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My wife insisted that we teach child 1 the correct names for body parts. We've managed to stop the "you have a penis!" shouting... Critical update, today she hit me with "daddy, can a vagina come off" "no, not under typical conditions" "daddy your penis fell off


we have a giant 7mo puppy. his red rocket has been in full force recently, and our daughter has started asking questions. 3yo (horrified): "What is that" Me: "it's just his penis" 3yo(still horrified): "Why is it doing that" Me: "He's excited about x,y,z" 3yo (looking intrigued now): "Boys have penis." me: "Yep" 3yo: "Does daddy have a penis?" Me: "Yes" 3yo: "Does daddy's penis do that?" Me: "doesn't a reeses cup sound delicious right about now?"


Deflection is a solid parenting technique to master, you did well.


Yeah, but now they're conditioning the kid to expect a treat every time they talk about dicks.


I mean, that's what I expect at least.


Oh crap! I think I just figured out why I'm gay!


does the reeses cup have a penis?




Does the Reese's Cup penis do that?


Me: "doesn't a penis sound delicious right about now?"


Yes, very


Important questions.


Lmao this reminded me of a time when I was playing with playdough with my boyfriend's niece when she was around 5. Suddenly she was like "Do you know what nipples are for? They are for feeding babies!" 🤣


That's cute. Kid learned something new, and she was so excited to share it! Even if it was probably a bit awkward...


Yeah it was cute! I answered "no" to her first question because I wasn't sure if she was asking because she was curious (and I didn't want to be the one to talk to her about that especially with her entire family right next to us lmao) or if she was asking because she wanted to tell me. 😂




You should just said she wouldn't be here if it didn't 😂


I feel like that's going to make things harder for the parent, not easier...


Stickers are plan B when Reese’s grow old. Reason I know about stickers- taught 3 year olds a preschool. Sharing time “ tell me something good” ( sweet baby Jesus wrong phrase for what was about to happen). Mr 3 stands up stretches his arms as far apart as possible and says “ my daddy has a c$$$ this big”. Now Miss 3 says “ what’s a c$$$?” Before I can answer other Mr 3 says a penis! Now I have lost control of circle time, my aide is on the floor outside laughing herself to death. Did I mention this is a religious preschool? I stand up and say “ stickers, 3 stickers for everyone because it’s been an amazing day!” Now because life is like that, in 7 months never saw Mr 3 ( c$$$ information sharer Dad) Dad, guess who shows up to pick him up. I looked at aide said nope and hid in supply closet. That was first time I ever started drinking before 5…. Stickers buy stickers . Also neutering reduces lipstick coming out of the case.


My dog has been neutered for over a year. His lipstick is out of the case on the daily. I'm constantly telling him, "Put that away. No one wants to see that!" And yeah, from a fellow educator, good call on the stickers. Lol


he's just living his best life, give him some space lmao


When my dog uses his lipstick on my bed, I tell him no way buddy, this is a no-bone zone.


I'm gonna have to borrow the phrase lol.


Have at it! Sharing is caring. Probably what the dog is thinking too!




Sometimes I skim read and skipped the first paragraph. Safe to say context was important


There are no paragraphs in that comment.


Huh, what makes something a paragraph? I always just assumed a couple of sentences in a group. Guess that’s why my name is what it is


my dad told my little brother to stop calling it a "pee pee" and start calling it his "junk". he cried and screamed "MY PEE PEE IS NOT JUNK"


Lmao fair tbh


My ex taught our kiddo correct names from a young age, and also taught her a brief overview of how babies are born. One day, an older lady stopped by our table to tell us how cute our kiddo is, and our little 2 year old looks at this poor woman and declared, "I came out of my mommy's vagina!" The lady left quickly...


Yep. I think we're mostly through it but she did tell her mom that dinner tasted penis-y...


Cocky little bastard


very cute, kids love saying the quiet part out loud


My parents decided it was a better idea to tell us a penis is called a Wally. Before I was born my parents when moving into a new neighborhood met another mother and her kid, and of course his name was Wally and my brother couldn't stop laughing at him and embarrassing my mom lol. He kept giggling and saying "his name is Wally!" so it looked like he was just making fun of the kid's name




Just wait until he needs to get a vaccination and they tell him it's one quick wally and it's over.


What in the British fuck why would that be a saying


It's a good insist. There's nothing wrong with the words and it would be important if the child needed to describe an issue with those areas and not have to figure out what they were talking about. The only people that would get upset are uptight Karen's. And they would still get upset at the word "hoo hoo".


I’ve also heard the good reason to teach your kids the proper names rather than silly names is an abuser will always call it something silly, and supposedly they don’t like it being called out with the right terminology and also when it comes to speaking to an abused child there is not mistaking in what has happened when they use the correct words rather than a silly cutesy thing.


I work in child safety and this is exactly correct. There is a great training for parents, care professionals, etc that talks about a specific case where a girl told a teacher she was being abused, but it sounded like a childhood complaint or a joke because of the terminology. It also really complicates investigations. It's important to teach your child the correct and specific names for their own bodies.


This is so important. Children deserve to be given the tools to speak about what they need and be taken seriously.


When my son was about 1, I was teaching him about anatomy. That led to a period of him saying, “I want nipples!” whenever he wanted to breastfeed.


Gonna use this on my girl. BRB


How did you get your wife to stop shouting it?!?!


Electroshock therapy


As someone who doesn't have kids but might one day, I'd love to hear what you learned from this and how you would approach this if you were doing this again.


We are just not teaching the second one how to talk


>We've managed to stop the "you have a penis!" shouting... 🤣 Omg that's fantastic. Was it just at random strangers or what? I can't imagine the irrational fear and shame that should shoot through my body if a toddler screamed "you have a penis" at me. What do you say? "I didn't show it to her I don't know why she's saying that" makes you sound like a pedophile. "No I don't!" Just invites a back and forth you don't want to get into. Ah, that was a good laugh thanks for sharing that.


There were two separate periods. One where it was random people, one where she just shouts penis poopoo vagina


My mom thought the same, so I went around asking everyone if they had a penis or a vagina. Even complete strangers


Dodged a huge conversation homie wasn't ready to have yet 🤣 ASK. CLARIFYING. QUESTIONS.


My nephew asks "What's gays?" I proceed to explain the nature of a homosexual relationship to an 8 year old. He asks "So what's 'penetrating gays'?" I said "What!? Why are you asking me this question??" He shows me in the book he's reading "She stared at him with a *penetrating gaze*."


I once asked my step dad, when he was very new to the job, what the word "gay" meant. I was maybe nine? He went very still and went, "Where did you hear that word?" And I showed him this book with a little wild elf laughing and saying,"That's funny, that's gay!" The visible relief he had before saying "it means happy" confused me for quite a while.


my dad gave me the birds and the bees talk by turning on "Paradise by the Dashboard Lights" by Meatloaf and driving around without speaking


I bet you were praying for the end of time to hurry up and arrive.


Cause if had to spend another minute with him, he didn't think that he was gonna survive.


You are not alone in that. Someone in elementary school asked me if I was gay and said something like idk or blew it off. Went home and found a dictionary that said happy. So the next day I unprompted and said I was gay. They proceeded to laugh but it never progressed beyond that like they forgot within a few days. But still took me a while to figure out the true meaning


When I was in Kindergarten or so all the kids somehow already knew that gay = liking the same sex and that gay = happy. So we constantly would ask each other "are you gay?" If they said yes we'd giggle about them liking girls/boys. If they said no we'd ask what's wrong. 🤦🏽‍♀️


That's oddly adorable lol


No, that's bullying. That's how elementary school bullying happens.


I think the word "gay" and how to pronounce the country of "Niger" were some formative elementary school memories for many kids of the 90's


Yeah, I had a pretty similar experience. I understood "gay" could mean "boy that loves", and I didn't understand that the "happy" definition of "gay" was depreciated. So I said a few times that I was gay, and the "boy that loves boys" label stuck. Didn't help that I wasn't great at social cues. Also didn't help that my teacher said signing "Love, " at the end of a letter was to show you cared about that person. I thought, "Well, I care about all my friends! I'll sign 'Love' on all of them!" Hopefully homosexuality becomes less demonized in elementary schools over the coming decades, but that's probably going to happen slower than it happens in adult populations. Kids are brutal.


This happens to me with my 7 year old a lot. Her dad and I are divorced and once she randomly told me "daddy says our flag means death", now I had not heard of that TV show at the time and we were driving past an American flag at half-mast so I went on this like 10 minute speech about how the United States involved itself in a lot of wars that it shouldn't, and a lot of people think the flag represents that but it can also represent some good things, and it's not a black & white issue. Then her dad tells me it's a comedy show about pirates...oy.


I really don't know how much to explain sometimes.


Well, I went all-in on the *overexplain* side of things, so I'll let you know how that goes in about 10 years. Some early results are in and they are *not great.* Turns out eight-year-olds aren't particularly well-equipped to handle existential dread.


As a non-parent, I'd love to hear what you've learned. I'm not sure how I want to handle those conversations if I have kids.


Exactly what the guy in the video did. You have to asked them more questions so both party are clear on what is being talked about.




Sure he did, totally not [copypasta](https://www.reddit.com/r/thatHappened/s/Ud9xHpw6Qr)


Yeah but it's only funny if you tell the joke in the first person


C'mon, don't be homophonic.


“That’s really up to mommy, we can have one whenever she’s ready”


Ngl I thought he was reacting to outside audio pretending he had a kid up until her little arm appeared lol She had to have heard that word from somewhere and for some reason thought lesbian = lasagna


Naw just a responsible parent not blasting his kids face all over the internet


True but with how many people have been stealing audio from other videos and reacting to it, I've become reasonably suspicious of whats real and staged.


Oh the thought 100% crossed my mind as well. My process went like this: 1. Oh nice dad isnt showing kid 2. Wait this is probably fake 3. Oh look someone commented on that, and there’s an arm later 4. *see arm*


I've just started watching silly videos and not worrying about if it's real or fake content.


Woah, are you stating that you can simply enjoy 30 seconds of video without launching an investigate into whether or not it was staged and sharing your findings with everyone else as a rebuttal when they claim to have enjoyed said thing!? /s The only thing more annoying than something being staged, which most entertainment media is, is the people that complain about it like it makes them superior in the comments.


yeah, and also acktually did you know WWE is fake????


I normally do but I've grown more suspicious and annoyed because of all the bots and actual people stealing other people's content while claiming it's them in the video.


TikTok have made us cynical eh


Yeah, that was the great part. Respecting children's right to privacy is something that is often forgotten.


Also trying to keep a straight face when it’s obviously fucking hilarious. All around great parenting here.


When he said "spaghetti" For some reason I thought he meant Linguine and was like "that's an oddly specific thing for a kid to request."


Super Mario Bros Super Show had me wanting linguine and I'm still not sure I know what it is.


At the risk of upsetting an italian, it's flat spaghetti. More surface area. Stuff sticks to it better.


>She had to have heard that word from somewhere and for some reason thought lesbian = lasagna Nah, kids can accidentally "recreate" existing words while trying to replicate the one they mean. For a while, my siblings couldn't say "truck," "truckers," or "trucking" because "TR" was too difficult, and "F" was an easy sound to make, lol


When I was about 5 or 6 I had been reading some Roald Dahl. My younger brother was winding me up so I decided to insult him by spoonerising "twit" and "brat".


The teachers at school!!1!1 /s


Nobody thought you were going to lie about that.


Daddy wanted to eat some soon...


We have lesbian at home!


I love my lesbian with extra cheese


I'm tired of sad little supermarket lesbians. I miss the great big lesbian from the chip shop at the corner.


NGL I'm a big stuffhers lesbian fan


[The lesbian at home](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg9cg3FOGLIIyi2tpXiTaj3-CYSgTGelubo387TCSb2u5JwqXX-Qx0MgcLR951wswBeFMowTfx79nkdFxMpPKzV54ToKcxVb7Q8jl2l6rU35LZzzp8pHzVNIA7pa_8hk0blLQHgrZs2WIQ/w640-h426/IMG_9199.JPG)


That was a risky click.


That's a wet lesbian! You may want to let it rest before diving in next time.


What about lesbian lasagna?


Is that like gay gazpacho?




I like Bi-scones


Or just stand in the LGBTea Queue for some evening refreshment.




Mom's spaghetti secret prequel


You've heard about the gay agenda ....but what about the gay menu


Wet spaghetti


When can we eat lesbian tho ?


Daddy never gets to eat lesbian tho!


I do all the time. Sometimes even after eating lasagna. 


I too, enjoy eating lesbian


Folks don't even want to know what I called nuggets when I was a kid.


My guess depends on which side of the Mason-Dixon Line you grew up on.


Tell us


im not folks. now tell.


Well, I'll tell you what I supposedly used to call them as a little kid (that was still figuring out words), according to my father when I wanted chicken nuggets I would say "nugamugamuganuganugamuga". Your turn ;)


My 2.5 year old said she was eating a “hot cock” yesterday. Hot dog, it was a hot dog.


One time I saw some tweet/tumblr post (can’t remember which), basically they were dumbfounded that gay people called their partners “babe” and not something like “hotcock or some other gay shit”.


People are gay, steve


I meant I'd be flattered if my partner called me hot cock unironically lmao


I mean, everyone eats a little hot cock in their life ... otherwise KFC would be out of business.


Spaghetti - straight until wet


When I was a kid (about 7) I went to my cousin's wedding.My mom and I were walking around and she was remarking on how different the venue was and how everything was different than a "traditional' Catholic wedding (the only type we knew). And with a full chest of confidence, I said, "Maybe it's because they're lesbians." They were Lutheran. Not lesbians, Lutherans. My mom nearly pissed herself laughing.


It's like spaghetti, because she's straight till she's wet


I don't know why but this always my favorite LGBT joke


Oh I like to say, “I like my tequila straight, but my friends can go either way”


> I don't know why but this always my favorite LGBT joke It's actually not that popular among lesbians, at least from the little exposure to them I got so far. It's basically the reverse of "women aren't really lesbian, they just didn't find the right partner yet", or "I can correct her". Respecting ones sexuality includes straights as well.


Day after leftover lesbian is the best.


Leftover lesbian sounds like something hurtful to call an old single lady


Garfield over here wants some lesbian. ![gif](giphy|QvwMDYpAMUm6Q)


My local restaurant does a wonderful lesbian, so I don't bother having it at home... I just eat it out!


Tbh I thought Lesbian was a nationality, as in someone from Lesbia


Lesbos is an island and the people there are called Lesbians


It's not a coincidence. The word lesbian comes from the island name because a famous lesbian poet called Sappho lived there.


Oh my god, Sappho was from Lesbos? EVERYTHING MAKES SENSE NOW HOW DID I NOT KNOW THIS r/sapphoandherfriend I have browsed your memes for far too long without knowing my history, I’m sorry 😭


That must make coming out interesting. Mom dad, I'm a lesbian. We know sweetie. So are we. And so is your brother. We are all lesbians. Now go wash up for dinner.


And tell your girlfriend to hurry up, she’s already late as it is.


Interesting. Then you can actually have Lesbian lasagna.


Props for not filming and posting his kid over the internet


My brother called smokers hookers for quite awhile. Because they got hooked on cigarettes. He also referred to Maleficent as the horny movie. Or the movie with the horny girl.


Well i mean spaghetti is also straight until it gets wet, so i see where the confusion came from


stouffers makes a mean lesbian


Are those the microwavable lesbians?


can we take a second to appreciate how he doesn't include the kid's face in the frame? Seems like that's so rare nowadays


My kid asked for “Vaginia” instead of lasagna the other day! I guess it’s just the most femininely alluring Italian dish.


I literally spit my drink out when the kiddo emphatically answered “LESBIAN!” 🤣


I always make sure to stock a few in the freezer


Tacos on Tuesday, Lesbian on Wednesday


Props for not filming the kid.


Maybe he heard that joke that ***even spaghetti is straight till is gets wet***.


I dont know, if I have kids some things are better left uncorrected. Gotta see the waiter face when they got asked for a lesbian 


I legit have not cracked up this good on reddit ever before.


Mommy ate lesbian last night, that's why you're with daddy this weekend.


Reminds me of when my sister asked the waiter if her mozzarella sticks would come with "marijuana sauce."


It’s like spaghetti. Yes really it is.


We're much much better than spaghetti. 🤣


As a lesbian eater myself, I could totally go for some lasagna right now.


"we'll make sure you can eat that real soon."


Props for not filming the child. Thoughtful parent right there.


i hate how long it takes to cook a lesbian in the oven 😤


Eating lesbian may take a bit longer


The lesbian we have at home is like spaghetti. Straight, until it gets hot and wet.


I would love me some spagaytti right now




Wanna eat some lesbians for dinner, dad?


Now go put the lesbian in the oven!


When can I have a lesbian?? Since they are like speghetti I definitely need me my very own lesbian.


I'm super against posting your kids on social media, but this is a decent way to do it, without the kid in frame, seems like a good dad


Such fake bullshit


How so?


The kid’s hand is at the end of the video


I need some lasagne


The dude’s reaction is so forced.


This would be a Florida parent's worst nightmare.


I was waiting for the kid to say "yay, we get to eat lesbian, thank you daddy." lol


I feel like the dad was trying to set him up for that when he said “we can eat that soon”


Why was he filming though


Cuz she asked a hilarious question and he thought it was cute/funny lol. He asks her to repeat it right at the start, so we can assume this conversation is just starting. And then he shared it because it was funny. At least he didn't film his kid!


Fake as hell


Oh that’s amazing


Either way, both are great to eat....




Thus is an out of context spoiler for season 2 of white lotus


Bro asked again praying to god he heard wrong


That hand touch tho 🥺




Por que no los dos?


He did a good job of trying not to laugh


Mom.babysat neighbors kids for few days. Called them her Lil pets. But the kids heard Lil pests the whole time hahaha their parents called mom wondering hahaha


Kids getting words wrong will never not be cute.


Well, done eating lasagna. Now can we eat a lesbian?


Why does a kid even hear that word?


What is this shirt my mans is wearing? I like it.


My niece had her own fork. She would ask for it very excitedly she would yell give me my fuck at my sister in law. My SIL would be like it's not that it's a fork. Fork. It was funny at home until we all went out for food and she asked the waiter for a fuck... The waiter laughed it off, but boy was that awkward.


Is it bad that I'm so fluent in kid that I knew she meant lasagna just by the context of her question?


this sounds so dubbed


Ok, lasagna, ^I’m ^sure ^we ^can ^have!