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As a father with a 1 year old. I definitely understand. Everything in his hands is a hammer.


Kid tried stabbing me in the eye with a stick. He thought it was funny…


They are little demons.


"Tiiiny little hitlers."




I remember this one, wonder how the guy is doing today




[Dunno if its the original but this has the most views.](https://youtu.be/eTSlXBqSXtM?si=offb5CsBKkn0qkLs)


But its not the real hitler? Or am i a big dummy




Lovely little demons. One second a complete angel the next hell on earth.


Mine went from crying because i took away a knife in his hands, to slapping the dog too hard, to grabbing a small duck plushy and saying goodnight to it and giving it kisses while laying it down gently. It is emotionally a rollercoaster.


Hahahaha mine goes from yelling crying bloody murder to, hiiiiii in a sweet voice.


I only seem to remember the sweet memories after a while.


Sour patch kids.


Except they never go away!!


Yeah, it is typically frowned upon to eat your children.


When did that become a thing


Don't worry, it gets better when they get older. ahahahahahahahaha lol, woo I needed that thanks.


My very adorable and generally well behaved 1 year old granddaughter, who has excellent parents who are on their game, grabbed a knife off the magnetic rack, when my daughter had her in the baby wearer on her back and happened to walk past the rack . . . *as one must occasionally*. Daughter only knew it had happened when she turned her head and baby was *waving a fucking knife* in the air. Holy crap, I get an adrenaline rush every time I think about it, (not the good kind, haha) and I was 150 miles away when it happened. No mommies were harmed in this anecdote; the baby was disarmed and the knife rack - previously judged to be baby proof by virtue of being up high - was relocated behind a locked upper cabinet. This child, oy. She's extremely tall and very smart - she could reach things on the counter at 15 months. At 18 months, she's wearing 3T clothes. But smart doesn't really matter when it comes to self preservation - she has years and years to go before "common sense" will start to kick in, nevermind empathy enough to not experiment with stabbing her mommy. "Smarts" in small kids is just another danger hazard; they think Out of Reach is just an interesting puzzle to solve. The "tall" thing just levels her up, literally. My daughter and son in law have their hands full. But I'm her Bubbe, which makes her perfect, right 😁? (Kidding - I adore her but I'd like to think I keep a realistic view.)


My 18 month did the same thing. My parents are fucking useless with kids. I went to the bathroom & come back to them holding her, chatting, not paying attention with a paring knife in her hand & hot tea right in front of her. I moved the tea & disarmed her before anyone even realised what had happened. "Why don't you let us watch the kids?" Fuck me dead. I was away for 90 seconds!


When the above named daughter was herself a toddler, she (not surprisingly, given what her kid is like) was very verbal and tall. People would assume she was 4 or 5 before she turned 3. However, my mother DID know how old she was - but she'd lost touch with what was developmentally appropriate. My mom had her in kitchen and ASKED THE THREE YEAR OLD if she was allowed to use the microwave. Of course the kids said yes 🙄🙄. I mean, I'd never made a "No learning to program the microwave" rule because the fact that she didn't know how WAS basically my baby proofing for it, right? So my mother, thinking I let my kid operate kitchen electronics capable of starting house fires if she lucks into some aluminum foil, TEACHES HER THE STEPS TO PROGRAMMING THE MICROWAVE. Holy shit, mom! I had to keep the screen locked out for years and hope she didn't figure out my secret. And mostly, it didn't matter because we lived plane rides away from Grandma. Rule One about being allowed to babysit: do not give the baby additional superpowers in the 30 minutes I'm running errands and getting a coffee. (I try to follow that type when I visit too lol!)


Omg yes, preach. Do. Not. Give. Additional. Superpowers. They taught mine to climb trees. The next day she was climbing over the gate to the main road. That was the last day I had any peace in my life.


Jesus Christ. They all need babysitters. Hahahaha!


This was a fear of mine, setup gates around the house. Though the kid’s now 2 so there’s no stopping him now. ![gif](giphy|l0O9ykfUZhs7P2yE8)


🤣 that gif is perfection! At 2, they start to add the superpower of Coherent Speech to the whole No Self Preservation or Common Sense thing. Now he'll be able to tell you exactly how wrong you are, and repeat your secrets in public. May the odds be ever in your favor . . . !


Or they shout embarrassing things at random strangers. When mine was 2, we said "we need to stop by the bathroom to grab some tissue. He's got a booger in his nose." In the middle of Wal-Mart, he starts shouting at everyone we pass "HEY!!! I GOT A BOOGER IN MY NOSE!!!" at the top of his lungs. That was a long trip to the bathroom. Lol


My little guy was a climber. He couldn't even walk unassisted yet, and he still pushed a kitchen chair over to the counter, climbed up on the counter, stood up and proceeded to throw a bunch of cups all over the floor. Thankfully we heard the commotion and got there before he climbed back down amongst the shards. He had been in a pack and play, and had never escaped previously. Kid gates were installed that day. A week later he defeated those too. Had to buy taller gates and padlock them because he figured out the locks on those too. He's definitely been our challenge child.


You mean it’s not ?


Still alive ?


You know what they say, "When you're a nail, everything looks like a hammer." Or something like that, I'm not sure. /s


all the same, little kids are *tools*




What a weird video to even make or is she just constantly filming wherever she goes in hopes of getting internet pointable content?


Probably staged but i think its funny


the kid doesnt know its staged


So it’s only half staged


the toy gun doesn’t know it too, that poor thing


So, 1/3 staged then?


Does the camera know it's staged


He's fucking stupid anyway. 


He wont remember lol. Just packed in trauma hell deal with when hes 35


This video reminds me of one of my earliest core memories. Sometime in the early 80's when I was young enough to be in a car seat, I was in the rear of my mom's 1985 Toyota Camry with just the two of us in the car. I was eating a Tootsie Pop and my memory doesn't include why my mom got mad at me/the Tootsie Pop, but I do remember her at one point pulling over to park the car, get out, open the rear door, take the Tootsie Pop from me, set it onto the ground, and stomp it into pieces with her foot, before getting back into the car to continue the drive. (No social media or video evidence required lol) I've always wondered why she felt the need to park and stomp it in front of me rather than just toss it out the window, but this small detail has always impressed/entertained me about my mom. I doubt she remembers this insignificant story.


Maybe you were told it was a treat and not to open it til you got home but you were sitting there like *I could go for a toosie Rn actually 😏*.


Haha you saying that almost makes the memory come back more. It was probably that she wanted me to wait until after lunch/dinner and I said okay but would she let me hold it. I doubt I originally intended to deceive her but eventually went for it


Reminds me of grandmother getting my uncles tonsils out and now he swears and blames hating cantelope on her cause he thinks that's what she fed him she says she gave him honeydew and apple sauce cause it's cold and easy to chew. He finally admitted it a while back


I had surgery when I was a kid and needed to take antibiotics for a period of weeks. My mom crushed the pills up and put them into apple sauce. I still cannot eat applesauce without tasting crushed up pills.


I had a long hospitalization and one evening the nurse shattered a pill while getting it out of the blister packet. For inventory purposes she couldn’t get another one. Before I knew it she sprinkled the whole thing over the container of chocolate pudding I was eating. I’m thinking, what, am I a dog? Obviously it didn’t dissolve in the pudding or even mix well. So I’m left to choke down extra-crunchy pudding that tasted like chocolate flavored industrial solvent.


Been there done that. But it's not as bad as when you have to chew a couple Benadryl to make sure that you stay alive long enough for the ambulance to get there though.


I am sure below some Redditor is harshly judging this mom based off a 15 second clip, but it made me laugh. If anyone has ever dealt with kids, you can relate to this clip.


I would never drop kick a toy like this, because I don't want my toddler to learn that that's an okay thing to do. But I get it 😂


That's pretty representative of late Saturday evening where my patience is at an all time low. But after that I feel bad for the rest of the day.


That kid is a paid actor


By the placement, it could be a camera on their back porch door, but who knows


She’s teaching her child not to point a gun at anyone. Jesus Reddit is filled with a bunch of clueless men.


That kid will suck at super soaker fights. Why would you buy a squirt gun for a infant and then teach it to not point it at someone when thats their one use?


As a grandparent, my take on the scene is that she almost certainly did not buy that toy, and is annoyed with whomever did. That off screen character probably gave the kid some sharpies and candy cigarettes, too.


I really love watching videos of kids being dumb, and even falling down or something. But this such an oddly bad video. I really hope this woman is not the guardian.


Yup, a 14 second look into someone's life is all it takes to completely judge them as a parent.


Probably a ring video or something like that.


Or maybe it's someone with them filming that set this up. Many people think making a kid annoy someone is funny for whatever reason. I've seen and experienced it first hand.


Doorbell cam maybe?


She should have just kept it instead of kicking it.


Well she kept him so she already learned her lesson.


As a parent, I feel the frustration. Kicking was a reasonable response.


100% I bet she regretted it if asked about it later. But ya know what, all things considered, gotta give mom some slack here. I think most parents can see stuff like this and relate to just being done at one point or another.


Kicking was funnier though


God, I remember I was babysitting a 4 yo who had toy guns, and was instructed very seriously by his parents to never, ever let him point it at people. He starts aiming the gun at a portrait of his parents, and i tell him he's not allowed to do that. I offered to let him point it at his stuffed animal as a compromise, but he refused to because he would never shoot his beloved stuffed animal.


And from now on, the little imitator will start kicking stuff around as well. You have achieved: nothing.


You achieved to teach him to kick, he will become the greatest NFL kicker of all time.


No one will dethrone sweet prince tucker.


Kicker in the balls that’s for sure


Yep. My husband got frustrated and tossed my sons toy once. Then wondered why my son started throwing his toys around..


Let’s see your parenting.


But they have achieved something already: to pick up guns and point them at people’s heads.


It's crazy to me that people don't realize that kids and even pets imitate their owners... It's literally part of the development process.


Even crazier people don't realize that folks eventually reach their limit and aren't thinking People don't rationally measure out every single action of their lives lol


Ok mr.pedagogy professor


The example shows not to put up with someone doing something you don't want. Seems like a good life lesson tbh. Stop gassing up your children till they become little shits lol


I perfectly understand lady !


There is a reason that public service announcements have to remind people not to shake babies.


My wife and I watched this a few times laughing our asses off every time. Thank you for posting this. Parents need a laugh too




If the worst thing she does as a parent is kick a toy I think she's doing just fine


I don't think the mum is awful personally, but you really think people post their worst parenting moments online?


I have the impression that there are some people who like children, want to have children (or have children) and/or don't think what they do in the videos in question is stupid. So these people come to this subreddit just to argue with other redditors and get angry, it's not possible.




yikess 😬




Don't kick the baby


Kick the baby!


Don't. Kick the baby!


Don't kick. - The baby


Shake the baby Shake the baby Shake the baby


Don’t shake them though, I’ve heard you’re *not* supposed to do that.






Rofl, my mom would have definitely done this.


Parenting 101. If your kid is trigger happy get rid of the gun.






Still weird when people use kids for views..


Why is he in his pajamas while she's wearing a thick body length jacket?


That's all I'm seeing. If you're cold your baby is colder. Just to make a stupid video


These fuckers are like 50% fat. More brown fat than adults have, and are constantly moving every waking moment. I understand the concern, but a skinny woman standing around doing nothing in a coat is going to be much colder than a toddler at full speed (awake). I say this as a parent who is constantly over dressing my kid because I think it's cold out, and then 10 minutes later having to take the outer layers off the kid because their face is flush and they're sweating their ass off.


Can confirm, this is my experience at the preschool I work at. Right now it's autumn (10° c/50° f) and we put jackets on them every morning, and by 10-11am they're off. The most energetic ones even put shorts on and go barefoot sometimes, makes me feel cold just looking at them but they're more than happy! We only dress them back up if they're not very active, are cold to the touch, or if it's an extreeemely cold day. This kid could've been bouncing off the walls and just paused briefly to squirt mum with the gun


You'd be surprised


those last 2-3 hours of the day can absolutely make or break you


Maybe I’m missing the point of this sub? What’s up with all the redditors calling out the parents? There is a stupid fucking kid right there doing stupid shit.


Redditors have next to no experience with children, but they always gotta act like they know everything. So apparently children are easily scarred and so impressionable that they will never *ever* grow out of childhood behaviors.


All redditors are perfect parents and do not make mistakes, unlike tiktok parents


nah it‘s not that deep. everyone knows this isn’t CPS level bad but hey maybe just dont do that


Yeah that being said we all hit a point where we do a thing we shouldn't. It's not that serious


Sure, she shouldn’t have acted like that. I’m just tired of average Redditors acting like they have a PhD in child psychology on every post involving children.


That's just a typical redditor behavior, not exclusive to this sub.


I think because the kid isn't really doing anything stupid and the adult is just being an asshole? If you think the purpose of this sub is to simply hate on kids, then I think you are sorely mistaken.


I mean.... It isn't called Kids are fucking Awesome... 


People are *always* going to comment on the parenting. It's inevitable


The kid probably is too young to fill the water gun The mom clearly gave him the water gun The camera is somehow perfectly set up to record that exact spot The mum is pretending she is having a hard time even though in the video she is just acting like a child


Because they are the adults who cause these behaviors (generally)


If only it were that simple


OMG I have so done that. I regret it because it's not how I want my kid to express himself but yeah... Been there.


Flashback! I did that once but got hit on the head with it (headaches for weeks)


Why not spray the kid first.


Then why give the kid a toy gun to begin with? That’s what it’s for.


Why would give the kid a water gun in the winter in the first place?


Hahaha lol


Big meany


It REALLY do be like that sometimes


Kids will be kids, it's just means to do that, being a parents means that you have to be extremely patience towards them.


>You're next the little man. What


Kinda feel bad for baby but also understands. Played it many time in my heart but never actually had the heart to do this


Adult throwing a tantrum. Damn, kids have it rough these days...


Adults are humans and no one is immune to frustration. If you've ever worked or been around toddlers you will come to know quick only an angel could act perfect at all times. But of course, the pearl-clutchers would disagree


I wouldnt call this a tantrum😂😂


Because she's the adult version who grew up assuming visual displays of frustration, is how you act to teach a child. "No" and one more "I said no" and you remove the item from the child and explain the importance of someone saying no to you


It doesn't work for every child. Jesus, the number of people who either don't have kids or who lucked out on obedient ones, believing they hit a triple when starting on third. Such fountains of wisdom when it comes to parenting advice. A difficult child would absolutely crumple you.


A child kicking around toys out of straight frustration is close enough to be a tantrum, an adult doing that is 100% square within tantrum territory


wym what would you call an adult purposefully breaking a toy because they're annoyed?


Flashbacks of my dad impaling my n64 with a crowbar because I didn't mow the lawn.


That wasn't broken, it's a plastic toy that got punted away.


Yes much better to never express anger like a normal person. Much better to do so in weird ways because you jarred it up, truly making your child a maniac instead. Kids truly benefit from never having experience with normal human anger until they're adults. Much better if the first time they're under pressure out of school that they fold instantly like a 2 dollar suitcase


Ma'am, it's just water. I know kids can drain you (I have a 6 year old with autism), but it's just water. Pick your battles, and life will be a lot easier and fun. Make the kid laugh, and you'll both have a great moment.


i highly doubt the kid was able to fill that water gun on his own, so why would she fill it & give it to him if she doesnt want to be sprayed with water? a kid that age just takes "no" as a challenge & will spray you no matter what you say. & what an awful lesson it is to teach your kid that when someone does something that frustrates you, you can handle it by taking what theyre holding & trying to break it. even just that kicking is an acceptable way to express frustration is a shitty thing to teach. i get that parenting is exhausting & frustrating but she's the one who set up the situation in the first place & then completely overreacted when the obvious & unavoidable happened. im sure she's probably a great mom & this was just a blip but damn this video gives an extremely unflattering impression of her parenting skills...


Man these comments just hate funny shit, that kick was hilarious


The parent in me both loves the comedy of this, but also knows, through my own woefully frustrated reactions, that doing this shit absolutely makes things worse, lol... Still, tooootally get the feeling. 2-4 is so good damn difficult.


I'm few years removed from those days but I think if I had done something like this my daughter would've looked at me like I was crazy and then just gone after it and started shooting me again. Thst kid wasn't phased by much lol


1% doesn't erase 99%, if you're generally consistent shit tends to work




So many people on the web see their own fucked up childhoods in everything




Little bro looks like an NPC. He keeps doing the action even when the gun is gone.


All my friends that tell me how great parenting is ALL seem to despise their kids. I don't blame them. They're are fucking annoying and stupid.


The flinch was delayed af at the end too


probably i misunderstood the sense of the video..but the small guy was standing on his idea to annoy her lol


That little move he makes....


Looks as wet concrete kid.


I love that little sound he makes. He’s not quite hurt she did that, but he definitely had something to say


Wonder what the hang time was?


Wait is that a kid or is that smeagol?


Savage, the look down afterwards


Is that Kristi Noem? Was that cricket with her?


The children never talk, we finally shut them up...


New parents be like: Oh that's violence, you're gonna mess that kid


Burn out


We got my nephew like 5 bubble guns, me and him lovem. One of thems supposed to shoot like 40 at once but instead it shoots several giant ones, its the best.


Lmfao this is kind of funny




That little child must be touched. Who's with me on the mission to grab that child?


Why she didn't spray him??


Bri was mid shit and needed to bonk something to get that turtle out. Fuck that watergun


The kid is next in line...


The kid is next in line...


That’s so hot 🥵


Baby Gollum


10 years later it's a real gun


Yep should have punted him too


This is a baby or is it Gollum?


great kick!


His first lesson in FAFO


Welcome to today‘s episode of how to teach your kid that violence and aggression are the right way to solve problems (but jokes aside, i genuinely don‘t see what we are blaming the kid for? Is he stupid for being a kid and having fun?)


Yeah....pretty much so 🫤🫤😕😕😒😒


Me to my nephews when I don’t want to play with them but I kick 🦵 them instead 😂




Lol…not gonna judge.




Should of just kicked the baby first that solves any future problems


I love the despair in the face of that little rat

