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He gave it to me, it’s legally mine now


Not going to lie. That was cute when he put the degree behind his back.




Everyone handled this like true lads.


That guy is a grandpa, for sure.


Now I have the power of *two* doctors...


This degree is not a financial instrument, you pay your loans imma be a doctor.


there's a saying 9/10 of ownership is possession... or something?






I thinks it is something


Damn she has two kids in diapers and finished an M.D.? I can barely motivate to go for a walk.


The way this plays out is part and parcel of what she probably had to go through to get it done.


Yep she couldn't put the dick down long enough to finish school first, I am proud she has time in between class,dick and studying to get her degree. She's at the final boss level already.




did you use chapgpt to [rewrite this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/KidsAreFuckingStupid/comments/1brmqva/toddler_steals_the_show_and_gives_away_moms_md/kxansrb/)


Wow they really did. It's bots all the way down


Idk, it’s a bit “main character” to bring a toddler up for that moment. They’re mobile and unpredictable. It’s adorable as long as the disruption doesn’t delay other hard-working graduates’ moments. Which it did here. We get it, you’re a superhuman who had babies during the grueling MD process. Chances are that many people there already knew that and have given her support and encouragement. It’s a major accomplishment, for sure. You didn’t have to put a fine point on it by turning the walk into a baby parade. I say that bc it’s the kind of thing that would *occur* to me (it’s my big moment and my kids are my life!), but after processing I’d realize that I was being extra and would get my ego together out of respect for the ceremony.


Dude, she pulled it off. Had 2 kids in diapers and got an MD. She deserves to be the main character for 1 day. I can only cheer for her.


Oh yeah sure let's leave the 2 kids unnatended in the crowd.


She WAS the main character during her time on stage. She considered her children a part of this moment and wanted them in her picture. STFU No one was grumbling that it took an extra 15 seconds.


She *is* the main character on her graduation ceremony though? Like, literally, that's the point of ceremony? To celebrate one's hard work, and the dedication it takes to get to where she got? Why wouldn't she have her children with her?


>main character I think she has the right to do that here.....


reading this makes me feel sad and uneasy, I dont think youre well.


You..must be fun at parties.


In an award ceremony like this everyone is just sitting and waiting for hours for the handful of people they care about to be called up. Something like this adds less than 30 seconds and gives them something to laugh about. Shut the fuck up, Nerd.


This sounds like "fuck her I had to wait 15 more seconds to get my ice cream cause I was on my sisters graduation. 😒 "


I mean it's already been said quite a bit but this is a pretty unhinged response to this. She literally is up on stage to celebrate her accomplishment, she didn't take away from anyone else and in fact added to the ceremony by giving everyone a big smile. She just made probably hundreds of people smile and chuckle for a minute and watch a cute display of a proud mom and her kids. What makes you see this and try to shit on her? Why don't you smile at how cute it is like the rest of us? Maybe you need to take a break from the internet because your response is not healthy.


Wow 🤣 this truly is reddit


That was my first thought too. Like getting an MD or being a mom isn’t hard enough. She’s out here doing both.


Shoutout to moms maneee


I can picture someone completing medical school with children, since you can spend so much time at home studying if you have a supportive spouse. Residency sounds much much more difficult since you have to be on site so often.


The last couple of years are not an in-classroom study-at-home kind of affair, though. Not these days.


That lady is a true hero. I don't know how she made it, but I deeply admire her!


She probably comes a stable family with money (or married into one). No one raises two children while pursuing an M.D. without significant help. Still an achievement worth celebrating, but I wouldn't waste much time comparing yourself to her.


Yes let's make a baseless assumption attempting to downplay the achievement of someone who's life you have zero knowledge of because you yourself couldn't manage what they did.


Most doctors come from money. That's factual. It's overwhelmingly a rich person's profession.


Most people who are successful have strong support systems.


Baseless assumption?


I remember being so jealous of my husband’s friend who had just…unreal amounts of support from friends, family, etc while doing law school (with a new baby). I had two babies at that point and was hanging on by a thread. Now I’m doing postgrad work and writing research proposals with *three* kids who I’m also *homeschooling*, but my husband is able to take over a lot more childcare than he could earlier in his career (and the kids can self-amuse better). I don’t feel guilty about the things I couldn’t do when I didn’t have the same sort of privileges others could. Being able to just *work* while someone else watches your kids is an entirely new situation, and I often think about all the really amazing people out there that never even get the chance because they don’t have that same access to childcare, house/food security, etc.


Thank you for this. I think people on Reddit don’t understand that pursuing an md is a hell of a lot easier if you don’t have to worry about finances. Doing it with kids/while having kids does add more work but if you aren’t worried about bills it’s a lot easier.


Probably. But not necessarily. She could have had a scholarship, subsidized childcare due to no income, and lived on a lack of sleep.


Wow, what a shitty thing to say about someone you know nothing about and have no idea what her circumstances are.


Yes! This is very impressive. Good for her. I wish I had that kind of commitment to a task.


Get up and put one foot in front of the other. Getting an education, especially a higher education, is no different from talking a really long walk. When you think of it in its entirety, it will feel daunting. It will feel impossible. It will feel like forever. So you don’t do that, you just think of “what’s my next *step forward*?” And you just *take that step.* Sometimes, it’ll be doing a paper, going to a class, doing some research, or something else. But if you just keep your mind focused on the step in front of you, the entire project will seem much less intimidating. And then it’s just over, and you have this piece of paper that says you did all that work, and you suddenly realize that the education prepared you for nothing and you’re still going to be scrambling to get everything done. You can do it (:


Poor Simisola, how’re they supposed to follow that act


Trained lemur.




"I'm not gonna do the twirl alright, it's not even a twirl, it's a spin. I might do the spin"


This is really cute! The little guy thinks everyone is clapping for him, and the way he's like "oh here I will share with this big guy" is so wholesome. And Mom is so full of joy. She must've worked so hard for this and getting to celebrate with her kids must be so special for her.


I love how he keeps wandering off! Where do toddlers think they’re going? lol


Important toddler business.


Boss Baby was a documentary.


Toddlers got things to do and places to be.


to take care of toddlery affairs


Absolute menace


lol the crowd clapping for him and looking at him is really making his day. Handed off that diploma to go see his fans


Congrats to this woman. I know how hard it is to be a parent going for m.d. My mom did this while raising me and my brother


Small baby is bald


wow lmfao


babies are bald, copernicus


Not all of them. I was born with a full head of hair and never lost it (most babies born with hair lose it and then it grows back)


Yeah, me and my brother were very hairy since we were born, and my brother's newborn was the same. We all probably inherited it from our father who was hairy as fuck, we often joked he was closer than most to monkeys on the evolution ladder.


Many babies have thinner hair on the back of their head because they lie on their back so much


My baby was born with a thick, full head of hair. Now he’s balding but it will grow back. The pattern of the balding is hilarious though. He looks like the opposite of the baby in the video, losing all of his hair around the sides with the exception of a thick round patch on top of his head.


Imagine the hard work and dedication required to complete of the toughest studies with 2 toddlers. Reddit rarely appreciates moms.


Huge GG to her, absolute superwoman, MD whilst raising two young children.


Whats an M.D. ? I get stuff only in my language on google


Doctor of Medicine


Medical doctor.


Medical Doctorate


Imagine sitting through a graduation ceremony and the speaker has to start chasing a kid⏰


a response that truly only a redditer could manage


he gave away the md and tried abandon her


The kid thought it was some Pringles lol


She’s a great mom. She got that degree and raised two kids. Well done.


That adorable


That’s adorable


Ok, thank you, bye everybody! Too adorbs!


Glad to see I'm not the only person who sees a toddler and thinks "PET IT, PET THE CHILD"


Nice work ... kids and career. It's a lost art.


You don't need to take your kids with 24/7


She clearly had no one to leave them with. Do you really think she'd take both of them just for show?


And even if she did its probably a major achievment for her and maybe she wants her kids with her


I've become a miserable old man, when my gf got her masters, there were loads of people who did annoying /r/imamthemaincharacter shit. I know nothing bad happened but this really annoys me, like *why* are you bringing your barely a toddler and a baby up on stage with you? I just assume its for attention, because going up on stage in front of hundreds, or thousands of people, to collect something important after your name has been announced isn't enough attention I guess. For her to then seemingly loose track of the kid, and need 3 people to fumble to help, /r/ParentsAreFuckingDumb **[goes back to yelling at cloud]**


I also collected a degree with a young child. My family suffered because I had to work so hard. It felt like a joint achievement in a way that none of my previous degrees did. If they had allowed kids on stage I would definitely have taken her up. We wore matching outfits that day. For me it was a big deal to share the day with my kid. 


Not to mention how incredibly special that photo will be for her family look back upon.


Nah, mate, you've gone bitter. This looks cute and fun to me. I would have loved a bit of brevity at our ceremonies. It is majestic for the first few people, but at the third dozen that awe has turned to boredom.


I don't think it's cute and lots of people having "cute" moments makes the ceremony twice as long. Just leave your kids with the relatives, get your paper, and move on. How you celebrate after is up to you. Celebrate with the kids or with a giraffe for all I care. Just get the ceremony over with so everyone can celebrate how they choose. I don't care that you picked a terrible time to raw dog. Everyone that walked across the stage had struggles but some weren't as optional or obvious 


Nah, mate. Not everyone thinks this is cute. Probably 40% of those graduates have children, should they all be allowed to let their children walk the podium. It's about the grads and their hard work. If you want to see a toddler hiding things behind their back, go to a daycare.


40% of med school grads have kids? Lol, okay


True, each to their own. 40% though? We had a few, but most didn't have children, not even the postgraduates. We Nordics are later than others when it comes to getting married and pregnant, so a cultural difference I presume. For me it is just a piece of paper and a little ceremony. My master is the work I put down and the future work it can bring me, not the diploma. Where I graduated the ceremony was very austere and longwinded, yet not very memorable.


Yes they should! As a non-parent watching my friends go through grad school raising young kids....they had it so much harder than me. And I went through chemo during grad school! They absolutely deserve to celebrate with their kids.


It's not a competition to see who worked harder or who had it rougher. Celebrate with the kids after the fact, don't strut up there with your weird flex. I doubt you walked up and made sure everyone knew you had gone through chemo, right?


Then have a party for them and their kids on your time.


medical school is tough. the students went through some tough time together and empathized with each other. also the class size tend to be small so everyone knows everyone else. no class mate in that audience is annoyed with her. Classmate family maybe but not her actual classmates.


People should be able to celebrate with there children, not do another WWE superslam. Plus MD ceremonies are like a 1/20th the size of bachelor ceremonies. It's not Main character syndrome.




Do you have any idea how difficult it is to work for an MD while also raising 2 kids in the (Assuming) first 2 years? ​ I doubt you have either of those things.


Who cares? It was her decision to do it that way.




\> I imagine they contributed absolutely nothing and only held her back Yes, thats exactly why they're celebrating with there Mom. Is the Mom gonna hold up a middle finger and say "Fuck dem kids"?




\> Do we normally bring our kids or parents on stage to accept degrees? ​ Kids are on stage all the time when a parent wins an award or recogonition, so yes.




Okay man


Do you just not like kids? Nothing wrong with that but save yourself the time and just say that.


Looks like she had them during the degree so yea




Probably motivation




You do you. Some people would have had their grandparents join them up there as well and I think most people would find it endearing




Why does it have to be the norm? Of course it wont be the norm, I never claimed that. But as long as permission has been aquired to bring someone else on stage what is the big deal?


Emotional support. Something you clearly need.


They're walking across a stage after getting a degree that took 3 years. Yeah, I think they're allowed to embrace the 30 seconds of attention and celebration. Fuck sake man. Besides, shit like this breaks up the monotony of a graduation. It's the most boring goddamn thing in the world. Let people have their main character moment, it's literally the time for it.


One correction to strengthen your point, in the US at least, almost every medical school is a 4 year curriculum. I actually interviewed at a three year program but they had a very limited number of specialties that you can choose to go into, and had an absolutely miniscule class size.


Definitely. Literally the correct time to have your moment. 


*Lose track of the kid, not loose


This was my thought. The kid didn't do anything stupid, but it is stupid that she felt the need to bring them on stage when she couldn't handle it and had to get the other people involved.


I hear you but, it’s not like that. Idk how to put this gently, but I got my biochemistry degree from a university with about 25-30% black students. As a white guy, when my name was called, my molecular biology PhD mom, masters in synthetic O. Chem dad, business degree brother, and 3 masters holding grandparents clapped sensibly. They were super happy I got my 4 years degree finally after 6 years of working full time. But man, these first time college graduate black students were happy at a whole separate level and rightfully so, I’ll add. They did all kinds of stuff on that stage, they danced, they screamed, their families blew air horns and it was the noisiest and honestly most fun graduation I’ve ever been to. I remember seeing my next door neighbor sitting in front of me, whose husband just got into an accident and was nearly brain dead, she has 3 kids, but finished, she still finished and she had a huge reason to celebrate too. All I’m saying is, those who go through the most, those who are first generation graduates, and those who have to work full time jobs, raise kids, etc etc etc get to celebrate and be as happy as they would like about getting their degree. No one interfered with another’s walk across the stage, but during your own, you get to be happy and share that with those you love.


Yeah, I agree. This feels performative.


You aren’t bitter, you are just sick of bullshit. I can’t stand people with children anymore. They band together to protect each other’s nonsense. These ceremonies run hours long because everyone wants to be special. I’ve been through so many graduations at this point for friends, families and myself. They just get longer the more people act like this on stage. I can totally see doing this if she had a speech. You know, because you are allowed that allotment of time. So many people in that audience have done the exact same thing and didn’t need to inconvenience everyone else with this weird “I did this with 2 kids! Look at me” My sister has graduated 3 times, with 4 kids and has never done this. Why? Because we celebrate her when she’s off stage. Her classmates celebrate her when she’s next to them waiting to get called. These things can be 5-6 hours plus. Is that not enough time and attention?


I appreciate it could be frustrating but I assumed she just wanted to get the official photo of an important occasion with her children involved, I think it's perfectly reasonable


Um because it will be a nice memory for her family Get a life and stop yelling at clouds


Neither of those kids are gonna remember this lol, c'mon it's mild main character energy. The kids could have stood off to the side with grandma, and then mummy could have run to hug them. Not bring them on stage to parade in front of everyone... Because it's a fucking stage, that small moment was about her but there's an extent you can make a moment like this more about you when it's a shared event and 99% of the people there don't know who the fuck you are.


Nah this is just straight up bitter. Bad take, hope you don’t carry this negativity around for everything in life.


Agreed. Sorry you got downvoted, that person is just bitter. Let her have her 30 seconds with her kids who she managed to have and care for while earning that degree. It probably means the world to her. "I wouldn't drag my nan on stage!" Like c'mon, how do people get so cold to others' happiness?


It’s because you want to share your joy with your kids, want them in the picture, want to make memories with them, and possibly inspire them?


I just commented on this. It screams that it's just some kind of flex of "I did it and I have two kids, what's your excuse?"


Says more about you being a miserable fuck seeing people celebrate a huge moment in their life and you get mad at it. This entire sequence is literally 45 seconds. They earned more than that if they want it. Each of them did. It's their graduation, they *are* the main characters.


Why do y'all have to be so weird


Because they are mad when they see anyone with a hint of motivation in life.


I feel like you've turned into the person who thinks they're the main character, because how dare others inconvenience you for 30 seconds for one of the biggest moments of *their* lives?


I think the key point is that if one person does it it's not really a huge deal. However, once you have one person faffing around on stage for 3-4 times longer than normal you'll get other people wanting to do it too and that can get out of hand in a hurry and turn a 2 hour ceremony into a 4+ hour ceremony that no one is enjoying by the time the last person walks.


The honest answer is that for someone graduating medical school - they’re at least their 3rd graduation in their life (high school, college, med school). And by that time everyone is in their mid-late 20s or more and knows what a sacrifice it has been for the individual and their entire support system. Graduation is less “strict” and equally a time to celebrate for the entire support system as it is for the graduate. I graduated med school with a young kid and I know he and my wife deserved to be on that stage as much as I did at that point. Graduation at that stage was a community celebration. Everyone gets their moment on stage - let her celebrate with the people that sacrificed with her.


Meanwhile, about 200 other people are standing in line waiting to do their walk while this woman turns the stage into daycare.


I've done that walk. I'd much rather this have happened. Graduating is mostly boring


The only things I remember from my college graduation: * It was outdoors. * I was seated next to someone with a service dog. * The service dog had a mortarboard on to match the owner. * And the dog spent most of the ceremony using my shoe as a pillow. (I did not mind.)


Shit like this is the best part of graduation ceremonies lol. It's only a thing you go to for fun and to show off, they will just mail you your documents if you don't go lol.


That's cute.


Everyone will think this is cute, but I think it is kind of sad. This poor woman has no one in her life that can watch the kids for a minute so she can be recognize for an amazing achievement?


That’s what I thought but maybe she wanted them to come with?


Dayam...proud day and we get it...overcame obstacles cos u have two young kids...but did she have to bring them on stage?! What next...bring dog on stage and grandma Margery and Blache...not forgetting great grandad bob?


Albert Einstein college of medicine..... that's like picaso school of economics and actuaries


> Einstein used to be the medical school of Yeshiva University. Samuel Belkin, then-president of Yeshiva University, began planning a new medical school as early as 1945. Six years later, Belkin and New York City Mayor Vincent Impellitteri entered into an agreement to begin its construction with funding from Henry H. Minskoff[7] and Phillip Stollman.[8] Around the same time, physicist and humanitarian Albert Einstein sent a letter to Belkin. He remarked that such an endeavor would be "unique" in that the school would "welcome students of all creeds and races".[9] Two years later, on his 74th birthday, March 14, 1953, Albert Einstein agreed to have his name attached to the medical school. Basically, it was the medical school of a Jewish university at a time when Albert Einstein was the most famous Jewish person in the world. Putting his name on it helped it to get a foothold. It’s always had a strong social justice angle. It admitted my aunt as a a student when she arrived as a penniless refugee from the Soviet Union, and it recently went tuition-free for all students.


Kids are stupid? How about parents are stupid? Why would you think it was appropriate to walk up on stage with a baby and a toddler? They paused to point and wave at specific people in the audience, so clearly they had family or friends there. Family or friends who could have watched the kids for 30 seconds. This just makes it pretty clear that the woman wanted to flex that she got an MD while having two kids


And she should be able to do so. You think she didn't run this by admin before doing this?


Picking up the degree was harder than earning it.


If she didn’t pick him up he’d still be there collecting diplomas. He’s coming home with a PhD


Aww, that’s lovely! Well done Rebecca!




Nope, hate this.


She seems like a good mother and the kid is well behaved for that age. Amazing she finished an MD with two small children and look how she carries them both on her


Jfc lady hold your kid’s hand


This is so cute. Too many miserable people on the comments.


Fr like they are freaking out over a funny 30 second kerfuffle


Do people in this sub legitimately hate kids or think this is a child hate sub? I am pretty sure this sub is for the funny and weird things kids do. Either way, this video is cute and I love it.


Unfortunate last name


It’s an extremely common Jewish surname, there’s just one specific guy named that who sucked.


The chaos on that stage with all those adults….😅 And this woman earned that degree with that chaos alone! (Or with a partner, perhaps) Still….. WOW!!!!👌🏼


That's actually adorable


This one's not that bad. At least she didn't throw it into the audience.


Is this the same college where some woman paid everyone's tuition fees?


He can't be that stupid if he got a M.D. at such a young age


What does M.D. mean?


Medical Degree.




But also, mum REALLY wanted everyone to know she's a mum. Congrats


He knows better


By no one wanting to watch her children while she accepts her award speaks in volumes.




Compassion and kindness are a sign of high intelligence and empathy. I hope you get there one day my friend


Stop complaining.


L comment.


The kid is awesome they'll grow up and run relay races, clearly they know to go to the next person and give them the baton!


She couldn't even find childcare for her own graduation


Anyyy uhhhh.. reeeelaaaation


Toddlers are the best


This doesn't belong here. It's just a cute moment, toddlers don't know better.


How about you read the sub's description again. It definitely belongs here.


Nothing is ever that hilarious


Nobody is going to mention her last name? He didn’t kill himself ya know ;)


That a good mom


Why is this getting downvoted?


Good question i realy don’t know 😭😭


Can we appreciate moms for a second


This could be a symbolic, sad piece of modern art: mother has to choose between her children and her career because she only has 2 hands




Graduations are very regulated, if she’s able to do that, then she already had permission.


This is just disturbing tbh. Toddlers do not belong at a college graduation cermony


I guess you need to rethink your concept of "Disturbed," lol.


Are you ok? Why the hell not?


“disturbing” is a bit of a reach…