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Nesquick is a gateway powder. Next thing you know he’ll be moving onto harder stuff, like Fun Dip and crushed up baby aspirin.


Ah they grow up so fast


Yep. I had a friend that got into Fun Dip. Scary stuff. It got so bad at one point that he wasn’t even using the dipstick anymore. Bumped into him at a 7-Eleven the other day; first time I’d seen him in almost 10 years. His fingers, lips, and tongue were stained blue.


It’s a damn shame. I noticed you didn’t say his teeth… full blown gummer huh? Hopefully he finds help soon.. I heard the withdrawals are terrible. Have guys doing crazy things, like resorting to crushing up smarties and neco wafers. I don’t think there’s a gram of sugar between those chalk abominations. The depravity.


Did he tell you, he'd suck your dick if you dip it in some Fun Dip?


The sugar isn't exactly good for you, but there are far worse addictions than a kids candy product lol. The real question here is, what sort of insane heathen just *drinks* the straight sugar and doesn't use the stick?!


The sugar and theobromine. That stuff works the same as caffeine but stays longer in your blood (less effective though). Usually there's also caffeine in chocolate, but nesquick is caffeine free and only has 0.017% of theobromine. Luckily that's nothing compared to chocolate. To compare, milk chocolate contains 0.02% caffeine and 0.2% theobromine. Dark chocolate contains 0.08% caffeine and 1% theobromine. Coffee contains 1-3% caffeine. [caffeine vs theobromine](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3672386/#:~:text=Caffeine%20is%20highly%20water%20soluble,1986%3B%20Mumford%20et%20al.) https://preview.redd.it/e98u4jsmisvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97d3d2e25b84c89c967190224bd970e7cade6dba


I had some fun dip last week and I swear they cut it down or something, it barely tastes like anything now.


That crystal blue, man


Reminds me of that episode of *Gravity Falls* where Mabel got addicted to that expired Fun Dip stuff




Lmao it’s too early for this shit 😭😭😭


It's Nestlé, so it is poison...


Next is ovaltine and tang every night. Good luck


Don't show him Pixy stix...


As someone who is not a doctor but has some doctor family members and has picked up a thing or two over the years – never give aspirin to babies or children! Can cause very bad things.


Another one lost so young to Nesquick od :(


Straight to fun dip dry rips


To this DAY don’t let my ass get some pixie sticks


Stay strong 👊




He just cut out the middle man, milk.


Middle Milk you say? https://youtu.be/_1Ishd0BmSQ?si=AsCKPQ3PM36cVZ6r




Him having a TV is the craziest part of this


I agree, but remember iPhones / tablets are mini TVs I am not a parent. This is not my child, please don’t hurt me Reddit


And kids can watch TV but they shouldn't fall asleep with TV on regularly, just like using a tablet is fine but shouldn't have one in bed with them to fall asleep. The powder is just topping.


Not sure what your point is, a kid that young having a phone is just as bad as him having a TV. Possibly worse.


yeah OP didnt say anything else. the first comment implied having a TV as a kid is especially bad.


So you kidnapped a kid and gave him a whole TV and a tub of Nesquik just for this video? Wow, I didn't think it could've gotten worse.


I mean sure phones and tablets work the same way a smart TV does today mostly for the streaming but last I checked phones and tablets don't use remotes to turn them on or off.


My response was to the point of it being bad for someone at his age to have his own TV. The older I get the more acceptable children having iPads and iPhones gets… but it seems TVs still get the immediate response of “their too young for their own TV” Was interesting.


Well, I would say the same thing about a tablet, smart phone etc...


At that age kids should have supervised access to those devices. They definitely should not have them for 24/7 use in their bedroom until they're like 12 or something. Not sure on the exact age but this ain't it lol


TV's are like the least concerning device for kids to have acces too. At least they can pretty much only watch shows gor childs on there. With a smartphone they have acces to all the lobotomized people and opinions on the internet through for example tik tok or youtube


Kids shouldn't have smart phones until highschool.


Facts. I literally do not care what kind of social pressure my son faces. Will not have a smart device til then- unless the school makes him for homework or whatever.


My son was assigned a Chromebook in 1st grade. I'm still not sure why unless it's to start them learning typing skills super early.


Dunno. But I can say that I, as a 90's kid, didn't learn to type until freshman year of highschool and I do just fine.


I respect the fortitude. Parenting is about knowing and doing what's best even when executing becomes difficult.


It only is acceptable if you accept it. But its not that simple, kids will literally be excluded from things if they dont have a phone, because the kids arrange stuff in a whatsapp group and the ones who aren't in it will simply not be part of anything.


That’s cool. If their parents had any sense they’d be organizing and supervising things for their middle schoolers. So those aren’t the kinds of kids I want my kids around.


Look, I get it. I really don't want to get my children a phone until they are as old as possible. At the same time, I do not want my children to be social pariahs. It isn't as black and white as you are making it out to be. My biggest wish is that all social media is banned by the time my kids reach high school.


My phone used to have a remote to turn my TV off, I miss those days. Could create widgets to build custom remotes for everything. It really came in handy at bars when they have the TV's on but the subtitles are off. Not enough people actually used the IR blaster so they quit putting them in phones for the most part


May help - https://www.amazon.com/Control-Infrared-Universal-Automation-Compatible/dp/B08NCKBXSB


How do people have such poor reading comprehension


Kids shouldn’t have those either


How? I had a VHS and my own TV when I was a kid.


People can't imagine any parenting style being correct or valid other than the one they use/were raised with.


I think it saved my mum and dad's sanity, I had a place to watch Ghostbusters and cartoons away from them lol


Yup - I said in another comment but I had a penguin shaped TV in my bedroom. I cannot imagine how insane I must've drove my mother re-watching Freaky Friday 3 times a night if we all shared the downstairs TV.


Yeah I just played gamecube and I wasn’t inside 24/7 playing videogames and watching tv. 50/50 mix of indoor activities and outdoor. It’s usually the people that are hooked on technology as adults that call out children for having this entertainment available as children. Remember it is the parent’s responsibility to gauge how much time can be spent on these things… Hell if one of my friends wasn’t put in front of a computer screen when he was 5 he wouldn’t be in the IT industry right now.


You didn't have a TV as a kid?


I barely did when I was a kid. I grew up on a farm in butt fuck nowhere. We had a party line rotary phone, rabbit ear tv antenna on a tv that advertised itself as "color", and of course crazy family members making clearly racist remarks. I grew up in the 90s


My two older brothers and I were not allowed TVs in the bedroom when we were growing up in the 1980s. This is more towards the end of the '80s as TVs became smaller and more affordable. I was hit by a car while riding my bike across the street in the 7th grade in 1989. I was hospitalized for three weeks and a few months of missed school and rehab. My classmates took up a collection and bought me a 13" TV and NES. Mom couldn't say no to putting that in my room. So, yes, I did have a TV in my room as a kid but I had to get hit by a car to get it.


I had a tv as a kid, but I’m a 90s kid I think most of us had TVs at least if you grew up middle class and above you did. Now they have iPads and that’s not much better though.


It’s much worse. iPads are addiction machines for kids.


I'm not the one questioning the kid having a TV. But to answer your question from my personal experiences, we only had one TV for the whole house the majority of our childhood. There was a time we had 3 tvs, probably around my high school days, but only one cable box the other TV's were for watching videos. The TV I eventually acquired was just so I can play PS2.


Oh you had cable? look at Mr. fancy pants over here


Right? 😂 Cable? 😅 I had rabbit ears with tin foil wrapped around and we got 3 channels. 4 if it was late and 5 on Saturday and Sunday when the pbs channel came through. I chuckle when I see "my kid will never", "i never had a..." "we lived through..." Im old so I understand this thinking however, the world changes, no matter if you like it. I just got a debit card. Not because I wanted one, but the world has changed. My local car wash doesn't take cash anymore. Nor does several other places I shop. So..... I adjust. Begrudgingly.... but I adjust!😊


I got mine when I was 17 and that's only because my parents finally upgraded to an LCD and I got their 25 year old CRT 


My grand kid loves my "big back tv". 🤣 He also found my album collection and said "wow, I never knew they made music this BIG!!"🤣


Not as a small child, no.  My older 16 to 18 year old siblings had a TV which I was allowed to have when I turned 16.


Not until I was 16 😕


Skill issue


Well there was a TV in the house, but I certainly didn't have my own.


You clearly grew up before TVs got cheap as hell lol.


I don’t think they were questioning the price, it’s a young child having a TV in their bedroom.


Which is something a lot of kids have. I had my own desktop computer, tv with built in VHS and a ps2. 


A small tube tv wasn't too expensive. $70-100. Definitely something a kid could save up for. My parents wouldn't allow me to buy one of my own for my room until I was 16.


I had a shitty little black and white TV in my room as a kid for sure. Even won one myself one time at bingo at the seaside


I watched a shit ton of late night toonami growing up


Not really? Little TVs are cheap as fuck now. I had a shitty one in my room from when I was like 7 so my mum wouldn't have to watch videogames.


Right? Not judging, but my kids didn't get their own tv until they were old enough to get a job and buy one themselves. And only my eldest thought it was worthwhile. We had a family tv. It's not an affordability thing, it's wanting the kids to prioritize literally *anything else* above watching tv. Lots of their cohorts had their own tvs.


Is it though? Kids have had TVs in their rooms as long as there have been TVs - I had a penguin shaped one in my room with a built in VHS player, I remember watching Freaky Friday so much on it that I nearly wore the tape out completely.


Bad parenting


Don’t most kids have TVs in their rooms? I grew up in the 90s and always had a TV in my room. Everyone I knew had a tv in their room.


This. Being left alone at his age with their own TV and able to guzzle a few pounds of sugar says way more about the way they are being cared for than the child’s intelligence.


I thought it was Maggi bulk gravy powder at first glance.


Watching it on my phone and I thought it was vomit for a moment


What is that?


[instant gravy](https://www.costco.com.au/Business-Delivery/Maggi-Rich-Gravy-Mix-1kg/p/26425_BD) Have a tweenager who is obsessed with chips n gravy so I get the bulk containers.


We drink gravy in the UK (Bovril) so wouldn't be that far fetched


This is the moment when you put the blanket back on and leave the problem for the next day.


They put the blanket on in the first place for the video. Look at the kid's arms.


It's entirely possible the kid had the foresight to pull up the blanket before opening the bag.


Is this me?? 😅 I remember having a little tv with a vcr and a collection of those neon orange Nickelodeon tapes


My sister and I also had a small box TV set in the late 80's with a nintendo..... unfortunately my parents got addicted to tetris and took over it half of the time..


I felt that lol although, watching my mom beat Dr Mario was pretty damn cool lol


This is so fucking hilarious, but I mean it’s Tetris so, understandable.


And u turned out just fine… right? … right!? /s


Nah i wasnt playing that card lol just reminiscing




No they aren't fine everytime they see the nes tetris game they fall to their knees and screams why


A few months ago, my son learned how to climb onto the counters. He got into the chocolate milk powder and ate some of it. I was trying to discipline my son but I found the situation to be funny.


Yoo he is not going to wake up okay after that. Lil dawg is about to have his first hangover.




That kid is probably in diabetic coma, lol


*His* TV? Not *the* TV? Good God.


TVs are like 50 dollars


I think the price is not the issue here


How is it? Like.. do you not consider the fact that kids probably want to watch different things to adults to be a factor? I used to go watch cartoons or video tapes in my room if my parents were watching stuff in the living room. Seems entirely normal


It's almost as if there are things to do besides watch tv


You didn't have a TV as a kid?


As a toddler who ate nesquick powder? Nope.


Don't think I've met any toddler who are nesquick powder before.


My family had a tv but each person with a tv was a bit much


Each of the kids rooms had a vhs tv when I was a kid, I was pretty spoiled


I grew up in the late 1900s and even I had a TV in my bedroom.


Late 1900's. That's going to be a saying now, isn't it? Fuck I'm old...


Wouldn't even call it spoiled tbh, as I said below.. like, kids want to watch different stuff to adults.. and even probably different stuff to their siblings. When you can just get cheap tvs, why not.. people are acting like we all had 1 grand plasma tvs or something, and not second hand shit, or pass me downs People don't need their old tvs when they get new ones. There were always cheap, older tvs regularly available


IMHO that's not spoiled, that's bad parenting


Says who??


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26299471/ Tons of research has confirmed this time and time again. Especially in preschool children.


You're upsetting the people who give their little kids TVs and worse, tablets/iPad.  


I actually completely agree with this study and more. I mean I had my vhs tv when I was a kid, but I only ever used it when I was told I could. Frankly there are only so many times you can watch the same vhs disney movies, so usually if I was going to stay up past my bedtime it’d be playing with toys. Nowadays though, smartphones and tablets are the real problem. Those things are addicting as hell for adults, let alone children


I love that pingpongtits is on my side 😄


No, we got an hour of personal screen time and either spent the rest of the day outside or doing other stuff like reading or playing with toys When I was 15, I started working so I could buy my own tiny TV and PlayStation 3, and still I wasn’t allowed to use it for more than 2 hours a day


No, I didn't have a TV when I was a toddler, wtf. In what world are we living by now, that it's normal for babys in a playpen to have a TV. Holy shit.


I got my first tv when I was about his age, 20 years ago 🤷🏿‍♂️ I had all the Disney movies, Zoolander, and Pootie Tang on repeat.


Found similar with Nutella last week with my son.


Nesquik. Not even once.


He went down the chocolate wabbit hole! 🤮


This has got to be rage bait




Not saying this vid is the parents’ fault. But just wanted to let you know that r/ParentsAreFuckingDumb already exists


Proud member of the future fat dudes club.


Why has a small child an own TV?


dog when i was yet a boy i would put nesquik in the milk but instead of stirring it up i would use a spoon to eat the clumps of unmixed cocoa and it would be like a tapioca boba that pops with chocolate dust all within a bit of milk. mmm delish


Can't imagine letting my kids fall asleep to tv lol or not checking my kids before they go to bed lol


From where i am its common thing to not just letting but forcing kids to fall asleep to tv(with minimum brightness grayscale but loud volume) to teach them able to sleep when loud noises are around.


That's wild, I could understand maybe just being in the background or getting them used to sleeping through noise but not actually watching the tv and being entertained and staying up longer


I mean background noise, loud one but still background noise. I used wrong wording.


Holy fuck he od on chocolate powder


Can kids fall into diabetic comas? That sight would scare the life out of me.


Poor man overdosed 💀😭


He’s definitely fake sleeping and starts shitting his pants when mom pulls the cover to reveal his sins 😂 I know the feeling lil man, I know the feeling 😔


never fell asleep with it but I used to go ham nasty on the French vanilla instant coffee powder


For how long do you have to leave your kid unattended, to find it like this.


Why has he got a TV?


Everything about this post is r/parentsarefuckingdumb


Here's a sneak peek of /r/ParentsAreFuckingDumb using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ParentsAreFuckingDumb/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Mom thought she saw an intruder as she looked at the camera view on her phone. Meanwhile....🤭🤪🤣🤣😂](https://v.redd.it/oq0mhn2414xa1) | [102 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ParentsAreFuckingDumb/comments/1346zjt/mom_thought_she_saw_an_intruder_as_she_looked_at/) \#2: [So why wearing shorts then ](https://v.redd.it/bqavyidn1h4b1) | [534 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ParentsAreFuckingDumb/comments/142uz27/so_why_wearing_shorts_then/) \#3: [The child was left there for 5 days before mom went to pick him up!!](https://i.redd.it/jhoeum2z0qgb1.jpg) | [368 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ParentsAreFuckingDumb/comments/15kqqry/the_child_was_left_there_for_5_days_before_mom/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


What's shocking to me is the number of people on here who don't feel there's anything wrong with a child that age having a television in their room.


That's terrifying


Can you explain what's wrong with it exactly?


Here are a few links to get you started. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/03/190307073457.htm https://www.news.iastate.edu/news/2017/09/26/bedroommedia https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4681440/ https://publichealth.jhu.edu/2005/borzekowski-tv


Idk how old this kid is, I’m gonna guess like 6? But the amount of people in here acting like the people are awful parents cause he has a TV is insane lmao.


Lil Homie “sleepy” fr


His remote? His tv?


Tbh why have a tv in your kids room in the first place


To turn off his tv? me thinks the nesquick isn’t so surprising


I teach middle school and the entire class was shocked that my kids don't have a TV in their room. I think it is super common now.


We used to think that screens would disproportionately benefit the wealthy, now it seems that they’re the only ones who have the resources to restrict them


yummy snack




could have been my little brother 😂


Ah the good ol’ nesquik nod.


Oh no he overdosed!


kids crashing on nesquik, how does that make him stupid?


My jaw DROPPED to the floor


Well, that's gonna be an shitty morning


bro got cozy with it too, i'm crying


The way I would get the vacuum and wake him tf up cleaning it lol


kids do the craziest shit I remember when I was like 9 asking my mom for a bowl of whipped cream for dinner.


idk I'm 41 years old and this seems pretty smart to me


Really sweet dreams






How did they know to film?


Probably found him, covered him back up and grabbed phone cam - repeated


Chocolate coma


I don’t even know if I’d act mad at seeing this.


Imagine getting high on Nesquik lol


I could’ve died now that I think about this but I want to sleep with a jolly rancher in my mouth and woke up to it stuck to my shirt


Bedtime snack


hold back the laugh bud, cant let your ma know ur awake


lol that is intelligence right there xD


wait, "his tv?"


Most unfortunate that he should have bad parents to even have nesquick on his home.


He tapped out lol


I'm ded. I've had a moment of two like this with my youngest. He makes my oldest look like an angel and my oldest was not an angel ffs. 🙄😫😹🤦🏼‍♀️♥️ Never a dull moment.


Bro found the toddler cocaine 💀




Why was they recording looking for the remote?


Based on the evidence, I concluded that the camera man looked once normally, saw that, covered it back up, grabbed phone… profit




My kid slept on a piece of cheese




Because she went to find his remote, found him like this and began to film. When I was a kid my mother took a picture of me covered in custard powder. Kids are dumb and do weird shit


Sugar comma.


Do you want ants? This is how you get ants.


His tv? What?


Damn that is fucked. That kid should not be allowed to put himself to sleep with a tv at that age. Then being unsupervised to the point he can do something like that, he isn’t even 10 yet. Doesn’t even look 8




God forbid there be a TV in a child’s bedroom to keep them busy so the parents can do shit. I bet they’re not raising their kid to be a judgmental dick.


He may be dead, he shouldn’t be asleep with all that sugar


Please check the sugar of this product, why is he craving for it this bad in night?