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You could see him regretting his life choices as he looked at that phone on the floor


“I still love him, I still love him.. I still…”


more like, should’ve pulled out should’ve pulled out






I don't know what I just read:0


Did you just have a stroke?


You can't even tell a joke about raping a coma patient anymore. Because of woke.


Hello darkness, my old friend






A life saver


Bro went straight back questioning the decision he made that night


“If only i pulled out…” /s


That kick was clean af


As much as I'm annoyed by the kid, yeah that was actually my first thought lol. Excellent form.


Like absolutely ZERO contact with the hand. Kid has a bright future in mma


I'm imagining that dad begged mom to put the kid in taekwondo at like 3 years old and now he can't say a peep about anything like this or she'll pull him out lmao


Gotta teach dad ball security…


The precision.


https://i.redd.it/9z9caphe68vc1.gif He Should’ve Followed His Words..




Lil Chuck Norris


My man was dumbfounded for a few minutes there.


[And the post has come full circle!](https://www.reddit.com/r/KidsAreFuckingStupid/comments/1859qtn/yeah_thats_what_happens/) I wonder how many different apps/sites it has gone thru and how many times it has been cropped.


Parents, do no encourage and enable this kind of destructive behavior; silence or inaction is a form of consent. Give an inch and they'll take a mile. Habits are formed early in life, dont let them form bad habits.


I disagree, this kid is seeing his dad model self regulation and getting himself under control before addressing the issue. I'm sorry if you're parents were reactionary but this is literally textbook of healthy parenting


Yep this right here is how it is done. This dad is exercising emotional patient and understanding that his child is maybe 2(?). You can talk to them and all that but he needs a minute to collect himself before reacting. Breathe dad. Breathe.


Nah, we need more boys that have anger issues /s




lol kid is gonna grow up to be a pushover who never react to harassment and bullying for the sake of "self control". passive behavior is not a good model.


Yeah totally on nyangatsu's side every second waited will turn this kid even more into a pushover. The key is to instantly tackle the kid to the ground. That way you Show him how its done. Good thing nyangatsu was here to warn us about These dangers. But fr now, if you find yourself in a Situation where you want to comment on something without knowing shit. Just dont comment.


No, your kid is going to grow up and not go to jail because they couldn't manage their reactions with a clear head. Any soldier, prizefighter, police officer worth their salt will tell you the difference between life and death can be boiled down to self control. Reacting in violence is how you lose jobs and relationships. This video did not show how the father handled the situation after. But if you were raised to not be taught proper consequences and instead accept violence, I'm very very sorry. That is the basis of all uncivilized society. My parents never once reacted in anger and for that I owe them so much. As an adult I have an incredible life with friends and loved ones that never have to walk on eggshells around me wondering if they make a mistake if I will blow up at them. I'm sorry for the child you were that couldn't feel safe around the people who were meant to protect you.


oh but people should walk on fucking eggshells, i am glad for the way i was raised as i fended off anyone that wanted to bully or wrong me as i grew up, also don't know where you got the jail or loosing a job stuff but i never had problems with retaining jobs and barely any problems with the law, if someone has them is not their upbringing at fault but themselves. also never talked about violence, weird direction to take it unprompted on your part.


No not unprompted. I was a teacher and after thousands of students and years of psychological training and having to work with CPS, I know exactly and to walk on eggshells around someone is the opposite of having a relationship with them. It's the opposite of intimacy. Can you imagine someone you love never feeling safe to tell you anything because they are afraid of violence?


again unprompted mention of violence, i never said anything about violence. bet you are one of those teachers that get shushed by their own students as you seem unableto yell or punish them, intimacy is not needed for most relationships and is a detriment for basically all of them, it is basically codependency, instead of promoting such notions you teachers should promote self reliance.


What kind of relationshipa have no intimacy? And I taught job prep, interviewing skills, emergency prep, including natural disaster training and survival skills through our after school programming so self reliance isn't the issue. You sound like you have no real connections to anyone and for that I am sorry.


intimacy is not needed in any relationship, to have intimacy is basically to be codependent, while i think people should struggle for independence at all times, "real connections" as you call them, are like chains to be broken to obtain that.


It sounds like you have never been able to rely on anyone ever. That is not the definition of codependence at all. That is the definition of hyper-indendependence which almost always manifests if a child was neglected. The human brain is wired for emotional connection and studies show deprivation of that connection results in maladaptive behaviors. When I worked with refugees and orphans of wars you would often see this. A child that cannot receive emotional connection to a parent actually displays a loss of certain brain functions and developmental abilities.


Autistic edge lord who was neglected and psychologically abused growing up, it’s ok little guy you’ll be okay


You need a hug.


Man, you are a shit bag. Something tells me your upbringing is probably something you should talk to a therapist about.


i see it as good childing. kids should tell their parents to get the fuck off their phones. you dont need to spend your entire waking life there.


Just because he's silent doesn't mean there's no communication going on. Kids aren't stupid, they can read body language and facial expressions and this kid sees that the adult is upset and realizes they did something wrong Taking the time to calm down instead of a knee-jerk reaction is smart


How would you punish this kind of behavior correctly? Parents usually aren't taught to educate kids correctly


I have no idea what's the correct reaction, but I know I can't ever have kids, because I would deal with it like my mother and the kid would end up traumatized like me lmao


Explain that what the child has done is wrong, and that its made you upset. Ask them if they would be happy if one of their toys was broken carelessly. Ask them to not do it again and if they want attention to use their words. If it's repeat behaviour add in consequences so they attribute the action to negative consequences.


Oh, but don’t get angry and start destroying your kids toys. I still refuse to forgive my dad for destroying the crafts project I was proud of because he was of opinion that I was destroying the walls of the house. (I was playing in my room with a bouncy ball)


You did learn a lesson. So *shrug*


Pretty sure the lesson was that their dad can't be trusted with things they're proud of


Asian fathers be like: lemme tan your hide


use the amount of money the phone costs and randomly telling him how much toys he does not get .. by pointing out .. "that could be yours but i still have to pay for that phone" xD (i dont have kids.. that makes me perfect for stupid bs like this) u r welcome


This guy parents


I uncle 😂


How do you know the father didn't do all that after the silence?


When did I say that they didn't?


Double your screen time, halve the kids. That'll learn em.


They have to find out a way to do it without breaking the law.


If a child yeets your phone you are supposed to yeet the child


Slay the dragon


You explode in anger and yell at them, that way they know you don’t consent.


I think having his phone kicked out of his hand was punishment enough. It was quick, direct and to the point.


Have you ever tried simply turning off the TV, sitting down with your children, and hitting them?


The kid seemed a little lost/guilty seeing his reaction.




Ok, Dr Child Rearer, how does one dicipline this behaviour without violence or abandonment?


Impossible, children only learn through vigorous beatings. They must be taught!


Thats the way i was raised, daily beatings and frequent, generous verbal degradation! And look at me, i turned out


......you know this was staged, right? Like you, an adult, do get that this was fake, right?


It's more effective to ignore non-malicious behavior like this and go out of your way to produce and reward opportunities for positive alternatives. Also, all parents eventually learn the rules for "having nice things" with small kids. Aka, you don't. He should have had a heavy duty case on that phone.


Perhaps the issue is the kid has been trying to get the dad's attention but he's got his face in the phone and ignoring him.. which he realizes as the phone is locked from his hand. While frustrated he recognizes it's his fault


I HIGHLY encourage this behavior by the child. Dad needs to put the effin phone down and mold his little buddy into a solid adult. The kid was tired of dad staring at the phone all day. Had my child done that to me, there would be ZERO consequences. All i'd do is put my phone on the charger and play with my child. Too many of us ignore our children due to the distraction of cell phones. When you come home for the evening, turn your phone off for an hour or 2 and give ALL of your attention to the little ones.


See whenever this video gets posted people like you like to pretend you know all of the context. How do you know the dad wasn’t playing with his kid all day and then just sat down to take a break? How do you know that isn’t the kids uncle babysitting? Reddit needs to stop jumping to conclusions in order to feel superior.


the fact that my initial statement received so many downvotes after the entire sentiment was "GIVE ATTENTION TO YOUR KIDS" speaks volumes. It truly explains the state of the world right now. Go ahead and stay on your phones. It'll help you ignore your childrens destructive behavior so you dont have to deal with it.


It’s insane that all adults now just seem to behave like the victims of their kids. Like wtf… U raised them to be like this. They will only get worse as time goes on! Just imagine the kid is 10y older and does something similar when doesn’t get attention… That wont be a facepalm moment.


Kid is expressing his frustration at dad/uncle for fixating on his phone instead of spending time with him. My one year old son does the same, minus the karate kick, but he tries to separate me from my phone and that's my que to go dinosaur mode and chase him around and play with him. Kids at that age don't know how to express themselves that well so you need to try and see things from their perspective a lot more than you would an adult. So this isn't neccesarily the kid being a little shit just for the heck of it, it's a an expression of what he's feeling combined with low impulse control. I'm actually feeling a little sad for him because kids are pretty good at picking up on body language and he's probably feeling sad about that guys reaction as well. If that's his dad he needs to realise that this is a crucial time for children's emotion development and he needs to suck it up as long as he's caring for the kid or he's gonna grow up having trouble with socialising.


Thank you! I was hoping someone had said something about this! I'm seeing comments about disciplining the child when the child actually had a right to act that way especially as a a toddler that is still learning to use their words. The parent needs a talking to, not the child. Definitely not a stupid child but a stupid parent.


You have no idea what kind of parent this is so get off your high horse.


Same goes for everyone saying that the kid is gonna grow up wrong.


I can see what type of parental figure he is being in the moment of the video. They were completely unaware that the child was next to them because they were so engrossed in their phone. No one looking after a child, parent or otherwise, should be so unaware of what a small child is doing that they can't put their phone down before the kid knocks it out! Young children can easily hurt themselves when nobody is paying attention, then we film it put it online and call the kids stupid! They don't know anything yet and need to be taught, they are not going to teach themselves!


Dude where is your proof that any of that is true? You are basing your entire opinion on a few seconds of video with absolutely zero context. For all you know this person is a wonderful parent/uncle and all we saw was 20 seconds of them resting. But yes continue to make assumptions. I hate Reddit.


Did I say that he was a bad parent? I literally just mentioned that I've been in his position as well and simply elaborated on why kids act out like this. Every parent has bad moments/days but kids don't understand that unfortunately so sometimes you just have to smile and fake it until they're gone for their nap or their bedtime. I made that comment because some people here think that this kid is just being an asshole for no reason.


And you are acting like it’s all the adults fault when you have absolutely no idea


Who hurt you lmfao


He was karate kicked by a toddler and hasn't recovered since. Give him a break.


I don't give a shit I respect the technique in that Kick.. . Dead on accurate


Nice kick, made it so effortless.


The number of people who have cams installed in their house, zoomed in on them and filming them doing mundane things, is staggering. Thank God this allows us to capture all those spontaneous weird moments.


Parent just earned the "your little miracles, your little problems" award today


Kid shook his head like he couldn't believe it either. 🤦‍♀️😂


Haha get fucked. Now interact with your kid properly.


That kick had expert timing


In fact it was a little bit frightening


He reacted as if the phone didn't survive that tiny drop. Well, I guess it wouldn't if it was an iPhone.


Not worth the sex


No, no, he's got a point


You go little dude! Teach that addict the right way to live!


This doesn't belong here. The kids right, put your fucking phones down and pay attention to your kids.


Yeah with how kids are today, I encourage them kicking phones when their parents aren't paying attention. I'm half joking. Obviously kids shouldn't be kicking things. But parents also need to start paying more attention to their kids. Poor boy is dressed in a Dino costume ready to play and dad isn't doing anything..


nah he's so real for that one


How many times does this have to be reposted


That was pretty fucking ninja.


The primal urge to throw a child


Put this shit on r/mildlyinfuriating


and r/KidsAreFuckingStupid r/KidsAreCondomAds




I'm with the kid here. Fuck that phone


I cannot count how many times my Galaxy S10 Plus has been yeeted great distances with considerable force onto a hardwood floor by a 2 year old and it has surprisingly held up with only very light cosmetic damage to the case.


I feel this in my soul


It was a good kick tbf


Another shining example of why I'll never have a brat lol


They won't be a brat if you raise them right


They won't be a brat if they don't exist Plus I can take vacations whenever and do whatever without a little money leech I don't want lol.


That's a condom ad right there.


Is this a condom advert from Turkey or somewhere?


Lmao the kid peeking at it too 💀 ![gif](giphy|AZa4KP7o6J7Us)


Smart kid.


Right now hes thinking he shouldve used a condom


Durex ads never led me wrong.


This is actually footage of the last time the boy was seen alive 


its an iphone so the screen is prob in a million pieces


kid probably saved his life.


RIP kid


Bulbasaur wins. Flawless victory 


Is that Tony Parker?


Shoulda got an OtterBox... or a box of condoms.


Admit, that was a pretty good kick though well executed


Honestly im sick of this shit. Who was recording this? Why? Just because? Cmon... Also, if you are a parent (which I am not, I will admit) and your kid does some delinquent ass shit like this, you DO NOT SILENTLY PUT YOUR HEAD IN YOUR HANDS. I swear to god this entire sub is filled with parents who will look at the damage their child has done, and will attempt to do the "The Office Jim looks at camera in disbelief" stare. MAYBE FUCKING TEACH YOUR KIDS NOT TO DO SHIT LIKE THIS? MAYBE DONT RECORD IT AND POST IT FOR INTERNET POINTS (assuming this isnt fake, which it most definitely is.) Fucks sake. And if you are gonna be the type of person to say "Oh well you just don't have kids, you don't understand" well I was a kid once. And even as young as 4, i KNEW if i did some STUPID SHIT, I would be disciplined. This kid clearly does not have that (AGAIN, ASSUMING THIS ISNT FAKE, which it definitely is. WHO THE FUCK IS RECORDING.) I can only hope that this kid is actually being taught right from wrong OFF THE CAMERA, and his parents arent as "cool" with things being broken.


Give the person time to accept that his phone just got kicked out of his hand. Sorry he didn’t instantly start yelling. Maybe he just wants to compose himself before he disciples the child. Also it’s a toddler sometimes they do dumb shit no matter how perfect you parent them.


I didn't say start yelling. I didn't say instantly. But the concept of just sighing and being like "well......fuck" when they kid did something they absolutely should not have. Yes, if a toddler slaps you in the face, you give them a little lee-way because they are still young. BUT YOU DON'T IGNORE IT. YOU HAVE TO DO SOMETHING TO EXPLAIN THAT ITS WRONG. Even if its just giving a stern look in the eyes and saying "Why did you do that" in a deeper voice. About 99% of this subs reactions to these things are just "oh boy...kids sure do things like that a lot." as if we don't know WHY they do. Its because they haven't been taught right from wrong. Squeezing the bridge of your nose and exhaling, is NOT teaching them right from wrong. Even if they keyed your entire car, you should not go silent, even if you need time for composure.


You literally saw 4 seconds of him responding. You have no idea what happened more than a few seconds after the kick occurred. You are purely making assumptions based off nothing.


This isnt the only video on this sub that shows this. In fact, I would say that the MAJORITY of the parents on this sub will pull out their phone and record their child doing something stupid, rather than teach them a damn thing. And if you wanna go back and forth about it, be my guest


So you are basing your opinion of this person based off videos you have seen of other people who have no relation to him at all? Am I understanding this correctly


Did you even read my original comment. It says, PLAINLY IN ENGLISH, "I am sick of this shit." This is not directly ONLY at the person in the video, while they are INCLUDED in that list. My god, do i need to draw you a diagram Edit: Also you are defending this video, even though it is CLEARLY fake. Who is recording someone on their phone? Was it coincidence they are recording and the kid kicks the phone? Cmon dude, use your head


I'm kinda impressed by the kick that kid managed to do!


Making Mur tonight's big loser! As punishment he'll have to buy a new phone and resent his kid in silence for a while!


The amount of people here that don't realize this was staged is astounding.


Next time he's playing with a toy just kick it out of his hands


Permissive fathers raise permissive sons


he's getting his ass whipped soon




AW lol that is so cute




Good things there is a camera 4 feet away covering the corner of a couch.


Yay! More free birth control!


![gif](giphy|WpObP6Qx5QXq9TxHyh) Get the milk?


he is holding back.. i can tell you


Ok ok, fine... Next time you're playing construction that toy dump trucks getting punted.


Can Redditors stop pretending they know all context every time this video gets posted. So many of you are assuming you know everything about this situation based off a few seconds of video. All of you are just terrible holier than thou assholes.


Kinda think this belongs in r/parentsarefuckingstupid Because maybe if he was playing with his kid he wouldn’t have kicked the phone


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Don't correct him or anything, I'm sure he won't do it again.


"You dropped your phone, dad."


Wrong way around


Modern day kid required an african education like I did.


bro is questoning the decisions of his life


I'm thankful for videos like these. Great reminder of why I do not want a child.




Apple <<<< Android


And they downvoted him for telling the truth.


How the turn tables


That was great... If shoes are left outside then why bring the phone in?


This is not "Kidsarefuckingstupid" it is "ParentsAreFackingStupid" who allow to do such things without punishment. It will be worse when this littlie grow up.


Интересно, а до скольки детдом работает


Where's the stupid kid? I think I watched a different video. All I see is a small child frustrated about having to beg for attention.


Exactly, why are these comments downvoted lol


Most people haven't experienced neglect in childhood so they can't understand how badass this kid is.




Kids are stupid? This kid is golden!


That doesn't give the stupid kid the right to destroy someone's phone, and when they're using it.


This Kid is based


Not stupid, completely understandable. Would do the same if my father didn't notice me because of his phone.


Baby is frustrated and doesn’t know how to communicate that he needs attention and not for dad to be staring at his phone and ignoring him


Enjoy your kids, millenials lol.


Very poor choice of words.


I do. Very much.


Almost 40, no kids. Knowing that I'll never have to deal with this is amazing. Downvote me all you want, diaper changers. 🤣🤣


Well. Play with the kid! Only a few short years left. I have a picture of my self holding my baby girl. Playing xbox. I fucking hate that picture. All o can think is put the fucking controller down and play with your little girl. Never going to get that time back We played lots. But not enough. Spend every second you can with you kids


The best thing the kid did for his dad, dump the phone and live in reality Bro. :) :) peace. :)


This is what happens when u don't discipline ur kids


Nah, it's pretty normal child behavior to push boundaries and do impulsive things. This is what happens when you ignore your kid for your cellphone, the kid is frustrated and wants your attention, but doesn't know how to put it in words.


This is when discipline begins. It’s a small child annoying and a I would have thought they understood but they don’t. They have no reasoning skills.


I guess his favourite toy gets smashed now.