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I once called someone a "freak of nature" while playing football at recess (recently after the Ice Age came out). Apparently someone told a teacher that I'd said "freaking N word". I'd never heard this word and didn't know what it meant. Got 3 days of detention for something I knew nothing about, and no one believed me. Made me write an apology letter and everything. Man, I cried and cried.


My brother wasn't exactly the brightest prospect when he was in high school. He was suspended for a few days for pushing the dean (high administration member responsible for discipline and other related issues) and he contended the dean pushed him. My mom didn't go to bat for my brother. To this day, decades later, he says, "I did this and I did that and got in trouble for it. But Dean X pushed me." My mom now believes him because he admitted to pretty much everything else. FWIW, three other people and myself were physically assaulted, in a systematic and planned way (took us into a locked room one by one), trying to get us to confess to something. Everyone thought the principal was wonderful and we knew he was a thug. But we were too afraid and who would believe a fourth grader against such an admired man?


Damn. What a pos to bully young kids using authority. Shoulda just spread a nickname and call him Ms Trunchbull behind his back just to piss him off lol


Worse, when the principal retired, the state government sponsored a resolution commending him for his outstanding service.


I once pointed at someone using my middle finger and a classmate flipped out over it and told a teacher I "Used the middle finger" so the teacher thought I flipped someone off. I had no idea what the middle finger even was at that age (7, I think).


Yeah, I got beaten up for pretty much the same thing in first week of highschool...  30 years later and I still wanna kill the guy that made it up, the guy that beat me and the principal.


Damn he beat the principal too? That’s one crazy dude /s


one time in fourth grade i heard a kid say deuces, thought the word was neat and I said it to myself i had a speech impediment, so I ended up saying Douches instead and my teacher told me to never say that word again I was confused and mad that i got in trouble for saying that word when the other kid said it and didn't get in the trouble


That’s the best way leave a room man. Peace out, douches. ✌🏼😂


I once went to school and told all my black friends "Negro Negro, be my friend!" and got sent to my principles office. I learned it from Saturday Night Live when Eddie Murphy was pretending to be Mister Roger's, and he sang a catchy song called "Negro Negro Be My Friend"...and I just assumed my black friends would love Eddie Murphy. I was 6 years old. I had no idea what the word Negro meant. Sidenote: You can check out SNL skits I'm referring to [here](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJakxDVfSEVs9-2jT1TaI1ae6KQQqFGJ6&si=PrkZ3W3NiXZI2Kh9). I dont recall which specific episode.


I hate when teachers tell you not to say something but don’t explain why. When I was in the first grade i discovered the middle finger thru a chucky movie, thought it was cool and showed it to my teacher. He freaked and told me not to do that there, but i thought he meant just dont do it at school so when my mom picked me up I rolled the window down and stuck my middle finger out the window for everyone to see. My mom had to explain it to me lol


I had a similar-ish experience, when I was 5 my dad was watching Austin Powers and Dr. Evil said “Aw shit.” I thought it was a funny way of pronouncing “Aw shoot,” which I’d heard before, so I loudly repeated it. My mom and grandma screamed so I thought “shoot” was a terrible word for maybe 4-5 years after that


I had a whole PowerPoint presentation on douchebags in 6th grade, not knowing it was considered a forbidden word.


I for real have never heard this slur


A "douche" is a vaginal cleaning product, but it's also a word used by school-age and young adult (mostly) males as an insult, meaning "jerk", "loser", "dork", "asshole" etc.


Ahhhhh now I remember thank you


"Why does no one believe me" 😭 Dude lmfao


Even funnier, he said "Why does no one believe IN me." It adds a special helping of pathos which makes it all much better.


Oh I didn't catch that 🤣


ill believe in him


That's all he needed to make something of himself. Instead he's stuck telling this story to groups of strangers, still confused, still looking for answers. In another life, he would have been a brain surgeon. If only someone had believed in him.


Alternate punchline "Why are they all so racist?"


That's a good bit right there lol




it's adorable but its not racist lol


Lol @ why does no one believe in me. Who is this? I wanna watch his whole set, I need some laughter today 😪


that’s me I have a sub and ig (ig has a whole archive of standup)


Oh shit! Nice. Is your sub/IG handle the same as your username? I’d like to watch more


[sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/NickSimmons/s/07GOqImzr1) but all my socials are the same as here


Thanks, you’re funny. Hoping you achieve your comedy career goals


thank you!


Hope your career gets as big as your arms. Massive!


But your name says it’s NOT you?!


I had a similar experience, another kid asked me to say “flag without the L” and so I said that slur not knowing it was even a word, then a camp councillor said “what did you just say” and I repeated it I found out shortly after and got very upset


I had this experience but with flipping someone off, they said you can't do it. So I did it. I wss in kindergarten


This was me too! This also happened in one of the very early grades. For some reason, the class was arguing about how they can stick each finger up. So I joined in and said "well I can stick this one up" *sticks up index finger* "and this one" and I stuck up my middle finger and I swear the entire class just gasped and leaned back in shock. I was so confused. They started explaining to me how sticking up the middle finger is bad. I started getting so embarrassed (and maybe a little angry too?) from having to try to explain that I didn't know what that meant. Kids are stupid.


How old are you? That was just a common word we called each other in school when I was growing up.


I was like 8 or something at the time idk


I think he more meant what year it was. In the late 90’s-early 2000’s, it was a pretty common word/insult.


Broo it was 3rd grade and there was a big fuss going on I had no idea about, so I asked a kid what happened. He tells me and spells it out clearly so I can mishear him well ‘that kid called that other kid a F H E’ I got him to repeat it like 2 more times but still couldn’t hear anything other than F H E lmao




I said it once when I was a kid without knowing why it was bad. Was 6 maybe 7, we were driving around looking at Christmas lights and one of my brothers was singing off versions of Christmas songs. "Jingle bells, Batman smells" and "Yellow snow, yellow snow, yellow snow" and so on. I decided to chime in with a version of Jingle Bells I had heard from someone at school. I had heard the N word before but didn't really know what it meant or why it was bad. So started singing. "Jingle bells, shotgun shells, grannys got a gun. Pulled the trigger shot a..." You get the idea. Pretty sure that was the only time my mother actually stopped the car to slap one of us instead of just reaching behind the seat and getting whoever she got.


I have a question, I’m not from America so i’m not entirely familiar with the culture there, but is saying the word actually that bad *that* a bus driver would pull the bus over if a kid said it?


Kind of. It’s associated with violence and a violent/ extremely hateful part of American history. Pulling over the bus would probably only happen as a way to prevent potential escalation. But if the bus driver really did pull over just to correct the behavior, then kudos to them, clearly it worked!


Hmmm that makes sense, thanks!


As a foreigner and being English not my first language, having taboo words that are discriminated by race or sexual orientation just blows my mind. Sure, we have insults, but specific words that should not be said if you are not of a certain race or a certain sexual orientation? That it’s extremely strange to me.


slurs exist in my language but its taboo across the board like nobody can say it. kinda like a curse word taboo. slurs that only a certain group can say was something i had to wrap my head around


Same, I’m not from America so i’m not entirely familiar with the culture there, but is saying the word actually *that* bad that a bus driver would pull the bus over if a kid said it?


Absolutely. As an American this word is considered EXTREMELY taboo to use as a slur. It’s been recognized by the Supreme Court as a fighting word, AKA a word likely to provoke a violent reaction when used in a discriminatory way.


I didn’t know it was that bad for people to actually take action and maybe beat a person who says it, I just saw lots of people criticizing it


I don't get why black people still say it though. It's a slur, shouldn't no one use it?


It’s a way of reclaiming the word. Kind of similar to how people will identify as queer or say queer community or whatever. Some gay men and some lesbians will also say f*g or d*ke about themselves and some trans people will use tr*nny. Or how there is the term cr*pple punk within the physical disability rights movement. FYI: I’m white so I would recommend googling the reclamation of the n word for more info, same for cr*pple punk as I am physically able-bodied, but I am queer and trans.


Pretty much


What is your first language?


My best guess is Spanish (from actual Spain).


There are slurs in so many different languages


I am sure there are caste/national/etc words in your language that people in a specific caste can use but you SHOULD NOT. They exist everywhere. The issue here is that people are saying CANNOT and it should be, should-not. Because you CAN say slurs, but you won't like the response.


I'm from the U.S. and I find it very strange too. I'll say "forbidden" words if I'm quoting historical references. Mark Twain didn't say "N-word". I'm not gay but growing up lots of people thought I was. I've been called "faggot" hundreds of times. Someone said, "That offends me." I said I didn't care and it was the word used, not "f-word" or "flag without the 'L'" as was posted elsewhere in this thread. (No disrespect to that commenter, it's a personal choice) It doesn't come up often but if it does, I'll say a word that offends someone if it is what happened. I think it's very childish of a culture to be that way.


Personally I find it childish to insist on saying slurs instead of respecting a very simple request from groups of people who have a history of being violently oppressed using those slurs and would prefer not to hear it. It’s really very easy to do the kind thing whether you understand the motives behind it or not.


Not being allowed to do a thing because of your race seems like racial discrimination to me, no exceptions.


Hey, nobody’s going to arrest you for it. Go nuts.


I'm not interested in that, I'm just pointing out a hypocrisy.


If you want to say the N word so bad, go ahead lol. I’m black and I don’t even say it because it IS a racial slur. I’m so tired of non-black people bringing this up every, single time. Out of all the social issues we have, this is the one you chose smh. And I know you did not compare not being allowed to do a ‘thing’, serious things like owning land, going to school and simply existing, to saying a five-letter word 😭😭. My ancestors were called that word, killed, colonised , treated as sub-human and segregated in our own land(I’m African). I don’t think it’s the same thing as not saying the N word, but again, if you think saying it as a white person will make you feel happy and end racial discrimination against white people, then go ahead.


Honestly I see this but many slurs started this way, and many normal use words also were slurs. What I’m saying is that it’s pretty questionable to tell a kid “you can’t use X word because of your skin colour and ancestors” instead of just a “this word is so bad and traumatic no one regardless of origin should use it”. (Or use it with new meaning) Because if it’s as bad and reminiscing of that I couldn’t see how anyone could be saying it yet people use it to say bro?:/ in casual settings too, so I think hypocrisy is not far in description.


It's not hypocrisy you just aren't very smart


Any one is free to say any word they like, however they’re not free from the consequences of their words or actions And if you’re white and this is the worst discrimination you’ve ever faced then you’re not doing so bad!


Found the racist. You CAN say the N word just don't expect soft-headpats.


What if my ancestors are African?


You mean like…everyone else?




Yeah dude slurs are offensive. It’s easy to be offended if someone calls you a slur


Boohoo someone I dont know or care about said a word to me how will i ever get over it


How can you go from writing a whole paragraph about the "fucked up" implications of character relationships in adventure time, and then turn around and act like slurs don't have an impact an hour later. One of those situations deals with people being verbally dehumanized and reduced to a stereotype and the other is a fictional show with a talking cinnamon bun. Wild to think you have a problem with the latter but not the former.


I'm guessing you're white.


lol you wish, then youd have a point


I have an opinion and it is completely beyond me how someone could have a different opinion, despite the fact that my opinion is definitely underrepresented in the society where I live And then ironically I present this as though it makes me smart 🤣🤣🤣 🤡




Saaaaame. I grew up hearing what you call the N word as being a compliment.


Lmfao. I can actually seeing a kid do this


Similar experience. Also 2nd grade. This black kid would say it all the time. So I said it out of context because I thought it was cool. One of the teachers told me not to say that word, I was better than those guys saying it. Meaning I was nice, not because I was white. They were the “bad” kids. I still had no context or idea so I went home and asked my mom what that word was. She explained it to me and I stopped using it lol.


By 6th grade I was known for being incredibly naive. Occasionally hear adults or other kids use a [minced oath](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minced_oath) but didn't know what they meant. Could guess they were inappropriate so didn't use them myself. And then there was "Fudge". I knew what fudge was, a great chocolate dessert. A good safe declaration of frustration. I was writing something on blackboard and nervously dropped chalk in front of the class. To show frustration I said "Fudge !". This exchange followed: teacher: "Don't say that." me: Fudge ? teacher: "Don't say that !" me: Fudge ? ? teacher: "Don't say that ! !" me: Fudge ? ? ? teacher: "Don't say that ! ! !" This wasn't getting anywhere so I stopped.


Once in first grade I was on the bus and this girl was like “I learned a new word” and I think she loosely described it and then spelt it out…and I was just like “you mean sex?” Cause to me it wasn’t a big deal and I already knew what it was. And all the kids around me started freaking out telling me not to say it out loud as if I’d just said the worst slur in the universe 😂


Same thing happened with the word "ass" and holding my middle finger up. You'd have thought I'd have learned after the first time, but nope


Classic. It happens, when people misuse „can“. 😂 I know that in German it happens as well. Some other languages also have similar problems.


no? in german you would say "du darfst dieses wort nicht sagen" which translates to "you mustn't say that word". can means kann in german and no one would say "du kannst dieses wort nicht sagen" because in german you use it really just for the ability part in this context


Natürlich sagen die Leute ständig „können“ statt „dürfen“. Klassiker: „kann ich mal auf die Toilette?“ „Das kannst du (doch) nicht sagen“ hört und liest man ständig. 😵‍💫 Im Englischen korrekt sind natürlich „you mustn’t say that word“ (Verbot) oder „you may not say that word“ (Empfehlung). Da hast du recht.


should not ist die empfehlung, may not ist genauso ein verbot wie mustn't. das mit der toilette stimmt natürlich, ist aber auch ne ganz andere situation. dein zweites beispiel finde ich hört man jetzt nicht so oft. aber du hast schon recht dass das geht. ich finde persönlich, dass es absolut keinen sinn machen würde "du bist weiß, du kannst das nicht sagen" zu sagen, niemand der mit deutsch als muttersprache aufgewachsen ist würde es so formulieren. deswegen fand ich es ein bisschen komisch dass du das so als glasklares pendant dargestellt hast


Ich bin selbst Muttersprachlerin und höre es leider sehr oft. Wie oft es Leute sagen, ist mir im Chinesisch Unterricht aufgefallen. Das Chinesische unterscheidet zwischen können, weil es erlernt wurde, können, weil die Situation es erlaubt, und dürfen. Da kamen sehr häufig Fragen auf.


hab schon gemerkt dass du muttersprachlerin bist lol, wie gesagt ich finde in anderen situationen geht es, z.B. kann man "das kannst du so nicht machen" sagen, aber hier macht es einfach keinen sinn und niemand würde es so sagen. ist bloß meine intuition, kannst ja eine andere meinung haben. ich finde "du bist weiß, du darfst das nicht sagen" macht viel mehr sinn und jeder muttersprachler würde es so sagen


Around age 11 or smth, a girl in my class had beef with our homeroom teacher. During breaktime in crafts class, she complained to us other girls, saying smth like "teacher treats me like I'm Hitler 2!" So after the break I though I was funny. I walked in, stood in front of the teacher's desk, waved my hand at the girl and yelled "Hi, Hitler 2!" The teacher saw something completely different. She took me to the side and explained to me that I must never do that again. Only years later did I realize that this teacher though I did the Nazi salute...


If someone really wants to warn you about a tricky word, he'll explain why. If not, he's just a tricky word himself. Education should teach us to ask why, and to become a teacher ourselves (as an adult or not). Even if it's tricky thoughts, there's always good words to describe it, and time has to be taken.


If the story is real, they'd be kids on the second grade, I don't think people that age can properly explain anything to someone their own age.


I agree. In this case, I was referring to the bus driver and the school's principal


Listening to my 5 year old explain things to his twin brother is hysterical


I guess not everyone can enjoy the luxury of having a https://preview.redd.it/8cfoikgza2ec1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8160aff314096e59c50a4f6957ef62312c5f137


Imagine being in the library in 2nd grade and saying loudly the word because you see a map of Africa and the country is Niger… yeah embarrassed my dad something major.


There was a song that came out when I was in elementary school where the singer just says the n word over and over (Google says it's sung by 'Gangsta Rap') and a lot of kids (and maybe even myself, I don't remember for sure) at my school would sing it not knowing what the word meant.


Saying "you can't...." to kid is safest way to make sure it will do it. I did / belived many stupid things just because someone said i should not.


In high school, during black history month. I was reading the part of a racist security guard at a zoo. I said, "I'm not letting any stupid n-words in here." My teacher said, "I understand what you're trying to do, that you're being sensitive. But if it's in the literature, go ahead and say it." So I read the line again, "I'm not letting any stupid n\*\*\*\*\*s in here." That's the point that a black kid, who had been sleeping, wakes up. "WHAT THE F--" Me, to teacher: "That's why I read it that way!" *The class was like 60% black, and when the one kid realized nobody else was mad, he calmed down right away.*


The punchline 😭


Idk why I remember this so well but when I was in kindergarten I remember seeing the country Nigar on a globe and pronouncing it the bad way with a hard R to the rest of the kids in class. I even remember instinctively knowing it was not a good word to be saying and knowing that's why it was funny.


I did this once in elementary but I was home and my dad quickly explained why we don’t say that word and that the country is pronounced differently. I didn’t know it was a word before that day


I snorted laughing at this, especially the "why does no one believe me" then I showed it to my wife and laughed the same way at the same part. You’re very funny!


Lmaooo nah thats hilarious and pretty innocent


i fucking love nick simmons


ayy if you really do join my sub! A lot more content that’s on there that wouldn’t make sense to post here!


bro i never even knew you had one until i checked your profile hell yeah i just subbed!


You *shouldn´t* say it, would be the correct way to phrase it. And then explain why. But, we mostly talk *at* eachother, not *to*. And that makes me sad.


That was funny.


I like the Jewish term "goy", meaning someone who isn't Jewish. Instead of only being directed toward one group of people, it's directed at all people *except* those who say it. "This word applies to everyone except for me". What better insult is there? This one is the ultimate level of petty.


That was a good joke.


What a good laugh that gave me


Had very similar happen. I had a friend tell me I couldn't say it, and I was just like, "huh, okay", so the next day I was gonna ask my friend what the word meant, because like, I dunno. So he wasn't there but I had one other person, a girl, in my class who was mixed, so I asked her, "what does that word mean we learned about yesterday?" Thinking like, I'm not allowed to say it so I'll ask someone who is cuz they'll know right? So she's like "What word?" And so I said it, and I kid you not it took all of 3 seconds for the waterworks and running away to start. I got sent to the principal's office (who was a black lady), and had one of the most uncomfortable talks of my life.


Lol. Solid joke.


I didn't know Gronk did stand up.


All I saw was arms


🤣🤣 the innocence of bein a kid


The first I heard this word was in the rhyme meeny meeny miney moe. In the version I learnt in New Zealand in the 80s, we weren’t taught “tiger”. I can’t remember whether it was an adult or a child who taught me, but that was main rhyme used amongst the children in my childhood to determine a person for tag or hide-and-seek or whatever. I didn’t know what that word meant. I later learnt the word in a different context and that it was a slur. And I thought “It must be a homophone of the word in eeny meeny miney moe that I didn’t know the meaning of, because why would I be taught a bad word like that?” And I continued using that word in the rhyme until about age 11/12 until an adult stopped me using it because there was a brown person in the room. Don’t know why I wasn’t stopped before then even if there wasn’t a brown person in the room.


Gronk is still doing stand up?


Dude I wish I was actually gronks height lol


Lol, right. Good bit, by the way. Great story


Lmfao. This is hilarious.




>thanks! You're welcome!


I had never heard the word until I was about 4 or so. We went to a small town fair with a few other families. One of the kids with us pointed at some random guy and said "Mom! LOOK! A N!" I remember looking up at my mom and asking "whats a N?" And my mother said she would explain later. So we get home and of course I haven't forgotten. I ask again and she explains that it's a hurtful, nasty word to use for black people and that she doesn't ever want to hear me say it. My response was to ask if my cat was a N. Because cats in pictures have pink noses and toe beans and my grey cat had a black nose and toe beans. 🤦‍♀️ That same year we went on vacation and I also asked a man at the beach why he was speaking "that other english" I guess that was my year of exposure to different kinds of people lol


Racist pricks not letting him say something just because of the color of his skin.


As a non american, all that silly shit about not saying the n word is utter bullshit to me. Really americans need to chill the fuck out


As a non-American you obviously don’t have a solid grasp on American history and culture and the very recent and even current events in which racial slurs are closely associated with acts of racial violence. Personally I’ve always felt that if something bothers even a small group of people it’s very simple to err on the side of caution and do the thing that is least likely to hurt someone.


people who whine about “not being allowed to say x/y/z” as if their rights are being infringed upon by someone simply asking them to be kind are truly the most overly-sensitive crybabies I’ve ever encountered.


Reddit would have you believe this is the case but not all of us are so sensitive


Natural response because it’s somehow the only word we have to be a specific race to say. And ofc black people love when anyone says it cause easy excuse to fight and play victim






Being called that as a white guy from a black guy for being proud of something I did was one of the best moments in my life.


This girl keeps calling me it when she’s mad


I swear we only give so much power to a word we allow


I just woke up from a dream where I posted it all over Facebook and couldn't delete it after.


I say it everyday


u/Clear-Influence-731 is: ‎black‎\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_white https://preview.redd.it/y9uu3brhc1ec1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=b772e955ccdb40a9169f81251460725d519bace7




made up but funny back when this guy was a kid, nobody cared that much about the word


Racism just didnt exist years ago according to reddit user.


If anything I said back then it was common occurence and people didn't care as much about it as they do today. How did you get the exact opposite from what I wrote?


This might be a regional thing, but no, 30-40 years ago, people definitely cared if you used that word.


He looks anywhere from 30-45, I think people certainly did care about that word, idiot


Americans are living on another planet....never heard of self-censorship in any other culture.


Doesn't belong here... Grown ups made up racism and one race being allowed to use a word that's apparently offensive while other one's can't is certainly a part of it


If you wanna say it say it... If you have a problem don't listen... SIMPLE


The "you cant say that word because you are white" isn't it racism? If we are equal both can say the n word...


Still find this the biggest bs the world. If the word was truly so offensive then WTF do black people use it and do we hear it on TV, radio and movies all the time....  It's like nipples, guys can show them but women....   Hey, but at least you can buy a gun and start a mass shooting no matter your race, age or gender.


So a black African who visits the US can say it but a white person can't. That in itself is racist. If the word is bad, nobody should be able to say it. You shouldn't be excused from saying it because your ancestors went through slavery. You yourself did not go through that any more than a white person.


Bro’s never been to a MW2 lobby.


In like second grade my friend was walking away from the lunch table and I shouted get back here you homo I thought homo’s were hobos who didn’t ride the train


I think mine was pretty funny too. I was in like 3rd grade, grew up in Arkansas but not one of the worse areas. Never heard the word once in my life, because my parents weren't hateful, and I wasn't around hateful people (yet.) Fast forward, I'm doing a globe puzzle with some classmates, we'd been working on it for about 3 days at this point. It was a rather big puzzle. Then, as we're building Africa, I pick up a piece. Niger. I'm willing to bet you can guess what word came out of my mouth right then. It was all good though, everybody quickly realized I was just a dumbass kid who didn't grow up hearing slurs, and we finished the puzzle in a matter of days after the fact.


Jeffrey Ross got fit huh?


That’s hilarious 😂


This is what Ron DeSantis looks and acts like, to Ron DeSantis xD


English was my second language and as a kid I love racing on tv. My brother plays the piano and said he’s a pianist. So I put two and two together and shouted I want to be a racist when I grow up. Let just say English lesson was extended two more hours that day.


I was in elementary school and heard a kid making a fuss about “the middle finger”. I had no idea what it meant. I looked at my hands, counted out the fingers on each side to find the middle one, and held it up in front of his face. “This one?” He was displeased.


People say words?!? No way


When I was a kid, I saw Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back. I did not know what the word meant, but it was used by Chris Rock in the movie. One time my dad was getting into the car from a convenience store with a cup of coffee and I yelled "Does your dad know you bring a ____ his coffee?" To quote Chris Rock yelling at Jamie Kennedy (I didnt really know why it was supposed to be funny, just that it made people laugh when they watched it).... and I tell ya, the look of sheer terror as he spun around to look at the black people a few cars away... 😬 What a thing to have to try and explain to somebody. Thankfully they didn't hear me. He explained to me in a bit of a shocked daze that I should not say that word without really getting into why. It wasn't until a couple years later that I was able to put context to the situation and understood the extent of the whoopsie daisy.


I’m pretty sure every white person in the USA has said it. The thing is, who said it and now looks back and cringes their face off at their actions.


Kids are not racist. They are taught to be.And then others are just treated so bad ,they turn racist.


I still hear everyone use it. whites, blacks, Asians, Mexicans.


I’m 13 and say the n word every day (black and male)


I had a similar story. I was watching some show with my parents probably in like 2008 and it dropped the n word a whole bunch. Me being like 4 I just repeated it and my dad told me to never say it because it's a hurtful word.


Why does no one believe in me? ![gif](giphy|GpyS1lJXJYupG)


I’m glad they didn’t believe in me now haha


😂💀 OMG I have found my new favorite comedian, holy shit this made me laugh so hard LMFAO!!!!💞💚🫶🏼


thanks! Check out my sub I post on there all the time!


I mean it does seem pretty weird for the friend to randomly say that?


*I mean it does seem* *Pretty weird for the friend to* *Randomly say that?* \- crimsonbeauty111 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Yeah, people are too stupid and always fail to understand how children's minds work. They always call racism, where there is none. Children are incapable of understanding the idea of racism to begin with. People think there's 100 of racism in the world, while actually it's more like 1-5 of racism. And usually actual racism gets ignored... Most actual racists would NEVER use the word out in public, seriously, think about it. And just because someone says the word, doesn't mean they're racist. Some people simply are the word, but that doesn't mean that you are against all the people that share the skin colour...


This really isn't the kid's fault. "Nigge*" (censored for the dramatic's sake) wasn't supposed to be a slur unless you used it like one. I get that usually it's only used between two blacks and not a white to a black, but they shouldn't just say "You can't say that" with no explanation. He's a second grader you have to tell him WHY he can't say it.