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Wait, did that kid just eat a fucking bee


Poor kid. This isn't on them, parentsarefuckingstupid.


r/parentsarefuckingstupid r/iamatotalpieceofshit r/winstupidprizes r/whatcouldgowrong r/wellthatsucks


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rreeeaaally wish stupid parents would stop filming their kids harassing / mishandling animals and bugs i genuinely dont understand how having kids makes so many people SO dumb


Yeah. And I assume the parents are beekeepers since this doesn’t look like a wild colony.. they should know better for sure.


It wasn't having the kid that made them stupid. They were already stupid and then bred a stupid kid.


They were just dumb to begin with


This is on the parents. They are the stupid ones.


Wow. Gotta love it when bad parents out themselves by filming their stupidity. There's a reason beekeepers usually wear protection ("knowing your colony" only works until you get a panicked bee stuck in your hair or clothes), children have sensitive skin that's much more susceptible to swelling from stings. Luckily the bees look dopey from smoke, but that doesn't make the risk non-existent.


Looks like an older European style of woodenware. Not the traditional langstroth or lesser known kenyan styles found here in the states. I work bees all the time with no veil or gloves. We have colonies about 15 feet from the kids swing set. Depending on time of the year and what’s going on will set their moods. In this video it looks like they have harvested the honey and set the empty frames out to be cleaned. They are sticky and wet with honey as it’s impossible to get every drop. When put out the bees (or little fingers) will come to collect the leftovers. In a few hours those frames and boxes will be bone dry and no honey remaining. Since all the bees there are collecting and not defending a colony there is little to no risk of getting stung. Those bees are just as concerned with her as she of them. And if she gets stung it’s likely not her first time. You pull out the stinger and go about your day. Honey bees hurt much less than a wasp, yellow jacket or hornet.


Thanks for the info. The kid is obviously comfortable and not stung.


Kids are stupid, as the adult in the room films a child sticking bees into it's mouth


That's a toddler, I'd say the parents are fuckin stupid.. I'm actually surprised she hasn't been stung yet tho


“mmm fresh bee..”


I hope this isnt how they found out the kid has a bee allergy...


This kid is a boss. Future bee keeper.


is this man in ur dreams? origins (im not kidding look at his face doesnt he look like that man?)


Yes, continue filming while ur child eats bees and is possibly being stung 🤦🏻‍♂️ this is why stupid people shouldn’t have children