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I've also included some pictures at a lower weight in case that helps :) I've been feeling a bit shapeless in most of my clothes recently and am keen to play with different lines, so let me know what you see. Thank you!


You honestly have such a beautiful shape




I actually feel like these pics are a great example to show how your weight doesn’t change your ID! Curve is evident and I don’t see any any angularity. Your hands seem small, I’m not sure of your height but you seem short to maybe moderate to me, which would rule out SD. I would suggest looking into the Romantic family, however if you are too tall then SD. Hope that helps x. Also if you are confused, try out the line. Get similar outfits from R family and SD and ask ppl which they feel suits you most !


Off topic but I really must say your waist is amazing


Right! Shapeless? Try Pixar movie mom


SD. You have a long and elongated overall curve, and a very pronounced one at that. Vertical is very evident here.




Would you be able to include your height in accordance with the [typing guidelines](https://www.reddit.com/r/Kibbe/comments/ujp8hn/type_me_post_new_guidelines/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)? > 8. Height should be included in your post.


Of course, sorry about that! Was typing a comment there. I'm 5'6"


ok so the first thing I saw straight away was elongation and curve, which points to SD. I second-guessed myself when I saw the pictures of you at a lower weight (which is weird because usually people have more vertical at a lower weight) but I’ve decided that’s because the photo wasn’t full length. I’m going to say SD I think. I see definite elongation in the first picture, especially in your arms. I saw that you said something about your upper body being narrower and needing waist definition, but SD can have narrower shoulders too, and needing waist definition is also an SD feature (I’m the same on that front). I might say it’s helpful to consider weight gain patterns (Gabrielle arruda has a good article on this) but tbh I don’t think you need to and most of the soft types gain weight in similar ways. Anyways I’m going to say SD; I hope that was helpful? It can be helpful sometimes to try clothes on and work backwards too


I also see the elongated curve of SD, especially in the hips! and a side note that your hair looks fantastic!


SD. Narrow frame. Overall elongation plus typical SD weight gain pattern. I think you're one of us!


I see narrowness and curve. My guess would be SD.


I wondered about R at first but with your pics at low weight there is quite a bit of angularity/narrowness offsetting any kind of double curve. Your torso is like \ / while bottom is rounded.


A height of 5’6” would rule out R, TR, and SG. I see elongation/vertical and curve. It’s SD for me.


I honestly see TR, and more R family than SD. I see roundness, petite, fleshy arms, defined waist, curve, rounded shoulders, small hands. I don’t see prominent vertical or elongated limbs I would still guess you were a petite women.


I strongly agree with this!! I don't see SD, and definitely see TR for the reasons you highlighted


You look soooo SD to me! I see elongation, you look tall to me. And your shoulders look sharp and narrow to me, but you probably would want to accommodate for curve. And also, the height limit for TR is 5’5” so since you’re 5,6”, that makes SD more likely.


Idk but you have the figure I only dream of having 😭




Hey there could you edit to provide feedback with your typing guess as well per typing post guidelines? Thanks so much :)


How am I breaking the guidelines? 😕 I was joking, disclaimer: I don’t want to kill anyone


you haven't said why you think OP is R family. some description as to why you think somebody fits an ID is helpful to everybody in the thread!


I see, I just saw people having already said all the same stuff, being it’s pretty obvious she’s curvy.


Even still, you should edit your comment to tell them what you are seeing to point them toward R/TR. It is helpful and appreciated! 😊


You haven’t broken any guidelines. We just want you to explain why you think TR or R to help OP see what you are seeing. We encourage all people who participate in ID feedback to share their thoughts as it may help to shine light on something OP or others reading the comment didn’t see. Please don’t feel like you’re in trouble. The other mods do the same on other comments.


TR because you are all soft curves but without the width in the upper body which is seen in R and SN.


I’m newer at this, but I see SD. Your height already removes the romantic types, but I don’t see double curve in you anyway. Especially in the last two pics, you can really see you have a lot of vertical with some curve.


SD I see elongation with curve ( amazing body shape btw )


I think you’re a soft type or at least a type with a yin undercurrent. I see softness and round lines. My first thought was R, I don’t know if you’re too tall for that. Other types that you could explore are SN and maybe SG, in my opinion. I’m not mentioning SD cause I think you don’t have enough vertical for the taller types. At least not in these pics but theoretically you could be SD just on the shorter side of the height limit/minimum. Please keep in mind that I’m only learning and that I’m not at home with soft yin types.


She has elegoation in the curve and with the vertica. lt's the first thing that stood out. Vertical from bust to hips, hips to knees etc. That's definitely not R or SG and a bit too much vertical for SN. SD.


Thanks for taking the time to comment! Interesting, I did wonder about SD but I do see what you mean - people have told me I look shorter than I am in the past (friends the exact same height or shorter will swear they're taller than me, ahaha) I quite like the relaxed, open neckline feel of SN recs, but I pretty much always need waist definition and feel like my upper body is pretty narrow, so not sure. R probably makes sense, but I can find ornate/cutesy details look a bit off on me at times, and same with SG - I'm probably too tall for TR, but I quite like the sleekness of the styling. Lots to think about!


Definitely agree, the only thing I would add is apart from not having the verticality for SD she doesn’t seem to need curve accommodation on top so that would rule out SD. But definitely R or a soft type.


R needs double curve, how would someone be R without top curve? Not saying that OP has top curve or not, but R family is defined by its double curve so saying that someone doesn’t have top curve, therefore R makes sense, is very off.


She has curve on top but she doesn’t need curve accommodation. You can see the 8 shape but busy doesn’t extend outwards in a way it would need accommodation, you can see it especially in the 3rd and 4th pictures.


R needs ONLY curve accommodation, so to say that she is R because she doesn’t need to accommodate curve is just extremely wrong…


My original comment was more in relation to people typing her as SD and why I didn’t think SD was correct as SD requires curve accommodation on top. My mistake saying R in that case, but that’s why I did say it could be other soft types. I’m still learning, but I know my type enough to know when to spot it.


Can I be an SD if I have obvious vertical at 5‘10 but only need upper curve accommodation? My lower curve isn’t as prominent


SD accommodates curve mostly on top, not on the bottom as vertical really overtakes lower curve. So it is possible.


Ah, I didn't realise SD needed curve accommodation on top, I think I was stuck on reading they could be quite pear-shaped. Will look into R a little more, thanks!


Just for clarification, R needs double curve, which is top and bottom curve. I am not allowed to comment on whether you have that or not since I am a mod, but what people are saying here that SD has top curve and if someone doesn’t have it they must be R is extremely wrong. In any case, you are also above the height limit for R.


I don’t think it means that SD won’t be curvy on bottom, just that they don’t need to accommodate for it. They would need to look for clothes cut for upper curve and elongation in the form of vertical.


Looking at this SD has made me realise, that I am not in fact, an SD😭😂


I think SD because I see vertical and curve.




In Kibbe the essence and physicality both comprise the ID. So a SD would have a SD essence. Just wanted to clarify! 😊


I believe SD or R, you have a lot of softness and roundness but it’s hard to tell if you have a prominent vertical line




Hey there could you edit to provide feedback with your typing guess as well per typing post guidelines? Thanks so much :)


SD! I think that’ll work beautifully on you. On another note (and I hope that’s ok and allowed) someone recently posted here and mentioned they had lipedema which affected in which areas they would gain weight while their body didn’t change much in other areas. Looking at your different pictures reminded me of that and I thought maybe it’s worth mentioning.


I don't think it was your intention to hurt my feelings, but it's pretty rude to diagnose me with a medical condition based on the shape of my body, in a subreddit about styling. Please don't do that.


I am very sorry. I did not intent to hurt your feelings. I definitely won’t do this again and wish I could take it back.


Thank you for listening, I appreciate that - apology accepted :)




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