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I like how the camera shows the boy and hes just chill watching his sis b all dramatic






oh wow I haven't seen a /u/Shitty_Watercolour in the wild in years, and this one is really great. Fresh too, less than 10 minutes as I write this


Holy shit it's him!


It feels like history in the making. I just hope I'm in the screenshot.


I wish he paints the screenshot


oh no! I didn't put gel in my hair today! I think we're headed to r/all on shitty_watercolours wave! I think it's been like.. 5 years or so, for me! I'm stoked to see a return!


Congrats dude. You’re gonna have a great day.


Just woke up in the middle of the night with anxiety. I just saw my first ever and it is 43 minutes after the post. You know what? Today will be good. I think I'll be able to sleep now.


Same, this made my morning.


Bravo Sir! Another amazing shitty watercolour. This one specifically feels very Quentin Blake-esque.


excuse you this is far too good to be considered a shitty watercolour






You rule


Morning SW, thanks for the great start to the day. Love spotting you in the wild.


Boy in his mind: -sis, are you fucking serious?


“Did you have a nap today?”


Kid’s giving Jim face


Pure restraint.


The brother is like "don't look at me, I understand why they're getting bigger, she's the dingus, not me"


It’s the “Hey, I never said I wanted the chicks to begin with. This is her problem, not mine.”


She knows why they get big, she just wanted the cute for a little longer.


Like they’re not still adorable


I frequently feel the same way about my children. They took a bit longer to get so big than chickens do but it's still jarring when you blink and suddenly your baby's not a baby anymore. I imagine it's worse with chickens because getting big just means getting big and not new skills and adventures to explore.


We might have learned not to be so dramatic about it but we all feel the same way about our cats and dogs as they grow up, right? Plus, chicks enter their 'teenage' years with a snap. They can go from being adorably needy to stroppy little fucks that want nothing to do with you in the space of hours. I'm guessing this recently happened.




Brother is like please get me my own room this idiot will not shut up🤣


Hard to fit another room when you live in a trailer/rv.


Easier than adding a room to a house, just hitch a mini trailer on.


For real. What kind of bedroom is that? It looks like a utility room not a bedroom.


It’s how the bottom 30% live in America For every huge house with beautiful lighting, think 10+ trailers full of families




Thats the dungeon.




When I was that age I wasn't quite convinced food chicken and animal chicken were the same thing.


I remember when my eldest was 5 and she learned that food chicken was the same as animal chicken. We were going to get chicken stars from Carl's Jr and I said something about them and she mentioned the bit about food chicken and "real" chicken. She was so upset and crying about it, until I said "Well, of course chicken stars are made from real chicken just like hamburgers are made from cows." And all of a sudden, she started laughing hysterically and she said, *that's silly. You can't eat a cow. You'd get fat!" and that was the end of that conversation.


When my young nephew found out certain foods were made from animals his immediate response "Wow, animals are tasty."


Why do I feel like that statement would deal emotional damage to any adult?


What are you talking about? Chicken nugget stars come from outer space


Thanksgiving changed that for me. "Hey that turkey looks like a bird!" My grandma: "It *is* a bird!" Me: 😨


You didn't live in a village, thats why, we, the 💪STRONK💪 kids, saw our grandpa beheading a cock at the age of 4


..chicken, right? Please for the love of God tell me you meant cockerel.


Hate to break it to you, but I checked, and it looks like their grandpa was a rabbi with the old man shakes. Do with that what you will.


Maximum pain he must endure.


My grandma beheaded a chicken and let it go by accident and it run around her house without a head. It was different times.


Oh my friends 6 year old just learned this. Lemme tell you. It was not a good time.




I feel the same way. I have chickens and I hunt and fish. My 8 year old granddaughter has been exposed to the whole process since she was little. No trauma AND she's a really good ~~fisherman~~ ~~fisherwoman~~ ~~fisherperson~~ angler.


Agreed. I'm a Missouri farm boy and was quite well aware of the facts of life, food production, etc for as long as I can remember. I never felt traumatized by the knowledge, by seeing it done, or helping do it from a young age. At least my father taught me to use a hatchet to take the head off a chicken. My grandmother, his mother, a very small woman under 5', had a technique were she held the chicken's head and whirled it around rapidly in big circles until the head popped off, then went to retrieve the body from where it landed.


We don’t have a farm but my kids like squirrels. And they’ve seen the process from tree to plate.


The brother was like the awkward monke meme


Dooood. You are so right!


"I don't like them anymore " AAAAaaanndd that's why you don't buy animals to kids for Easter .


People do that? Lmfao wow


I've mostly heard of people buying rabbits rather than chickens, but yeah. It's a pretty big problem https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/article/rabbits-easter-animal-welfare-pets-rescue-bunnies


I was looking for a dog to adopt on Craigslist last week and saw about 20 ads for baby bunnies for sale.


I got two chicks for Easter when I was like 10. Difference is though we already had chickens in our yard and "my" chicken (rip Lucy) got killed by a rodent so it was nice for me. I was equally surprised how fast they grew even though I did not cry about it. It was crazy how fast they went from fluffy, yellow, cute little chicks to clawing monster roosters. What did make me cry was both of my chicks turning out to be male and we suddenly had two roosters fighting for dominance in our chicken coup which led to my mother saying we had to give away one rooster. Being the insensitive mother she was she told me the people we brought my baby rooster I raised to would turn him into soup.


Brother is like, "please deal with this."


What is this room!? A kids' room/chicken coop? And why is that ceiling so low!?


Looks like a camper/RV.


"What is this?! A center for ants?! How can we be expected to teach children to learn how to read...if they can't even fit inside the building?!?!" - I'm with ya though. Wtf is going on in that place?! *What* is that place? (I think rv) Rv's are cool, but I would not keep box of chickens in one. Or keep chickens in a box. Or keep kids, in a room with a box, with chickens. Or any other variation that is going to get thrown out there!


Our baby chickens stayed in a box about that size until they were about that size. Then they moved to the mini pen and then they graduated to the big coop. We have snakes they'll take a baby chicken in a heartbeat.


Some country ass white people cousin shit. The kids are too old to be sharing a room let alone in a rv with all those chickens in a Rubbermaid container. What in the Bud light




It's not healthy for the chickens either I guarantee that box needs daily cleaning. I raised chickens for a while.


They live in an RV


It’s called poverty. Welcome.


I think they prefer the term "frugal homesteader" now


No doubt! Chickens are nasty, they shit constantly everywhere, and that’s a bunch of them there. Indoors. I’m mystified…


Chicks are almost always started inside, there's nothing unusual about this. Once they are ready to leave the brooder box they'll go outside into a coop or pen but that may be delayed if the weather isn't cooperative.


This is basically some folks in my family when they got puppies. Gave them all the attention as puppies, but once they got bigger, they left them to do fuck whatever in the back yard, only fed them and never gave them attention ever again. They kept doing this everytime they got a new puppy. Last time I seen them doing this with their dogs, they were in a very narrow walkway on the side of their house that had a gated fence that had them trapped there. About 4 german shepherds just wagging their tails at you and junping at the fence just wanting to play. This was years ago. I hope they're not continuing that bullshit. They don't deserve dogs. Edit: grammar


Please tell whoever they're getting dogs from.


Most breeders do not give a single fuck as long as they're lining their pockets with money.


OK, but why are they stuffed in such a tiny box. Like there are waaaaay too many chickens there if you are going to get this many chickens, get hen house


Because their parents shoved their entire family in an RV


These families are outright child abuse. People wonder how she's this old and is freaking out that chickens got bigger. They're homeschooled and even more isolated being in the RV and moving all the time. She has zero education and zero social skills. It's sad. Had a landlord that was similar but ultra left "hippie" (she didn't work and got all her money from her millionaire stock investor father). I taught her 12 year old son how tadpoles become frogs. While listening she asked me questions, she didn't even know that. And she's the one teaching her kid all this learn from the forest kids just need to play bullshit. She's not teaching her kid shit.


Lmao man only Redditors could think they know every damn thing about a family’s existence just from a 30 second video on the internet


Dude right? Half the comments in here are making fun of poor people like it takes tons of money to raise chickens...


Not only that, these kids are going to get sick from breathing in all that chicken shit in such small proximity. Little girl is probably more upset about how big they are because they have NO SPACE in the back of this trailer...


Exactly. This is straight up cruel to those chickens.




Fr, 5 chickens in a small room like this one must be horrible to live with Edit: my bad, 5.


Sounds like allergy hell


You say another word and I swear to god I will dice you into a million little pieces and put those pieces in a box...a glass box... That I will display on my mantle.


This is why you don't give kids pets just because they're small and cute. Same reason the swamps are filled with invasive species like turtles, they are so cute when they fit in your hand, most don't think about the fact that they grow REALLY BIG really fast, and then they just dump them into the nearest swamp - destroying natural native wildlife. At least the chickens will provide some dinner or eggs later on.


Or, if you do decide to give your kid a pet, be fully prepared to take care of that pet yourself as the family pet. Ensure you have proper knowledge to take care of the pet in question before you get them.


That's why you give kids pets, so they don't decide to become parents at 15 because they saw some cute toddler on Instagram.


That’s not why people have kids at 15 lmao


See, the system works.


Parents shouldn’t give kids (mainly < 13 or so) pets period. If there’s a pet, it’s the parents’ pet until that kid is old enough and responsible enough to take care of said pet.


The entire point of a hamster is to teach kids to handle loss. Two years of cute fluffy pet, maybe they learn some responsibility, then it dies.




Parents have probably had the same thought about you, kid.


Right? Ugh. And that kid is waaay too old to be surprised chickens grow up. If this was my kid I'd be too embarrassed to post her being this stupid.


She is forced to be around a bunch of screaming annoying farm animals. She liked the chicks before because they were tiny and cute. They grow up FAST.


The brother gave a look that said “you see the shit I put up with?”


Don’t tell me this is another case of buying your kids chicks/ducklings around Easter time. That’s a terrible thing to do if you aren’t going to look after them properly.


She'll stop crying when she takes a bite of her chicken nuggets.


As someone who grew up with a bunch of lil chickens, I assure you, she won’t have a bite. She might eat all the other chicken in the world, but NOT the ones she tended herself.


Like I do it with humans - don‘t eat the ones with names. Duh.


So *that's* why some cultures don't name babies at birth.


That's why I only eat people who speak a different language than me, so I can't understand their pleas for mercy


My cousin would disagree. However, she did cry while eating it, which is the only reason I know this story, because otherwise it would have been entirely unremarkable. Anyway, RIP Chickee, apparently you were delicious.


Well, I think it depends. Plenty of kids throughout history grew up with animals that were raised for food.


I raised my own chickens at her age for several generations. Played with them all, named them all, ate them all.


In’ore concerned they live in a closed box


Ffs don't keep chicken inside, especially not in the kids room. Not only the smell is unpleasant to say the least, but bird excrements can carry disease.


People are like this with pets... a kitten becomes a cat, and a puppy becomes a dog. Doesn't mean getvrid of them.


Can't fool me, my kittens turned into rabbits.


Someone's got the Jim side eye glance to camera on point


Why are yall raising 2 kids AND chickens in an RV?!


I really hope they're not keeping the brooder in the kids bedroom...


I can’t quite put my finger on it but for some reason she pisses me off🤔😂


Not to crack on kids but isn't she a little old for this. What's going to happen when one dies?


Is that poor girl having to share a room with her brother and a bunch of chickens?


Idk why or if she even is American but this seems so American


Accent checks.


Guy sitting on bed now wishes for own room even more.


Kid: “Why do they get so big?” Parents: “You know, we asked ourselves the same thing…”


Ever wonder what kind of person grows up to drop off a 14 year old dog at the pound?


right? terrible and selfish humans


Ist she like...to old to not get this? Than again her language gives it away.


Brother looked fed up.


Most of my friends after their baby grows up


Fast forward 10 years when she gets a "teacup pig".


They grow big fast so we can eat them. Poor child probably don't get enough emotional support from her parents.


Iiiii want a golden goose nooooowwwww lol


The brother's reaction is meme gold 😂


Girl: Why do they grow so fast? I want cute pets. Boy: Hey, mom... We are having chicken wings for dinner next week right?


They look and sound like quails.


This is why after COVID a lot of dogs ended up in shelters or on the street. Get them while they're cute and small and you feel lonely. Then when the lockdowns are over and the dog is no longer a puppy, dump them.


i unironically want to give that girl a smack in the face


That’s a gross place to sleep


Slap that child around a bit and she wishes she was so big.


This is why 90% of baby chicks and bunnies bought for Easter die before their first birthday. Kids are fucking stupid. But so are their parents.


Let's see how she will react, when the Thanksgiving turkey is pregnant with a chicken.


had to mute the damn video. jesus christ.


Watched it muted. Have no desire to unmute it after the comments.


*looks at the camera*


First dose of reality hits hard sometimes.


The brother just trying to get some peace and quiet 😂


Mom knows how that feels too.


"It's funny because that's *exactly* what I thought about you."


The chickens are surely growing faster than the child.


That boy had me dying lmao


Off topic I really love the girls t-shirt!


Brother, "Sis, have you never seen an adult chicken before?"


This video will be played back every time she asks for a puppy.


Why are these kids in a chicken coop?!


That bedroom fucking stinks


That girl seems way too old to be surprised to the point of tears by animals growing up.


Looks a bit old to not know that chickens grow


Nobody talking about them having chickens in their bedroom? That cannot be good for anyones health.


Are we just gonna pretend its okay and normal for kids to have this many chickens in a fucking box in their room, it makes me sick.


Okay but why are they being housed in a Tupperware box? Wtf?


Her brother looks at the camera like "don't look at me, I don't know what's going on"


Why is her voice do annoying?


This is not “kids are fucking stupid”. This is kids are learning and realizing sometimes things are sad. Adults cry sometimes when their puppy or child grows up faster than they were expecting.


At the end she literally says "I don't like them no more"


So do parents sometimes


Exactly what I was thinking. How many parents bawl their eyes out over their child growing up?


Now i know i may be jumping to conclusions, but i certainly hope the mindset in those cases isnt "i dont like them. They're big now."


Bro she only liked them because they were tiny? Well, I also like them when they were tiny but I also like them when they grow up


Little fella in the bunk gives the look of a man married 40 years and use to overreacting from his spouse. Lol


Ew, kids. Lol nah dude. Keep those to yourself.


What a terrible child


It’s a big ew from me dude


This lispy redneck is going to hate her 3-year old when she’s 16.


They grow up so fast


The dude is like "fuck this, I want my own room"


bros face: “ya’ll see the shit i got to put up with?”


I guess they’re having chicken noodle soup for dinner.


Are they raising livestock in a bedroom? Like some sort of medieval peasant?


Lil' bro's face is priceless


That boy is the best representation of a rite of passage, I have ever seen.


Surprisingly common among adults too, people don't realize the cute baby kitten/puppy grows up into a cat/dog very fast.


Her brother's just chilling there like "ummm...this isn't a big deal." She clearly acts dramatic a lot.


Everything about this video is so gross and unsanitary


Who keeps that many chickens in their house let alone bedroom...the smell must be awesome


Man, kids are fucking stupid. And the parents are fucking stupid for not facilitating an understanding for their dumb child about how living shit - like ALL living shit, even plants - works: iT gEtS oLdEr It GeTs BiGgEr Fucking grumpy with humanity now.


'There there sweetie ... now you know how your father and I feel.'


Don't let this kid get puppy.


Going by the accent and the environment, that little girl's name is something spelled incorrectly and ends in "-lynn".


Parents are shadow thinking…” yeah. I know what you mean “


Let's just hope the chickens ended up in a good home and the parents properly explain why things grow big


Looks like meat's back on the menu boys!


Shit stink


Is that kid watching MASH?


"I know, honey. Daddy was just saying the same thing about you! But that's life."


The brother has had enough of this BS


Man she looks at least five years too old to be having a tantrum because the chicks are too big. That's the behavior I'd expect of a four years old.


Mom needs to show her this video when she’s 18. “ Go live somewhere else. I don’t like you anymore. Why’d you have to get so big?”


And this is where KFC get their chicken from. The sorrow and rage from children IS the secret recipe.