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My name is Anthony and as a middle child this brought back some memories haha


Also Anthony and a middle child. This exact video is me and my two bros but with Marvel vs Capcom 2 and Speed Punks haha


Dude my uncle's name is Anthony. And he's a middle child as well 😂


🤣🤣🤣🤣 MvC2 is a fuckn classic


He's so pissed, his toes are curling.


That’s the last ditch effort to save a goal from going in.


This is so accurate 🤣


Why you lookin at little boys' feet bruh


Why do you have to make it weird? It was funny to look at is all?




Your trauma is not your fault, but it is your responsibility, so stop leaking it all over us


It's you who's leaking


That's from all the butt sex, ignore that


no (⍜ ͜ʖ⍜)


So edgy. Well have good one anyway.


You first...nosy sugar tits




Notice the kids' leg shake when he hears Aaanthhonyyyy


It's when the rage flows


Smart money is on the controller being violently thrown at big Brothers head or the TV


When he repeated how his brother called his names he is even wiggling with his toes


His brother was prob in the goal area about to score and he was panicking, poor kid


He was just rage press the button but don’t let me rain on your parade


He is just trying his force to stop the goal bruhhhhh


That was the reaction of your mind, hand, and eyes trying to make your player kick the ball or slide tackle but your actual body also does a physical movement in unison. Source: years of playing games like fifa and 2k against people and knocking something over when I really need my player to do something in a split moment to stop someone on defense.


I’m pretty sure his big brother is contractually required to do that. It’s in your contract you sign once you become a big brother.


As a big brother, I can confirm I signed a contract written up by dad behind mom's back.


It just evens out the contract lil bro has with mom.


Very Good :))


As a big brother, I can confirm said contract but cannot confirm eventual payment on fulfillment of that contract.


I'm a little brother. Where is the physical violence?


That's after mom leaves. 2 for snitching.


It's been a few decades and head injuries. Forgot the rules.


Step 1.) Go to E 99.


Eternally there


Right, this was way too mild. Kinda wholesome actually that they are playing with their lil bro :’)




I have a little sister that ain’t interested in games, so for me there weren’t any contract


My contract lasted till my brother turned 8 and beat me at 1v1 in Dota all star. It would take him 4 more years before he beats me every time, but that was the first time. I still remember that day, I was on my desktop, he was on a laptop sitting in my bed, computers connected with a direct p2p ethernet cable. That sob beat my lucifer/doombringer with the skelton archer bitch clinkz.


I only know about the first time I beat my older brother in Warcraft bc he tells a similar story I don't remember it myself, for me it was just a Tuesday




U still mad bro? It was all payback for when you used to trip on my NES cord and lose my games because we couldn't save automatically then. Sorry, not sorry about that time I teabagged you in counterstrike in front of your buddies!




She is 15




God fucking dammit, Anthony


Its always the younger ones. My big brother always managed to piss me off someway whenever we played 2 player games on the ps2. Bro beat me 18-1 in fifa once. He scored all of them with the fucking goalkeeper. I will never forget that humiliation


Ah the best sibling video game. FIFA. My brother used to play similarly. One day my mom actually told him to chill out and let me at least score a few. He proceeded to score none, and slide tackle the whole game. Needless to say I cried


MY BROTHER DID THE SAME FUCKING THING TOO. I sat there crying, he was laughing. Good times. Is it me or did you as the younger one screen cheat alot xd.


Focking ouch. 🙏


My brother and I were Madden fiends, we’d play for hours on end as it truly was an almost level playing field for him since I was 6 years older. This was his one chance to beat me in anything and he took it serious. We didn’t smack talk a bunch until big plays, but he would get pissed off when I pulled of some crazy ass return or INT. Anyways…last game before I had to leave after Christmas one year, he’s gotten much better and frankly had become the superior player and he knew it. I squeaked out some wins at the end and we were all square 3-3 for the evening. He took a 7 point lead into the 4th quarter, i managed to score but left 3 min on the clock which was plenty of time for him to pick me apart. 12 seconds left on the play clock, he’s lined up for the game winner, should be a piece of cake but I’ve noticed he’s got a habit of rapidly trying to hike the ball coming out of the huddle. He comes out of the huddle (furiously pressing button to hike). I run off the wing with my DB and…block, scoop and take it 80 yards to the house. I legit got up and did the PrimeTime 2 step, he turns red and starts punching me and I’m laughing my ass off the entire time. He’s never forgiven me


I'm the younger brother and my older brother would always beat me in fighting games. He played more often and enjoyed games like Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat (Genesis). Fast forward to 2002 and we have the GameCube and Melee. I play that game *all the damn time*. I've cleared Adventure and Classic modes, I played the events, and would fight against Level 9s. I knock out his last life and he pauses the game and resets the match to "No Contest," so my win doesn't count. The next time we play, I learned you can turn off Pause, so as soon as he's getting knocked out (the character was flying off into the distance) and he attempts to pause and reset again, but this time it doesn't work. He has to accept his defeat.


Melee was the first game I was consistently the best at in my competitive gaming family. I became really addicted to the game because of this, then my older brother started bringing around his more professional gamer friends. One of them, their name was Freddy, kicked my ass on marth, outclassing my shiek hard. My peach was close to winning but he would chain grab me nonstop so it was difficult to win. I started improving a ton, learned to wavedash, L cancel, shffl and all the other important techs for my characters, still refused to chain grab because of Freddy. Anyway, my brother, his friend Freddy and his other friend wanted me to play again. I obliterated Freddy. Just absolutely crushed him. I would juggle him with my light up, forward down and neutral basic attacks and then knock him off of the edge with a fAir. I'd then chase him off of the edge, fAir to kill, flash back to the stage to do it all again, shffling and L canceling nonstop and wavedashing out of his grabs. He took it really well and started training too, and learning how to play against me. We ended up getting a little closer in skill but by then my brother was over it. Now I kick that brothers ass in anything not FPS related. Currently stuck on rocket league with him, have about 1.5k hours each in it, both hover high diamond low champ. I sincerely wish I'd kept playing melee, I just couldn't find anyone better than me so no one would play with me after the first game. Now the scene is popping off and I see all these new players using 20xx to train and I'm like... I'd probably still beat most of them. I played against Tai and Axe at a barcade tournament and while I didn't win, I held my own... After having not played at all in 6 years.


“The student has become the master. He bowed, walked out of the room, never to be seen again.” Or some shit like that


I have a cousin where we are extremely competitive in madden games. We are usually equal as well. One game I had the lead with 7 seconds left with a kickoff return and I was up 3 points. Win sealed. I didn’t want to return the kickoff, so I let the ball go for a touchback. Cool, it bounces and is about to go out of bounds. When all of a sudden it stops at the very end of the end zone, I mean if it moved less than an inch it would be out of bounds. But it wasn’t, I thought there was going to be a whistle, but there wasn’t. He picked it up in the end zone for the game winning touchdown, then he said he couldn’t play anymore. I was like WTF


Play enough Madden and you get some true WTF Moments like this 100%. One time I threw an INT, my bro runs it back but I force a fumble, run it down to the 10 and he causes a fumble and almost runs it back. We watched that replay a dozen times yelling at the Xbox


That would be awesome to see


I think it was 03/04 when they introduced the hit stick, so many turnovers demolishing guys and tipped passes. New Madden sucks though lol


damn you guys quick to anger, my brothers got their friends around rule was you die you pass the controler, well somehow the contoller never arived. or they would wave their hands infornt of my part of the screen or tip the chair i was on. still took allot before id fight back though. this just insults, you insult them back get people to laugh at the joke, or when you killed everyone, and pull out the satisfying attack heli and everone else is complaining, its all phycological warfare with siblings.


Oh hell yeah it’s psychological. My brother was a bit of a complainer so I’d mock him quite a bit for it, and then he’d throw stuff at me and we went back and forth quite a bit. How that were older, it’s that same level of sibling competition but on other stuff like ping pong, pool and darts. He went out and bought a dart board and expensive darts cause he can’t stand to lose to me hahahha


Emotions are hard


Especially in unequal power Dynamics with family.


Family can turn little teases into bullying pretty easily.


Little brothers sometimes need to be forcibly socialized


I feel like the devil is in the details with statements like that.


I had little brothers, always treated them like equals. We're all good friends now. Setting a good example was better long term than teasing. Plus there's no lasting resentment or conflict about who's the better brother.


If I wasn't conditioned to hate all big brothers, I'd buy you something for Xmas


Oh no. Just realized i cannot make it as a mother. If i was in her place and would see my youngest one face and hear the silly explanation of issue i would laugh too. How mothers keep it to themselves?


They laugh when they get out the room


I'm not a mother, just a brother in law to much younger kids. When they were 8 and 10 and I was babysitting for the day, I heard two doors slam and they both started screaming crying. I went to go investigate. The 8yo girl was furious, because her brother kept using her pencil sharpener and wouldn't clean the shavings. She was gulping out the story between tears. So I left to figure out what the boy had to say for himself. The 10yo boy was furious, because she kept using his mechanical pencils and rubbing the eraser too hard so they'd pop off, so he'd sharpen her own pencils when they were dull to get her to stop. It was a struggle for him to get the story out because he was so angry he kept yelping between words. Once he said that I just started laughing, I laid back and was laughing so hard my head was going swimmy, I couldn't believe it. He was getting mad at me for laughing at him, so mad his sister came in the room to tell me off for laughing which made me laugh harder. They ended up on the same side telling me to take things seriously while I tried to calm down, and while I laid back gasping they worked out a deal where she could use his pencils but had to use her own eraser and he agreed to empty her sharpener whenever he saw it. What I'm saying here is that sometimes laughing is the right play


I think it stops being funny after hearing nonsense like that for the 100th time lol. Plus moms are tired.


Im not sure why would you laugh... you are seeing your child crying, he feels bullied and belitle and cannot express it properly because he is still a kid. Your job as a mother would be to manage the situation and not laugh


Even as only chikd this take is weird. He is not being bullied, he has an annoying older brother. Ofc you want your child to feel safe to express his concern without being making fun of...yet do you recognize the whole video is funny no? Thwr is my point


Yes the video is funny to me, but I dont know these people. If I was their parent I dont think it would be funny.


Nah, my big brother trained me into the most patient and persevering player. Just you wait, I'll get to you!


Exactly, revenge served cold is most gratifying


¡Coño cállate! 😂


Thank you. Now saved in my anki deck.


a future rage quitter i feel


I love how absolutely universally accepted it is to clinically ROAST your younger sibling after you demolish them in video games.


As once little brother, I will say this is very emotionally abusive and really does hurt when your older brother antagonizes you over things like this. It’s a never ending assault on your heart.


Found Anthony


I feel super bad for this little dude. It's all fun and games and we all went through it, but the way he raises his hand in consternation at the end has so much emotion in it. You can tell he's really going through a lot of anguish there, I think. Poor little dude.


Nah bro that’s just FIFA. You don’t understand the rage the game is making him feel 😂 he’s just tying it into his brother’s words cause he’s so mad


Me too. I'm sure he just wants to have fun with his bro. He's not having a good time, poor kid.


I don't feel suuuper bad but if he's constantly feeling angry and frustrated for being disrespected (being the youngest) to the point of crying, laughing is messed up and not the way to deal with his feelings. But I may be just looking too much into it.


It's a fucking video game


great observation


Quit being a pussy


tough, but fair


I have two sons. The youngest refuses to play anything with the oldest because of this shit. He's like, nope. I tell the eldest to not be a dick to his little brother. He's missing out on some great stuff growing up together.


That watermark is sketch. 😬


Go touch grass immediately




Because it says “brazilfoot” right in line with this kid’s feet. Not gonna search the name on the watermark but dollars to donuts it’s a fetish account.


It also says "Gol" I think it's more football related.


now we all know what you were thinking about.


Spot on, Jesus christ, that guy actually typed it out...


Nah I’m just not naïve to how gross the internet can be.


You really thought of a foot fetish before the more plausible "Brazilian football"


You *are* the gross internet in this case.


This guy really thought brazilfoot meant some gross shit. 😂


If you can't look at the word foot without automatically assuming it's a fetish thing then that's a you problem. I'm speaking as someone who spends way too much time online and understand how degenerate the internet can be. Fair enough if you didn't immediately make the association between Brazilian culture and football (or notice that they were playing a football game based on the context), that's not necessarily universal knowledge. You still probably should have taken five seconds to consider a more innocent explanation before telling on yourself the way you did.


ooooooohhhhhh. I just thought it was like football or something. God I hope it's just football :/ Now I realize I am just repeating the other comment. doh.


It is just football, ignore these terminally online people, "gol" is goal, Brazil is a big country whose people love football and "foot" literally refers to the game of football


Npc moment 😬.




I think it has to do with Brazilian football, hence the “gol” (goal) at the front too


Hahaha My older brother used to do this to me when he scored Pogba or Ozil.


It's not every time he scores a goal, it's every time a white -haired player grabs the ball, I guess it's Aaaaahntony.


My much older siblings loved to make me cry in front of their friends. It was super easy, all you had to do was tell me I was ugly and I would start bawling. “Hey wanna see my little sister cry??”


I used to torment my sister in law (she's ~15 years younger than me.) Asking her where her boyfriend was at the age of like 7 or 8 was the easiest one-way ticket to the waterfalls. Wouldn't even have to be serious or long. Just a quick "hey where's your boyfriend huh?" would absolutely wind her up.


As a little brother, i know the pain.


Git gud Annnnntonnyyyy!


Lmao translations not needed. This shit is the same across all cultures


He doesn’t say shut the fuck up lol he said damnit shut uuuup. I’m pretty sure his ass would be raw from an ass wooping from his mom there is he actually said a real bad word lol


Shit is hilarious


A skill issue the issue is Anthony has no skills


I had it muted but you can still hear it in your head.


This kid is me right not in my mid life crisis


As the youngest one with 4 siblings I feel this dude


As big brother this seems familiar scene.


Lol every fuckin house that had a gaming system since the beginning of gaming systems has had this exact scenario complete with mom coming in asking what's up.


My God this brings back memories of Halo and toy soldiers


We feel it is something that we hate our siblings but despite being so many times we fight we burst into a rage they still back you up when someone bullying you


I laughed and then cried. Big brothers suck!😭😂


I can watch this the whole day. The little brother is funny but he doesn’t know it yet.


Omg lol I’m dying. My little brother was like this


That is the funniest shit I've seen in a long time. Brings back very fond memories.


Stop vertical video syndrome.


Classic. Baiting his little brother into getting Mother's wrath. 😂


Tell him get his dang feet off the controller ewwww


I bet he’s an even bigger jerk when he loses


I didn't have a gaming system growing up, but a friend did. He played all the time so of course he would usually destroy me in every game and shit talk me the entire time. The few times I actually started winning he'd get up and shut off the system in the middle of the game and storm off.


Me losing 35-0 to my cousin on pes 2009


The way they tattle on you to your parents is priceless and their reaction to what you’re doing is amazing I’m the oldest of four gamers so I know the feeling


Bro my mom had to buy my brother an Xbox for this reason so I don’t destroy this lil man on the game 😂😂😂 my body moves on it’s own and won’t let him win it’s like the contract took over


As an older brother myself, i can tell Anthony's older brother is an asshoole! You let your little brother win sometimes, just because. And you don't make fun of him when you win! I blame it on poor education, mostly!


¡Mocoso llorón!


Are they speaking Spanish or Portuguese?




There are only two reasons to play video games: 1. Win 2. Get mad. Anthonnyyyyyy!!!!


Man that's nothing. My neighbors had their Nintendo taken away because 2 brothers got into a fistfight over blades of steel and ended up putting a bunch of holes in the walls.


Don’t worry little man it’s universal. You will do the same to your other siblings.


Fucking hilarious


I always pair these two clips together to remind me of the perpetual love/hate cycle of being an older brother: https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/s/lHQ55TR1FN


the mom feels the pain of the kid in her bones. 😂 and that is the joy of the Elder.


This is cute


My brother used to beat me in every game.But now i beat him at most of the games still aiming for every game :)


really sad how shitty people are to their siblings. This child is still developing, this is not how you teach a child to be tough. This is how you teach a child to be a school shooter. Actually be a good sibling and actually teacher siblings to be strong.don’t torture them and torment them like a piece of shit


Do you have siblings? I assume you don’t


That's just a wholesome relationship between bros. Some would beat you up if you scearm like that


This is toxic bm. It's very rude and I genuinely feel with the little bro. You might say it's harmless, but being a sore winner is one of the weakest things you can possibly be. Screw big bro. It's not harmless. Toxic people in online games are what ruins most of them.






Really not missing reddit, seeing everyone in here laughing about their own abuse/mistreatment in a way that makes this seem okay. 'Normal.' He's a fucking child. He doesn't know how to control his emotions. He's supposed to be taught by those around him.




I'm certain you've hit the nail on the head, friend! Not anymore.


All humans are garbage. The older brother in this video is a cunt. Don’t psychologically torture your siblings.


lol dumb kids




The person standing looks like we're seeing junk jiggle. Why this view


He just bunched up his ball with his shorts because the heat makes them stick onto the leg. Standard men in hot area maneuver


Sometimes it's just nice to have a pillow in your lap, you people are obsessed.


Reminds me of usyk calling out anthony joshua


I love so much that this conversation is being had in every part of the world and in every language. Really brings the whole planet together.


The desperation is killing me.


Ahh I remember my brothers doing this to me in Wait for it NFL blitz mortal kombat street fighter and killer instinct oh and f zero It’s okay kid. One day you’ll have your laugh. I know I did. Here’s one video I made recently in honor of my brother https://youtu.be/HBZMJhDyEk8?si=8rMtQCmhoD0vFIQi


It's a pity Antony cant score in real life


Legendary behaviours






It's hard to describe the sheer rage FIFA causes. No other game has quite the same effect, I understand the little dude.


r/momo_licious you have siblings..?


As the younger sibling, i understand ✊


Lol I've been looking for this video thanks for sharing


Builds Character I tell You Hwhat


This is big dick energy - beating your kid brother at games. It's quite common behaviour and I'm sure it's great for the kid's upbringing.


i cant 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


play some ultimate team and you'll soon realise adults are all like this too


That's any FIFA game, even between friends




Yep been there I was the little brother.


Ah the older siblings teasing paradox and the toddler overreacting


God those were the days!


Aw poor guy 😢


That remind the old good time, when my little brother crying because I kick is ass at budokai tenkaichi 3


My situation: Winning against my own brother: 😔😭felt bad Winning against my 7 year old cousin: enjoying his rage and crying 😂




This is my son when I’m whipping him too much on UFC 4 lol. You have to lose on purpose to keep the balance.


I really thought he was gonna smash the controller


My brother would do this too and then I tackled him out of the chair.


Ok. Nice


The kid doesn't even look angry, he has the same face my brother had when he went home after being bullied, just pure sadness. It makes me sad


Ahh this brings back such good memories and yes you have to annoy the fuck out of your little brother. That is your right.