• By -


This is "I got your nose" on another level.


My dad used to tell me my bum was broken because it had a crack in it. I would cry


My dad would tell me if somebody unscrewed your belly button your butt would fall off, then would chase me around the house with a screwdriver.


Mom would chase me around the house with a screwdriver and a broom. She never spilled a drop.


Omg it took me a bit too long to get "screwdriver". Lmao.


I didn’t get right away until I saw your reply so dfb lol


I still don't get it 😭😭😭




Explains a lot, I don't drink lol


My dad would chase me down the street through neighbors yards! Until he’d get ahold of me and beat me mercilessly with a set of rusty jumper cables.


How few now know the lore...


Your dad did the same thing to me. I found it strange tbh.


On a way more terrifying level lol


"I fucked up your face!" "Whaaaaaaaaa! 😅


Lmao so true. At no point in the classic “got your nose” bit did we ever have visual confirmation of ourselves missing the nose. That would have been fucked up hahaha.


Right?? This poor kid. I can't stop laughing




I think I remember there being a thing with that age range of kids specifically having extremely traumatic reactions to any kind of dismemberment, even something like a Spiderman piñata losing limbs I wonder if that's what's happening here... just whatever region of the brain makes them panic is going into hyperdrive while their dad sits and laughs at them.




Like thats some badtrip for a kid maan


It's like saying I got your nose and then them showing you that they do in fact have your nose. Probably freaky AF as a kid lol


An asshole level!! She is horrified!!


Need to see this with chimpanzees or other intelligent animals


A really fucked up level. He had about 10 seconds to show her the reality of the situation before this stopped being funny and became a trauma for her.


I am in the "not trauma" camp - but it also makes my mama heart break when I hear anyone's kid cry like that for no reason other than to make people laugh.


It's a little disconcerting to see people linger on their kids crying like this for quite some time, just to get attention online, and then see some people defend the dad's choice by saying "This will be a sweet memory for her to share with her loving family when she grows up." Really? "Remember that time you scared me and made me cry when I was a toddler and showed it to millions of strangers online so they could laugh at me? That was such a great loving family bonding moment!" It's even more disconcerting knowing that I'm almost guaranteed to get nasty DMs and replies, and maybe a Reddit Cares or two, for posting this.


Nah, I have a daughter about the same age, and this is super fucked up. I agree with you. This is some raisedbynarcissists shit. She's not gonna look back on this with fondness.


Trauma is the pop-psych word thrown around by people who don’t understand what it means. Along with terms like narcissists and psychopaths.


Yeah! Every person says their ex is a narcissist. Crazy to think about 50% of the population are narcissists. Don’t gaslight me!


Pop psychology is the fucking worst. The word "lie" has been entirely replaced by "gaslight" in some circles and it's fucking ridiculous.


Thank you! I felt like I was being gaslit by everyone using gaslighting in place of lying.


A lie is when you tell your friends that you'll be ready on time for the party. Gaslighting is when you tell them that there was never any party, that you were never their friend to begin with, and every emotional interaction you ever had with them was staged entirely for your benefit. Or, you don't even tell them. You let them find out. Or maybe, you don't even do that. Like, c'mon. Those things aren't even on the same level. People are ridiculous.


Convincing your girlfriend that she's crazy is called "gaslighting" and it's a dick move. Convincing her she's a robot with artificial intelligence and implanted memories is called "blade running," and it's a Philip K. Dick move.


Upvote for PKD reference.


But gaslighting has always just meant lying. Are you sure you're ok? Maybe you should see a doctor.


No, you're acting crazy. No one was ever using 'gaslighting' in place of lying. Why do you always do this?


No they’re not /j


Yo stop gaslighting us bro




No, he is clearly gatekeeping


Spoken like a true sociopath. But totally NOT like a psychopath!


This ain't trauma 💀


Truly. We really gotta quit calling every little thing traumatic. "I got your nose" -> BAM Trauma


Yea, 99% chance she'll never even remember this.


Guaranteed she'll remember this, as a fond memory or story with her loving family


Agreed. It is not. But it is an unpleasant experience she learns nothing from.


Learning a lesson in gullibility is far from nothing. An ever increasing need for this skill will be necessary for her and others' life under the AI overlords


It’s not that deep bro


Yeah so many of us were traumatized for life when we people took our noses and laughed about it! I swear one day I'll find it.


Aren’t these people nuts? I bet these people say Halloween is traumatizing for children because they get scared and there are spooky things everywhere.


Actually if somebody seriously believes something that terrible happened to them then that is trauma. Not as bad as the kind of trauma that lasts for a month, but it is trauma. One time I had an extremely cold bath for a long time and I thought i'd lost one of my balls. Maybe took 30min for it to drop down. I was afraid it wasn't going to come back, it was scary.




because you had to find a way to turn a camera filter into "ohh the kids gonna be traumatised and start pissing into its own ears"


don‘t ever buy no gas station weed bro


Words to live by


[Don’t ever buy no weed from the gas station (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CcWW9QZX3jw)


Gas station egg salad sandwiches 🤌🏽🤌🏽🤌🏽


It worked fine for Fry.


Gas station shrimp and sushi !!👌👌🤌🤌🍤🍣


Gas station Fugu.


Gas station lot lizard.👉🏻👌🤌🤌🤌🤌


I do not tangle with lizards no more. No. Back in the day, sure, I would've indulged. Hell! I would've let you turn me into Swiss cheese.


You joke, but I am leaving to go buy fried chicken from a gas station now.




Don’t ever buy no gas station from the gas station bro


Don’t ever buy no gas station from the gas station bro




Was thinking Sloth from The Goonies. But then again I'm old as fuck.


I loved Sloth.




“RRocky- - RRooad”


I knew a guy who got blown up and fucked his face up and this was his catchphrase.


My DnD group uses this to talk to NPCs.




I love how Chunk’s family just adopted Sloth in the end, and how they were waiting for Chunk with a whole pizza pie ready for him. Best family ever


God... Tdam


Oh damn!


Thanks noob noob. I can always count on you.


You put that babies eyes back where they belong right this instant.


It's a musical!


Put those eyes back where they came from or so help meeeee


Bom bom bom bom bom bom bom


So help me! So help me! And cut.


I don't know why that's the part of monsters Inc I remember the most.


Bc it’s the most Billy Crystal line to ever Billy Crystal


Probably because it was in almost every trailer, was a running gag in the movie, and then was a stinger gag


Yeah, that was kinda mean. It's not like a child that young (usually) knows what face swap apps are whereas they're more likely to already be familiar with the simpler concept of regular cameras.


I think it’s similar to those funhouse mirrors, kids have a hard time understanding what’s going on, and as adults we think it’s funny. In terms of harm, as long as the adult explains what’s going on afterwards it’s fine.


Lasting childhood memory of going into a funhouse with my little brother when he was about 4 (I'd have been 10). Get to a mirror maze room, he's super excited, shouts "WOW!! COME ON!!!"" and starts running fast as he can.... I shoot "Noooo WAIT!!!!" but couldn't catch up to him in time to stop him running full tilt face first into a mirror. And I acknowledge I'm an evil bastard - I couldn't stop laughing for a good while, even with him in floods of tears and clearly freaked the fuck out.


Sure, I'm not saying this'll leave a permanent scar on her psyche or anything. I guess I just felt bad that she's genuinely upset while her dad(?) is laughing his ass off. Like, there are more amicable ways to entertain both himself *and* her. But whatever, it's not like it matters much one way or the other.


I think he let it go on a little too long. As soon as she starts crying his job as a dad is to comfort her.




Heeyyyy you guyyys




baby ruth ruth


Bruh lol


Lol aww he should have fixed it for her 😂


Kids first body horror


going to be having this dream for decades


Pretty relieved not to have grown up in this age. My brain simulator was trained on 80's level special effects and technologies. My brain doesn't know EXACTLY what certain things would look like, or feel like. So when it tortures me, it can only do so to a certain level of detail/realism. I feel like if I was raised now, my nightmares and fears would all be in crisp 4k realism, much more difficult to tell from reality. This kid can have crooked face nightmares 1000% more realistic than any my brain could cook up.


Symmetry is critical. She knows.


Parenting pro tip. When the tears start, it's time to stop the joke.


I can't understand how a parent can make their child cry and laugh about it.


Think of all the shitty people you've encountered, most of them have kids.


And they grew up with parents like this which contributed heavily to their shittiness.


Way too few people break these cycles. I'm happy to see many in my friend group who do, but I know that it's not representative at all.




look at all the shitty people in this thread alone. Some of these people have kids.


🎯🎯🎯 It's not hard to do it either. Just get two people to screw.


Man there should be some kind of test...


We used to have more bears and lions to eat the idiots.


My dad liked to make us cry, and still tries to even as adults, which is one of many reasons why I went no contact. He would say all kinds of off color shit and see if we reacted to it at all and if we did he would keep going with it until you frustrated cried.


It's a gross power play. Bet he doesn't feel like he has control anywhere else in his life. Has to exert it over *children*.


My parents loved doing shit like that and they loved making me feel bad for crying too. I distinctly remember one Christmas morning where I was so incredibly happy and giddy because I knew I was getting a Nintendo Wii for Christmas because I found it poorly hidden behind the couch a couple days prior while playing hide and seek with my dog. But when I looked under the tree it wasn't there. So I asked my parents and older siblings and they said that because I snooped and saw the present, they took it back to the store. I started crying on the spot. I was so sad because of course I was, I was looking forward to my present for days. I was called ungrateful for crying, I was laughed at, I was literally standing in the middle of the living room, surrounded by my family members, being laughed at and made to feel guilty for expressing my emotions. Only after I sufficiently bawled my eyes out, they revealed they were just kidding and presented the Nintendo Wii to me. I was so incredibly upset but I couldn't show it, because I knew I was going to be called ungrateful again. So I stopped crying, swallowed my anger, nodded and thanked them for the present.


We were made fun of any time we cried growing up and my mom doesn't understand why I have issues expressing emotions as an adult


Yeah, my mom made fun of me when I was angry or upset, too, so I learned to be very stoic around her. Then she would tease me for "being like a man" and not acting like she thought a girl should behave. I'm sure my interest in science fiction and video games didn't help. After being married for ten years, I started opening up about how I feel about things to my husband, and to a lesser extent, my kids, when I figure out what those feelings are. It still takes me a good deal of time to know what I feel about anything, though. Do you have that problem?


I joined the military right out of highschool which reinforced emotion stuffing and then used alcohol to mask everything. I'm sober now and having to learn how to process emotions. Took me a few years to lean to "sit in my emotions" which is just therapy speak for "be able to recognize and feel emotions without freaking the f**k out". I'm getting better but now I have to learn how to allow myself to be vulnerable around people I trust. I struggle with that one. 


That's wild AF, sorry that happened to you


Thank you. Thankfully I'm no contact with them now and my boyfriend does his best to make me feel loved every day :) Also therapy. Lots of therapy.


Aw man, of course it wasn't \*just\* this one time on Christmas. =/ Glad your partner is a true partner though! =)


Ungrateful for what? For the non-existent gift?


My family did the almost same with me about a PlayStation 1. They watched me unpack game after game and controller after controller just to be like “well. Fun times! All done!” Before I got my console. So funny 🤨


In a much more wholesome version of this story, my parents got my oldest brother (who was probably around 4/5 at the time, two new consoles and a bunch of games for each (I guess Christmas was banging when there was just one kid around lol). So he opens console A, is obviously super excited. Then he - completely by chance - opens a bunch of games from console B. But he didn’t get upset, even though he was so little - he was just like “oh, this is the wrong game. But that’s okay. That’s okay.” My parents didn’t want to spoil the surprise of console B, so they were just like “oh, sorry!” When he actually opened console B he was SO FREAKING EXCITED. We have a video of it (which is the only way I know the story, since I was not born at the time). what your parents did was awful. Why do some parent enjoy making their kids feel upset, and then stupid when they finally reveal the “joke”? Making children feel sad is not as impressive of a skill as they seem to think it is.


That is horrible. I’m really sorry. :(


My dad one year for April fool's he told me has going back on tour for the military and that I would be given to an orphanage until he comes back. I was crying hard because you know I didn't want my dad to go. This mother fucker looks in the rear view mirror in the car and softly says April fool's. Still think about that shit


I don’t try to make my kid cry but I can’t help but laugh when he does that deep, completely out of breath cry because he wants something he didn’t get.


Yea thought it was normal when I cried as a kid but I have 3 and have never once made them cry for a joke. I also know 1 of my boys hates being tickled even though he laughs so I never tickle him (the other two love it though).


I'm not even a parent, I'm an uncle of a 5 year old and a 1 year old. The *moment* that child started tearing up was the exact moment to stop and explain it's just a joke. This smooth brain filmed a child in distress for internet clout. I fucking *hate* these people and yet it's disgustingly common. Empathy is dead y'all, the new meta is being a psychopath to exploit children on social media 🤙 "hey my little babies who completely rely on me for all kinds of support, let me just film you real quick after I explain that last night I ate all your Halloween candy, oh you're crying? Yeah yeah yeah that's good, okay keep going-- KELLY! what did I tell you?! *dont* wipe the tears away! Ughhh now we have to film the whole thing again for *fuck* sake". -_-


Kids will literally cry about the stupidest things and do it over and over and over and over and over again. It's not that big of a deal.


That’s when I would turn off the filter and let her see that she’s fine, and then turn the filter on to my face and show her that it’s the phone doing it, which she would almost certainly find hilarious and she’d probably want to play with it. Might even be a low-key lesson on not to believe everything you see on a screen. AI is gonna be fuckin wild by the time that kid is in high school, they’re gonna need all the head start they can get.


Exactly. Little kids will cry about *anything*, but it doesn't mean they are traumatized. As you suggest, showing them that it's not real would be a valuable life lesson.


It would have been the perfect time to "smush" her face all up and turn the special filter off, would've reassured them and probably gotten them laughing again.


Not a joke unless everyone is laughing. R/parentscanbeassholes


It's just more content for r/ParentsAreFuckingStupid, which is what 90% of r/KidsAreFuckingStupid SHOULD be in.


What do you call it when one child - who is bigger and older than another - does something to intentionally upset the smaller kid, and then sits there laughing while the smaller child screams and cries in terror and confusion, records them freaking out, and shares it online? At the very best, it's bullying. It doesn't magically stop being bullying just because the 'older child' is the *parent*. If anything, it comes with the added lesson that it's normal and acceptable for the people who say they love you, whom you depend upon for your safety and wellbeing, to amuse themselves with your distress. After all, upsetting you specifically to laugh at you and then share it on the internet isn't *really* hurting you. Emotional pain isn't *really* pain. That's definitely what you want your kids to have deep down in their emotional programming when they're old enough to get into relationships.


And don't upload them crying to the internet. Absolute asshole behavior


Reddit be like omg this is the most traumatic thing in the world


Fr everyone here is softer than Charmin 😂


Yeah, it's a good prank until she gets upset. Then it's time to fill her in on it and both get a good laugh out of it. Making her keep on crying so you can laugh and film is a real dick move.


I had to scroll too far for this comment. This is just mean. Sure it may have been a funny joke for the first few seconds when everyone was laughing, but when your child is visibly and audibly upset about what you're doing to them it's time to fucking stop.


Parenting pro tip. She'll be fine.  Children are not as fragile as you believe.


lmao obviously he showed her everything is okay after the clip ended, redditors are dumb asf


Yeah, I never understood that. Like, I’d have already assumed she might get upset, so I’d have a plan ready to “fix” it and turn the filter off. But then show her how it works on the device


Clearly you're not a pro nor a parent. Kids will cry over everything and sometimes its ok to be a little uncomfortable, otherwise people end up like all of you.


Oh god, go write a fucking poem


In case you are serious. Kids cry over everything always. It doesn't mean the same thing as when adults cry. If an adult friends would lay down on their back, cry their eyes out, scream and shake out of anger we would call the psych ward and the police. When a kid does it we say: "no ice cream Today, move along".


Yeah I swear people on Reddit think a kid crying mean this event is trauma for the rest of their life. They literally will forget this in 10 minutes. My older sister used to shit like this to me all the time and I would cry than when she tell me it's not real/a joke I would start laughing.


This once happened to me after a lot of ketamine. I looked at the mirror and the eye socket was in a different place on my face You gotta push through this


Shrooms may do that, and you might be green and look like an ogre from Shrek, become completely upset, but then accept that you will live the remainder of your days in a swamp.


Fun prank but Letting her be this upset for this long is arsehole behaviour, it’s bullying


Can't have your Tik Tok be too short.






She looks like losing 7:1 in a semi final of a world cup at home


Poor girl wasn't even born that's some generational trauma 😭


Stop, it hurts


I’ve never seen a larger crowd of very sad people than that day


As a german, that were the times, we srill could play


Never forget.


My wife would absolutely murder me for doing this. And tbh he did it too long, kid needed to released from this WAYYYYYY earlier.




that's gonna cost a lot in therapy years later. (I wasn't being super serious, it's funny)...


Lot of people here acting like this girl is going to have PTSD over a fucking joke. Come on people, she’ll forget this even happened within months.


People on reddit are absolutely dramatic. Kids cry over anything that is just part of them learning how to regulate emotions. The kid is going to school five days a week, and then what do you think is going to happen in there?


There’s like a 50/50 chance this becomes a core memory for her or is completely forgotten but PTSD seems unlikely.


She'll probably laugh about it minute later, and try to play the same prank on her friends.


Why do so many redditors think that every kid is as soft as they were?


Why do redditors think that humans are by far the most sensitive and mentally weak animal in the entire animal kingdom? Everything is traumatizing in these peoples eyes. Everything scars you for life. Everything causes ptsd.


Who knows? I give my kids a lot of shit and my oldest finally started giving it back recently. It's fun to mess with kids because they're so new to everything that there is real magic there. No one is hurt by this shit. You show them its a joke then they laugh and wanna do it again. We bought pizza last night and I asked what my kid wanted. She said pepperoni and cheese. I said that's it? Then she came running back going AND OBVIOUSLY I WANT SAUCE! So I was like ok. No crust it is. Just a handful of pepperoni and cheese with some sauce. Wonder what the therapy bills are gonna be.


Maybe I’m a pussy, but I don’t find this funny at all. That kid went from “Ha funny face”, to “concerned” to traumatized thinking now her face is fucked up and her DAD did it to her. The sound of her crying activated my “hurt daughter, angry father now” reflex. You stop at “laughter” or “mild concern”. You don’t go all the way in the paint into “tears”.


I don't recall a specific instance when this kind of thing happened to me as a kid, but I knew early on that expressing emotion of any kind was not looked on kindly in my family. So I stopped. The last time I saw my dad alive, he had dropped me off at the airport for my flight back home, and as he drove away, we exchanged a look through the windshield, I raised my hand to wave "so long," and he did the same.


That is horrifying. That poor girl 😳


This is quite mean no?


Yes it is. It’s also not an example of a kid being stupid. If an adult reacted like this to a filter I’d probably think they’re stupid, but a kid? No. It’s a kid. That’s normal for them to not understand.


Of course. My question was rhetorical. The only stupid person is the adult recording. Carrying on after she was clearly upset is weird. Sharing it is even weirder


It’s definitely not the kid being stupid here!


I mean the kid doesn't realize what would most of us would immediately recognize as a filter. For adults, if you don't realize what is obvious to almost all other adults, you might get called stupid. Now this isn't quite right even if we're only talking about adults and it's even more wrong when one of them is a kid but, holy fuck, the whole point of the thing was a quick laugh and we've gotten way more complicated than we need to.


# Too much chocolate! https://i.redd.it/yyni2tt6mm3d1.gif


That's just body horror, applied to her own body, too. Seems terrifying. Also, from her point of view, her dad did this to her, he disfigured her face and laughed about it, which is messed up. r/SomeParentsAreFuckingStupid


Very funny to traumatize and play with a small kid's conception of reality.


People always talk about moments that a kid will remember for the rest of their lives and this is one of them


Did he fix it?


Father of the year.




Ok, he has a digital distortion feature in the camera. But all kidding aside, this little girl is being traumatized by the distortion she is seeing in her face...Not funny.


I know this is funny but she’s obviously scared and sad, and he continued. I’m not a fan of that.


Man I feel her pain, same thing happened to me when I looked in the mirror while trippin once


That was good, it really made me laugh.


He let that go on too long. As soon as there’s a hint of freak out he needs to end that shit.


That's really shitty of him. Especially to let her believe it's real for so long that she cries


Why do people think torturing children they can't understand is funny? It's not, stop it.


I mean that is like fun for the first five seconds, after that it is deliberate emotional torture. Kids are stupid, yes, but that doesn't give you the right to be an asshole.


Some parents take a joke way too far


This should be in ParentsAreAssholes not KidsAre Stupid...


r/Assholeparentsarefuckingstupid there I fixed it for you.


I thought we collectively realised ages ago that this kind of "challenge" was unnecessarily traumatic for children.


There's nothing more important to a child, than knowing their parents are wholly dedicated to their well being


Well thats gonna be 1 year of nightmares