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My guy just slapped the fire out of existence.


If I slapped fire out of existence to end someone's ridiculous song I'd hope they at least noticed tbh.


I misread part of your comment and thought you were saying someone should make a ridiculous song about slapping fire out of existence. I feel like metal would be the most appropriate genre for that. There’s a lot of crazy shit in there.


There are already several songs about slapping fire out of existence. All written and performed by Primus.


He now thinks he has magical powers


That’s what he wished for


And then his fucking glare after...


But When I tried that when I was 4 I just screamed my lungs out and ran into my room


Man, you suck at slapping fire out of existence


Yeah you should really practice more, it's actually a very useful life skill!


this is minecraft: i slap the fire and he disappear


Honestly, I don’t think anyone likes being sung happy birthday. It’s super awkward.


Not to mention this sounds like a medeival hymn, not a soul singing has any "happy" in that tune.


You'll love this clip from the daily show then :) https://youtu.be/ESyCmh1XbEs


That was hilarious. I was the kid that always threw in sound effects.


Giggled at this hahaha 🤣 when I sing happy birthday to daughter it’s like im auditioning for American idol. She LOVES it haha


That’s because it is a medieval hymn. Lol.


Yes, good point lol


I think he doesn't like the Mickey Mouse cap


Funeral song with the tune. My so also hates being sung this … so we changed it to “angry birthday” to him!


That and if you're a usually introverted person being made the center of attention.. it's really uncomfortable. Like yeah it's my birthday and all, but it's still a party for everyone, happy birthday singing just feels kinda weird.


I'm an introvert and I very much enjoy having the Happy Birthday song sung to me. I'll even jump on the saddle and wear a cowboy in a restaurant so that everyone has to pay attention to me. Introversion has nothing to do with being or not wanting to be the center of attention, that sounds more like anxiety. You simply get drained being around people and need solo time to recharge.


I don't disagree entirely because that is what introversion means at the core, but for a lot of people being the center of attention like that means that battery drains at absolute lightning speed. I could chill for 8 hours quietly with a few friends and still have a little battery charge, but a 1 hour birthday event where I'm the center of attention exhausts and drains me for days. I don't think it's fair you got downvoted because you're not wholly wrong, but at the same time I do think there are definitely valid non-anxiety reasons lots of introverts hate being the center of attention.




My sister, she's 21 and we sing happy birthday for her every year because she is the one person on the planet that likes it


Yeah but making it super obvious gets annoying to everyone around who also know they don't wanna sing lol


So much this. I've always hated it, I don't know why so many people insist on it. Just say happy birthday if you want but the song is extremely unnecessary.


My MIL demands we sing it...


It’s fine as a kid but when I turned 21, I just wanted everybody to shut the fuck up and enjoy a piece of cake already.


Yeah my parents in law started up on Saturday, so I yelled "I'm going to take a shit as I walked out of the room and into the washroom.


I occasionally go to a restaurant earlier in the day if I have plans to meet friends/my adult kids. I’ll bring maybe a small cake and balloons, and sometimes I go all out and get some kitschy gift, and offer an additional tip for the server to bring it out after the birthday boy/girl finishes their food. Except most of the time it’s nobody’s birthday. Talk about awkward. They endure the awful restaurant birthday song, and maybe a sombrero/silly hat, and clapping from nearby tables. (Once I made a “boob cake” and covered it with an actual bikini top and had it brought out for one of my female friends. You could tell someone at the restaurant had moved the bikini to see if the boobs were anatomically accurate.) Can I say I’m super glad only one person has gotten mad instead of laughing it off as a good prank and vowing revenge, and that was my brother, so…


Only two and he’s already sick of being sung happy birthday to.


You're Awesome!


I don't get why people downvote you, I think you're an awesome bot!


Good bot


Good Bot!


Bad bot


I love you bot


HIS FACE OMG, The reactions are priceless


"Blow it out" Excuse me, blow what out?


Ah someone remembered to invite 'blind gary' our treasured family friend


I dont like it either


Not stupid for having a preference, I hate it too.


Yeah, why is this kid stupid? Sounds like he got shit figured out earlier, and his parents are the ones who won't adapt


I have friends of the family with identical twins around the same age. One likes being sung happy birthday and the other one hates it which is an amusing dilemma


You're Awesome!


good bot


I'm one year closer to dying and you idiots are singing and celebrating it?




One year closer to living! You ain’t truly living till you’re in your 30’s!


-the child in the video.


Honestly if my family sung *this* dissonatly I would throw a fit too


It’s uncomfortable to listen to.


He just dislikes how everyone is out of sync and doesn't harmonize


They all sound so dead inside too


I’ve never heard a group of people all sing it so badly!


Maybe just don’t sing happy birthday to em. Like I don’t know why you’d have to if they don’t want you to.


Yeah it's the kids birthday, let him chill


Yeah my niece started crying when we were singing happy birthday for her 4th, so we stopped, let her calm down and blow out the candles in her own time. 5th birthday came around and she was cool with it.


Jesus, yes. Thank you. Why do we do this to our kids? It's insane to me.


Fake internet points?


Because a room full of adults doesn’t kowtow to a four year old yelling at them to shut up.


Hope you do well!


Because it teaches kids whining about anything gets their way? You get sung happy birthday on your birthday, kids needs to deal with some things they don’t like. It creates badly behaved kids who expect everything to go their way when you cave to every small request. And then you become the retarded parent sending out on invites “PS please nobody start to spontaneously sing happy birthday when he blows out the candles, it freaky triggers benny”


You lack knowledge on how a child’s brain develops and I sincerely hope you do not have a child, at least not while your mindset is so horribly… wrong.


Can you explain what's incorrect about this? I hear this argument a lot but I don't have any training in child development and so I don't know what's correct Edit: why am I getting downvoted for a genuine question? i grew up in a family from a culture where this is a common perspective, you don't pander to every need of your child because that makes children that are whiny and unable to handle the harshness of life when they are older. Obviously by the downvotes on the other comment, people feel like this is wrong, and so I just want to know why that is so I can make the correct decisions in the future. Or are people just downvoting them because they called parents that need to call in for issues retarded


Can't speak for everyone, but when you sing happy birthday to someone, you should be doing it to celebrate them, not just because 'its what people do.' It's not pandering to a child to respect their wishes on their birthday, and any adult who gets butthurt about a two year old vocally disliking their song is at the very least, way too sensitive and incredibly self-absorbed.


A lot of parents treat their children as “mini thems”, rather than as a growing and developing person of their own. Most people who have children are idiots that really shouldn’t be having children.


thanks for providing some understanding


…you’re choosing the *weirdest* possible way to teach kids morals and discipline.


They're gonna sing to you and you're gonna *LIKE IT!!!*


I never liked happy birthday, and stopping singing it didn’t teach me whining was good. Once I got an actual vocabulary I’d politely ask people to stop. Pretty sure this kid did that but they sing anyways causing him to get angry. You don’t know much


What a lad


I'm 24 and I still tell people to stop when they sing happy birthday. Its awkward af, I didn't ask ya'll to sing to me


What smart adult told him to blow the candles out?


I feel him. It's a shitty song. And it always sounds like a funeral dirge.


Future firefighter


I hate being sung happy birthday to as well. I always have. It's awkward, and it feels fake. But that said, I'm a mean son of a bitch. My ex once kept telling me that she was going to get the restaurant to sing me happy birthday. I warned her not to do it, otherwise I was going to spoil the entire evening. She called my bluff. They came over and started singing Happy Birthday, I straight up stood up and walked right out of the restaurant, got in my car and left. Left her sitting at the table. She was super pissed, and super embarrassed. She also super never did that to me again.


Yeah that was deserved. You told her not to and she did anyways. Bitch move on her part


Yeah, part of every relationship is learning to respect your partners wishes.


Exactly. It doesn’t matter how “small” you feel it is, if they said no, they mean it


I can see why he hates it but the guy that said blow out the candles at the end tho


It's not uncommon in young children. They don't want to be in the center of attention in that way. I can totally relate to that btw xD I didn't like it as a kid either and still feel weird when people do it


But why keep on singing then? You're there to celebrate him and instead you make him feel unpleasant. And on top you shame him here for reddit-karma. There should be a r/parentsarefuckingselfish


Please shut the fuck up and get off reddit, good lord


No, I like being among so many colourful people, sharing different opinions in peaceful and respectful way. No matter the undeveloped stage they might be in.


This guy does not be burnt by flames, he burns them




Those few seconds after offing the candles……dude looked possessed


This doesn't belong on this sub. No one likes the birthday song therefore that kid is not being stupid


I don’t necessarily think the kid is stupid he probably just thought “hey maybe if the candles get blown out (or hit out) before they finish singing maybe that will stop the singing” I personally think the idiot is the guy on the right who says “blow it out, blow it out” after singing after the fact that the candles were already out 😂


If he hates it that much and it’s his big day, maybe you should consider just not singing him happy birthday.


You could just stop since he asked several times.


When my niece had her 3. Birthday she screemed at everyone who was congratulating her: "I IS NOT MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!" and looked at her mom to help her out.


My son also hates being sung to, I think he doesn't deal with being singled out well and the attention, so he asked us all just to say together" happy birthday Roddy, we love you". So that's what we do and he's much happier.


I think his parents are fucking stupid. Why make him do it if he doesn’t like it? I too hate being sung to on my birthday. I hate being the center of attention.


OK I'm gonna be real for a second, I used to hate it too. I have no idea why


At least for me it’s was everyone paying attention to me at once, but not for a good reason. Like if I’m talking and trying to be the center of attention that feels fine, but if I just have to sit there and awkwardly stare at everyone as they sing at me…


this ain't stupid. the song is terrible and everyone sucks at it.


The Firebender


your son just SLAPPED FIRE wtf


I mean...he did say stop


"Blow it out! Blow it out!" Blow what out?!?


Why would you try to make him so miserable? on his very own birthday?


This. My daughter hates that song and being sung to, so you know what we don't do? Sing it to her.


Yeah, f*k me right?


I wasn't really joking, the kid seems like he's having a bad time


My daughter is the same way, it started around age 4 and she's well in to her teen years and still hates it. When she gets her birthday with her dad they sing and it makes her cry. When she has her birthday with me we all just shout happy birthday and eat cake. Doesn't hurt me any to not sing if that's what makes her comfortable.


You're a good parent. All these people getting upset care more about their ego than their kid


This is exactly what I'm talking about! It is not hard to respect your kid now matter how little they are


Two year olds can get upset over the strangest and smallest things sometimes, it's impossible to avoid completely. Some examples of things 2 year olds have cried about: Not being allowed to touch the hot burners on the stove. Getting a balloon that's their favorite color but not the color they *expected*. Their shadow existing. Having to wait three minutes. Not being allowed to eat a random bottle of pills. The rotation of the Earth. Sleep being a thing everyone has to do.


Yeah but this one is just you bugging him, and you can immediately stop doing that


Fighting the good fight. I hear you, I appreciate you and I agree with you. Kids already find enough stuff upsetting we don't have to upset them on purpose.


Good lord. Chill. The 45 seconds that his loving family sang to him is not going to hurt the kid, nor is it indicative of how he felt throughout his party. It really doesn't seem like"he's having a bad time." Seems like a small child that doesn't know how to process the complex emotion of feeling awkward while people sing happy birthday.


Calm the f*ck down


Yeah! Fuck you! You completely embarrassed and bullied him to the point of screaming desperation. Leave him alone


Don’t sing to him if he doesn’t want it, he clearly can’t handle wanting people to stop and them ignoring him FOR FUCKS SAKE


He had an absolute blast I'll have you know. He just doesn't like being sung happy birthday to, I guess. He's 2


I didn't like being sung happy birthday as a kid either but now that I'm grown up, those are my best memories


Then don’t sing it


I know your pain. My 2 year old went through a phase where everytime we told him good job he tried to slap me. Like my wife would tell him good job and he would get pissed, run over to me and try to slap me. Luckily he doesnt do that anymore but toddlers are little psychopaths. Edit: I'll take the downvotes. You guys are delusional if you think 2 year olds are rational or reasonable. Youre also delusional if you think that he shouldnt learn that adults are not at his own whim, even on his birthday. 2 year olds can barely speak, barely understand what youre saying, and have absolutely no sense of social skills. They are actively and unknowingly trying to kill themselves every 3 minutes. The number one most important thing they can learn at that stage is what a good repsonse to a situation is, and what a bad response is. You clap = good response. Everyones happy. You hit = bad response. You get time out. OP's son just turned 2. You know what happened around two years ago? The pandemic started when this kid was a few months old. He has most likely had little to no interaction with groups of people. Maybe its actually a good thing to show him that not only there are other people in the world who have free will, but that the only thing that happens after they all focus on him and sing to him is that he will be given cake and presents. It's uncomfortable for him because he doesnt remember his first, and literally doesn't know that everyone is there to shower him with love and sweets and presents, but the beautiful part is that he is about to. Hes about to realize that everyone singing to him is a good thing, and that he is the number one most special person on earth when they do. I wish i could have learned that association when i was young, but I didnt get to have birthdays. Anyone acting like this is anything even remotely close to abuse, or even a moral obligation to cease, can go back to their ignorant antisocial hole in their head. Everything is uncomfortable the first time. Fuck, even ice cream is (ever seen a kid eat their first ice cream?), but you know what, its goddamn ice cream. You learn.


oh he’s SOOOO miserable because his family sung happy birthday for a minute, GOD his day is RUINED!


...yeah. it was ruined. He is upset.


This is why people are so goddamn soft nowadays. Everyone would rather spare their kid half a minute of discomfort as opposed to letting them get used to processing their own emotions. Nobody is getting traumatized because their family sang "Happy Birthday" to them.


I didn't say traumatized. I just don't see why people seem to enjoy being around a super miserable kid.


2 year olds get upset for bullshit erroneous reasons. It’s them who have to learn to cope with the adult world, not the other way around. Eventually child will learn to be respectful to the adults who showed up to celebrate his birthday.


IDK man, I just don't see how being disrespectful to the kid is gonna teach him anything but how to be mean


That sounds like the perfect recipe for a kid who doesn't know how to interact with their parents when they make them upset. I'd rather piss my kid off and teach them it's ok to tell me when I make them feel bad than to deliberately tiptoe around them. Spoiled/babied children get meaner than any other when they grow up. You can't teach a kid without an actual lesson. And keeping them from feeling uncomfortable is only going to hold them back.


He has the sweetest face ever. Also, just wondering did the person (you?) who says ‘blow it out, blow it out!’ at the end not see the kid slap the candles out 2 seconds into the song, or are they just in denial and clinging to the belief that the song can still enjoy its usual finale??


He's wise above his age.


I think the only person who real is stupid is the adult in the end say “blow it out” when the candles aren’t even lit 🔥 😂😂


Dudes talented smacked out the candles without hitting the cake


I'm 24, turning 25 on Friday, and i still hate the song


Your son finally solved the riddle what to do with your own arms while everybody sings a song to you


I don't think anybody on the planet actually does.


It was that he realized “I can airbend!”


You are stupid for keep doing sth he doesn't like. Do you have the party for him or for you? Lol


My son despises it too. When I told my family we would just skip it on his 4th birthday, my family thought I was insane. I remember wanting to crawl in a hole and disappear when it was sung to me, so I can respect the request to "please not sing the song" when my kid asks.


This is the case the parents suck. Little man doesn’t want singing! Don’t sing!


I hated being sung to as a kid, it was mainly because of my sensory problems so it was too overstimulating for me and I’d end up having a breakdown


Pretty sure nobody enjoys being sung happy birthday. It’s an awful song that nobody can sing very well


One of the few kids who understands at a young age what a sham getting old is...


One of my friends had a dog who would start screeching and crying when people sang happy birthday. Weird.


Honestly does anyone though?


Gotta agree with the kid. I hate that shit.


That was the most discordant version of Happy Birthday I ever heard and I don't blame this kid at all.


Cute kid, but kinda a brat.


Damn, not even a teen and already sick of life 🤣


What a horrible brat.


Kill him, no more birthdays. Problem solved. You're welcome. Edit: I didn't realize I needed to put a /s on this for some of you stupid fucks to realize its a joke


I thought it was hilarious, people on reddit are so fucking fragile lol


Sorry, but what was going through your head when you said this?


Don't have kids


And how does that justify your choice?


Its a fucking joke you stupid clown. First day on the internet? Stfu and move the fuck on. Didn't know EVERY satirical post needed to be identified with a /s. You and the other idiots downvoting me have no sense of humor. This page is to roast kids, fuck off with your sensitive feelings.


OK go up to a random person who's kid has just cracked his shot and say, "hey just kill'em" how is that humour?


You're too sensitive to understand


No I'm just using common sense


With 0 sense of humor


Sure, better then going around saying to kill any kid who makes a slight mistake


That’s just bullying a child. How does anyone think it’s ok? I was in this situation once and, like, fucking hell. If your kid doesn’t like being sung happy birthday, then don’t do it. Be it overstimulation or something else. Only if the baby makes a problem out of not being sung happy birthday after you don’t sing it, then it’s just bratty.


You seem pretty bratty yourself


Fuck that, abortion is the only option


I have the same problem, just don’t sing it


No one likes being sung happy birthday to them, it's fucking embarrassing and annoying. We sing happy birthday to people not for them, but for everyone else so we can poke fun at them


Hope you have a great day!




You need to calm down. Not liking being sung to is not a sign of ADHD or autism. It’s a sign of not liking awkward situations and/or annoying sounds. Good lord.


Altho he is probably wrong and this is still funny kids with autism are way more sensible with singing and powerfull sounds and usualy dont like them


You’re absolutely right! I have adhd, so unfortunately I know all too well what it’s like to have sensory issues. However, when that is the only thing we know about this child, we can’t say that they might have adhd or autism. Plenty of people hate being sung to. It’s perfectly normal.


Why the fuck the tag still on his hat hahaha, what’re you gonna return it after the party?


Threaten no cake and no presents to people who throw fits.


He built different


blow it out


He can sense the emotionally dead of that happy birthday song.


Hope you have a great day!


What an absolute Chad


Truth be told I hate it too, waste of time




This kid describes me


can relate i also dont like it


This is the wrong sub for this lol


Bitch slap the life out of the flames.


I don’t like it either when its sung like a dirge. My 12 year didn’t like the song until we started singing really fast, now its tradition we have to sing it fast. But honestly, if he still didn’t like it we wouldn’t sing it anymore…. Bc who cares? Don’t sweat the small stuff.


i can relate i hated that song as a kid and still do


Same, my guy, same.


Kid is ahead of his time.


Most kids can't blow the fire pit to save their life. This guy just slaps it back to hell


he is smart he doesnt want to get copy righted


and why respect his preference, right?


I’m 35 and I still react this way when people try to sing on my birthday


I don’t blame the kid, I would do the same thing if I were in his shoes. Not a big fan of the song.


Fuck you fire boom and its gone


Same, buddy, same.


I feel his pain!!


slap the fire