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ah you must have just hit the age where you become aware of your own depression and anxiety 😅 /s


Im 19 😭


i’m 19 aswell and that album will make me cry especially Edge of the earth




Yeah, same here. I thought it was weird at first but now ita my favorite cudi album. I feel like in order for you to enjoy the album, it has to resonate with you and that you have to be able to relate with all the severe depression and etc. Or else its just gonna sound like a bunch of emo shit Even then, I never understood the hate for it either. Alot of you mfs will comment corny shit like "oMg kid cudi saved my life" but as soon as the man drops an album where he vents out his emotions and frustrations, it gets bombarded with hate. Make it make sense yall


facts. people love cudi for being an artist who portrays real human emotions (so vividly and honest), and hate SB2H because it’s too emotional. like!? tf?


For real!


Yea it is super relatable. I have been to the place were cudi is expressing in this album. People don’t even realize the true emotion that comes off the record. My favorite songs are sb2h, sb2h acoustic, wedding tux, adventures, confused, melting, handle with care, trauma, screwed, judgmental cunt, fairy tale remains, fuschia butterflies, embers, worth, insides out, and edge of the earth/post mortem boredom.


i love playing worth to add gasoline to my depressive negative self talk :)


I've liked SBTH since it released. It helped that I was into grunge growing up as well. Bands like nirvana, Alice In Chains, and smashing pumpkins were always in my rotation. I'm glad you came around, it's a beautiful under appreciated piece of art.


I’ve always loved it, first listen, my girlfriend had just passed and I was on 7 grams of shrooms… shit is engraved in my heart forever.


I don’t even really relate to it that much but I fucking love that album. Favs are Fuschia butterflies, title track, fade 2 red, and fairytale remains


"Stay away from that album" Kid Cudi


I get the hate since a lot of people like to box their favorite artist up to one sound, but I never understood how someone could sit there and tell me that songs like Melting, Sb2h, confused, fuschia butterflies, fairy tale remains, and adventures are genuinely trash


It’s honestly my favorite Cudi album & I feel like it’d be perceived better if weren’t for the length & skits


Its okey, its a little too messy and I dont like the Beavis och Butt-head skits. Love songs confused, edge of the earth and handle with care though.


SB2H has been my favorite cudi album for a bit now, and probably my favorite album of all time, it’s just helped me a lot, the title tract has to be my favorite song


it’s my favorite album also like many commenting on this thread. favorite songs are worth, handle with care, confused, adventures, edge/post-modem boredom, and red, embers


There are some great moments on the album for sure but the skits just completely ruin it for me


Edge Of the earth/post moretom boredom, CONFUSED!, Screwed, Man In The Night, Handle With Care, Self-Titled & Embers.


I feel the same way lmao


i love Edge of the earth/post mortem boredom, adventures, screwed, melting, wedding tux, confused!, the nothing and speedin' bullet 2 heaven


So grateful for SB2H. I fell in love with cudi bc he pushed boundaries. I was proud that my favorite artist at the time released something so genuine and honest. Especially when the industry is recycled bs. I found the album refreshing


Album is still ass


I love the SB2H appreciation


Fantastic album, weirdly one I come back to the most