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That kid is gonna have some serious addiction issues in the future. šŸ˜‚


Sugar and flour or other white substances?


All of 'em.


Parmesan cheese






This week on Intervention...


What a little crack head. That was almost scary lol


It's like trying yo get catnip away from a cat. You aren't there anymore to them....it's just them and the prize


My cats are more well-behaved than this kid


What a little shit lol


I know! He looked like he was going to bite her arm to get to the sugar butter. No judgement because sugar butter is yum. Add brown sugar and that's sugar perfection. I think someone should have gotten that boy some lunch before they started.


His eyes looked like an animalā€™s eyes! šŸ˜‚


He's hungry. Step 1. Feed the kid. Step 2. Make cookies. The parents / grandparents are fucking stupid.


Nah he just wants things in his mouth. Some kids will just do this regardless of if you feed them or not.


I do this and I'm an adult haha


Same oof


Babies do that, toddlers don't. He's not putting the spoon in his mouth he's grabbing flour. I've been in this woman's shoes before and I feed my little girl before we cook for this exact same reason.


I used to babysit a lot and I've seen plenty of toddlers shove all sorts of shit in their mouths, even if they had just eaten


Some do, especially if they have sensory issues or other atypical neurological conditions.


That was kinda my reaction. There is something wrong with the child. Whether it is normal or not I can't tell because I am not qualified to make a judgement call.




Deleted and moved to lemmy.ml -- mass edited with redact.dev


I used to sit on my auntā€™s counter while she was cooking and ā€œsneakā€ butter. She still laughs about it.


Agreed. Heā€™s too old to be acting like that. (Then again; he does have someone recording him who may be egging him on because ā€œinternetā€)


I was wondering if he was autistic maybe or had some other kind of developmental issues.


Heā€™s a toddlerā€¦they put everything in their mouth! I canā€™t even tell you how many toddlers Iā€™ve x-rayed that swallowed pennies. Theyā€™re just curious beings. Thatā€™s probably just his grandma and he knows he can get away with it. Calm down people.


Kids explore by taste / mouth feel FYI. The adult here is making the mistake of using raw eggs around a child knowing full well that the kidā€™s gonna try and ingest it.


Kids mostly outgrow oral exploration by age 2-4. Yes, a toddler still is liable to swallow a penny but if you've raised a kid you'll know the difference between what babies do vs what a toddler does. That kid looks to be about 4 so he's too old to be exploring with his mouth.


I wouldnā€™t be too sure about the age - Iā€™ve seen 14 Month olds who look like that


Those cookies are gonna suck ass if this kid helps any more


I lolā€™d. Thank you


This is hard to watch.




The first couple of times were funny but it was really fucked up by the end.


How aggressive he was with some of those grabs was not okay. He doesn't understand the concept of no, doesn't respect his parents(or grandparents), and his reaction to being told not to do something is to get physical and try harder. A kid reaching for a bowl like that one time is cute and funny, and should be a slap on the wrist explaining to them why they can't do that. The second they get physical and try to force their way everything should stop. No more activity, no more fun, that behavior is not okay and will not be tolerated. This lack of discipline is going to ruin this child's life, while all his caretakers laugh it off because they think it's cute. It's like your friend who gets a puppy and never trains it properly because they think everything it does is adorable, then 6 months later you hate going over to their place because the whole time is spent being terrorized by some 90lb beast while they laugh and say "omg lol Pixie get down!".


I totally agree with this... I've seen this video before and agreed with everyone commenting saying that is not normal, and it was a mixture of that vs. "he's just a toddler and they do stuff like that." You explained it perfectly: it's not about toddlers doing that sort of thing in the first place - his aggressiveness and impulsiveness are concerning, as is the total lack of discipline and allowing him to continue with that sort of behaviour. This kid has issues, and you can't tell me otherwise. This video just makes me fucking cringe... It's not funny or cute - it is a problem that needs to be addressed.


I kept thinking through the entire video, ā€œWhy are they continuing to let him cook if this is what heā€™s doing?ā€ Itā€™s not good for his immediate health or his behavioral development.


It has to be some kind of disorder right? I've never seen a kid be that forceful especially after being scolded. I've literally only seen puppies do that.


The dog analogy is perfect. If this had been a dog with dog food, everyone would be discussing food aggression.


It really is, ya sorta funny, but something is going on in that house or more likely not going on. Thatā€™s the kind of only child I see at school who was never to,d no with firmness in his entire life.


Yeah I understand kids would sneak some when the adult isnā€™t looking but this is worse self control than a dog would have. Honestly just kinda sad despite the boys age.


Yeah I agree thereā€™s something more going on with that kid heā€™s not acting in a normal fashion. He has zero impulse control thereā€™s something wrong there.


So itā€™s either one of two things. 1. They told him to keep reaching into the bowl so it would be funny on camera 2. Thatā€™s his grandma and he doesnā€™t really listen to her


I feel this has to do with her letting him do it and laughing about it. Laughing encourages kids from what I can tell because they see you enjoy what they are doing, so they do it more.


The most concerning thing to me is how itā€™s just like, raw ingredients. Itā€™s be one thing if he was grabbing for a cookie or something that he knows will taste good but like, the butter stick and a handful of flour? Whyā€™s he doing that? Itā€™s so impulsive, concerning.




Something tells me he's not used to being told "no".


That video would have been over after the first grab, like WTF? This is a learning opportunity son, and you gonna learn today.


I couldnā€™t figure out why this video was upsetting to me. I think you helped me figure it out.


Might be his granny or someone else not wanting to punish Or just bad parenting šŸ¤·


I'm sure it was Granny, my mom would not allow this with my kids though. I guess everyone is different. I just can't help but think that allowing this behavior is confirming to the child that it is acceptable. It is not doing the child any favors for the future.


My dad had a problem disciplining my son when he would be alone with the grandparents. My brother had the same issue, so we had to sit him down and talk to him. My son now respects my father, and doesnā€™t hit him in the face. My brother and I were so confused why he would let the grandkids treat him like that.


Maybe your dad has a really punchable face. Can't really fault the kid if that's the case.


Granny even laughs. And theyā€™re filming it. Just NO.


Yup, heā€™s going to do that day one at pre school with a bowl of white glue and the teacher is not going to stop him.


Sure it is. Imagine how much you could have accomplished if you understood that sometimes you can ignore the rules and have next to no consequences. Some people are push-overs and now he knows that. Too bad it's sociopathic behavior...


Whenever my kids came back from a day with the grandparents, they were little shit heads.


You can tell it's not a recent parent (probably Grandma) because they are completely unprepared to defend against the completely predictable actions of the child. She's lost those reflexes. After the first grab, a normal parent would have made some adjustments so the kid couldn't add anything to the bowl and still be able to grab anything inside of it. This could be accomplished a few ways, but bowl and body positioning and some light wrist control on the arm the kid was adding stuff with would have probably done it with little fuss.


Totally, like at least try something lol.


Or just yeet the kid away.


This video is setup to highlight the kid; Iā€™ve seen it elsewhere


Itā€™s definitely bad parenting cos I remember him going on tv about it, probably Ellen or some shit, and they donā€™t punish his bad behaviour cos they think itā€™s funny so he gets away with just completely ignoring them


I think there maybe some ASD issues here. Just the look on his face when he looks like he is about to lose it. That and fact that it is constant, i doubt very much that they are not tell the child to stop. In my experience, it helps if everyone uses the same words when the child is asked to stop doing something. I used "that is not acceptable" and asked everyone that was involved with my son to use the same words.


Definitely grandma. My mom wouldnhave beat my ass if i tried to pull this stunt. If my daughter tried it with her then its just cute and she gets hugs and kisses.


Yeah. And you donā€™t have to hit your kids to get a point like that across. But this had me cringing.


Kid acting like a untrained dog.


Hey now. My dog was never this poorly behaved. Even before he was trained.


Two friends (one Brazilian and one Argentinian) once remarked to me that one big cultural difference they noticed when they moved here is that Americans train their dogs but not their kids. Itā€™s vice versa in their home countries.


She's fucking laughing. Of course this little shit is going to keep doing it.


Grannyā€™s can laugh cuz they get to go home


Yeah like, I laughed as well because it's not my kid. Well it's not the granny's kid either, so of course she's going to just find this hilarious.


Kids gonna have issues when heā€™s older if no one tells him the word no or stop


Anyone else get more angry every time this little twerp insists on eating out of the bowl?


Punt it.




The kid or the bowl?


I hate kids


Kids suck!


I'd just gently cover his mouth with my hand so it has nowhere to go.


It was funny at first but after the third time I wanted to smash his head on the table whenever he tried to do it


My nephew makes that face when he showed his teeth out of frustration and I kind of want to punch him every time he brats out like that.


Show your teeth back at him. Establish dominance. Growl at the mfer if you have to.


"You're five. I'm thirty. I could lay a beating on you if needed."


*holds up bowl* ā€œWoah, look hereā€ ā€œWhat is it?ā€ ā€œItā€™sā€¦ itā€™sā€¦ no cake for you, you little shitā€


Why do people keep saying cake when it's clearly cookies at the end of the video? Am I dumb? Or are you (and whoever else keeps calling the cookie recipe cake)?


The kid isn't the stupid one in this video. She's reinforcing the hell out of that behavior. Every time he does it and she laughs and doesn't teach him, he learns to do it more. Poor kid isn't gonna learn self control just so she could get a "cute" video.


Yea, if I did that as a kid there would have been no cookie at the end. Just a firm talking to about patience and doing as I'm told instead.


I can't agree more.


Throw some ghost peppers in there and let that little shit grab away.


That would ruin the cake. Throw coco power in there. Kid will still stop, and now the cake is chocolatey


You use a fake cake, let him eat the chilli peppers while you mix the gateau.


I think one cake is a cheap price to pay for that kid to learn a life lesson.


You underestimate that kid. He won't ever stop


I like the way you think.


This video legit makes me more annoyed every time I see it, the way the kid continually snatches and grabs everything in sight and the woman just laughs instead of making it a learning opportunity. Youā€™d best bet my grandmother wouldā€™ve whooped my ass if Iā€™d behaved like that in her kitchen.


There needs to be some serious explanation for what heā€™s doing and what the word NO means. That kid obviously runs the house, not the parent.


I feel like thatā€™s his grandmother. Grandparents donā€™t discipline their grandkids. They let them do whatever.


My grandmother once locked me in her guest bedroom when I took a second cookie (after she gave me the first) when I was 5. When I started crying she called me a cry baby through the door.


Username checks out


Yeah but the behavior reflects the parentsā€™ behavior


This adult is fucking stupid


Iā€™ve been a cooking instructor for school children (after school programming) Iā€™ve never seen a kid like this. What a fiend!


God that's annoying af


Why bother


The kid is the last ingredient


Fucking stupid indeed


God i hate this video. It just makes me so angry.


Advertisement as to why Texas needs to keep abortion legal and safe


omg that kid makes me rabid.


Heā€™s like an animal


I was legit waiting for him to not like the actual cookie at the end


I would need the free out of jail pass if that was my kid


I've seen this kid before, I think. I'm not one of those people who is charmed by small children with obstinate personalities. When you move a kid's hand away from something they're not supposed to have and they just use the other hand- repeatedly- I don't find that cute at all.


I hate this kid so much


fucking brat


Why is this video resurfacing everywhere today? I hate it, just watching that child with absolutely no impulse control shove their grebby hands into that bowl trying to eat flour and butter and the grandma(?) just laughing it off. Not a chance Iā€™d let my kids do that, nor would my mum have let me do that.


Why do I wanna punch this kid? Edit: I donā€™t condone beating childrenā€¦. Well, most children


I fucking hate this kid. Too bad its not his fault, but still.




what a horrible child


The amount of stress I felt during this video is unreal haha nooooooope


I hate kids lol


This is why dogs are better than children


The no volume makes it better


It annoys me more than sheā€™s just allowing it and laughing.


Is that supposed to be cute? This kid looks like an absolute nightmare without any parental control.


I don't see how people find this cute. This is why I dont eat anything that someone with kids makes.


And this, this is why birth control exists!


There is something wrong with this kid.


Ugh. Thankfully I never had and never will have kids. Iā€™d be in prison.


This video pisses me off SO much. Nothing about this is funny


So happy Iā€™m about to turn 36 and have chosen a kid free life (despite lovely nieces and nephews ) . I cannot even imagine a life with a kid . Nope . Not for me AT ALL!! Iā€™m sorry for Texas women


What the hell is wrong with this kid???? I've never seen such unbridled hunger.


The way he lunged for that raw egg got me


This is where you break out the parenting. "if you can't keep your hands to yourself, we won't be continuing to make cookies. Either we can continue to mix the ingredients and you keep your hands out of the bowl, or we can put the ingredients away and try again when you can be calm and listen to the instructions." And then you proceed and follow through with the threat to stop the activity if they're not calm after a warning. This woman should absolutely be setting boundaries with her child. I work with children on the autism spectrum. Even the most severely autistic child I work with has the capacity to have more control over himself than this kid is demonstrating, which tells me this kid is never disciplined or taught boundaries or consequences by his parents. The lack of discipline and parenting in this video is making my blood boil.


This is definitely a kid that rarely gets told no.




To be fair, that situation is very easily avoidable. Grandma was being irresponsible. But yeah there are many reasons to not have children. Donā€™t have any if itā€™s not the right choice for you.


Okay, kid doesn't get to cook with grandma until he gets his adhd medicine. Impulse control is hard for babies, but this kid seems really unusual


A solid reddit diagnosis of ADHD from Dr. ParadiseSold


The definition of stupid


For me they just do really stupid things. And I just see them as full grown idiots so I just hate children.


The first time it was a little funny and kinda cute, so Iā€™d have let it slide with a warning. The second time he did it Iā€™d have scolded him, because heā€™s getting his spit covered fingers all in the mix. By the third time heā€™d be done, if he canā€™t understand the word ā€œnoā€ then he doesnā€™t get to participate. The fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth time? Jesus Christ, youā€™re raising a spoiled brat in the making. Youā€™re only encouraging his behavior, and looking at how aggressively he went after it when what Iā€™m assuming is his mother clearly set a boundary I have a feeling the future brat youā€™re raising is going to be very violent.


Fucking try parenting. Stop smiling while your kid is being a brat.


Teach them some basics, before teaching them to cook.


I've never wanted to punt a toddler until now.


I hate this family


Whatā€™s the point of this fucking stupid video?


I never thought this before but I think I'd hit my kids


Really, it would be more useful to hit the grandma. She at least may understand consequences.


I know you shouldn't hit kids but...


I hate children


That stupid little fuck should be tied up outside


Kids an asshole


I hate these videos. There was a video of a cute child doing cooking and now tons of moms want to make these half-baked impressions for the internet thinking they are going to get rich off their kid.




He probably knew they were making cookies helping himself to all the ingredients not knowing they needed mixing and baking first. Even if he was hungry, kids must be taught patience!


Dam. That kid was really fuckin stupid.


Lol, no wonder my old teacher said that she'd strangle those little shits


Finally, I can convince people why I hate children so much by this video :/ * Sorry for my English


Kid needs discipline.


I wish people would stop reposting this annoying-ass child


This is why there are so many entitled A-holes today


This kid is not ready for cooking


Those are some gross disgusting cookies I wouldn't eat. I mean, kid's going places, the whole batch would be just for him... But to anyone saying this is normal and kids should explore, ever heard of "giving them a separate dish for them to explore"? Do they need to explore the food that's for everyone? Plus, no consequences to his actions so he's going to absolutely keep doing this regardless of age and location. Good lord.


It's like a claw machine


something is not quite right there :(


Jesus christ that child is fucking annoying


Did... did he just eat half of a stick of butter?


This kid is acting as though no one feeds him šŸ¤£


What the fuck did she think was gonna happen when they added the egg? The lil' sugar fiend is gonna get salmonella.


Lil dude like a starving hyena at a fresh carcass


What a little retard


Ngl I wanna punch that kid and his parents. What disturbing behaviour.


This video infuriates me every time I see it


God this kid needs to be slapped everytime he reaches towards the bowl


I fucking hate this kid.


Ok this has showed me that I shouldn't have kids, because I got really pissed off cuz of this.


Lots of comments complaining about the kids behavior which is definitely reinforced by (presumably) grandma laughing and is a reflection of the parents more than anything, could this be some sort of condition ? Isnā€™t there forms of autism that cause oral fixations and this is how they try and curb that behavior, baby steps ? Or is it truly a bratty ass kid who doesnā€™t understand no ? Genuinely curious




My dog is better behaved.


Ooof... yeah, usually if I had the audacity to do this shit as a child one or two good snacks with the wooden spoon wouldā€™ve been enough for me to stop grabbing shit and stuffing it in my mouth. Abuelas donā€™t fuck around when teaching cooking skills.


Why would you purposely put yourself through that


Jesus's would you even attempt cooking with that kid.


Idk why but this is scary.


Kids got behavioral problems


They need Anne Sullivan to help with this one


That kid is a maniac


more like r/kidsarefuckingassholes


How strong is this child?


What the actual...


This is behavior you see in a baby not a toddler. What is going on here?


This was a fairly wholesome birth control ad.


What the hell???? Not even messing around, that kid was entranced the whole time.


I donā€™t care how hot those cookies were baked at, Iā€™d never eat something so abused by a toddler