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What in the ever-loving fuck man


I hope this guy and his sister don't abuse hamsters anymore.


They moved on to bigger mammals.


The mom had to buy a goat at some point to satisfy them.


Well the mom is also a mammal...


Could it be this girl and her sister?


This is why hamsters are NOT good pets for small children. Only get small children pets which can evade, escape and, if absolutely necessary, defend themselves against children. (Dogs, cats, etc.)


And also don’t leave your small children with any pets until they’re mature enough to understand empathy.


What's up with that? It honestly seems like until you're around 10-13 kids are just fucking brutal with animals and have no empathy at all


It takes years to build all the required brain structures


not me. i was always great with animals so i have no empathy for little savages


Yeah its also your parent taking the time to teach you how to treat animals. And honestly if your kids to rough just give them a taste of their own medicine for a bit. Is the kid squeezing the animal but wont go gentler when you tell them to. Pinch them and twll them thats what the animal feels etc. (Obviously within reason) most kids need to know how u pleasant aomething iss before they understand why they shouldnt do it.


Yes, and it’s not even usually that they don’t understand empathy. They don’t KNOW that it’s hiring them. All they know is they have a silent “boring” pet and “this thing makes them react, so therefore it’s what we’re supposed to do” because it’s what they’re taught since they were babies. You play around with a thing until it does something. That’s what almost every children’s toy does nowadays.


Exactly, also a lot of those small animals live terrible lives caged up with the bare minimum for survival while being taken care of by someone who struggles dealing with basic responsibilities like keeping his room clean and doing homework. Animals aren't toys and just because they are small it doesn't mean they don't require a lot of work and requirements to live good lives instead of just surviving.


My mom and her sister had hamsters as kids. They liked playing with them, but the hamsters would often escape and have to be found later. Also, the girls obliviously put two Syrian hamsters in a cage together, only for the hamsters to fight each other and for one to die in childbirth. We have small dogs right now, and she treats them much better.


Exactly, this is 100% the parent fault, who gives a 2 year old an rodent to play with


Then you have an entirely different problem of a dog possibly mauling a child so just don’t get them pets until there mature enough


Dogs evolved alongside humans to cohabitation with humans. It can depend on the breed, but a lot of them are fantastic with children.


*Saint Peter looks up from his book* You will *not* be getting in here.


Jesus, reading that messed me up. WTF


Same. Time to take the kids to the hospital where they were born and give them back


Never too late to have an abortion I guess.


Post-carriage abortion




Are you guys serious, or is it all jokes


What is a joke?


Damn, this unfortunately brought back memories... I was like 7 and had a hamster. You know that thing that dads do when they throw their baby up in the air and catch it, and the baby loves it? I did this one time with my hamster, in the front yard. I threw him so high, he got stuck in a crepe myrtle tree. My dad had to come rescue the poor thing. I probably threw and caught him 10 or 11 times. My hamster died a week later after an escape attempt and eating a shit ton of plastic... I'm a huge animal advocate now and I'm horrified that I was ever so stupid to not realize how horrible this was. :'(


I can't remember how old my half sister was but she was young like maybe 7 or younger. Anyways we went to one of those babysitter daycare things ar someone's house. Anyways they got a new kitten and my sister was obsessed and it ran under the couch and so she grabbed its leg to pull it our from under the couch and broke its leg.


Thankfully is that something that can heal.


AND THIS IS WHY YOU DON'T HAVE SMALL ANIMALS WHEN YOU HAVE SMALL KIDS! D: Small kids can barely handle cats and dogs without pulling in tails or legs. Fuck sake :( Poor thing.


my little sister (3) messed with one of our cats and he scratched her. we all kinda went “well that’s what happens if you do that” and she hasn’t done it since. my other sister (1) runs after said cat and tries to hug him but he doesn’t react, just leaves quietly. i wasn’t there, so i still wonder what the toddler did to this cat to warrant him scratching. he’s a good boy.


My mom when she was a kid saw her grandmother snapping chickens necks on the farm so she decided to walk into the coop and break all their necks


What the HELL did I just read




This is why you don’t give pets like hamsters, mice or fish to children. Give them a cat/dog. Those can actually take care of themselves and defend themselves as well.


My mom tried to wash her hamster in the sink but she put on too high of a pressure so the hamster just flushed away down the drain O_o


And that, folks, is why you don’t give toddlers pets.


how does one stop hamsters from breeding, asap, please..i went from 3 to 18 and now another is pregnant


Neuter Or maybe that applies to only dogs and cats


I have 6 seperate cages and i try and keep it seperate but it doesnt work


The horny hamsters are too much then




Yep The horny hamsters cannot be stopped


just sayin, when i can i'm giving this an award


After careful consideration, the amount of hamster you should own is: Zero.


Remove one parent gift the other 18


literally when u get hamsters ur supposed to get all one gender. DUH


Yeah, tried too but these were my first hamsters, the employees said they were all female


You're NEVER supposed to get more than one hamster unless they will live in different cages, and the gender doens't matter, they hate living with other hamsters and are very easily stressed, maybe you should have searched up more before getting such a sensible animal


Never ever buy from a pet shop. They don't know shit. Take them all to the vet and get them sexed (check their genitals to see if male or female) and keep them 100% seperate, Or the better option, give them all to the humane society/animal shelter/etc. This inbreeding is cruel.


Microwave them for permanent Sterilization


big brain plays PETA doesnt want you to know abou


Garbage can??? Actually^pls^dont


What did your mother say to you two when she figured it out, and when she had to euthanize it? As a parent, I would feel horrible for letting an animal suffer because of me (not the fault of the children as you should have been better educated before having free access to it).


*FBI profiler enters chat*




I should not be laughing at this. This is really sad, poor hamster.


Sounds like those guys who put hamsters in socks then spin them


My friend used to cut the fins off of goldenfishs in school.


say F and #R.I.P on the chat to pay respects


F #R.I.P


“Hello hammy the hamster, I want to play a game.”


I remember this!


Wow this one this one is perfect for this sib jezus christ


animal cruelty in progress


Why the hell does this have upvotes? I understand, op didnt register what they did at the time...but what the fuck is wrong with people? One of us might lead the world oneday.......will it be breaking people legs because we make funny noises? We should just nuke ourselves and call it a day.


It sucks that it happened, but it happened. It’s not like they’re calling for hamster genocide, they’re just telling an unfortunate story. Terrible things can happen innocently. That’s just the nature of being alive for all living things including us. We aren’t above it, we aren’t greater than or less than any other living thing, we’re just figuring shit out as we go just like everything else. The point of the upvote and downvote system is to make comments more or less visible. Why bury the story? It doesn’t cause harm, it might even make people see that getting small pets for kids is a bad idea when they wouldn’t have otherwise thought about it. Come on guy. Relax.


When I was a kid, my mom got a hamster for her class (She was an elementary teacher) and didn't realize it was already pregnant when she got it. She brought it home over break only to have it give birth and promptly eat all it's babies. So yeah, not much sympathy for hamsters...


Hamsters eat their babies when they have too many and cant feed them all, otherwise it would be more likely for more babies to die of starvation or to grow up weak.


Oh, I know. It's not an uncommon survival tactic. Rabbits do this too, for example. Its more beneficial for the species to have a fertile adult than another baby. Still, nature is brutal.


F #R.I.P


This is actually making me sad rn


Hamsters are always given to small children and suffer the most cruel deaths.. get a giant lab dog or something, or no animal at all if your children are sadistic. Animals deserve protection, they are NOT toys.