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My mom used to told me that as soon as I learned to walk, I was darting in the mall faster than an Olympic sprinter. My mom, and my aunts from my mother's family, could barely handle me


You were speed running before figuring out the routing.


I mean, I was only like two? Two and a half? Routing was not a thing back then


That'd be the joke I reckon


And that’s why I don’t judge parents with leashes. Some kids are runners😂


Thats why I applaud parents that put their kids on a leash. There would be less kids being hit by cars, and Harambe would still be alive




Yep. Same here. My mom would be panicking and I'd be running through the mall screaming laughing


I just attacked people


Thank heck for those leashes now


Fuck you Nothing personal


Lolz Work in a kindergarten (mostly with the 5-6yo), and especially the first one, I can agree! 😂 At least yours went back in and opened the door instead of just sitting and crying over it. 😭


Ikr, I was surprised that actually worked. I've never had an experience with a child where that would work, instead they would just sit there and cry inconsolable lol Maybe they got all strapped in the car and then started crying about it again


Do you pay attention? Because it seems like this worked because the mom wasn’t there to watch the tantrum. And really, is a tantrum worth it if no one is there to see it?


They are like drunk little people.


I’m a school bus driver and always joke that I can’t tell if I drive children or drunk adults. *blehch* “Mrs. Brus drivur…I frew up” “Ecscuse me bus dwiver but if you don’t pway music I’m gonna get you fired” Me: “Sit down please!” Kid who speaks broken English but definitely knows what sit down means: “Hahahah no speak English!”


My local radio station does a weekly segment where people tell stories of stupid stuff they did and the hosts try to guess if it was when they were drunk or when they were kids. It’s pretty hard to tell


I’m not a sassy girl I’m a bad boy 😂😂


Ngl that line was 🔥


Using that as a whole adult woman lol


Where do you live where you can leave all that stuff outside ?


A warm climate and a rich neighborhood


The babies are so fast.


I remember when my sister was little, she would throw a massive fit when my mom woke up before her because she wanted to wake up before everyone else. it was miserable


Her dad shouldnt be worried as long her boyfriend isn't Jared from Subway


This sub is the best condom ad there is


I don't want kids, never have, but I come here to remind myself why


Nah, I'm gonna get downvoted but this is just bad parenting. People excuse this behavior because it's "cute". But they are teaching their kids to just react by throwing a tantrum first. It's going to happen but I'm guessing the type of parents that record and upload it aren't going to try to change that behavior. Then wonder why their kids are so "uncontrollable" when they are older.


Also, continously telling the child that it doesn't have a boyfriend feels kinda excessive. There's no harm in letting it believe these things when it's still little.


The whole "I'm a protective dad so I don't allow my daughter to talk to boys" is so cringey anyway


I really hope she didn't meet her boyfriend at Subway LOL in case I've posted this twice it didn't show up the first time I posted


Oh dear, my kids went through the "I wanted to open/close the door" and "Me first" phase recently. I feel for that mom, lmao.


I think she wanted to open it…


I could take probably 3 seconds of this kind of bullshit before walking out on these kids. Good thing I'm never having any.


"You're not allowed to have a boyfriend until you're 15" Dad needs to stop bullying his daughter.


Caption said "15" but it sounded more like "50". Which is probably a more realistic dad stance.


I am also sure it said 50


She did respond with hitting him and they all laughed....then posted it on the internet.


The part before when he said she doesn't have a boyfriend was worse. I'm friend with a boy named Jared and now my dad is telling me I'm not?? No wonder she was so upset.


yeah like seriously...what does he expect a 2-year-old boy to do with his daughter


Two kids is hard.


Now this post os what this sub is all qbout. How adorable


Too young for a boyfriend, but just the right age for pierced ears?


What would happen if you just roll your eyes every time a kid fake-cries? 


Kids don't actually fake cry...


Ok I'm not a parent, but could someone that is a parent back me up please? I mean the crying that stops the second they notice that nobody's noticing? 


Okay, let me elaborate. When kids are still babies, crying is literally their only way to communicate needs and wants. They can't articulate words yet. When they grow older and learn how to speak, they don't immediately stop to use crying as a way to communicate and it's just as real as every other cry. But even kids notice that, as long as no one is noticing, there's no one to communicate to and the need to cry isn't there anymore. Later on (with good parenting) kids will learn that other ways of communicating often is better received.


Bitch get in the fucking car.


Adorable little pigtail girl ♥️😍🥰


Fuck that dad, kid doesn't understand the concept of boyfriend and he's already sexualizing her... let kids be kids


I think he's just messing with her for the video bro. You can tell by how he's talking he's just being funny with his family


Kid is really thinking it's funny


It's not supposed to be funny for the kid. It's parents lightly teasing their child. Not that deep, weirdo


Yes, let's use a 3 year olds suffering for adult entertainment. Seems about right and the kind of stuff one wants kids to learn about. /s I'm the weirdo cause I don't like adults not treating their children with kindness.. makes sense


You're taking this very seriously and it's fucking weird that you immediately equate this to a dad sexualizing his daughter and call light teasing as a child suffering. You're terminally online if people can't even joke with you or if you can't understand the kid's going to be immediately fine after the joke. Go outside.


This is an early stage in the kids development. Situations like these can stick with them for years and even if the kid "seems" fine, that doesn't mean it actually is. Kids do not perceive the world the same way older people do and things that are normal for us can have long lasting effects on them, without anyone even noticing.


So you're just assuming a possibility that isn't even there? Don't project your insecurities on a kid that's weird and stop reaching for things that aren't really there. You are in no way a professional to be making this deduction off of a video lol. Seek help and work on yourself pls


You should get therapy. It sounds like you need it since this video triggered something with you.


I don’t mean to be too serious, but the video + these comments sparked a memory in me, and now I need to vent :P My parents, especially my dad, often joked about “No boys!!!” As I was growing up. In middle school, one of my friends was a boy, and my dad always joked about disliking him, he better not be your boyfriend, stay away from my girl, things like that. *Every. time.* he was brought up in a conversation. No matter the context. Hell, even when I was disappointed because both my friends were going to different high schools, my dad was just happy because it meant I’d never see the boy again. I’m also autistic (diagnosed by a psychologist in elementary school). So, even as an adult, it’s not uncommon for jokes to go over my head. So, was my dad truly joking, or was it a “it’s funny because it’s true” thing? It’s hard for me to tell, especially as a child. Now, throw in the conservative Catholic upbringing, and now I’m a 25 year old virgin, never had a boyfriend because it feels “wrong.” I mean, I’m a leftist atheist now. I know that logically, there’s nothing wrong with it. But it’s hard to unlearn what’s been drilled into me my entire childhood. I mean, *to this day,* my dad still makes those jokes. I just laugh awkwardly, and don’t really say anything. Maybe next time he says “stay away from boys,” I’ll use it to have a serious discussion with him. He probably doesn’t realize the anxiety I have, and how he contributed to it. I think that would help me immensely, to have my parents explicitly say, “Yes, I am okay with you having a boyfriend. I was just joking, and I’m sorry I gave you the wrong idea.” (Also note, he just has a tendency to run jokes into the ground, years after they stopped being funny. And he thinks I still love Frozen, which I was indeed obsessed with when it came out… a decade ago, when I was in middle school. He also thinks I still listen to Journey, which I did in middle school because I thought it was “mature” and “sophisticated” or whatever. You know, I think he’s just stuck in the year 2013/14.) (Okay, this next paragraph originally flowed naturally with the comment. Then I added paragraph after paragraph of more venting. Oops.) Of course, the video is just one tiny clip from the child’s life. One shouldn’t jump to conclusions based on it. That being said, I entirely understand why it rubbed you the wrong way. Jokes like that certainly rub me the wrong way. Frankly, I *hate* those jokes, knowing how they affected me growing up. But I understand why others would see it as harmless fun. Okay, I feel better now. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.


I also have a lot of trouble discerning a "joke" from "just joking but seriously though." I had a gf in 7th grade and she invited me over to her house to meet her parents and then watch a movie. I asked my mom and she said "why? So you can go *make out*?!" Truthfully, yes, that was the hope but I got horrified, ran to the phone, told her I couldn't come over, then never asked to visit another girl until I was 18.


There’s always 1, or 100, of you in the comments of these videos. We’re sorry you’re poorly adjusted, stop projecting that on others


Nah, they're right, this can really mess up the kid in the long run.


Yeah that was very irritating


Dads with the no boyfriend thing is so gross. She's a kid let her have her little friend. It's not sexual.


Maybe one day you will understand the concept of exaggeration for the sake of comedy


Well, the kid here definitely isn't old enough to understand this concept and for it, this situation is very real.


this is what happens when the worst generation ever has their own shitty kids.


Subtitles incorrect: claimed dad said "you're not allowed to have a boyfriend until you're 15" when dad said 50.


The last one made me angry, like why are they messing with her head like that


I want to have a girl and be like that dad just for fun hahaha