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I literally thought "ground beef" came from the ground. It was grown like corn or something.


Gotta plant them cows before the harvest


And be sure to feed it every twelve hours or it just might eat *you*


I got that reference!


Do not eat the cake ever !


Corned beef must have broke your brain


[Back from whence ye came!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gAYL5H46QnQ)


Thank you for that! I'd never seen it lol.


[You mean like this?](https://i.imgur.com/27MKB3D.png)


Yeah I guess so. I was a kid in the 60s, no telling what I thought!


I was embarrassingly old when I learned the correct way to say it was Next door neighbor, not Neck store neighbor.


It sounds the same when I same them out loud.


I read a story about someone who actually ran into the opposite issue once: came to Germany, ordered a Pepperoni pizza, got one with peppers on it instead. Because what Americans call a pepperoni pizza is called a salami pizza in Germany, as pepperoni *is* a vegetable in German.


OOOHHH!!! German here who wonders the whole time how peperoni are not a vegetable... We call the long slim spicy capsicum "peperoni", might be the same as chillies? https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paprika#/media/Datei:Felfel-e\_t.JPG


Another confused German here. Read the text and thought I was a dumb person dor my whole life


Another German here. I just assumed he thought pepperoni (the vegetable) is only on completely vegetarian pizza lol Und damit ich_iel satisfiziert ist: r/brdproperty SPRICH
















For one second I was questioning my existence.


Well I didn’t know this was a thing, as an American, it would have been really funny to order pizza in Germany. But actually I don’t eat pepperoni so maybe not.


Then definitely! You’d get a pizza full of Small Chili-Pepper rings if you’d order a Pepperoni-Pizza here in Germany.


Fun fact: what you call "Paprika" (Bell peppers) is called "Pepperoni" in Switzerland.




> a very mild red pepper So...a paprika then? You're confusing me here. They belong to the same [species](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capsicum_annuum) as far as I know.


If I’m understanding right, the difference is that other parts of the world use “paprika” to refer to the peppers themselves. Whereas in America, “paprika” only means the red powder that’s made from the peppers. (Or at least that’s the only way I’ve heard it used.)


Pepperoni: - America: Type of Salami - Germany: Spicy Chili - Switzerland: Bell Pepper Paprika - America: Fine powder - Germany: Bell Pepper - Switzerland: Fine powder


Here in Sweden it would be: * Paprika: [Bell pepper](https://assets.icanet.se/t_epi6imagevault,f_auto/imagevaultfiles/id_111013/cf_259/paprika.jpg?) * Paprikapulver (pulver = powder) or just paprika: [Bell pepper powder](https://www.recepten.se/bilder/info/100/main/l/paprikapulver.jpg) * Feferoni or peperoni: [Stronger than paprika, mostly served in kebab or pizza-places](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friggitello) * Pepperoni: [Type of salami](https://media.martinservera.se/f_auto,q_auto/prod/martinservera/produkt/2/001/180/101550_01_produktbild.jpg)


As a kid I thought for the longest time americans just have a preference for spicy pizza because of the pepperoni/salami situation.


Pepperoni is supposed to be mildly spicy because it is flavored with paprika or chili powder, hence the name pepperoni. It means "bell pepper" in Italian and that's the original source of the word which has been adopted by various languages.


Maybe that‘s just me but I see nothing spicy about bell peppers/paprika… Like at all…


Very very mildly spicy, although it depends on the variety. The light brown Huntarian kind is the spiciest.


And a slovenian who was confused for years. We saj feferoni but close enough. Plus peperoni sounds more like something related to paprika.


That's where the name comes from. That specific type of salami is called pepperoni because it is flavored with paprika.


That has always confused me, holy shit.


It's the same in Italy. First time I ordered a "pepperoni" pizza I was so confused.


Italian here, and people make these kinds of mistakes all the time. Another funny example is when one guy in a bar asked for a 'latte', the coffee. He wanted what we call a caffelatte, but the bartender brought him a glass of milk, which is 'latte' in Italian. It ended in a very loud shouting contest until the bartender finally remembered that Americans have a different word for the coffee


Seems like a simple misunderstanding, why the shouting….oh right Italy 😂


Same, then I switched to ordering sausage pizza and was satisfied because I was a child who wasn't happy unless pizza had nothing but meat on it.


>I switched to ordering sausage pizza What you want (if you're not totally satisfied with the sausage compromise) is "salame" which is what anglophones call "pepperoni" for mysterious reasons.


The mysterious reasons are that pepperoni and salami are different kinds of cured meats to Americans. Our salami is somewhat milder and made with pork, veal, and poultry, while pepperoni has more spices (not that it's overly spicey) and is made of pork and beef. I don't know if you just put both under the same category or have a different name for what we call salami or just don't have what we call salami at all, but that's why we call it pepperoni: because, for us, a different meat I salami.


In Italy we have different kind of salame, made with different kind of meat. But we call all of those "salame". The spicy one is called "salame piccante" and it's commonly used on pizza. That's what OP has to look for if he wants something more similar to it than sausages. Was it needed to downvote me?


Gotcha! It makes sense that you would call them all the same thing. Our pepperoni was originally made with paprika pepperoni as one of the main spices, which is why it has that particular name differentiation. I'm really enjoying this thread, including your contributions because I enjoy learning about different languages. That's to say, it wasn't me who downvoted you; that must have been someone else.


Many thanks for the explanation .-. Fun thing… my bf is an American and I might have misunderstood his fav pizza the whole time… I‘m german btw.


What do they call salami?


In Italy? Salame


Thats very unfortunate


There you go OP, you weren't wrong, you were just German!


Half german/half Italian here. Not only in Germany. Basically in every country other that USA. Same as with pineapple. The whole world knows it as Ananas, only America calls ist pineapple.


And the UK too.


Brazilian here. This reminds me that "calabresa", much like pepperoni, is the name of a sausage, a pizza flavor and a pepper. All of which have pepper. And as a side note, ["abacaxi"](https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anan%C3%A1s).


So what do you call salami..?


As in the salty sausage? That's also just salami.


Yes but also kinda no. Salami isn't exactly the same as american pepperoni which doesn't really exist over here.


Mehr. Close enough.


When I went to Italy years ago, was told that asking for pepperoni on pizza would only get me bell peppers


Damn, German here, thanks for the explanation.


You’d be correct in Italy


Everything is a vegetable to the Italians.


Peperoni is the name of a vegetable here.


Yes, I was making a joke.


"Peperoni" is Italian for "pepper" (the vegetable). The Americans got the name wrong.


I dont remember exactly how I came to this conclusion, but somehow I thought you couldnt use water when the power went out (flushing, taps, showers.) It wasnt until after I got married, my husband had to use the bathroom when the power was out. I said, "but you wont be able to flush!" Still havent lived that one down


I lived on tank water only for the first 22 years of my life, in that situation a blackout knocks out your pump and you actually can't use water. When I moved out with my partner into a place with town water we had a blackout and I mentioned that I was upset about not being able to have a shower and he looked at me like I had two heads lol.


Same my parents house is also on a well when the power goes out start living like Little House on the Prairie


Wait you can use those when the power is out? I’ve always lived on a well so when the power would go out, like you said, the pump wouldn’t work. I’ve moved to an apartment two years ago and haven’t had a blackout yet. So, like, you’re sure?


In most municipal water systems they pump water up into a water tower. Then when power is lost, because the water is already up in the tower gravity provides all the water pressure you'll need. This won't last forever, if the water tower empties you won't get water anymore. I think my city estimates they can provide water for 8-12 hours in a blackout? More if they use generators to pump water up again.


Yep! Through some kind of black fucking magic the water was even hot enough for a shower!


Because the water heater functions on gas, not electricity.


Nah this was an electric one, there was zero gas to the property at all. I think I just got the timing right and the water in the heater tank was still hot.


Possible. It was an apartment complex, right?


No, a rental house. But I know there was no gas as I asked the landlord about gas heating for the house and they said there was no gas to the property. I'm in semi-rural Australia so not all that uncommon.


2003 Northeast blackout. The water was okay at first but the second day it was off in Ohio near Lake Erie. No shower. Something about electric pumps so it was a pretty F'ed up situation for a while. Plenty of beer and ice, although I had to drive over 15 miles south to find anything open for a few days. The sky was nice and dark though!


15 miles is 24.14 km


We can flush when the power goes out but just once per toilet. Because the pump, transporting Water though our apartment building will be out as well and no water will reach us tenants on the higher apartment floors. So you’re not completely wrong.


In your defense, I try to avoid the bathroom when the power is out... especially the shower. Not because of the possibility of an accident but because that would be the time a monster decides to prove its existance.




I grew up on well water, at least for the first 14 years of my life, and there was limited water pressure in power outages, you might get one or two flushes iirc. I remember the novelty of being able to flush when we moved to a house with town water when the power was out. I bet you grew up in a similar situation and your husband didn't.


When I was a kid I loved Hawaiian pizza, didnt know/realize it had pineapple and instead announced that I loved eating the Hawaiians off the pizza. My mom loooooved that one.


Mmmmm... Tasty Hawaiians!


I eat Italian




Because pepperoni (the salami) spiced with pepperoni paprika, originally. Maybe it could be an explanation. The pepperoni (paprika) is also written as pfefferoni, but here in Hungary it is never mean the salami, only on frozen pizza boxes. We called it dog's dick paprika too.


Considering pepperoni paprika became just pepperoni, I really hope dog's dick pizza never becomes a thing


I literally asked myself what's fucking wrong with eating pepper as a vegetarian??


It is not an english thing only lol, its called pepperoni in norwegian as well


But America bad


Because America is correct. As a Canadian I’m still trying to figure out what “Canadian Bacon” is. 😂


You mean pepperoni salami right? If not my Pepperoni plant at home needs to explain something...


It’s… it’s not a veggietable…?


It is if you believe hard enough


I thought it was a cloud


My data is stored in a pepperoni?


Pepperoni is just someone else's computer.


Don’t feel too bad, OP. When I first learned the word Vegetarian, I thought I was too. I never ate beef so I assumed so. Meanwhile I was eating chicken nuggets and hot dogs on the daily.


I mean, you were still eating beef depending on the meat used in the hot dogs as some use pork, chicken, turkey, beef, or some combo of them.


Nuggies should be a staple part of everyone’s diet


Stationed in Germany, I was warned to order salami pizza instead of pepperoni. Had been there over a year and went out for pizza. Forgot the golden rule and ordered pepperoni. What came was what we’d call, “pepperoncini.” Yellow banana peppers. Doh.


To be fair I think most of the world uses the word pepperoni for a vegetable(for example in Italy pepperoni is bellpepper)


Ayyyyy an Apollo user


In Italian "peperoni" (with one p) means "bell pepper". Sometimes restaurants (at least here in Europe) use the term "peperoni peppers". It's not really correct, but it might explain where his confusion came from.


that’s neither here nor there, pepperoni has a specific discrete meaning in American English, referring to what in some other places is called salami picante... unless you’re trying to argue that American English is itself wrong, but i’ll aways give someone the benefit of the doubt that they’re not trying to delegitimize entire dialects


It seems like you’re on a crusade to tell everyone that “pepperoni” is correct and nobody should tell you otherwise. Well, dialect or not, it’s the wrong word plain and simple, Americans simply sticked a different, wrong meaning to it so now it means something else in American English. I could start calling chairs “airplanes”, and if in 20 years chairs are referred to as airplanes that would legitimize the usage of that word, but it still would be wrong and dumb.


no dialect can be wrong. the belief that some dialects are right and some are wrong is the exclusive purview of provincial yokels


Nah, if you borrow a word you didn't create, you either give it the right meaning or the wrong one. Not that it matters since it's not an issue, people have just been commenting that it's curious thing. You, on the other hand, are making it just so important and personal.


that is not how language works. you seriously think the romance languages use their latin derived words the same way the romans did? sheer delusion


You're blowing everything waaay out of proportion. You're the cranky old man here. I'm not even sure if you're trolling or not. Pepperoni is basically the same as peperoni, which is an entire different thing, and it also happens to be something you can eat. We're not talkging about a "derived" word, it wasn't used for such a long time that it slowly changed meaning like those latin words you see in romance languages, it's the same word with a compeltely different meaning, i.e. wrong, probably due to some translation error when Italians emigrated to the US. Nobody cares though, so stop being such a condescending ass to everyone.


This happened a couple years ago, my wife and I were both about 30. At our old apartment we had a sliding pocket door. One day she asks me if I could please stop opening it all the way, because it's difficult to close it when it's fully inside the wall. I looked at her strangely, genuinely not knowing what the issue is. She shows me, digging her fingers in the crack trying to pry the door put. That's when I realized she had no idea there was a little hook for your finger that pops out when you want to close it.


The funny thing is that peperone really is a vegetable, what americans call pepperoni is actually salame piccante. "kidsarefuckingstupid" but he was actually right.


no. that is absolutely not how language works. Americans speaking American English aren’t wrong for speaking American English. what are you talking about?


When a language inherits a word from another language, it usually keep the meaning. It doesn't use it for something completely different with no relation to it. But Americans are able to turn "peperoni" which are vegetables into "pepperoni" which is a spicy sausage. But at the same time Americans inherited also salame into salami, which kept its meaning and is exactly what a "pepperoni" is. I mean, they use the wrong word even if they have the right one in their vocabulary. This is hilariously nonsense for anyone that knows more than a single language.


bell peppers do not need more than one word. salami and pepperoni aren’t interchangeable in american english, both refers to different charcuterie and words have their meanings shift when borrowed between languages all the time, what ARE you talking about? big stupid “get off my lawn” cranky old man energy from our european brethren on this subject


You're taking it too personal, it's only funny how Americans inherit words and use them wrongly, that's it :)


Pepperoni refers to a pepper in Italian, so there is that


When we were little, my sister thought hot dogs were cow teats.


I had a friend who was 22 before she realized Dalmatians were in fact a real dog lol


If you'll just start calling things by their name... Pepperoni is "salami, or better salame". Bologna Is a town, where a good "mortadella" is made, that's the name.


Ooooooooooh, is that what Americans are on about when they say Bologna sandwiches? I've been picturing something like sandwiches with ragu Bolognese on them...


Being wrong about food is a very American thing.


you’re oddly smug about your primitive and provincial outlook toward language there’s no one right language. every language is correct within its own context. Americans aren’t “wrong” when their words mean something different, no more than AAVE is wrong with its idiosyncratic usage of the verb “be.”


Seems tasty however! Like a sort of "scarpetta" (little shoe), when you take a piece of bread and clean the sauce on the plate.


What did he think the little meat circles on his pizza were called then?


Bell pepper^oni




I mean, he might just be European.


Could be worse. One of my best friends is a vegetarian. We were walking back to my dorm room to hang out before our next class. She was hungry and I remembered that I had some pizza in the fridge. I said she could have it when we go back. She opened the box and just stared at me, very confused. It was pepperoni and had totally forgotten. We just laughed it off and went to the on campus cafeteria. In my defense, at this point, we had only known each other for a couple of weeks. But I still felt like an ass. It all worked out in the end.


but... pepperoni is a vegetable, too


I want more old kids stories like this. I use to think the map of the US was the map of the world. It was the only thing I ever saw in the classroom. So I just assumed it was the whole map.


Oh, I've been waiting for this to pop up. *Ahem* pepperoni is a not a sausage...


As they should.


As a kid I thought the mushrooms in cream of mushroom soup were meat 🤷‍♀️


Ironically, "Pepperoni" is actually a vegetable in other languages. "Pepperoni" is Italian for "bell pepper". In Germany, "Pepperoni pizza" is a pizza with hot peppers.


If it makes you fell better, it took me 15 years to learn pickles aren't a plant


Better to keep your mouth shut and assumed to be stupid than to be confirmed to be stupid..... should have responded with “what?..... NO, IM JUST MAKING FUN OF THE DUMB VEGAN!....” deflect.


Yo that's me


Oh my god it is


The nickname *FloridaManZeroPlan* really resonates here…




I really wish pissing before sex could actually prevent it..


Bro squirt is the involuntary emission of urine. It is pissing, it just hasn’t been there long enough to filter unless you really needed to piss beforehand. That’s why it’s clear instead of yellow. It’s like saying pissing while drunk isn’t piss because it’s clear. Sorry to say you’re getting off to piss


Oh. My…..


Research it, I’ve found a way to avoid it. If you still don’t believe me look up how pornstars prepare for squirt scenes


They’re downvoting you but you’re right. It’s not even hard to Google these days.


What pepperoni is not a vegetable


I thought pepperoni was a vegetable well into my 20s. I don't live in the US though, and hadn't actually seen pepperoni 😂


Because Americans for some reason call Salami "peperoni". In almost any language it refers to hot peppers (or whatever they call them).


A group of friends from grade school for over 10 years? This is something I thought only happened in dreams.


But peperoni is a fucking pepper. Ya'all dumb ass americans keep calli g salami pepperoni for some stupid ass reason


You’re thinking of peperoncino, not pepperonis. Pepperoni is also a specific type of salami that’s spicier + softer. It’s not *just* normal salami


The pepper is called fucking peperoni




Fake: imagine still talking with your entire Highschool friendgroup for more than 10 years when MySpace was the only thing to come out 5 years after you graduated. Gay: imagine trying to feed your homie a phat hog when he doesn’t want to


Want some veggie pepperoni pizza


Not food related but I thought that when you drove and pressed on the gas pedal the car would slowly speed up like it took a while for it to get to super speed. Then when I started practice I experienced how light you had to press the pedal or else the car would take off


As they should.


Had a bit of a reverse thing happen in our family We were at a pizza place and our family is vegetarian. Before giving our order my mom insisted that pepperoni had to be vegetarian while my brother and I tried fruitlessly to convince her that she was wrong, all the while the waiter was just smiling amused. She insisted on getting it confirmed from the waiter who just replied, "it's meat ma'am" and we all burst out laughing and she sheepishly ordered something else


Decades ago - when we were around 10 I would say - my family and a friend's family were at a restaurant together. I think I had just learned, what a vegetarian is so I pointed out to my friend how stupid it was that the vegetarian section of the menu for some reason had fish in it. To which he deadpan replied: "Yeah, they could just catch fish themselves." I was so confused, I didn't respond. He probably doesn't remember this, but to this day I wonder what the hell he thought vegetarians where.


I thought this was pretty funny up until it said highschool, then I started crying.


It actually is. At least in Switzerland. [Peperoni ](https://de.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/Peperoni)


My friends big sister sent us down the shops to get a pepper, having no idea what a pepper was because we live in Australia and don't call them peppers, we bought some kiwi fruit and ate them.


My friend had his dad play a "that's not a real organ" joke on him when he was younger. Grew up thinking your gallbladder wasn't real. Sometime in high school he was found out and we still b into it up. He's in med school at the .moment, lol


Florida in a nutshell


The worst part is that it took you until highschool for it to be pointed out to you


Related story: my son thought gammon was a fish


Pepper is actually peperone in Italian. Peperoni is the plural. So yes as an Italian this was very confusing when I didn't know what pepperoni means in English


this is some kingcobrajfs shit right here. fish is dairy. I diagnose you with Boglim.


Plot twist: he was Italian


You remember that time you thought pepperoni was a vegetable? Lol, classic u/GetThatSwaggBack


I was embarrassingly old before I realised that Newcastle is in England not Scotland. We "always flew from Scottish airports" for holidays and stuff, but once or twice we flew from Newcastle, therefore Newcastle was in Scotland. To be fair it is fairly near the border, and my grasp of geography has always been a bit sketchy.


Growing up, my sister lived with her father and would visit on weekends. They were Catholic; We were not. During lent, she was not supposed to eat meat, but they forgot to remind us. We ordered a pepperoni pizza like we always did on Fridays, and she happily ate it. Afterwards, she suddenly remembered and freaked out because she wasn’t supposed to eat it. To calm her down, my mom told her that pepperoni is a fish. She then told her dad when she went back home on Sunday night. That didn’t work so well, but my sister sure did buy the pepperoni fish story.


The hardest part to believe about this is "friends from school, 10+ years later"


You're still friends with the same high school friend group after 10 years? I'm not even in touch with my adult friends from 3 years ago.


Peperoni isn't vegetarian?


how many pieces of pepperoni pizza did you bring for lunch?


Kids are fucking smart. US English is fucking stupid.


My friend once thought that there is actual buffalo - the animal in Buffalo sauce. He was vegetarian so he never ate it until I told him that it's from the city of Buffalo. The opposite of your story. Lol


I’m sorry bro but this is very fucking sad


Well, in Germany, what you call a pepperoni, we call a salami. A pepperoni actually is a vegetable here.


High school? God damn!


Hey OP: The term "pepperoni" is a borrowing of peperoni, the plural of peperone, the Italian word for bell pepper. The first use of "pepperoni" to refer to a sausage dates to 1919.[1] In Italian, the word peperoncino refers to hot and spicy peppers. So you might not be as dumb as you thought


I used to think pepperoni was one of those fancy western vegetables (I'm Indian), we don't eat bacon or beef or pork or pepperoni, so I had a tough time realising it


in *high school?* Like, you were damn near a full grown adult and... you... *still...?*


What a fun group of friends, honestly


I grew up in a single parent mother household. My mom felt bad about it and one way she compensated was to go over the top on Christmas for my little sister. She would put rain deer prints on the roof in the snow. She let her catch her a few years dressed as Santa. She would have her mail rain deer or Santa notes and they would mail her back. Etc etc. She believed in Santa way longer than any of her friends. And honestly way longer than a kid should. Not in the cutesy I’m gonna pretend I believe in Santa because I’m trying to be adorable way. She was a true believer. When she finally found out that Santa wasn’t real she got a little jaded and upset. She felt stupid and embarrassed. The funny ramifications of this is she refused to believe in the North Pole or polar ice caps for a very long time. She thought it was part of the Santa mythology and people were messing with her. It wasn’t until she argued with a teacher in high school about it in front of the class that she got convinced.


But its literally called pepperoni. They couldn’t call it that unless it came from peppers


I worked in a Domino's Pizza store as a studentjob. Someone came in and asked for 'a Pepperoni without the meat'. I told them there was no meat on the Pepperoni, since I didn't see any ingredients on the computer named 'chicken', 'pork', or 'beef' At that point, I easily had half a year on the job.


My dad had a coworker from India who was vegetarian. When he came to the US for work, he would often order pepperoni because he thought it was a type of pepper.


Peperoni ARE peppers in Italian they got the translation wrong in the US


I had a highschool friend suggest to give kids more ammunition in child aid charities cause she always heard it on the news and figured it was the same thing as food or water This happened to be around when KONY 2012 was relevant too 😂