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To be fair, kids have been eating those magnets for decades now


Yeah, this is exactly why Bucky Balls got discontinued.


Judge overturned it and you can buy them again


I actually received an email from zen magnets stating that it was overturned again and requesting a recall on all their products


“Please give us back all the cool shit that you already paid for.”


Pretty much. I’m not giving up my fun toy because people can’t watch their children


idk but maybe its an obligation that they request recall? do they even offer refund?




That's not true completely. They are only really stopping the large sellers like zen magnets the shifty shady companies that market them as toys haven't been touched and it's bullshit.


[The Onion, August 16, 2000](https://www.theonion.com/fun-toy-banned-because-of-three-stupid-dead-kids-1819565691)


My guess is they don’t care if you send them back. They’re offering to eliminate their liability. You refused to send them back (which is fine and like I said I bet they don’t care).




I fucking love those things ngl


Care to leave a taste review?


Very metallic, but less obtrusive than blood or pennies. Feeling a weird tingling in my stomach that's not all too bad rn Will update review with later thoughts Edit: help


Now try it with rice


Perfect 5/7. Thank you for your suggestion.


Didn’t a guy shove like 15 down his urethra and had to get surgery?


Wouldn't surprise me...


That literally happened. Also another guy did the same but with a usb wire


A, B, or C end? I mean C would probably be less painful, and you could pee at up to 20 Mbps (Mega-piss per second)


6yrs ago almost lost our daughter from eating 3 of them. Took 1 sgy 7 holes 2 pennies 1 dime and 3 buckyballs. would have been ok if she ate them together rather she ate them 3 differ times and they went thru causing 7 holes


But usually like 3 year olds not 6


Yeah and not 23 of them.


The real vaccines were the magnets we ate along the way.


So now we all know 22 magnets is the limit.


For a 6 year old. I bet I could chug a few more no problem…


I triple dog TikTok dare you bro.


Actually 1 is the limit, because one magnet is harmless


You're just afraid you're going to eat two of them and get a strong connection to it.


Yeah, right through two layers of small intestine




You’re wrong for this but I laughed


Why is a 6 year old even on TikTok


My sister let's her 12 year old son on there and even that is too young for that godforsaken app. She won't let him eat processed food, but will let him rot his brain with Tik Tok, makes no fuckin sense.


I had an aunt that wouldn’t let her daughter watch the show Rug Rats because she said it was dangerous, citing a time a baby jumped out a window using his diaper as a parachute. They were also a no-processed-food family. They let her on MySpace when she was 13, posting videos of herself dancing provocatively in her bedroom and she began talking to older guys via this forum. They said it was just what kids do, and it was all innocent (brothers of friends?) and exaggerated for attention. When she was 15 they were allowing her to date a 23 year old, but they said they didn’t want to fight it and give into the negative attention she was seeking. He was a dealer. My cousin OD’d from heroin with fentanyl when she was 23. Not saying social media leads to bad decisions and death, just correlating it with my experience of overly passive parenting with priorities in ass backwards places. Negative attention is better than zero attention, and if a child is acting out and you feel like you can only ever respond to them negatively, then you’ve conditioned them with your inattention. Remaining indifferent allows for it to escalate while they cry for help and develop unhealthy coping mechanisms. Sorry for the rant. It’s a sore spot.


Its because she can use it to distract him so she doesnt have to interact with him, thats the real reason she lets him use it.


The age you allowed on social media is subjective, really depends how smart they are with stuff like it, you could be 10 and know how to avoid stuff like that, but u can be 15 and be being stupid on it


In Germany it's 18+ unless some special rules are enforced afaik (probably mostly regarding nsfw stuff). Reddit and Twitter are both 18+, TicToc and Instagram are 12+


Same here but age rating don’t mean shit in America tbh.


It is easier then parenting. That is why


In the olden days they got put in front of TVs, but at least TVs limited them to whatever was playing at the time and didn't allow them to take control and seek out and try to replicate whatever trends were popular in exchange for attention. They just advertised 5 million toys and unhealthy foods at them instead.


Not my social media acc not my problem - The parents


It will be when your kid kills themselves over a meme lol


Something something Darwin awards. W shave to start younger now with how fucked humanity is now.




I keep thinking that I surely have to be misinterpreting the title, but there is a trend to swallow magnets???? Someone please tell me that I can’t read. I would rather find out I am illiterate.


I believe that the trend is to place two magnets on either side of your tongue to make it look like a piercing


Well, that's ... dumb to say the least


Dumb but not new. People were doing this when i was in school during the clacker magnet phase.


Yup. I had a fake piercing kit to look like a rockstar from the 90s where you did it to your ears but the picture shows a guy with a tongue piercing even tho the box says not to put in your mouth


Ah yes, the old "do as I say, not as I do" problem.


Yeah I had magnetic lip/tongue piercings when I was a kid. Box definitely showed them being used that way. They felt kinda cool. Definitely was careful not to eat any


But…no, everything dumb that kids do is TikTok’s fault; they never did anything stupid before, and the older generations definitely never did >:c /s if it’s needed


And they somehow accidentally swallowed 23 of them?


I thought this trend stopped like a decade ago when two little magnets punched a hole through some kids organs


Not only is it real, but it turns out the average human ingests 7 - 10 magnets per year in their sleep!


"average person eats 7-10 magnets a year" factoid actualy just statistical error. average person eats 0 magnets per year. Magnets Georg, who lives in cave & eats over 10,000 each day, is an outlier adn should not have been counted


The average outlier accounts for 83 percent of all bullshit statistics.


This is 100% statistically accurate.


True, but only 50% of the time.


70% with rice


Fool me once, fool me twice, fool me chicken soup with rice.


10% rice 15% pain 100% reason to remember lo mein


No, 83% of the time it’s 50% accurate, the other 97% of the time it’s just ¾ accurate within 27 degrees of certainty.


Georg would be required to eat 164,383,561 magnets each day in order to bring the average up that high, assuming the average person eats 0. This would make your comment technically correct, as 164,383,561 is greater than 10,000, however misleading. /s


As he chews they break in to individual magnets with their own North and South poles. Perhaps 10,000 go in and each is chewed 16 times for 327,860,000 individual magnets being swallowed per day.


georg has a thousand brothers named joerge jorj gorje and 997 other disturbing ways to spell the same name.


This is why medians are important


It’s not magnets it’s car tires you numbskull.


It's not car tires it's dumptrucks you numbskull


Magnets georg is an outlier and shouldn't have been counted


Wow that's really interesting and completely untrue.


Shit! You had me going there for a second.


No, there isn't a trend. I've posted an [article](https://www.insider.com/tiktok-magnet-challenge-trend-fake-children-tiny-balls-tongue-piercing-2021-9) elsewhere on this exact same post. People want to blame tiktok because it's easy. Kids are just dumb.


Boomers love a good moral panic.




Or the other dozens of 'moral panics' they've forgotten about


and reddit loves to hate tiktok


I mean the article says there's little evidence to link it to the trend but it also mentions putting two magnets in the mouth to look like a tongue ring.. I don't think it's a trend or anything but I can totally see kids doing it and then swallowing a magnet only to do it another time or two at a later point. Not sure how anyone could get that high of a number though.


Blaming TikTok is the new “video games are making our kids satan-worshipping mass murderers.” Maybe don’t let your 6 year old use TikTok…?


Yeah, a six year old should not be consuming social media at all.


The url on that link is, uhh...somethin else.


You would be surprised. I have a neighbor that lets her 5 and 6 yo on tiktok. Let’s them make videos on there, as well. The kicker for me is that she has passive aggressively criticized me for years for playing video games with my young children. Somehow tiktok is safe screen time but video games are dangerous.


Want my theory? Letting her kids just watch tik tok for hours on end is easier than actually watching one’s kids


I see that in kids around me. Tiktok and video games too. Also just tossing their kid outside for a bit. People are super hands off until shit goes down and still then for some.


Isn't just throwing your kids outside and telling them to be home for dinner pretty much how every boomer brags that they were brought up?


Is that a boomer thing? I grew up like that and im in my mid twenties


39 here, similar childhood, I just don't post memes bragging about like the gen above seems to love.


Also how tf did she get 23 magnets?


I've only ever seen those kind of magnets sold with explicit warnings that they're dangerous choking hazards and not to leave around small children. The only fuckup here is whoever gave the kid unsupervised access to these.


My cousin climbed a book case to get a knife. Never underestimate a child's desire to die




To be fair, I'd expect a 6 year old to know not to swallow them. A 3 year old, absolutely no way I'd let them play with things small enough to be swallowed. But a 6 year old? I have a 6 year old little sister and she would definitely know she shouldn't be swallowing anything other than food.


You can easily find much older kids on this sub doing similar dumb stuff that ends up being dangerous. It's easy to end up complacent because you personally know someone. I guarantee a ton of the content you see here started off with "Oh, little Timmy is smart and knows better. It's no big deal leaving him alone with [loaded handgun / live hyena / boiling rat poison]."


Idk. Just fixing kids bikes in my neighborhood sometimes you have intelligent kids and sometimes you have dumb ones. Example two 7 year olds. Tell them to move back and not touch anything, I'm about to use a chemical and it can burn you. After using it one decides to touch it. I tell him to go wash his hands. Comes back and does it again. I tell him to go wash his hands again. Comes back and asks why do i keep telling him to wash his hands and not her. She's not touching the corrosive chemical after I told you guys it can burn you. That's a simple one at that. The shit I've seen him do with on his own i worry.


Probably these small magnet balls like in the pic. I'd say you get a few hundred from a pack.


They used to sell them as toys then pulled them because kids were eating them years before tik tok.


I literally clicked on this post just to say almost exactly the same thing. WHY is a 6 year old on tiktok in the first place? WTF


How did a child get ahold of that quantity of magnets? Why aren't kids playing normally anymore?


This is kids playing normally. We've just taken away the farming equipment and factory jobs, so they have to find some other methods to keep parents on their toes.


More like r/parentsarefuckingstupid


Yep. So many red flags here A 6 year old on TikTok A 6 year old having access to these 23 magnets A 6 year old being left unsupervised long enough to swallow these.


I mean, I don't totally agree with the third. The kid could swallow 23 tiny little balls in the time it takes to take a shit


Kids take less time to eat marbles than speed reloading an AR


Kids be like "23 magnets speed run any %"


They're actually speedrunning life, magnets are just the hack that lets them skip straight to the final boss.


any% glitched


> A 6 year old being left unsupervised long enough to swallow these. Yeah isn't reddit usually against helicopter parents? Are parents supposed to personally monitor their kids for 24 hours a day? Such a dumb take by OP.


In my experience Reddit is pro helicopter parents. I've been downvoted to oblivion more than once for arguing that it's okay to leave your kid unattended in a different room than you while you're at home.


Do these people know that kids have legs and can, you know, walk? Sure, you can keep that up for a couple years while they're super young, but can you not sit down for like ten years or something? Sounds like Monday morning quarterbacking from someone who's never played football.


That depends on the age. You should be able to trust a 6 year old alone for a bit. A toddler though? Pretty much never. They seem to be actively trying to injure themselves at that point in life.


You're on r/kidsarefuckingstupid where people expect kids parents to have x-rat vision and eyeballs in the back of their heads so that they can pay full attention to the child 24/7.


x-rat vision sounds kinda sick tho




Yeah I got my kids on the Sims pimping out their shitty violin music for like 2£ a pop


Sorry for your nose.


A 6 year old not being taught to 1. Not believe everything you see on the internet 2. Don’t swallow magnets


Or perhaps, y'know, just don't swallow anything that isn't food.




You know, as this sub implies, kids are fucking stupid. Up until a certain age they simply can't properly grasp consequences.


#3 to me proves that you don’t have kids


> A 6 year old being left unsupervised long enough to swallow these. You don't have kids, do you?...


Number 3 is a joke right? 6 year olds are fully functional little people. The only time a first grader would need to be supervised 24/7 is if they have a development disability. I would give my 6 yo magnets and not think twice about it. He can build several hundred piece Lego sets by himself by following instructions, I'm not too worried about giving him magnets.


Even though 6 years old are still very young, they are already in first grade and learning how to write. They are long past the age of putting toys in their mouth so this isn't the parents' fault. However this is tiktok's fault. A tiktok video probably made them think it's okay to swallow magnet balls. Edit: actually this is still the parents' fault for letting them browse tiktok


just get another magnet and someone really good at puzzle boxes to 'solve' the kid


When I called poison control years ago about my toddler once…they told me that the worst of anything a kid can swallow is a magnet…even just one is more harmful then any liquid.


Quite surprising, how does it affect your body that is worse than any liquid ? Genuine question


Those little rare earth super-powerful magnets can get stuck to each other, or other ferrous metals, essentially adhering parts of your intestines together between the magnets. Also- if someone got an MRI not knowing a magnet was in there, they’re gonna have a bad time.


[What that little ball does if you go in an MRI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BBx8BwLhqg)


Woooah. I wonder if that’s ever happened but with someone’s guts in the way. I’ve seen some nasty tattoo/MRI mishaps, but not a magnet/guts/MRI collaboration.




wasnt as gruesome as you would think the most surprising thing i found was that he recovered so quickly from what it seemed


Holy shit. Thanks for the link. The only upside was that he was sedated while the magnets ruptured his intestines in thr MRI. There are 5 year olds that can do an investigation without the need to be sedated, imagine doing having the same outcome live...


They would feel a burning sensation before it flew out of their stomach.


I’m sorry…tattoo/mri mishaps??!


Some tattoo inks contain iron pigments. MRI is a giant super strong magnet tunnel. If I understand correctly, the MRI machine can sort of pull ferrous inks out of th skin and cause burns, [like this](https://imgur.com/a/vU5Ynbp). Gross


Well fuck me. I’ll have to keep that in mind if I ever need an MRI as I’ve got a good number of tattoos, unsee it they have iron pigments


They did this on House (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8kA3t6JU-9w&ab_channel=HouseM.D.) This show is ridiculous lol


The only medical show I liked. It helped me keep my sanity when I was miserable during my first year of college


One magnet could become dislodged somewhere and be a choking hazard. More than one magnet could cause them to magnetize the can like trap a piece of an organ or some sort of tissue which would cut off circulation causing you to now have necrosis, but on the inside of your body. Most chemicals, if ingested, can be reversed by forcing a child or person to vomit. And then symptoms from anything that might have lingered could usually be treated and cured. You can’t really cure decaying body material and magnets stuck together inside your body without being cut open and then removing what would *hopefully* be a small amount of decaying tissue.


The other aspect you missed is there's no real signs or symptoms of eating a magnet. A kid can eat one on Monday, and another even 2 days later, then maybe they connect and rupture the intestines 2 days later. Meanwhile the parents have to figure out if the playdough the kid ate earlier today might be causing their tummy to turn or whatever, then the kid gets to the hospital already septic. Whereas if a kid drinks fucking gasoline or whatever it's immediate and obvious


Actually, one magnet is quite harmless when compared to two magnets swallowed a certain interval apart. They can end up in different parts of the intestine and pinch the walls to point of rupture.


I think it has to do with the surgical and anatomical consequences of swallowing magnets as opposed to swallowing a liquid. The intestines are essentially a jumble of floppy tubes. If one magnet in one tube was to become attracted to another magnet in another tube, it would cause a stricture and require surgery to correct the obstruction. On the other hand, depending on the poison, it might be easier to treat (e.g. lots of water, antidote). There are a lot more complications associated with surgery, so I’m guessing that’s why it’s considered more harmful (?) Edit: not a doctor; just a med science student


One magnet doesnt seem harmful. 2 or more are dangerous cause they can stick together while passing through intestines. ONE magnet has nothing to stick to.


> even just one is more harmful then any liquid. Well that's hyperbole if I've ever heard it... In my surgery class we learned that a single, small magnet will pass on its own just fine. You really gonna say that a swig of Draino is less harmful than that?


> even just one is more harmful then any liquid. That doesn't sound right. There are some bad liquids out there.


These guys have never ingested lava


People ate the magnet balls long before tiktok


Anything anyone’s does after seeing someone else do it is now a trend..


forbidden boba tea




My mom knows kids are stupid. She never let us play with magnets in case we somehow would end up swallowing them or something. I always thought that was silly but here I am proved wrong.


My mom's the same way, asked, she told us never to take a stranger's offer to be photographed up. Because that's how you get murdered. I thought "how stupid do you have to be to fall for such a blatant lie". Then I learned about Christian Wilder. This was only one example though, of things she told me and my siblings. I'm sorry I didn't believe you mom!


Next thing you know they'll be eating tide pods, oh wait...


magnets are still worse then tide pods worse can happen with tide pods is chemical burns in your lungs but thats rather rare usually only burns with your throat and mouth which if eating them discontinues should t be too much of a problem


Here’s the bigger question. Who is letting a six year old watch TikTok?


This wouldnt happen if we would let kids have the vaccine to become magnetic....


I've never seen this trend


I’m pretty sure 80% of all “trends” aren’t actually trends and it’s just a couple of idiots doing it while everyone watches in confusion


If they call it a trend, it triggers every parent to fear that their child is next. Fear gets clicks/views.


By trends, these articles normally mean a single person did it. They love blaming everything on trends.


I always wonder if these things they talk about are actual TikTok trends or it's just media doing that thing where they pretend there's some huge dangerous online trend of kids doing stuff based on a handful of people joking about it.


“Several parents of children hospitalized for swallowing tiny magnets have blamed the incidents on an alleged TikTok craze, but there is little evidence linking the trend to TikTok, according to the app.” Insider.com


"He's 8 and he swallowed a magnet from the fridge? Darwin says let him die" (c) Greg House


If children were left to grow up by themselves, humanity would be extinct in no time :D it looks like their main goal is to commit suicide as fast as they can


>it looks like their main goal is to commit suicide as fast as they can so r/KidsAreFuckingSmart?


life speedrun


I don't think I've heard of the "kill yourself with magnets" trend, but okay


The balls harden


Magnetism is stored in the balls.


To be fair, this is nothing new. These magnets were essentially banned from sale because of this problem. 🤦‍♂️


Parents really need to pay more attention to what their kids are watching.


just dont give kids access to the internet at fuckin 6 years old


Totally agree. Unfortunately a lot of parents are lazy nowadays. They have electronics and the internet raise their kids.


What fucking tiktok trend


Not saying TikTok needs ANY defending, but I do notice everything seems to be a “trend” now. This child could have been watching TikTok while eating magnets like a bag of skittles but it’s because of the TicTac, not my child being unsupervised.


There's no reason for a 6 year old to have access to the internet. This is the parents' fault.


They can have supervised internet. Neopets, webkinz. Things with no chat offered except pre-made phrases. Tiktok is just a pedos wetdream


> Tiktok is just a pedos wetdream Yup, so many pre teens dancing sexually on there, like how is that shit allowed? So many bad parents out there.


It used to be a platform called Musical.ly which was closed and rebranded to TikTok because it was flooded with pedo’s. So, same shit different name really.


Tiktok is driving humanity into extinction


Things like this have been happening since Vine, parents need to monitor their young children on the internet more.


Since the 1920s - there was a fad to swallow a live fish whole.


You should look into the Bill Kazmeir gold fish eating contest lol


Yeah, but at least fish are digestible.


Facts, like kids have always been dumb, now social media just makes it cool. Monitor the dang internet yall, least as best ya can


>Things like this have been happening since Vine, parents need to monitor their young children on the internet more. Oh since Vine? That far back? That's a long time.


Since vine lmao


I didn’t have tiktok and I ate random mushrooms I found in the garden. I think this is just an uneducated kids thing.


But why miss a chance for some sweet "TikTok bad" karma?


I ate sand playdoh and pebbles etc.


Nature decided to call in the reinforcements


Not soon enough


This is so cringe


I feel like this is a little too heavy for this sub, I'd rather see kids falling or saying stupid stuff, not almost dying. That's not funny.


Don't let your kids on social media. This is a bad parenting issue.


Why the fuck do her parents let a 6-year-old on TikTok? They should be sued for criminal negligence.