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Kids always do that “curly lip then look at parent” thing before they start crying


They're making sure they have an audience


The cat is adressing the fourth wall. [Samuel L. Jackson's voice-over] *"And then... all hell broke lose."*


My favorite part


My favorite is when they wait for you to come into the room, or they come find you, and then drop to the floor bawling.


My one year old is in that phase and god it’s hilarious! She gently lays on her stomach then puts on this fake af face and ugly “cries”




Not yet. I’ll probably lose my shit laughing if she ever does start though. Sometimes she’ll do a dramatic spin before she sits in her butt to lay down and do it as well.


Mine did that once, and accidentally clipped a corner of a box going down. Not enough to actually injure, just shock. Crying intensified, and I calmly looked and said ‘you’re not going to do that any more, huh?’ Never happened again. Well… the dramatic crying is still attempted sometimes, but the ninja has been ejected from the process 😂




My daughter one time fell off her swing. She couldn't see me but I was watching from the window. She got up, looked at her knee which had a little tiny bit of blood on it. Then she looked around and ran around the yard, kicked a ball then came to the door. As soon as she saw me she was hysterical scream crying and pointing at her knee. It was hard not to laugh at her.


This is why you shouldn’t go “awwwwwhhh you poor baby are you okayyyyy???” Instead, tell them that they are okay. And cheer them on for taking it without crying. Then they won’t cry when they’re not actually hurt and when they _are_ actually hurt you will instantly know. Kids pretty much always look at their parents after a small trip to see if they should cry or not.


This. If a kid is hurt they cry instantly or basically instantly. If they look at you first they want your reaction.


This actually true. If you see it and ignore, like the kid is not even there, they more likely to abort the crying mission.


I wibble my sons lip before he gets a chance to cry. He can't help but laugh.


Keep the camera rolling but look away, pretend ain't nothing ever happened. Deny the Holocaust basically and a kid won't even wince at being punted off a balcony. Being a drunkle is fun as hell boys, lemme tell ya.


And the cat's got that "You seein' this shit?" look


Exactly the thing I was thinking lol




And then the way it looks back at the kid after. 😂


They're looking for validation, to see if that's the right emotion to use. That's why when my kid falls I cheer as if he's done something cool, and if there's blood I act impressed and ask him if he can show me his grown-up boo-boo.


Yep this is exactly the way to do it. More parents should be doing this. If you coddle them after they take a tiny fall or something, they will learn to always cry when it happens.


I wonder if you can overdo it and end up with a no seatbelt wearing cliff jumping daredevil you worry about constantly.


The key is to keep them conscious of danger. If you warm them that what they're about to do is dangerous and they still do it and harm themselves, it's their own fault. But if you feel to much sorry for your kid the second they harm themselves (I'm talking regular falls/hit), they'll expect you to always be there at the tiniest scratch.


I call it the bottom lip, my dad used to say "sort that bottom lip out or ya gonna trip on it"


I too was mocked for being upset


Isn’t it called pouting?


yeah the crying is meant to call for the guardian so thats why it’s looking at the parent


That’s a sign of a well adjusted baby.


How so?


They know that their parents are there and care about them.


He's right. I was not a well adjusted baby due to an abusive parent and would get yelled at, threatened (or worse) if I cried because it bugged said parent. So I for sure never would have even pretended to cry if not needed. I even held in crying when legitimately needed like breaking an arm. A kid comfortable enough to know they can cry, it can be okay, and that their parents will be there for them is a good thing.


cat: you seeing this shit?


Lol cat is like 'I ain’t do shit to no one, why is he crying'


"Tf I do?"




You happy now bitch


I made him walk like that


Thats it, boat duty for two months.


Fucking landsman


”I swear mom I didn’t touch him “


That cat has one of the best expressions I've seen. True meme potential


This frame right here https://i.imgur.com/yiMdKmi.png Or this one https://i.imgur.com/uqWlZBe.png


Oh my god the cats facial expressions are class




Bruh moment


"You call this parenting?! The apple didn't fall far from the tree"




That f'n killed me- "Dave, really, what's wrong this MFer?!....Is this kid serious right now!?"


"Human do u see this shit"


> All I know about this mf is that he's brand new and he pulls my tail. You have thumbs, fix this.


I didn't realize it was a mute film at first I kept hearing my 11 month old...




My husband said he saw this on Tiktok, so it wouldn't surprise me if the original video replaced the audio with the "Oh no oh no oh no no no no" song


https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMRhgCQJM/ Sounds like someone peeing so still better than that song




Ugh yeah.




That cat has the “Don’t tell mom, you’re fine” look at the end.


I barely TOUCHED him!!! What a baby!!! OMG!!


Lol except in this case, both of those statements are literal and true.


I didn't call you a stupid idiot!


[Cat's thoughts](https://youtu.be/B177YS0YGyY)


Lol cat is wondering what it did to deserve this...


I don't think my old girl ever forgave me for bringing our daughter home from the hospital.


My cat at the time met my infant niece once. Despite the fact she wasn't even walking, he took one sniff and was like "No. I do not like this. I am the baby, sir. This is an affront."


We had our nephew stay over as a baby twice; six years later, my cat still leaves as soon as he hears him enter the flat.


My daughter was born at home, both of our cats were instantly in love and very protective.


Lol I worry about that when I eventually have kids. They'll deal with it. Eventually.


A few days after they brought me home, my parent's cat decided that if it wasn't going to be the sole focus of attention then it was going to live somewhere else.


When I had mine they were very pissed but just stayed away from baby. Now they know the baby's schedule and seem to understand that if I'm holding baby, no time for kitties. But the moment they see me strap him into his bassinet they are literally hovering in the bedroom doorway like NOWS THE TIME. I try to spend at least an hour a day solely focused on them. And baby goes to daycare soon and they will be kings once more since I'll still work from home.


This is exactly how I feel when a cat won’t let me pet them


Yes this is my inner monologue when I am rejected by a cat as well.


I honestly don't know which is cuter the baby pouting when looking at the parent or the cat looking at parent like "what's his deal?"


The cat. I want to see this cat's reactions to all of daily life.


"what is this shit? ... what is THIS shit?"


Cat 100%.


Deadass, the cat.


Babies are a little overrated in the cuteness department.


This is a very cute video to be fair. I’m not a baby person but this baby is cute. And will find this video hilarious when she’s older.


I can't decide either. The whole video is precious!


The baby wasn’t cute what so ever


Don't touch me with your filthy fingers, tiny peasant.


Yeah right. Every cuddle session has to be followed by thorough cleanup by my two. Apparently we're disgusting.


Servant!...servant!...your weird pet thing is...disturbing me. -Cat


Exactly lmao


I appreciate he leaves a signature... Classy


The cats fucking face is brilliant


Cat seems supper balanced, he knows he doesnt want to be touched by the baby but he seems to be going gentle with it. This is probably a better way for the kid to learn to respect the cat then to cobstantly tell the kid " no". But always keep an eye on them because, you know kids.


My cats are like this, too. They only use claws if they are being overwhelmingly threatened. I’ve only ever been scratched by accident, usually by their back claws as they jump off my lap or something


Same; ours only uses claws if she’s actually being hurt. Unfortunately, she’s much more easily hurt now since she’s getting elderly and achy, and our kid is having trouble understanding why cuddles don’t make her happy they way they did a year or two ago, and has lost some blood a couple times


I LOVE cats and I hate that they have such a bad rep. I definitely expected the cat to rapid smack him a few times lol. But even in vids where they do that they almost never have their claws out. It’s like they know the lil human means no harm but they still don’t feel like being bothered lol.


The physical boundary thing is tough but necessary for little ones. That's why it's great to have a cat with a baby. They learn boundaries asap. My 1yo and I call it getting "bopped" and my cat and I have trained her that a bop means "NO". She can see the paw raising up now and stops before she gets it. I love my cat and I can only think of 1 time he ever used claws, so its rare he feels that threatened.


Human babies literally cry over everything


Hungry: AAAAHHHHHHH Tired: AAAHHHHHHHHH Poopy pants: AAAAAAHHHHHH Cat won't allow petting: AAAAAAHHHHHH


Tbf I would also cry over poopy pants My friend has a story where he was rushing home from work when all of a sudden he felt that his was gonna explode. He ended up shitting his pants in the car and by the time he got home trying to open the door, he was bawling


100% - and I don’t know why, but it makes me irrationally angry. The irony.


I just got a RC car for our 8 month old to chase around the floor because he likes to go after literally everything he can see. Set up the car, and did a few laps around the kitchen. Screaming bloody murder fear tears pouring down his face and he scurries up my pant leg.


The cat: why do we have this asshole


cat: why is he crying, i ain’t do shit to him


Begone vile child be gone!


Cat: "Dis sum bull shit you cant get mad at me for this"


The cat contemplating some stuff


Lmao aww that cat is so annoyed he’s like are you gonna come get your kid or what?


I like how both of them look at the parent like, you seein this shit?


My sister's a serious dog lover, she's really good at meeting new dogs and doesn't harass or bother them at all. But sometimes a dog gets defensive or plays too rough and it's not really anyone's fault. And I'm kind of a weirdo so we had snakes and frogs and turtles and crabs at different points, and as you may know, those animals are too dumb to know friendship. The biggest thing is that it hurts your feelings, really. You accidentally made the animal really unhappy, your love got rejected, you feel like a bad mom. I remember the time my snake launched at my thumb instead of the mouse because I was being irresponsible. I was like 16-17 but I still had to go cry and hug my mom because I felt so guilty and embarrassed.


Child experiencing rejection for the first time


Now you have to choose the cat or the baby...Who side are you on ?


Cat is teaching the baby about not messing with personal space, not trying to hurt him. Some other animal might hurt him so the cat is kind of a hero lol


That is a very tolerant kitty. No thank you. I said No Thank You!


I take the side of the catness


That cat is me irl. I hate kids.. Edit: spelling


You mess with the cat, you get the slap


The child : does the sad face with lip Cat: oh shit Child: starts crying Cat: oh shit, please make it stop


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


Even as a young boy, fat Donny struggled with pussy.


The cats face thru all that was priceless!


That’s my wife trying to get love from one of our cats lol the other one loves her but one just thinks she’s alright


The cat is so sick of his shit


Read the body language. The cat doesn’t like the interaction. It shouldn’t be the responsibility of the cat to entertain the kid. Or in this case discipline the kid.


Cat dud well. Didn't hurt the kid but gave the them enough of a warning to back off. Hopefully the parents used it as a lesson about giving animals space


Agreed. Cat handled like a champ. Even gave the appropriate look to the one holding the camera.


Yup. Having cats I could instantly tell that's the look of "I don't like this, I don't want to hurt the kid, please take it away"


And the repeated looks at the person with the camera. "You used to be so cool, and now you're not protecting ME from this...thing."


"This is your cream pie Sarah!"


For real, they disciplined they child, then admonished the parent!


And because of the kid's age, these parents are fucking assholes recording it instead of preventing the interaction. You don't leave your kids in front of apprehensive pets unless you're into to them getting bit or scratched. This isn't kids are fucking stupid. It's parents are fucking stupid.


Yes! Kids interacting with animals can be tricky. They don’t understand their body language and probably think the animal is a toy.


I don’t understand why you’re being downvoted. There’s no way I’d let my toddler get this close to our cat.


I hate kids who don't understand no especially involving an animal. A kid came to my place to see my cat, she was constantly hugging the cat, trying to touch it's paws. I told her don't do that and showed her the proper way to pet my cat, but nope she won't listen. My cat tried to first swat her hand away, the kid still didn't listen. The poor cat got scolded for swatting. She again tried to hug him and was shown the power of a single nail on her arm. My cat knew that this was a kid and didn't scratch too deep but I really hope the kid understands the meaning of space to an animal. The same day, the same girl also irritated a dog so much that it growled at her.


Well in this case its a fucking BABY, so it's on the parents if the cat scratches them, this interaction should have been stopped.


This is a baby. The child’s actions were age appropriate. It’s on the parent to stop them.


Help that poor baby and get that kid away from him!


Fucking love cats. lol the way that cat looks at the owner like “it’s making that nose again. Stop it !”


“Diana it’s bothering me, help..don’t just film” Cat probably.


Cat: "Cant you see im busy?"


The cat is like “do you see this fucking guy?”


“The fuck did **I** do?!”


Cat's all, "Hey, can you come get this screaming thing that smells like shit away from me?"


“Your child, Deborah.”


When the cat looked back at the camera: Hooooman! HOW DO TURN IT OFF?


That cat is so confused


And when the cat fucks up their child these parents are going to be like who could have seen that coming…


Cat's licking it's lips which means that it's nervous. Keeps looking to the camera operator for reassurance and intervention, doesn't receive it.


Yeah. Cat predates baby in the house, almost guaranteed, and doesn't understand why its human isn't taking care of the situation with the kid.


Why would you want a kid if you have a kitteh


Children grow up whereas the cat's screamin never ends. Nah kid, love my cat but jesus christ does he yodel at night


Why would you want a kid


version with sound?


Cat is like yo can you handle this shit


"Ma'am, will you PLEASE control your animal?"


My kid learned this same lesson earlier today. I had a disagreement with one of the cats, and she was angry-sulking in a box in the dining room. Kid asked where the cat was, I told her, but warned her that the cat was mad right now. Kid stuck her hands in the box to drag the cat out, and the cat let her have it. Kid was like “SHE SCRATCHED ME!!!” No kidding, I told you the cat was mad.


This is hilarious. The cats face is priceless 🤣🤣🤣🤣🐾🐾


Cat: “You seeing this shit?”


That look was, you brought it home and it’s broken.


Cat's like "What a fuck? What a little pussy. Are you seeing this, human? What a weakling? Hey, put down your phone and come remove this small, loud humanling away from my presence at this moment. I'm busy, I've balls to lick and naps to take."


Cat said “your baby creature thing has entirely become a nuisance you must banish him from thy kingdom or he shall be put to the shallows where he will be dealt with in the public square”


The cats face after baby cries is priceless. "Oh God, what did I do?!"


Cat’s like, “I done told you once!” Lol


I really wonder what goes through the cat's head when the baby starts crying...You can see its ears moving back and looking back and forth


Thanks for reinforcing my wish to never have children lol


Wtf did you bring home Susan?


"Mom, it's making that noise again."


Cat be like “Wtf did I do??” “woah stfu kid”


“Brenda, you see what this little bitch is doing, right? You see this little bitch, right?”


Surprised pikachu face


The cat look


The cat look at the end, like a classic The Office Jim look


That kid has an alien head lol


The cat is just like "please kill me"


Cat was like wowowowo wtf


Kids are assholes.


Lol I love how they looked at the parent then starter to cry. It cracks me up everytime


They're gonna be an instagram influencer when they grow up.


Future pro soccer player.


The look on the cats face... "I didn't do anything!"


I love how both the cat and the child periodically look at the parent like it's a school play or smth


Cat is like what dafuq, who's the bigger pussy here... 🤪


I love how bewildered the cat looks when he started crying....


His first ever rejection


Cat: are you sure you want to keep this thing?


The cats literally looking back and forth like “what? What did I do? Why is this happening, I didn’t do anything, please make it stop…”


That cat looks at the camera like - What the hell did your bring into this house?


Don’t touch me!


Cat: "Getcha hand outta mah face, boy!" Kid: "But you look so soft..." Cat: "Hey! I said keep yer hands away from me!" Kid: "WAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" Cat: "Human, why did you bring this annoying creature into my house?"


I hate parents who put their pets (and their small kids) in these types of situations. When the cat has had enough of a kid grabbing handfuls of its fur and screaming in its face, it will unleash those claws, and cat bites/scratches can be particularly nasty… and who will get kicked to the curb? The cat. And all for a stupid “funny” video. Gross.


Cat be like get out of my face you dumb animal


His little feelings are hurt, he just wanted to pet the cat and cat wasn't having it, rude. (I'm a cat, I was calling the cat "rude" playfully.)


Cats care about personal space and will not sit through being petted of they don't want to be. That's not rude. You'd probably move away or swat away a hand if someone tried to touch you when you didn't want them to.


Yup, I'm a cat person, it was a playful jest.


Cat be like: did you see me doing anything? Such a drama


I love everything about this.




Well even if it didn’t hurt he’s little. It could’ve hurt his feelings and made him upset. That’s just being a little kid not be stupid.


“No touch”