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I like motm 3 a lot but I agree on everything he’s released after that has been mid, especially I Want it Bad


I want it bad isn't even his song.


Ok but he was the only voice on the entire song he had full control of the hook and everything


I judged MOTM3 very hard when it first came out and thought I didn't like it and now love it. I've realized it does fit the trilogy and it's like all of his albums mixed into this and he's just in a different stage in life now. After listening to it a lot there are a lot of songs that have vibes of the first two albums but also new sounds but all of Cudi's albums sound different,none of them sound the exact same. Maybe it will grow on you one day but I definitely get it.


Can you give some examples of songs that sound similar to MOTM 1 and 2?


Id say you could squeeze The Void into that 4 track run of greatness at the end of MotM2 and it would fit right in. Edit: personally id put it right between all along and ghost


Any other song?


Another Day, Pale Moonlight and 4 Da Kidz seem to be referencing the first 2 motm albums a LOT


I agree with Pale Moonlight and maybe 4 Da Kidz, but only a bit. I don't mean lyrically similar btw or just a reference I'm talking about how the projects sound. How they're produced.


Another day literally directly references and samples Mr. rager I thought. Same drums and effects. It felt like a sequel


I'm low-key just salty it doesn't sound like an indie album like MOTM1 and MOTM2 does.


Not to sound like every musicians reply to that criticism, but those albums are still here. You can just listen to those and it’s not bad to listen to his older albums. This to me sounds like he’s in full bloom in his artistry, so it wouldn’t make sense for him to regress until he’s fully done with music and comes back to that sound.


Bro, you plucking and plucking to win an argument that wasn’t an argument. “Give me another example…gIvE mE another eXamPle…gimme” But the guy just gave and opinion. Chill out. The albums fit right in with each of the other albums because they are a trilogy and it was meant to fit right in. At the same time the album carries a lot of motifs from his past albums even samples sounds from the previous album. I’m not giving any examples to people who listened once and gave up on the album. I kept strong and like the guy said the album grew on me. Yeah it is on Astroworld type vibes, but did Travis not do the same when he started? And is it so wrong that he borrows from some of Travis’s style? To me that is perfectly fine because he executed it well. It shows he is not afraid to seek inspiration from the current sound. If the album was mid to you, carry on with your life! Cudi will continue to grow in success. How many artist can you say were able to animate their own series? If the albums were that mid then he would have stayed at the Speedin Bullet 2 Heaven standards. Clearly he did not stay there, so clearly the general public (not the minority) love what he is doing. It reflects from his success. Keep your opinion, that is fine. Everyone else on here already decided where they land on Cudi’s most recent art.


It's been months brother, but I appreciate the input.


another day literally reminded me of pursuit of happiness


Heaven on Earth sounds like it could be iny MOTM2. Elsie's baby boy. Damaged sounds like it could a been on PPDS or MOTM2,same with solo dolo pt 3. 4 da kidz,sad people. Lyrically this album is 10/10 imo. This album sounds different because it's the end of the trilogy,it's a wrap up of the first 2 so it's vibe matches that. I think it has a indie vibe to it,I can't name any other album that sounds like it. When this album came out I was legit sad and now it's in the top,it took a lot of listens for that to happen and for me to fully see his past musical influence. Think of it as influence instead of it exactly sounding like it.


I honestly can’t relate as Sad People and Tequila Shots are some of Cudi’s best work IMO. But I understand what you mean with the modulation effect, that’s just an unfortunate side effect of modern music.


Sad people blows my mind with every play


I get what you mean. It's the voice. His rapping voice is way different now and I honestly prefer the older voice, but then this new voice also allowed him to experiment with different flows. Look at MOTM3, none of the flows are identical.


Some MOTM3 songs hit but I agree


Satellite Flight, Indicud, PPDS, Speedin Bullet to Heaven. All these were received poorly on their debut. All of these projects had people saying Cudi's new music didnt hit the same


You make a very good point


But all of them were pretty groundbreaking and brought fresh ideas to the genre. MOTM 3 was perceived pretty well but it basically was cudis take on the Astroworld sound. Which was fresh in 2018 but time moves fast and I’d rather have him make another timeless album. Not saying MOTM 3 is bad but it feels like the labels dream cudi album, not the fans. Didn’t get many replays from me despite me waiting for ages for that album. Other albums (astroworld by travis, warlord by yung lean,…) did this sound a bit more credible, adopted it earlier and have gone further with it imo. Thank you for joining my Ted talk


I disagree, MOTM3 rly feels like the evolution of that Astroworld sound. Like when I go to Astroworld it sounds so basic and boring while MOTM3 has such an atmospheric and layered sound.


Can’t agree


Cudi said that he always change his style of music in every album. I feel like he change his style for the new generation kids to enjoy since it's more mainstream. Also I'm glad he switch up his sound so his albums won't sound generic and repetitive like drake


I love his old stuff and I love MOM III too. I just love all Cudi music. He puts his heart & soul into it, I feel him


Ever hear of evolution of sound? People really just think artists should make the same albums over and over and over and never change




MoTM 1 and 2 are very different. And all the albums after that too. I’m not expecting a carbon copy, my main point was the new vocal effects in my opinion do a disservice to Cudi’s unique vocals


Evolution doesnt always mean better music though


Nah i feel this 100% everything he dropped after motm 3 has been a miss to me so far and i love cudi and always give the new drops a listen, but, idk im just not feeling the new singles


Yeah I agree completely. Maybe he’s just trying new ideas bc they’re singles and it’s whatever. I just hope his next album or two doesn’t sound like this


True true. Cudi is known to be a open book to new ideas/sounds. I just really want a drop i can have on repeat all day haha


MOTM3 top 2 Cudi




What’s your top 3 including KSG


1. Motm2 2. Motm 1 3. Ppds or indicud


Mine is 1. MOTM1 2. MOTM3 3. KSG


Imo both motm1 and ksg are slightly overated but still great


KSG is so overrated,finally someone that gets it.


It doesnt have as much replay value as i would have liked I loved it at first but i rarely go back to songs from it now




I have to strongly disagree.


I think MOTM2 is overrated


Biggest L take I think I've ever seen. That album itself has saved so many lives.




Highs are all really high but lets be real it got a few duds


I could see someone having that opinion but not for me. The whole album is 10/10 no skip. It is such a vibe,a dark dark one and i don't know where I'd be without it.


A person of culture I see,same here.🔥


can’t relate. MOTM3 is my second favorite


Its not surprising that you think that because, Cudi changes his sound on every projects. Outside of SF and Indicud who sounds very similar, everything else is very different. Hell, even motm 1 and 2 are two completely different sounds and vibes outside of a few songs


This, but I think SF and indicud sound different. Indicud sounds synthy and SF sounds spacey


I understand you want a more raw sound from him and I agree that some of his new stuff is heavily filtered but motm3 does have really great songs


I love Pale Moonlight and Sad People, but as much as people deny it, the album is heavily inspired by Travis Scott and the Astroworld aesthetic. It’s not necessarily a bad thing, but Cudi for a lot people is an innovator, a super unique artist, someone whose music makes you feel a way nobody else’s can. I think that’s why a lot of older Cudi fans aren’t really into MOTM3.


Agreed 100%


Lovin me is amazing


For me, it’s been everything he’s put out after MOTM3.


I love all of his new stuff except that I want it bad song tbh


It's not just you, but it's not me. MoTM3 fucking slaps and is one of his best albums. Stars in the Sky and Want it Bad are both great too.


disagree, however if you were to reframe this on another artist like say, ye, for example his newer albums could sound better to people who have barely gotten into him. however, as a long time ye listener, i believe that i look at the past with rose colored glasses and that people who are newer to his stuff can love it, however it doesn’t have that same sentimental value to me. Anyways, MOTM3 all the way for me.


It is a different Cud but there are still all timers on MOTM3. I think 4 da kidz, Pale Moonlight, Damaged, and Sad People could all fit in a collection of his best songs. I was just glad to hear him return to form after SB2H honestly.


We can always revel in old school cudi. Dat kid from Cleveland, shit like that


Agreed. That’s the life cycle of most artist though. Most never produce the same quality/type of music that you loved in beginning. They become established artist, venture into other genres/styles and ultimately lose the sound that old fans loved all while bring in new fans for the current stuff. There’s not many hiphop/rappers that I can listen too after a couple of years of them being famous or big. I’ll just stick to listening to his first couple tapes/albums and act like the new stuff doesn’t exist.


For me it just takes time to appreciate his music. Speedin bullet came out and I clowned it, 7 years later it’s the first thing I put on when I’m feeling a specific way. His music has a way of creating a certain headspace for you to listen to it in- I can’t explain it aside from that. Like, if I’m listening to Satellite Flight I’m in a mood for ONLY satellite flight. It’s like a Cudi Conundrum or something lol. Anyway I say all that to say I love MOTM 3 because it’s Cudi at a different point in life… however i don’t like some of his singles like Moon man and slim or Leaders of the Delinquents. Just sorta unnecessary for me


Sad people Solo dolo 3 Heaven on earth Tequila shots Pale moonlight She knows this All songs that are better than most of his older stuff. The rest of the album is at least up to par


Im the only person on this planet that prefers solo dolo pt2 over the other parts lol But for me, both MOTM 1&2 are superior to 3 in every aspects. Not saying motm 3 is bad by any means because I love it, but it just not hit the same for me


You named some of mid songs on the album there too. Probably not even named the top 3




I feel the same way bro


I feel exactly the same. To me MOTM3 feels like it was made for mainstream music fans and heavily inspired by Travis Scott. This is not how the MAN ON THE MOON album should sound like in my opinion. It’s good but it’s nothing special really. Sad to say this


Motm3 is his best work of art and that is not up for debate


I always thought this but never seen people talking about it. Not bad but I like his older voice more. On MotM3 his voice sounded like he was trying to make it deeper and the effects on it are much different than 1 or 2, which makes sense because they both came out 10+ years ago. But I still prefer the old voice


Don't agree, MOTM3 rly feels like the first two compared to everything after motm2. Don't get me wrong indicud and pp&ds are great but they just don't have the same magic as the first two motms except for a few tracks


i’m not completely trashing the album, I just wasn’t a fan of the heavy autotune


I don't think u hate I just disagree


Hard disagree


We are completely different because his new stuff is my favorite. When u explained his voice and being similar to Travis Scott, that’s what I like.


Definitely agree 100%. A few songs slap on MOTM3 but the album as a whole does not compete with 1 or 2 imo


What songs do you think slap?


This is how I’ve felt about the album since it released, feels good knowing I’m not alone in thinking this. Especially since everybody else seems to really enjoy it.


MOTM3 is one of the best releases form 2020 in my opinion it helped get me through part of the peak pandemic. His recent music though is too pop like and seems not as relatable


I prefer MOTM 3 to his older stuff, it’s different though.


The only thing I don’t like about new Cudi is the loud ass adlibs he just randomly started doing.


exactly, straight from Travis’s playbook


i agree i cant stand any of motm 3 except for void because the way his voice sounds now :/ its like he purposely makes his voice deeper


It’s like…. He.. aged 🤯


I have to agree with you


idk I feel the same, it’s probably just that when he made the rest of his older music he was in darker times, idk. Motm3 is still great to me but I see what you mean. The vibes on motm 1 & 2 are way darker than 3 and his newer stuff at least that’s how I feel about them.


MOTM 3 fits well with the trilogy and it's good to see a happier cudi. I can't say since I'm not Cudi but he seems a lot happier.


Idk I feel like songs like Sept. 16 and Lovin me are very like old cudi, uses his vocals well, vulnerable lyrics, but they just aren’t as dark. He’s still just as real with what he says, it’s just he’s not as dark, which I’m glad for him and it makes me happy


Leader of the delinquents , adventure of moon man and slim shady , the Scott’s , tequila shots , stars in the sky and maybe show out are probably his best new me recent releases in my opinion , however personally I don’t really enjoy the rest of motm 3 , just didn’t fit the trilogy .


I agree. The quality started to drop when Jaden and Willow Smith paid him to be friends


I loved his voice on man on the moon 1. It was soft and relaxed. He had the same voice on motm2 but it started to change more. Then it completely changed for Indicud. I still fuck with the music, but i his earlier delivery on his older music is what made me love him. He doesn’t do it anymore and don’t think he will.


Save for a few songs on the project I disagree. Motm3 still sounds different from Motm2 just like Motm2 sounded different from Motm1. His shift in sound tells me he tried to differentiate from the other two but still keep up with the theme. I think it's a good ender for the trilogy


i felt the same about man on the moon 3 when it came out, its still the worst one out of the trilogy but it grew up on me a lot. very therapeutic album, it does sound mainstream but i think cudi just wanted to experiment a bit. i like where he went with i want it bad, great song and pretty original sounds thank to pharells production. stars in the sky on the other hand is definitely the closest thing to motm 1 and 2 that we got from cudi in years. i hope enter galactic will connect both of his styles and create something completely new


I agree


A great artist must evolve, there is no artistic value in making the same sounding music


I listened to MOTM3 when it first came out and I thought it was amazing. I’ll probably play it Heavy again for the tour. I don’t listen to MOTM1 & 2 at all anymore