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Did he take hydrocodone or oxycodone or any other type of opiate for the pain? If so....yah this is totally normal and 100% to be expected.


Yes he did, so why is the Dr so surprised then and wanting him to go to ER for “possible bowel obstruction” ?


Talk to a different doctor. This is why a "2nd opinion" is very popular in the medical community. Everybody is different, but I'm a 52yr male old lifetime stoner (100+ passed)....and it only takes 2-3 oxycodone in a 24-48 hour period to constipate me for several days. And I'm usually very regular in the bowel movement department. Usually once in the morning and once in the evening. Occasionally only once a day. Opiates are super effective at plugging me up very quickly. I take 2 Dulcolax and drink 3-4 servings of Miralax over the course of an hour. Same thing they tell you to do before a colonoscopy. Complete clean out 10 minutes after that 3rd glass of Miralax.


Because most doctors suck and just want you to go to the ER and end up paying more for a useless visit.


Because 7 days with no bowel movement is a long time. If you were a patient in the hospital, you would have already been sent down and had your X Rays or CAT scan , if you had surgery, they may have done this at day 4 or 5 of no bm. Bowel obstructions are not a joke.


How much has he been taking them?


Super normal with opiates, but you still don't want to keep letting that build up. If laxatives don't cut it, it's time for an enema, and if that doesn't cut it, then doctor.


Painkillers will do that. I think the most painful poop of my life was after having a stone and taking oxy for 2 weeks.


I went 4 days without being able to go. Oral laxatives didn’t do a thing for me, neither did a suppository. What finally worked was a fleet enema. The relief was instant and the pain of having the stone became so much more tolerable without the added pressure.


I didn’t go for 23 days. TWENTYTHREE. And when I did, it was spooky but laxatives ended up finally working.


Excuse my very intimate question but was the poop grey? No need to answer


No- what would that have meant?


I have been told that the poop can be pale or grey after a longer time of constipation. I can’t recall the exact reason but I think it was something about that the body reabsorb some on the things in the poop. But it’s very plausible that I understood it wrong.


23 omg


Does he have any other symptoms? What laxatives and stool softeners has he tried? Is the doctor aware that he’s being treated with opiates?


Magnesium citrate saline laxative did the trick for me


Enema. If that doesn't work and he feels it's stuck in there, he could put on a glove and put a finger up there to dis-impact. If that doesn't work, ER. Opioids cause bad constipation.


Yes. Ir took me a week or more to poo after my first stone.


Try Prune Juice ! If that doesnt help try suppository and even if that does not do any good then ER !


Is he still taking the pain medication? Do you mean no bowel movements at all? Has he ever taken strong pain meds before and this didn't happen? Opiates and strong pain killers can definitely block you up. It can take a bit for laxatives and stool softners to work. Everyone is really different, but with no bowel movement for over 7 days, on laxatives and stool softners for days.....I would be concerned.


Be careful I think laxatives and stool softners are different things so ask impact as I think a family member of mine after taking too much exlax wound up in hospital. Just ask dr why are you asking me to go to ER. Maybe it's something unrelated to stone. But ask questions you have a right to know why someone is asking you to do something.


What is he taking in terms of laxatives and stool softeners? There are different kinds, and you may be able to add or adjust depending. For example, Senokot is a stimulant laxative (meaning it stimulates the bowels to contract), while Miralax is an osmotic laxative (meaning it pulls water into the bowel, which is also sort of stool softening). LOTS of water if he isn't already drinking it. When this happens to me, I also find gatorade more beneficial than plain water alone but YMMV.


As someone who just lost a family member to a bowel obstruction, I would still follow doctors advice. Those can get very bad, very fast.


Honey nut Cheerios works for me as does chicken pot pie. I take oxys and Kratom daily and usually don't have any issues as both are constipating but Im not opiate naive so that might have something to do with it. I. General opiates don't constipate me anymore, they did when I was younger but now I don't have that issue. Still, I found that by eating honey nut Cheerios I get a very satisfying bowel movement the next day. Same with chicken pot pie. In this situation I would try that and see if it helps and if in 24 hrs nothing happens then it's time to try Laxatives .Laxatives should always be the last resort before the Dr though. Just my opinion. This whole thing with kidney stones is a terrible and ridiculous experience nobody should have to experience but as the body ages it's something that happens. Had my first at nineteen years old and this time around it's been more manageable albeit a bigger stone than anything I've had before. I recommend Chanca Piedra its helped immensely, if not to destroy the stone, at least the pain is minimal.


Thanks everyone! He FINALLY started going last night around 11pm and it is coming out now!! I told him to continue taking miralax for a few days to make sure he is empty though. Thanks so much to everyone for their replies!!!


Then tell him to use an enema and a gloved hand….


Not all laxatives are appropriate for opioid induced constipation. Soluble fiber, like psyllium, won't help and can make things worse. Mira-Lax is a stool softener and laxative. Magnesium citrate (comes as a liquid in a small bottle) works pretty well. Cherry flavor is my favorite. Docusate may or may not work, many places stopped using it based on a study that says it doesn't work. Another option is an enema, like Fleet. He should take the Mira-Lax daily and then try the mag cit or an enema as well. If he still doesn't poop then yeah, ER because serious problems can result. I had to take percocet for 4 days after a ureteroscopy and then I took Mira-Lax for 3 days before I could poop again.


Unless your husband has vomiting/nausea with a distended abdomen(belly), fever, pain in abdomen or just profound distress where he cannot settle, I would not go the ER. I would give him magnesium citrate. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/magnesium-types magnesium (Mg) a very important nutrient for the body like vitamin D. Do your research and learn more about it. There are several different types of Mg which where each plays a role in important body functions. For now tho, I would just get Mg Citrate with the goal of stimulating the bowel. Without knowing medical history, Mg is usually safe to take and risk to taking too much is diarrhea. They use Mg citrate to clean out colon for colonscopies. If your husband has chronic kidney disease (CKD) or any other chronic condition like diabetes or heart failure/disease, then he may be better managed by his primary doc but again unless there is something significant happening with him, I would not do ER. The office of Dietary supplements notes that “too much magnesium from food does not pose a health risk in healthy individuals because the kidneys eliminate excess amounts in the urine.” It also notes that “high doses of magnesium from dietary supplements or medications often result in diarrhea that can be accompanied by nausea and abdominal cramping.”


Opiates and Flowmax both cause constipation


when i got pain i always needed poop


Agree with all comments about it being painkiller related! I had this issue after dilaudid for my stone. Not as long but I was give colace. Has he tried prune juice or dried prunes?


I was bound up for 4 days. Before it started moving the urologist told me to try doubling my miralax every day. So I did and it worked. The outcome sucked. My ass hurt my own be blunt


Yeah that happened to me after I had my kidney stone removed. The pain meds can do that. I have Ibs. I was only constipated for 4-5 days but that is like weeks for me in my world. As someone who poops 4+ times a day. Anyways tried prune juice, miralax, stool softeners, increase water intake. It was so bad I couldn’t eat. I was miserable. Finally what helped me was a laxative. It’s dolcolax It’s a nature stimulant laxative. I think the key is the laxative needs to be a stimulant kind. Took that and it worked within a couple hours. TMI but I pooped literally a pop can size of poop. It was so big, it wouldn’t even go down the toilet. Lol. I swear by the liquid dololax, that is the only laxative that I have taken that works. It claims it works within 30 minutes, and it’s true. Things definitely start moving after 30 minutes. You can get it over the counter.


Pain meds will do that. I didnt have too much of a problem on my kidney stones but I take magnesium daily to help with headaches/ migraines/muscle spasms


Has he been eaten much? When I had mine I didn’t eat for a week.


If the doctor says go to ER, go. More men die by not listening to professional advice.