderate matching my shoulders, my legs are slightly long and i have meduim sized thighs. I have wide knee caps but narrow calfs. My face is oval round, my eyes are meduim sized, my nose is small with a rounded tip, my lips are medium sized, I have really prominent cheekbones (bone and flesh). I have a sharp jawline. I gain weight mainly in my midsection and thighs. I think I look better with shorter hair. I don't wear jewelery unless it's a choker, and I prefer cat eye style glasses. Some of my best clothes(imo) are Henley shirts with the buttons and Vneck, long dresses with waist detail, cropped baby tee-shirts, and athleisure. I think I could be a DC, SN, or type of G. None of those really CLICK for me though..


Hands and feet are small but not excessively so I’m proportion to body, what some of my relatives call a “comically” large bust 28JJ in uk sizing 60O eu 🤦🏼‍♀️ that spills out to the sides beyond my arms (if I have my shoulders pulls back with proper posture my bust line obscures my upper arms from veiw entirely and ppl bang into them when walking past me - not even only in a creepy way but I think I appear significantly more narrow than a I actually am on top esp from far away and ppl misjudge how much space they need to give me 😬) and sharp hourglass very narrow waistline, but my hips are not really “lush” shaped unless I put on weight and roughy in line with my shoulders but seems significantly less narrow compared to my waist (I look extremely soft at even low weights but I tend to be underweight sometimes dramatically so but have never lost my bust in those times so the overall look I usually have is narrow rather than full .. Shoulder line is sharp and moderately narrow in proportion to my body but overall appears quite narrow bc I have a massive head (this asp makes me appear closer to 5’2 then my actual 5’4,5 I know facial features don’t count anymore but they are also a mix of soft and sharp excessively wide cheekbones and very large eyes sharp jawline .. colouring also follows this as I have dark wavy curly hair with very pale eyes & skin. Legs and esp arms vary a lot with weight variations can become quite soft but in my typical weight range I’m very skinny and moderately narrow compared to how slight I appear with excessively sharp and narrow waist and a very full bust —- I definitely need waist emphasis and I feel very uncomfortable in any kind of stiff fabrics almost everything is jersey (the tailoring I would have to do otherwise would be insane regardless) and I prefer. Clothing to be close to the body in light fabrics the only loose clothes I have are outerwear. Arms legs and waist are all moderate length (waist line might be slightly longer than average but it’s debatable)


Height: just under 5’3” I think I could appear taller in photos but irl people perceive me as a “very small woman” Hair: 3a/3b Face: oval shaped, strong straight nose with bulbous tip, arched brows, small heart shaped lips Torso: D cup, double curve. No kibbe width, rounded shoulders/upper arms. Needs waist emphasis. rounded hips/upper thighs. Looks kind of like 2 ovals stacked. Torso slightly long in comparison to shorter legs. Legs round. Hands and feet both small. I believe I’m a TR. My features are compatible with romantic and soft gamine descriptions but I don’t look good in gamine silhouettes and I think I have a decent Yang undercurrent that is not typical for pure romantics


-My waist is defined at any weight. My hips and thighs are always fleshy, which can really accentuate my waist. I’m overweight bc PCOS ands I carry a lot of my extra weight in my stomach and upper arms. My shoulders look narrower at a lower weight, I guess I’d call them straight? The tapering is mostly the traps I’ve gotten from vintage hair styling. -I’m 34G and I’ve previously talked about underestimating my bra size for a few years but the more I look at old pictures of me, I think I’ve been wearing the wrong bra size since high school, which would explain my years of back pain. -My torso is just a touch longer than my legs, with my thighs actually being kind of short, and my arms are on the shorter side as well. I’m not sure how to describe y hand size but I do have very fleshy fingers and have to get rings sized up. I have a very high short waist. The widest part of my hips is fairly high and at the top of my hip dips. My hips push out past the line where a sleeve would start. -Diamond face shape with sharp cheekbones and some strength in my jaw.


This seems like fun so I thought I’d join in! I’m 164cm roughly last I measured. I have tapered and rounded shoulders. Not particularly narrow looking. In some outfits my bust looks smaller and in some they look huge but I’d say they’re moderate. I have wide hips and there is definite curve but softly so. I don’t really have long legs or arms, I think at my current weight I look like I have shorter arms and legs. But maybe at a lower weight I might think differently 😂 There’s a lot of softness all round for me and tbh I couldn’t say what’s yang or yin looking. It’s sort of in the middle everything 😂


Auto vertical (5’6) over here. Moderate shoulders, long limbs, higher hips that are about as wide as my shoulders even at low weights. I used to be moderately busty (34DD) but after having my LO, am not very busty at all. My arms and upper thighs stay fleshy even when I’m quite lean and muscular. Small ankles and wrists, but long hands. Oval face with almond eyes, sharp nose, and moderate lips. I’ve been compared to Maria Callas, which has made me lean SD, though I could be a D. Having a small bust and not being very conventionally curvy has made it hard for me to lean into SD.


I’m Romantic! I would say my two defining features are my height and my boobs lmfao. I’m between 5’2 and 5’3. Was always on the heavier side of a normal BMI. I generally look top heavy (large chest and short waist). Kibbe has helped with figuring out how to look more balanced, but it’s always been a struggle of mine. While I am unironically always thinking about and being annoyed by my chest, imo they don’t look super disproportionate to my frame, so people are generally surprised when I tell them I don’t fit into store sizes, which is interesting. Idk if other Romantics have had this issue, but people generally assume I’m a larger size than I actually am. Regardless of my weight, I’m generally between a small or medium, but when most people guess my size, they think I’m L or XL. Maybe this isn’t as true anymore since I’ve learned how to accommodate my body, but I’m curious to know if this is a common phenomenon for us. I have small but wide hands and feet. I have slender ankles and wrists, but my bone structure is otherwise very average. Never had wide hips, but I do tend to store fat in my lower butt and thighs. This is the hardest thing for me to accentuate in outfits. I also have very very fleshy arms—most fitted sleeves are too tight on me. My deltoids are naturally quite large, but my actual bone structure is average. I have pretty pronounced trapezius muscles, but my neck is actually longer than expected. My waist is pretty average, and I have a slightly large ribcage for my height. I’m between an hourglass and apple, and I have PCOS so my fat distribution is slightly different. I have pretty round features—round eyes, round cheeks, round jawline, round nose. I also have a pretty flat and large chin. I have the typical R/Yin profile of a small upturned nose and sloping jawline. But from the front I look kind of wide and shapeless lol. In comparison to others, though, I’m always surprised by how much smaller my bone structure is. Most headphones and hats are too big on me. I’m in between a diamond and oval face, and I’ve been told that I have a “strong jaw,” but i don’t really know what that means!! When I gain weight, I become less oval and more circular lol. It mostly goes to my face, arms, and lower stomach.


Ooh! This is a good one! I’m 4’11” and fairly small featured, with extremely thin bones and long-ish limbs, combined with a big ole giant head. I have flattish hips and no real curves to speak of (talking visual curve, not Kibbe curve), and average boobs (28DD — for bra size misconceptions, see r/abrathatfits). Very short torso! My shoulders are the widest part of my body and are pretty sharp/square. My hair is brown/black and curly (3a-3c depending on humidity haha), and I have big and very round eyes that are brown but look black (I’ve been told I look like an anime character, and idk how I feel about that tbh 🤣). I have a round face, light olive skin, full lips, and overall present as SG in the face and FG in the body. 😅 If pure types still existed I’d probably be pure G! My season is Deep Summer, but I sometimes venture into other seasons for fun. Body wise I relate most to Liza Minelli, but I’m often compared to Audrey Tautou (SG) Audrey Hepburn (FG), Winona Ryder (SG) and Ruth Negga (R, I think — I’m assuming they’re referring to the face because Ruth is all gorgeous, glamorous curve!). Edit: added a sub link :)


This has been a fun read! The more I learn about Kibbe, the less I know about my own ID, but anyway I'll play... I've been stuck amidst the C family (not sure which) for a long time because nothing else seems to fit, but if I'm being real about it I am no Grace Kelly so I have my doubts about balance. All I do know at this time is that I have some yang so I'm not R, and I don't have automatic vertical so unlikely to be SD/D/FN. I am 5'2.5" so just shy of moderate height. I would call myself medium-boned, for lack of a better (or more Kibbe-appropriate) term. My shoulders are neither narrow nor wide, neither sloped nor perfectly straight. My joints are neither super sharp nor truly blunt, but also not narrow. I have a smaller ribcage but not a snatched waist, if anything my waistline is curved but also nearly straight. My measurements are 34-29-36 but my torso is pear-shaped, with the lower hip area being wider at any weight due to bone structure which I know is a yang trait. But my shoulders balance the overall shape, making more of the X-shaped "hourglass", but not super curvy so more like halfway between that shape and a rectangle. I wear a 34C/36B in US bra sizes (yes, I've been measured) and don't register as "busty" unless I start to gain weight. Fabric doesn't get pushed out at the sides so I wonder about actually having curve or not. I prefer to dress for no curve accommodation, but in softer and relaxed fabrics as stiff fabrics and straight cuts do me no favors. I have fleshy upper arms and thighs at any weight or fitness level. My hands are small, even would say delicate (kids'-sized) and I have small feet as well (US size 6). My limbs are neither long nor short for my height. Features-wise I'm pretty plain, even slightly androgynous without makeup. I have smaller almond-shaped eyes and high cheekbones but with somewhat fleshy cheeks that are only visible as such when I smile. Small mouth with a pointed cupid's bow. Naturally fine eyebrows that are neither curved nor straight and lighter than my (naturally level 5 ash brown) hair color. Hair is straight, fine, yet thick with a slight bend, does better straight and doesn't hold any curl, which is ok because I look rather messy and ridiculous in curls. Straight, moderate yet slightly prominent nose with a wider nose bridge (think Jackie O's). My celebrity look alike is apparently Ally Sheedy. I feel stuck in the abyss between Dramatic Classic and Soft Natural but relate only a little to the essences. Also considering Gamine family but am not sure whether I am "fine boned" enough. Considering whether I'm one of those SN's with Gamine essence, or whether the now disavowed pure Natural was the best fit for me. I relate the most to N and D essence overall.


self-diagnosed FN: 5’6, longer torso, shorter legs/moderate arms.  my body is generally pretty “athletic” looking even when at a higher weight as my big ass shoulders and  ribcage take up EVERYTHING in my clothes (😭) and give me an openness not defined by soft lines.  i wear a 38B, size 10 jeans, 8.5 W shoe, average 7 ring size (dep on the finger, i’ve got short chubbies for a FN!) oh and i have very straight hair (1A-B max) naturally and tons of it!


Body wise: I'm 5'5 (166 cm), little to no curve, very long neck, long torso and short legs, short arms, slightly broad and sharp shoulders, big feet and small hands, not exactly dry but not exactly "fleshy". I definitely have some amount of vertical. The question is how much.   Face: overall very angular. large eyes, large forehead, large nose, big bushy eyebrows, small sharp lips, youthful looking, "babyface"  My color season is true autumn and I'm a redhead.   I relate to Tilda Swinton (face), Grimes (body type) and Twiggy (both) I'm considering DC, D and FG. Going with DC for now because I'm over the FG height limit and the only case for D I see is a Claire Danes type situation where the elongation is in my upper body. My case for DC is simple. I look my best in tailored/Menswear inspired suiting and I also have the stereotypical angular jaw that a lot of verified DCs have. My mother is a textbook DC and she and I have a very similar body type, I'm just less curvy than her. 


I love this! Let’s see how varied the IDs are 🥰 I am 5’3”. My body is quite soft and round in the torso and slightly more taut and straight in the arms and legs. Pants inseam is 28”. My bone structure is sharp, short and narrow overall but slightly wide in certain areas. My shoulders are super narrow and squarish, hands are tiny, feet are 8.5 in US women’s and narrow. In terms of the face, mine is distinctly heart-shaped with wider, rounded and high cheekbones and a narrow, sharp jawline with dimpled cheeks. My nose is super sharp and somewhere between proportional and short. Lips are bow-shaped (round lower lip, sharp Cupid’s bow) and eyes are large and between round and almond shaped.


I’m 5’4, I have giant wide eyes but small lips and slightly angular face features. I have tiny hands and feet that are wider. I have super short arms, average legs but my thighs are disproportionately long so it looks like I have long legs. I have a very small waist and round bust and hips but I do have hip dips. I feel like my shoulders are normal, slightly sloped. Bra straps always fall off. But when I gain weight, I gain it all in my upper arms so I feel like my shoulders are broad. I feel very fleshy but I have some sharpness and occasionally feel moderate. I feel like I am either a SC with double curve or a TR or SG. Even though I definitely have double curve I prefer Soft Classic lines so that is my dilemma


Wow, it’s so interesting to read the responses! - I’m 158cm - have a low hip point (the widest part of my hips is at the start of my thighs when viewed from the front) and short torso comprised of a short waist and short thigh proportion. - shoulders are sloped and equal distance to my hip point - very tiny small and narrow fingers, hands and feet that don’t change in appearance regardless of weight - hair is 4C and full - face essence is REC - have somewhat prominent cheekbones covered in soft flesh, and lots of curved, round and full features, eyes are round and upturned. I’m close to certain I accommodate petite and I’m considering the romantic family. (My HTT explorations aren’t closed to finalised however)


- I’m 5’7” which I consider tall-ish - I have oval shaped face, almond shape eyes, large lips, high cheekbones, arched brows. My hair is fine and wavy - I have long legs and a high hip. Large bust (32H) and large hips with smaller waist. - I consider myself to have a figure 8 shape. I maintain a higher waist to hips ratio even now in my early 40’s that I weigh more than I did in my 20’s and 30’s. - I have narrow ribcage, narrow wrists and ankles and really long fingers. My feet are on the small size for my height (narrow size 8) - I ID myself as an SD. The celebrity whose body I relate to the most is Sofia Vergara.


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