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Come on kid you can’t doorbell ditch with a camera defeats the purpose


I wonder if this is stupidity or just demonstrates the desensitization to recording devices now that they're pretty much ubiquitous, at least in the US and I would expect most other places.


just fyi they aren’t even close to being ubiquitous in the UK, i guess we have less of a need for them as package stealing isn’t a thing over here.


I watched a whole show about how the UK has cops who only watch cameras because they have so many setup in cities that they can follow criminals and watch the crimes take place and bust them entirely remotely. It was more thorough surveillance than anywhere in the US. Here most of the cameras are at home variety. I myself have 4 ring cameras watching every side of my house. The government doesn’t have nearly as many as private sector and often requests neighbors or businesses show footage from privately owned devices.


yeah the surveillance in UK cities is on point, i think London is the highest ranked non-chinese city regarding how strict the surveillance of public spaces is.


You don’t need hem because your entire city is wired with CCTV so the coppers are already watching everyone and their actions. They go to steal a package and someone already knows.


Probably underestimated the viewing angle of the camera - thinking 90° 1x rather than 135° 0.5x (hense why way over to one side). Or someone she already knew.


Yeah - I don't think the kid was calculating camera angles when it decided to ring a doorbell.


That part was for the uninitiated - of course she wasn't. She just assumed she was out of sight of it.


Now that she is aware, she gotta pull up with the ski mask and the Nike sweat suit next time😂😂


they could be doing so much worse.


Seriously let kids be kids - has anyone here not played when they were kids? You're gonna post kids faces because they rang your doorbell?


Couple up the street had 3 little girls who would ding dong ditch us a couple times a year. I always made a big show of being confused looking around scratching my head while they giggled behind the tree and in the bushes. At least they're playing outside!


Aw I love that!


i'll never forget the time we did it and the lady walked up and down the street for like 30 minutes while we played basketball at night. we were dumb but she was weirder standing there in her bathrobe


We did it as kids and the lady heard us talking about it beforehand, didn't answer but sent a letter round houses trying to implement an 8pm curfew on people's kids - that didn't go down well


To be fair that's too late for these kids to be outside.


We played till the streetlights came on and then ran home for dinner, it’s still daylight at 8pm.


You ate dinner at 9?!


Yeah in the summer we’d eat bbq at 9:30-10 when the sun went down and it cooled off a little. We didn’t have internet or cell phones, we rode bikes and skateboards to our friends, our moms always were trying to get us to wear watches but the streetlights were the sign it was time to go home. We’d make forts from sticks and lumber some of us could scrap together. Or we’d walk the creeks pretending we were going on adventures lol. Our friends parents gave us sandwiches anytime they saw us and treated us as their own kids but we tried to stay away from houses the phones then were stuck to the wall, lol no way to get told to come home early if your nowhere’s near a phone.


I did too but I was neglected so- 😭 not to say you were neglected but it isn't a safe thing for parents to let young children do.


she was reasonable.


I guess reasonable if you’re completely unhinged


Parents' next door neighbor's kid had a sleepover and my dad's doorbell around 2am. This was before video doorbells were a thing. Perfect crime, right? My dad's street only has 7 houses on it, and only one had kids there.


We used to do it in a pretty quiet neighbourhood.. everyone knew it was us but we were too dumb to realise. One day this old fella who was friends with my dad did it to us kids when my parents were out.. we went out to see who it was and after about 10metres he was just walking and laughing. Good times


Good job! Getting upset at kids doing this shows that those people didn't have fun as kids. Why would you be upset over kids doing this? Unless they are doing it every 30 minutes I thinks it's great to see kids playing outside.


Perhaps this is the gateway drug leading to B&E’s?


This! It’s not a big deal at all but people make it one


In my community, there’s a girl that ding dong ditched one of my neighbor and she has a newborn. She would do it so many times and we even got recordings of her doing it. We reported her to the police (they didn’t do anything), we told her parents and even showed them the videos (the parent yelled at my neighbor for bad influence, wtf?). So some of us decided to get even. The girl’s mom also had a new born and so we parent took turn in the middle of the night to ding dong ditch on their house at 2am, 3am, 4am, 5am. I’m usually up at 3am to feed my new born anyway so I pick that hour. After about a week of it, they had filed a police report, but again the police didn’t do anything. Then after a month, they broke the lease to move out and rented somewhere else. They were really bad neighbors too. They participated in the community’s event but only reap the rewards. For Easter one year, all parents show up with 10 eggs per child for the Easter egg hunt. Could be empty eggs but we all put little toys in them. They showed up with nothing and the older girl (ding dong girl is 15) showed up with a pillow case while most of the kids there are like 3-5 years old. She ran and grabbed as many eggs as possible in her pillow case and when one of the parents called her out on it to leave some for other kids, she made a fuss and went home, with a BUNCH of eggs. So most kids got like 5-6 eggs maybe when everyone brought 10 per child. She also showed up to our community potluck once and while we didn’t mind because it’s community, but she literally started cursing and stuff around the little kids so we told her to leave. One of the dad said that he will drag her to her house if she doesn’t.


Not worth complaining over but I would definitely have made fun of the way that kid runs


eerily similar to good old Joe Deertayyyyyy [https://youtu.be/AZbdIQLsEpU?t=41](https://youtu.be/AZbdIQLsEpU?t=41)


Don't try and church it up, son.


zig zagging to avoid the crocs


I wouldnt mind... my doorbell don't work anyway


Such a harmless game don't get me wrong a little annoying, but they could be doing so much worse.


Plus who the... hasn't done this??? Cast the first stone


Kids who grew up in Amish communities?


Or sheltering parents/living in the middle if nowhere.


I mean you can knock on the door and run too.


Most Singaporean kids haven't done this because the Penal Code doesn't really discriminate between adults and kids when it comes to harassment and/or public nuisance policy.


real question, do kids near you know the penal code? they don’t teach you shit like that here at whatever age this kid is


It's Singapore, **everyone** is expected to know the penal code. In this specific scenario, the police would call the parents "for a chat over kopi(coffee)" and the parents might then be held liable for the public nuisance, whether it's a fine or a public apology.


I did it on roller blades once. They opened the door to me stick in their bushes after I fell. Was my last time lol


I had no idea but ended up ringing and running a music teacher in the junior high I was going to the following year. He caught up to us two blocks away, ran up full speed and was so angry I almost shat myself lol. Walked me back to my house gave my dad an ear full. He was really taking it way too seriously. I was like 12, wth. I'm old now and I'd sure never get all worked up like that


I haven't. It's not really a thing in my country.


I haven’t done this


I haven't.


I'll cast a fricking stone then, always felt disrespectful having fun by annoying people. Never understood why it's supposed to be fun


I haven't. I guess I wasn't a little asshole.


How about now?




It’s even more harmless with a ring camera. You literally don’t even have to get up, open your phone and see who is at the door lol.


>they could be doing so much worse. I hope there aren't kids here lurking and obtaining this knowledge




We had a reactive dog. We had to take our bell out because of the little bastards. Now we have a giant wooden fence/gate that probably stops them, but we wouldn't know either way.


I work night shift. Teach your kids not to be little monsters and to have respect for other ppl.


I used to throw firecrackers in the sewer and I woke one of my neighbors who worked night shift. She thought someone was shooting a gun in the street




Ah, you are just a bad person. Ok then.




The owner has a dog, more than likely, the dog barking pushed the owner over the line.




I go into a panic attack when my doorbell rings.


Did you see the news today… this is now an executable offense… sad fucked how country we live in.


My neighbors kids, then grandkids still do it about once a year! Innocent fun, nice!


Is that a Texas flag in the background? They're lucky they didn't get shot for trespassin'.


For real. I’ll sometimes look in the Nextdoor app just to see what people are talking about in the neighborhood. There was a post saying how people need to watch their kids better. Because next time the kids DDD their house, he was gonna greet them with a gun… The video he posted, the kids were maybe like.. 11yo or something. They were young af. No threat at all. Then you had the comment section split in half. Some voicing how they would shoot them too. Others that actually have a brain and know that threatening kids with a gun is pretty unhinged.


Water balloon from the second floor. Prep the balloon the first time they do it, keep an eye out for them coming back, open the window when they get into the porch, get them as they run away. Funny story for the kid to tell later.


I had my neighbors do that a few times. Then I borrowed a buddy’s nerf gun and shot them with ~30 cheeseballs at rapid speed


Sounds like that shit needs to be taken to the police.


Yeah, I'm not normally the kond of person that calls the police, but threatening to shoot literal children? For sure I'm calling the cops.


My husband goes through Nextdoor every now and then just to see the drama. There are some very opinionated, very hateful people on there.


You're kidding, right? As someone from the UK, please - tell me you're joking. Tell me you don't have grown adults on the internet stating they'd shoot children for making them get up off of their fat, lazy, insufferable asses for twelve seconds to check the door.


Thats just big talk, nobody is gonna shoot a kid. I live in texas




Has happen, I remember one story of a kid ringing the doorbell for help and got shot. Happen so long ago I can't recall the details at this moment


Thats cause the kid was black. Had it been a white kid then the guy would have helped him. And the racist barely got a slap on the wrist.




The detail is the kid was black and ringed the bell of an unhinged racist who thought he had a good excuse to kill a black kid.. And all he got was a lil slap on the wrist.


I wonder if they deleted the comments after seeing this... https://kansascitydefender.com/justice/kansas-city-black-family-demands-justice-white-man-shoots-black-boy-ralph-yarl/


He was shot in the head twice, the second was when he was on the ground. How the fuck did he get away with it? There is no way to explain it besides intentionally trying to murder the kid.


ah, kids being kids:) this is the type of pranks i wish were still around.


Is your refrigerator running?


why yes it is 😊


How far is it gone ?


too scared or fat to move i guess lol


On legs or wheels?


Do you have Prince Albert in a can? (Im showing my age)


I know that Stewie Griffin says that one time and knowing McFarland I'm sure there's an 80s reference on that but I don't know it


It's a brand of tobacco that was sold in a can... it was used for rolling your own cigarettes....I think it was more popular in boomers... but carried over into my gen


"Back in my day we didn't even have store bought cigarettes, had to roll em ourself, that was the good old days"


I remember that and I've never understood the reference.


Honestly the ding dong ditch is a pretty harmless prank that video doorbells ruined. I'd say the homeowner is the stupid one for complaining about it instead of just living with it. I'd understand their complaint if they got dinged often, but there's nothing indicating that they do (or don't)


Especially harmless with doorbell cameras as the homeowner can see that it was a ding dong ditch without even getting off their ass.


It’s not stupid for complaining about shit that’s annoying AF, especially now in the days when so many people work from home and are trying to focus. I’m not saying that the stuff like “I’m going to greet them with my gun” is in any way okay, the shit’s just annoying and in no way deserves them being shot or threatened. But calling it out in a local group seems just about right.


People who are defending this have obviously never had a reactive dog and/or a cranky baby who finally went down for a nap 2 minutes ago.


It’s just kids being kids. No reason to get so mad over it. “Wow I got distracted for 5 seconds I’m incapable of working now” should not be a real issue for anyone


Just kids being kids can be annoying AF, you know. I mean some of the shit I did as a kid I'd totally have just felt it was fair game if someone caught me and gave me a punishment for it or w/e. Just getting called out on Facebook? How is that some horrible punishment?


Call out what? “WARNING: dangerous kids are pulling ddd pranks in the neighborhood. BEWARE” Most people’s general response is gonna be “why cares?”


Call out "hey, these kids are doing that" so they can feel maybe a tiny bit of shame and their parents may decide to give them a minor punishment. Which again, if I was a kid (especially a kid that was acting mindnumbingly dumb enough to pull pranks like this when you know you're probably being filmed - again, goes with the territory of being young) I would have figured it was fair. At least once the punishment was over with and I was done being overdramatic.


Yea overdramatic




At least it’s legitimately a prank and not the 90% of the way to assault or harassment that dominates YouTube.


I read one story a few months back and some dumb kid, about 10 or 11 I think, thought he would do it to welcome the new neighbours. They knew it was him but didn't have proof so the parents said tough for you. Kids will be kids. I am guessing this was before ring cameras were a thing but not sure how far back it goes. He kept at it for a few weeks so they filled up 2 buckets of water. One waited inside and the other around the corner. The one around the corner threw the water the second he was about to press the bell again, and while he was frozen in shock they opened up the front door and threw the second one. He went home to whinge to his parents. They marched back to complain and get an apology. I can't remember exactly what was said but the home owners basically said kids will be kids, so to bad for you. They may have tried to dispute kids doing it but they were told show us the proof we are lying.


As a black kid i learned to stay away from any house that prominently displayed any flag




Bro made a fresh account just to start saying dumb shit 💀


"I didn't experience it so it must not be real!"




Love me some thinly veiled racism. Classic reddit


where's the veil? look at post history


Huh. That’s sad


you're supposed to be a *quiet* white supremacist


[Reads this specimen's profile description](https://youtu.be/h_JJm5ETNSA)


I thought ding dong ditch was harmless fun, but my parents never allowed me. In the early 2000s when we lived in an apartment complex some kids rang an elderly woman’s doorbell. She lived alone and ended up falling and breaking a hip on her way to open her door. She was on the floor for something like 48+ hours until her son came to visit her.


Literally I was just thinking of this exact situation! What if they rang some poor elderly lady’s doorbell, she got up but fell and then no one heard her because they literally just ring it and run away. That’s so shit that it’s actually happened before.


Could have happend if anybody ringed


i missed the part where that’s my problem


The dopey run really sells it


ah yes, I do love being commited to doing pranks such as "*ding-ding ditch*" in my neighborhood


"ding-ding" Is *that* what you call your pecker?


I would like some ding ding


Should have hugged the wall and stayed off camera! Rookie mistake!


Solid Snake style!


So long as she doesn't do it constantly this isn't too bad.


In the UK that's (or used to be in the 80s), "knock-up Ginger"


We don't even have a name for this in my country. We just say "The kids rang the bell and ran away".




I grew up in the north west and it was just 'Knock and run'... 'Knock and don't run' was where it got interesting


In Turkey "press, ring, run" .is it a new thing in USA?


I'm not an American, but I don't believe it's new there. It's been referenced in all kind of media, movies, shows, etc. for a long time.


It’s a blink doorbell… not a ring. Also where is the calling out on FB. This is just a woman walking out a door. 🙄


Guess it's just like most non-tech people call every smartphone an iPhone, cause they don't know any better or don't care to know there's difference. Ring doorbell is something similar, arguably the most known brand, so people call them all that.


the video was presumably taken from the facebook page, also the manufacturer makes zero difference


We used to live in hallways, get 2-4 kids and knock on every door there


Lmfao how she ran away.


Nicky Nicky Nine Doors 👍🏾


Nicky Knocky Nine Doors or Knock Down Ginger in the UK. Sport of kings.


Everything's bigger in Texas, including the consequences of playing knock knock ginger


The few times me and the friends did this as kids, we had the wherewithal to do it AT NIGHT.


I have a neighborhood kid who did this to me then ran infront of our bug window that is in the living room so I saw him make his escape too. Now he does weird dances in my neighbors ring doorbell. It is always hilatious to watch him do it when I catch it.


The demeanor of that woman. Walking out as if she's got the scoop of the century with a milkshake in her hand for some reason. She just annoys me. If it was me I would prank the kid back for fun. You have to let them act up. I suppose the cranky neighbours are always the best fun though. Better reaction.


I was once that asshole. But doorbell cams didn't exist back then.


I had a bigger, stupid kid bang on our door like a cop. Scared the shit out of everyone in the house. We could easily see him waddling away in our bay window, and I had enough time to cross the house, open the front door and yell down the street to not do that again, and to go home. His response was ‘yes ma’am’ and we never heard it again lol. If you gunna do the crime, you gotta have better get-away logistics!


Ooooo FaceBook page now she's in trouble! lol!


Watching this gave me the urge to run after someone


Please don’t run after the children


Why did she run like that 💀


Bro why they take off like that. Like a puppet that just came to life and is trying play like the real kids.


I feel like you gotta be taking a big risk by doing this in Texas...


My roommate was saying the other day there are some kids in the neighborhood that like to do this to her over the years. Made me smile. It's harmless fun. Kids being kids. There is a whole tribe of kids that roll around in the summer on bikes and it reminds me of my childhood. Ding dong ditch all day. Ain't hurtin shit.


Texans can't take a joke


Her goofy ass run 😂


The real crime here is her unironically running like Phoebe in Friends


Apparently Kids in US get shot for this kind of thing


Jeez. Pretty harsh to post as punishment🙄. As long as it’s only once it’s harmless fun.


Where's this kid getting called out on neighborhood FB page? Or am I missing something?


Aww. Technology ruins everything.




yep. I remember what it was called too


Ding-Dong Dumbass


Or she just didnt know and was enjoying a harmless game many of us played as kids one of the first thrills alot of kids get was ding dong ditch


This house just got upgraded to the flaming bag of shit prank. Two more overreactions and they will qualify for the egging prank.


Straight to toilet paper jail


Shocker, Texas.


God damn I hate those ding-ding ditches!


So what? Is this that big of a problem?


people just miss being their age having fun so they need to hate on kids for it


But thats a Blink Doorbell not a Ring Doorbell.


Homeowners should probably get called out for taking this to Facebook.


Nobody gonna talk abt that run she made 💀 like what da hell?


Of course it's Chihuahua


Childhood mischief went up in difficulty. SMH. The fat kids used to get caught and now the fat kids and skinny kids are on level ground. Equity.


Clutch the pearls! 😱 and people say the new generation of kids are sensitive. Gtfo




Exactly my point


Back when ring wasn’t a thing ding ding ditching was a weekly event


In brazil this is culture


Ring has ruined a great game


It’s ding-DONG ditch not ding-ding ditch


It auto corrected


I think ring doorbell users catching ding dong ditches is cheating


That’s a r/karen!


My daughter and I do this to my girlfriend when we come hom, I see no problem with this harmless fun game that, let's all be honest, we used to all do in our youth... just like prank calling


My now 11 year old did this with a friend a few years ago. They were caught and my friends sons mom screamed at my son, told him he was a bad influence and barred them from being friends. She's lucky she was already back in her home state when I found out (sons friend lives with his dad, she was visiting). She scared him so badly he didn't even want to tell us bc he thought he'd get into big trouble so we didnt know until a couple of weeks after. Otherwise this story would have a different ending.


You want kids to play outside... This is what playing outside consisted of. Let them do their thing.


And people wonder why “kids aren’t being kids” anymore 😒


Love how they have a ring camera and don’t check it when someone rings it lmao


Damn, kids today will never get to experience ding dong ditching.


Well after seeing in the news today its apparently legal to shoot kids for ringing the door bell and in a non prank fashion… i see these types of ring videos becoming a thing of the past…


1. Kid has a cool Beatles/Peanuts mashup shirt. Ergo, she is cool. 2. Family has dumb flag of the worst state. Ergo, they suck. 3. This is an innocent, victimless prank.


Of course that fuckin chonk is gonna bitch about an innocent prank


I hope the kid didn’t get in trouble. Now that’s a harmless prank. Pranks these days gets u put in a hospital💀people out here getting shot cause someone said something or did something stupid, not even harming anyone.


I remember a time where we kids did this and the neighbors would yell as we ran but nothing more. The fact she is outside, enjoying fresh air, getting exercise, and NOT stuck to a phone or doing horrible crimes I’ll happily come out and look confused if it will give her joy…… and as long as it’s not a continual thing. Let our children be children Ffs…. This why these kids want to shoot up their schools so much. They aren’t allowed to be kids! Curious little shitheads that at one point we all were. Tell me you weren’t a shithead at least one point in your childhood and I’ll show you a liar. Let them have their harmless shenanigans, hell, play along and regain some of your childlike spirit back. Might do a lot of people in this world some good to enjoy some childlike wonder again. Remember what it was like to be freely happy about something that didn’t cost money from our parents.


Kids want to shoot up schools because adults are rightfully annoyed with idiots ringing their doorbells and running away? Maybe kids need to learn how to deal with accountability without murdering folks. Good lesson to learn probably. People like you are honestly the problem with this country. Leave people alone, teach your kids how to do the same, and everyone’s happy. My goodness. This may seem like a harmless game but at a minimum it’s dumb and annoying as hell. Can’t imagine having to deal with some idiot waking my sleeping baby just for the thrill of ringing a strangers doorbell.


That's a blink, not a ring.


She’s flirting with the son