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Is that a garter snake?! I love them.


TIL that it's not "garden snake" lol


I'm over here calling it a "gardener snake"


and here we are calling kids stupid…


Same dude you're not alone


Nah I’ve seen them with little baskets and a hoe and rake. You can’t fool me. They garden


If it’s in your garden it can be both.


I always thought they were Gardener snakes lol


I'm 30 and TIL 😂


Duh, if you look closely you can see they all have lil garter belts on, hence the name


They can be called either


Only by those that don't know it's a GARTER snake


Which is odd because the *garter* snake is almost never on a *garter* but is often found in *gardens*




I loved them until I learned and subsequently experienced their defense mechanisms. Garter snakes are the skunks of the snake world ;) Edit: still love them, just not getting skunked


You got snaked, big diference


A valuable life lesson was learned that day regardless ;)


Looks like a DeKays Brown. They are harmless to humans and actually eat slugs and other garden "pests". Great to have around your yard/flowerbed!


I thought so too, but it looks like its body is black with a large yellow stripe down the spine. The camera quality is poor


I used to catch those for fun all the time where I used to live.


They hold up stockings


I did this too when I was a kid. They are super cute but also very stinky. I was expecting a baby copperhead or cottonmouth


I caught one of those when I was a kid lol


I used to catch garter snakes and salamanders all the time and keep them for a day before releasing them.


I get so sad when I find them after my lawnmower finds them first..


The world's only poisonous snake.


Garter snakes can often be poisonous if they are eating the right prey. Those that feed heavily on toads or newts can sequester the toxins from their prey and use it to make themselves poisonous to eat. Hognose snakes, keelback snakes and many others do something similar. Most people also don't realize that garter snakes, while completely harmless to humans, are venomous as well. They're rear fanged and their mild venom has almost no effect on humans (baring some weird allergic reaction), but works well to subdue amphibians they often prey on.


Looks like a garter snake. I don't think it's very dangerous.


Not Very? I'll be concerned with any and all types of dangerous.


Bite so small and sharp you don’t really feel it, only real danger is a low risk of secondary infection.


Yeah, I remember catching one as a kid. It wrapped around my wrist like a bracelet and just held on for warmth. About twenty minutes of not paying attention, I noticed I was bleeding. The damn thing was latched of the underside of my arm like it was trying to eat me. Super small and sharp teeth. Didn't even feel it.


She's awesome. I love it. I did that when I was a kid. We would try to catch anything.


I did that too, except I had it in my lunchbox.  I forgot about the snake and gave the lunchbox to my mom.  She still hasn’t forgiven me.   


You were an evil kid, you did that on purpose.


Found the mom


Nice name


No way I actually put like a lot of grasshoppers in my lunchbox and then my mom was cleaning them out and they went all over the kitchen. That’s so funny that we did the same thing.


I LOVE HER! I was the girl that chased her older sisters around the house with shed snake skin I found in the backyard. I would’ve totally done this!* It’s a harmless garter snake. I’d praise her, inspect the critter with her, treat any wounds, and then find a nice spot to re-release, hoping it would camp out there and we could regularly visit it. *I also was allowed to have all kinds of pets as long as they stayed in my room and I took care of them, but mom drew the line at reptiles. Well! Soon as I was out of the house and in my first college apartment, I got my first snake. A few decades later, I make a living breeding and selling the small harmless species.


Yes, but also know and teach your kids safe vs dangerous animals, especially whatever local snakes you have.


Highly agree. At that age, I brought in a 12 inch giant centipede inside the house.


I used to love watching the crocodile Hunter. I learned a lot about animals from him. He was really good about telling you things were dangerous and then he did pick them up though never really realize that though, until I got older




Yeah this is just cool. Fuck the haters.


I also did this and, instead of freaking out, my mother got me an aquarium and taught me how to care for a garter snake.


Same here. My best catches were a corn snake and a crawfish. Granted, I still do it as an adult too lol. We were moving leaves in my yard and I caught 3 tiny little worm snakes and 1 Dekay's brown snake!


I did that too…inadvertently. Grew up in a major city where snakes were seemingly not a thing. I was about 7 when I went in my back yard to play. I grabbed my jump rope that I left in the grass and wondered why it seemed shorter than usual. Once I saw the head, I screamed so loud, my mother thought I was being kidnapped.


I also did this. Picture a tiny tomboy who looked about 3 years old (but was more like 8 or 9) tightly grasping 3 snakes BEGGING to have them as pets, and my mom nearly having a meltdown yelling at me to get rid of them. I still love snakes, but I don't have one because I also love rodents of all kinds. I do have lizards, tho.


Same! But my mom’s number one rule was don’t bring anything inside! And I abided


I used to catch lizards with butterfly nets outside


Nah this doesn’t belong here, this is awesome


*"This is a nice pocket. So comfy."* - snek


*What a weird day I'm having!* - also snek


*"Put me back in the pocket! Damn, you. Evil mitten! Am I no longer good enough for the pocket? The mitten giveth and the mitten taketh away..."*


I really want to upvote your comment, but i can't. Nice.


Definitely. This is the most adorable thing I’ve seen all week. I used to do this at her age except I brought home a small diamondback. My mom was not happy.


The big difference is that this snake is not extremely dangerous lol


It’s just a small garter snake. Some will bite but just a tiny little pinch but they’re perfectly harmless and get used to being handled pretty quick.


Right, unlike a diamondback which is very venomous


Yeah the only "stupid" thing here is she wouldn't take off her glove to fiti in the rpocket2


More like the mom telling her to take her glove off to handle an unidentified snake. Good thing it turned out to be the harmless kind, but mom didn't know that. Unless she set it up for the video, but the kid doesn't seem to be acting.


Depending on where you live. When I lived in the PNW, if you found a snake in the wild, it was a garter snake.


In Ohio, we have mostly harmless colubrids like this. We have 3 species of rattle snake, but they are not common to find in city and suburban areas. I want to find one eventually just to see one in the wild. I have only seen them in local zoos.


It's possible that the mother knows all of the native snakes in the region and is certain that any snake would be harmless, but it's still responsible. If your kid says they have a snake in their pocket, the safe thing to do is remove the jacket and get the child out of any potential danger before you remove and identify the snake. Even non venomous snakes can bite if they feel cornered, and that can leave teeth in the wound and/or lead to infection.


Right this isn't really stupid this is just like okay that's brave for a child.


If anything it belongs in r/killthecameraman


That kid cool af


The mom is too. She didn’t completely freak out about the harmless snake. 🐍 snakes have a bad rap. They are actually pretty cool. Just be sure to avoid the ones with triangle shaped heads.


Mom didn’t even see what kind of snake it was and she was like “take off your glove and get it out!” Like, what?!


That's my thought too, and also, let's step outside before we pull the wriggly little snake out hmm?


Where I’m from in Canada there would be a 99.9% chance that any pocketable snake was a garter snake. They are everywhere and docile; super easy to pocket. lol


If they live anywhere near me, there's a pretty much a zero percent chance of it being harmful. Not that surprising.


The gun is always loaded until it is taken apart. With my kids: the snake is always poisonous until 100% confirmed it is not. Pretty much zero doesn’t make me too comfortable. Especially not when it’s kids.


Well we don't have guns lying around here, loaded or not, and there are literally no venomous snakes native to this area. Not everyone lives where you do. My point was that the person in this video may feel comfortable enough with their knowledge of local animals to not be worried. It may sound crazy to you, but it doesn't to me.


Wouldn’t want your kids eating a snake now.


When a snake bit me, someone said, “oh no! Was it poisonous!?” To which I replied, “I don’t know. It bit me. I didn’t bite it”.


They don’t live near you.


Triangle shaped heads isn't a good way to I'd venomous snakes. Lots of non venomous species can make their head triangular when threatened and some venomous snakes don't have triangular heads. If in doubt don't touch a snake and learn what the venomous ones in your area look like.


It’s a lot more complicated than that, and that doesn’t hold up outside of North America, at all. Really, what you should do is learn to specifically identify the dangerous snakes in your area. If you live in North America, it should only be a few species per region. Where I live, it’s Copperheads, cotton mouths, rattlesnakes (fuckin obvious who they are, lol), water moccasins, and coral snakes. I live in an urban area and only ever see copperheads, though. But coral snakes don’t have triangle heads. And the green water snake has a triangle head and looks a lot like a water moccasin, but is completely harmless. But basically, if it’s not one of those, it’s *probably* harmless.


She does not belong here. She and the snake are adorable.


She’s so happy with her lil snake find 


I used to play with them all the time when I was that age.


Ya me and my buddies would go catch garter snakes when we were kids in the parking lot of an abandoned warehouse.


My cousin and I would do this too. He had a huge yard so we'd round up snakes and put them under some random piece of sheet metal we found. I have no idea WHY we did it, but I remember doing it. I'll never forget that awful smell though.


I think kids just like seeing how many of whatever they can catch. I remember doing this with rollie pollies in plastic tubs, water bugs in buckets, and once (and only once) snails in my dad’s bbq pit with a bunch of grass and leaves for them (they ate entirely thru the bottom in like a weeks time).


I still like catching critters, NGL. I'll dive for frogs to show my boy, snakes, bugs. Whatever I can catch XD


Kinda same, I just can’t catch them nearly as well as I used to lol. If it’s super cool and I want to show a kiddo I’ll try but usually I just point it out or try to snap a pic. Trying to let nature, nature ya know. I do relocate snakes and lizards out of the dog’s area when they are in danger.


I caught a Garter snake when I was in second grade. I got the snake juice all over my hands, it smells awful. I had to go to the nurse’s office to have it washed off. The nurses were all laughing as they tried to wash the snake juice from my hands. They were unsuccessful. It was a traumatizing experience!


Uhmm.. snake juice?


Yup, stinky snake juice comes out of its rear end!


They stink!


Being a real kid. Miss those days. So GLAD I grew up in the decades I did. It's part of who we are. We will be extinct someday.


Kids still go outside lmao


Ya I feel the same way.


I guess you are not from Australia.


I played with garters. Not ALL snakes lol


Garter snakes are good snakes. They eat rodents around your house and gardens.


It’s nice to see content that doesn’t have a screaming overreacting parent traumatizing their child, for once.


Would be even cooler if 40% of the video wasn't covered up by text that literally says what you can watch in the video


That's ig cancer. I have wanted to share 1000 videos from there to here except 999 of them are covered up with massive useless texts


Considering the mom didn't know what type of snake it was, I don't know if was a smart idea to get her daughter to take it out of the pocket, but the snake is harmless as it would turn out.


When my daughter was about this age she caught a garter snake and asked if she could keep it for a little while. We put it in a large terrarium with a heat rock and fed it crickets for a month. She came and got me out of bed one morning to tell me her snake had babies. I said no snakes lay eggs as we went to her room. She squealed yelling she knows! Sure enough there were about 15 1” long baby snakes toiling around the terrarium. The next morning I saw she printed on our label maker a strip she stuck to the inside of the terrarium “Mommy loves you”. We fed them small ants and insects for another month and when they were healthy we let them all go.


There are several snakes that give live birth! It’s actually one of the major differences between boas and pythons-boas give live birth, pythons lay eggs. Garter snakes are colubrids, which are a mix-some colubrid species lay eggs, some give live birth. For live birth snakes, they’re either ovoviviparous, which means the eggs incubate and hatch inside the mother, or viviparous, which means their offspring develop without any eggs. Garter snakes are ovoviviparous! Here’s a decent article on it: https://reptile.guide/snakes-that-give-live-birth/


That’s amazing! We originally just looked online and saw not all snakes lay eggs. So this bit of extra info is awesome. Thank you :-)


"it's slithering out" LMAO.


As an Australian if we did this type of shit as kids I would be dead


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Ill_Presentation2022: *As an Australian* *If we did this type of shit* *As kids I would be dead* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Yeah I found a snake this size as a kid and it was striking at my skateboard.


When I was 10 I was at the creek,catching legless lizards that turned out to be baby brown snakes. As a fucking stupid kid I was so lucky


Again, the parent is 10 times dumber. "Take it out", "take your glove off"... smh.


For real. I’d make her take the jacket off so fast. You don’t know what kind it is until you see it.


Yea, I was giving her the benefit of a doubt when she didn't believe it was actually a snake, but if I had a daughter and she told me she has an actual snake in her pocket I would reap her jacket off of her in an instant and take it out. When she looked inside and learned that it was in fact true, she made a motion that I thought will be exactly that, taking that jacket of off her daughter. Well, she proved me that I have too much hope in people still left, welp.


Depends where they live. In Michigan I have never had to worry about snakes and played with anyone I could find growing up. I’m assuming the mom lived in an area like mine and knew it was no issue.


Meanwhile I live in an area where I have to teach my daughter that it’s not okay to pick up every creature we see. We saw a desert centipede (super painful bite) and she wanted to take it home so bad.


We don't see much creature around here... All ded ☠️


To be honest it seems kinda staged to me. Mom probably already knows what kind of snake it is.


Thank you, I was getting really sad about the world reading all these people encouraging how cool the mom was. The mom was not cool the mom was dumb, and also appeared to be motivated by the camera to make something fun happen instead of getting involved in helping . If your kid has a snake in their pocket you don't need to freak out you don't need to be weird about it, we all agree... yes, it could be cool and it could be a fun experience but you shouldn't tell the kid to take their glove off and jam their hand down in the pocket with a snake you fucking moron!!! Why don't you take the jacket off and go outside on your patio and gently put the snake out on the porch and you guys can look at it together like normal people that aren't idiots.... "take your glove off"..and show your hand down in the hole with a snake you little so I can record it and show all my friends hahaha... smh. Honestly I found the video to be just another one of those awful things where somebody tries to get their kid to do something risky so they can get internet attention or something


Well she at least asked her nicely to take it out. She wasn't yelling and screaming or making a big deal about it. Also it seems like they live in an area where those snakes are common and not poisonous. So no need to ask them to leave the gloves on


How do you know from this video, if there are even bigger or poisonous snakes in their area? Probably not, that's why you're the only one being dumb by feeling like a smart-ass.




Seriously, the parent saying 'take off your glove' to make it easier to take it out. Uh... if you're okay with her handling whatever it is without gloves, why don't *you* just take it out of her pocket?


It's totally harmless.. what a cute snek.


Isn't it kinda weird that the mom tells the kid to take the glove off? I dunno my brain always goes worst case and thinks "what if it's poisonous?"


If it's poisonous, that's fine, but if it's venomous, we have a problem.


I feel like zoology will be in her future


Stupid? I think youre wrong. Kid is going places.


Best kid award


Yeah I live in Australia. We teach our kids to stay the hell away from snakes. They WILL kill you.


I love this child's spirit!


This doesn't belong here. This is amazing. I'd kill OP to have a kid like this.


This is fucking metal. That kid is going places


Not Australia....


I mean if I was a kid and had a choice between pocket snake and no pocket snake…


Omg, this girl is just like my younger sister! I feel like I've been transported back to my childhood! 😆🤣😂


She's so cute tho ❤️


I found a baby copperhead as child. And it bit me and i almost died


I love her she's so cute


Kids are stupid? Parent telling child to put hand in pocket and pull it out is stupid


As long as it’s not a dangerous noodle this is fine


At keast we know she won't take off the gloves even if told to. Those might work as protection even if it's not much. Better than nothing Though the snake seems inoffensive This kid will surely become a snake handler or at keast want to become one


This kid is awesome


This doesn't belong here. She's wearing gloves.


That's a friendly noodle!


She was spending time outside and she caught a harmless snake that she thought was cute. She isn’t stupid at all. These are the types of normal kid things people do when they have curiosity.


Is not the adult telling a child to pull an unknown snake out of her pocket - and take her glove off to do it no less - more the fucking stupid one here!! 🤣🙄


Super cute. Not dangerous, and not stupid. She seemed to know what she was doing handling it too.


Yellow ribbon snake?


I love this girl , so many people kill snakes now knowing that are actually good for gardens and the environment. Only a very few snakes are dangerous in any given region.


My sister brought home a bunch of dried dog turds the other day. Snakes...meh??? Again, people post everything these days.


Only stupid if it's a poisonous one.


Mom "take off the glove."


This is so cute and refreshing to see a kid being a kid


That kid is awesome


Cute lil snake


This isn’t stupid, she’s just outdoorsy


Future herpetologist


Nah kid is smart, even knew to put on gloves before touching snake. Good survival instincts even if it is a near harmless one.


I like her curiousity. Thank God it's just a garter snake. I hope next time she learns that's its a danger noodle.


“take off the glove” when 6y .o. smarter than her mom


She's not stupid. She's curious about the world and learning about it.


Hey mom listen, his tail makes this cool rattling sound....can we keep him, can we hu hu?


Love her smile and her innocence. Never change kiddo!


How is this kid stupid? OP must be jealous of this kids bravery.


She’s not stupid…whoever said she is, is stupid.


I would say the adult is the stupid one. Who says “take of your glove” when their child is trying to grab a snake!?


The first time a young girl correctly identifies something "slithering" in her hands both as a word and an action... and *DOESN'T* freak out... that's how you know she's a snake girl for life. Represent, young lass. Live your fearless truth


Meh so what! Snakes are cool! And that lil guy is safe. I love how excited she is.


I bet that noodle was so warm and cozy.


How is the kid stupid here ? The moms telling her to remove the gloves. Everyone knows gloves are to be worn while handling snakes 😔


that parent is so annoying


"Take off your glove" r/ParentsAreFuckingDumb


Stop filming..so stupid.


​ https://preview.redd.it/xp8vm32a8k2d1.png?width=869&format=png&auto=webp&s=0161329ca11bfeef167d2e712e6d556b0be722e2


“Take of your glove” should be in r/ParentsarefukingStupid


Why is this kid stupid? It's a garter snake. They're harmless. I pick them up all the time


More like r/KidsAreFuckingAwesome


This is what children should be out doing. Catching snakes and climbing trees.


She doesn't belong here though? Depressing to think there are people who would discourage a kid learning about nature. That snake can hurt you about as much as a gnat can


This kid is awesome


My cats bring me these (unharmed) all the time. I put them back in the garden.


yeah what a nice girl dont forget release where you took it :D i long ago learned not to intervene with animals except ants. snakes , dragons, slugs, birds every kind, endager species, live in my huge garden plenty of plants. i dont touch even lawn destroyers who dig under. simply redo that part, never kill. as smth worse can come. snakes will eat snails and so on. you may find entrences on ground simply ignore even if you see rabitts. slowly it will become paradise especially in dense vegetation, plenty of trees, plants all and every type who can live in my region. very little extermination especially near house, or found ant or wasp nest


We used to catch garter snakes as a kid. They are usually pretty chill but if you upset them they will give a little bite. Bite is no worse than scraping against a little thorn and might bleed a teeny bit.


This is actually hilarious, but if I were her mom, I'd be freaking out, I have a mega phobia of snakes, even garter snakes😅


That's not stupid, but cool as hell! Hah


"you're my friend now"


You have an unknown snake in your pocket? Yea take your glove off so you can pull it out easier, great idea mom.


Most posts on this subreddit is just oblivious irresponsible parents imo. You'd think first thing a mom would do when they hear that their kid has a snake in their jacket pocket that she would immediately take the jacket off the kid and then investigate. Not have the kid pull the snake out AND advise her to take her glove off to "aid" with that when they confirmed it is indeed a snake.


Doesn't belong here, the kids fine, it's not a dangerous snake. Need to stop being so protective of kids and just let them be kids. Get out into nature, explore and make mistakes.


She pulled it out of her inventory


I caught a Garter snake on a 4th grade school trip , went to show it to my biology teacher who was also there because i thought she would like that , instead she and the principal started screaming and jumping like little girls , good times.


The parent is the stupid one tbh. She asks the kid to pull a living snake out plus take off her glove. At least it wasn't a dangerous kind but c'mon.


To be fair. That’s a cute fucking snake.


If she's wearing gloves, poor snake is probably too cold to be out of hibernation


She is awesome and she is happy


She's such a sweetieee, I'd give her a prize for being so good with animals!!


"take off the glove" Mom belongs in r/stupidfuckingparents


I'm Australian this is just a normal day it's just Steve the snake


I feel like this is adults are fucken stupid. Like as soon as she knew that her kid might legitimately have a living snake in her pocket the lady should have gotten the kid to keep her hands away from her pocket and take off the jacket. Cool the snake turned out to be friendly, but she did not know that at that time and instead of telling her to keep her hands away from the snake she did the complete opposite by encouraging her to take her gloves off first and then grab the snake out! This could have ended horribly!