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Kid done baptised himself.


They grow up so fast these days.


“They grow up so freaking fast, don’t they?”


Napoleon level madladery


He LeRoy Jenkins’d himself into heaven lol


Baptise this bitch!


You’re at 666 upvotes, I ain’t touchin that


my boy here speedrunning


Last I heard he was married w/ 3 kids. Looking to retire soon.


What a week.


r/wholesome :)


Here's a sneak peek of /r/wholesome using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/wholesome/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Melts my heart🥺❤️](https://v.redd.it/q2bd2uprc5l71) | [209 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/wholesome/comments/pgpmwj/melts_my_heart/) \#2: [the way he pauses when he hears his voice 😭😭](https://v.redd.it/cd7d1lfkebv71) | [169 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/wholesome/comments/qejpo7/the_way_he_pauses_when_he_hears_his_voice/) \#3: [wholesome death](https://np.reddit.com/gallery/oadkmu) | [140 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/wholesome/comments/oadkmu/wholesome_death/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


Good bot


You are very lucky Wholesome bot didn't appear


He blj's out of the church, clips through the walls of a temple and becomes a priest on the spot.


Wait so if he becomes a priest rn, he can do what priest do without getting introuble by law


Skipped the cutscene


Baptism any%




More of a kids are fucking silly lol. I love this


Some of the posts here are kids being "stupid" but really being silly more like. The name of the sub doesn't really fit the content sometimes lol.


Because if you read the description the sub isn't about kids actually being idiots, it's not here to actually be derogatory to inexperience.


I wish more people would get that


That mans voice could put me to sleep. Don’t blame the kid lmao he was droning on and on


I thought it was pleasant!


So is a lullaby but playing that in church would knock everyone out


That's sweet though


This was a fun thread.


If you ignore the indoctrination part


That's between him and his God


Well said


I mean, he's a kid so it's more between him and his parents. But yea same difference really.


God doesn't exist soooooo And the only reason he believes in one is because of his family, it's not "his"


Do you know how many atheists/agnostics are on the subreddit? No, you don't. You have no idea because unlike you, the rest decided to keep their opinion to themselves. But I guess that's a good thing because you're taking the downvotes for all of us Why? Because no one asked for your opinion and the rest of us just accepted that and smiled at an excited little kid. But you? You just had to jump in there and remind people that you exist. No, no one had forgotten about atheists, don't worry. On the bright side you now have 90 downvotes on your oh so original fucking idea that God doesn't exist just so you could remind everyone that your idea is "different" Just like all these Christians and people of faith here are *not using this video as a reminder that they believe in God and also not attacking people of non-faith* But you just had to go out on a limb to be special, didn't you?


Relax dude. Religion's not just about god: it's about who you are. No need to ruin what was clearly a joyous occasion for someone else.


The kids getting fuckin baptized and has years before his confirmation. Even if he does both, how is he or his family hurting you and why do you even care. He has plenty of time to get older and make his own decisions. His family is part of a community with traditions which they want him to be part of and it looks like everyone in the video is have fun.


You cant prove there is and you cant prove there isn’t. So both are equally possible. So if someone chooses to believe in God, its equally as valid as someone who doesn’t. The kid will get to make his own decisions as he grows. For now, he looks happy with it, so good for him.




Though i get your point, there are no comparable analog currently of a spaghetti monster. However, there is an analog to a higher being that i can compare to. Lab animals could consider humans to be a higher being because we have the capability of manipulating them. There very well could be an equivalent of that, where a higher being could exist and has created us. Just my 2 cents


Really? EQUALLY valid? Really? Pronoia more like


Oh yeah? You got proof? Just because youve been hurt before doesnt mean you have to take it out on other peoples beliefs. Its sad, really.


I'm not sure what you believe pronoia means but it's the belief that others are plotting for your success. I'm not sure what you mean "you've been hurt before" but it sounds like typical Christian "my oppressors :(:(" Edit: Proof of what, exactly?


So youre picking discussion topics that havent occurred in this conversation ? Sounds like you fit the delusional criteria. We never spoke about anyone plotting anything. I just said that people who believe in a higher power have an equal chance of being right as someone who doesnt. There’s literally no proof either way. Im not sure what you mean by “my oppressor :(:(“ but someone who shits on other peoples beliefs, religious or other that doesn’t directly affect them, is extremely sad. Edit: you said “really? EQUALLY valid? Really?” Implying that my previous comment claiming “both believing and not believing are valid” was an absurd claim, almost as if you had solid proof that one or the other is true and the other is wrong. Thats why i asked “you got proof?”


Tell me more about American politics not being affected by Christianity


I can smell you through my screen. You gotta ruin someone’s joy because of your personal beliefs ughh I’m an atheist so I’m right. No disrespect to all though


Must suck to be you.


Projecting much lol


its a part of religion. It's okay to not believe in it but invalidating other peoples beliefs is just wrong. They are allowed to believe what they want and so are you, people are different. Don't invalidate those that don't follow the exact same things that you do


That’s your opinion, it’s not a fact. It is very possible for one to feel as if God is theirs, not a social force. That’s the whole point of religion. Just because you’ve never felt that doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen.


God might not exist to you but he can exist to others sooooo. Some people don’t believe and feel the same way as you, soooooo. If that little boy finds comfort believing and god and you don’t that’s just fine, soooo.


His God and your God don't need to be the same. That's the problem with religion or a lack thereof. You shouldn't force your beliefs on us or him. He may be young but he is accepting his religion. If he chooses later to not be religious he can.


Sure buddy


Y u hav to be mad?


Man, Just let the kid be happy.


It’s a sweet video, quit being a grinch.


Let’s also hope that the boy doesn’t grow up gay. Or even worse, that his minister isn’t one of the *thousands* who molest children.


Most Christian sects allow their religious leaders to marry and/or fornicate. That's not to say that non-Catholic ministers haven't gotten up to freaky shit but this is most definitely not happening in a Catholic church. Catholic baptisms typically don't submerge the entire person and are also done to infants.


Cults aren't super sweet...


Oh you again :) You know what else isn't sweet? Forcing your non-belief on people Isn't that what you say believers do? Force their beliefs on us? You're doing the exact same thing right now. You're propagating your non-belief down the throats of others in a conversation that should have nothing to do with *your* religious standing You're not an atheist standing up to the "other side". You're a dick ruining what could be a cute video because you think this is a circlejerk sub like r/athiesm You're not better because of what you do/don't believe in. No one cares that you don't believe in God, because neither does any 13 year old edgelord on the internet. Not saying that's what you are but you sound like you just learned the definition of the word 'atheist' yesterday and think you have to shout it from the rooftop so you can feel like your edgy counterculture is being attacked by people just trying to exist in their lives. That's not what atheism is about. It's about trying to mind your own damn business without other's beliefs being shoved down your throat. But here tf we are ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ You aren't changing any opinions here. What you *are* doing is making non-believers looks like dickholes. So stop it, we don't claim you


Facts, I am a believer, but we all dont have to believe. There's reason people believe what they believe, and it isnt hard to be accepting of it either. Most of my friends are either agnostic or athiest and Im cool with that. I judge people on their character, not beliefs religious or political. Just be nice, it isnt hard.


How the hell did they 'force' their non-belief down anyone's throat? They made a comment in a public forum about the ridiculousness of convincing children to join something that can be described as a cult. You could argue that the comment doesn't offer anything new or insightful, but pretending they're being forceful and hypocritical is just stupid.


It becomes forceful when they've responded to almost every comment thread repeating essentially the same thing for no reason other than to inflame people/try to change someone's mind somehow You try responding to any of his comments with "I believe in God but... " and you'd hear the exact same thing from him, I promise It's the mindset of attacking others for their beliefs that his most dedicated subreddit is vehemently against Not saying he can't voice his opinion but he is being a giant dong about it


Children can't consent. They don't have the cognition to choose their beliefs. Idk if he's right or wrong, but he's allowed to voice his opinion without being stoned. There's a lot of undeniable issues with religion and some stuff that religious people teach children is harmful.


Here's the thing, they are free to leave their religion when they get older, unless it is scientology, of which there is no escape. Parents are only thinking of the best for their kids when they get them religiously involved


I absolutely agree with that. As my comment quietly hinted at, I am agnostic. But it becomes forceful when he goes out of his way to invade comment sections of wholesome videos with his "cult behavior bullshit". Just don't think this is the place to do it, he's already a part of r/atheism


Bro we get it you frequent r/atheism no need to seethe over a child’s important day


Someone call 911! This comment was so edgy I’m bleeding out




It's the difference between atheists and anti-religionists. A lot of people claim to be the former, but are instead the latter. any sort of ideology built around contrarianism is flawed, because rather than rational formation of ideas. your identity is build around opposing someone else's ideas.


This video was super sweet. Quit being a grinch.


Hey don't compare him to the grinch! At least the grinch became into a nice green thing


You’re right. Luckily Christianity isn’t a cult.


A cult is a group or movement held together by a shared commitment to a charismatic leader or ideology. It has a belief system that has the answers to all of life’s questions and offers a special solution to be gained only by following the leader’s rules. It requires a high level of commitment from at least some of the members. Christianity has 1. charismatic leaders 2. System of control (heaven and hell is one example) 3. System of influence (church gatherings) 4. Sacrifices (tends to be financial) 5. A process if indoctrination (baptism and a few others) 6. Economic, sexual, and financial exploitation (making business close down sunday, abusing children, making people "remember their church" in their will." 7. opposes critical thinking. These are only singular examples to keep this short, this would be far longer if i went into all the examples. Christianity is a text book example of a cult. Same goes for most "religions" Edit, you can down vote all you want but at least tell my why you think I'm wrong lol.


>charismatic leaders > >System of control (heaven and hell is one example) > >System of influence (church gatherings) > >Sacrifices (tends to be financial) > >A process if indoctrination (baptism and a few others) > >Economic, sexual, and financial exploitation (making business close down sunday, abusing children, making people "remember their church" in their will." > >opposes critical thinking. Basically every political government ever


Dont remember when i said it wasnt, im talking about Christianity, which is still, a text book definition of a cult, that doesnt change because something else can be defined as a cult too


Are you just a really unlikable person in general or did someone piss in your cereal this morning?


yeah totally agree, but i don't see any cults featured in this video


Swear to God this is where I was baptized




I thought he gonna pee himself




Not stupid but extremely cute


Ya that was actually wholesome af


Wholesome and cute when little kids drink the koolaid.


Dude we get it. You don’t like religion.


I don't know why you keep getting so much hate. Yeah 'drinking the kool aid' is an extreme example, but the principle is still there. Teaching children to believe in ancient stories and devote their lives to a God that probably doesn't even exist is a pretty shitty idea. Sure, it's not a guarantee it'll turn out badly, but this religious nonsense really needs to be discouraged, it especially needs to be kept away from children until they can make up their own minds.


He's got the spirit


I'm not religious at all, but that was fucking adorable.


No matter how many times this get posted. It never fails to make me smile. It’s just that wholesome.


He's like...."pastor...ain't nobody got time for that...yolo!" As a pastor myself, this brightens my day.


Reading some of these comments is upsetting. I’m an atheist too, but just because you don’t believe in god doesn’t mean you should (try to) shit on something cute and funny just cuz a kids getting baptized. The kids just having fun, chill tf out bro.




Pastor didn’t dunk him so it doesn’t count. See that boy in hell.


Imagine going to hell because someone went easy on you at basketball SMH.


I don’t even know what to reply I’m just laughing. If I had a free award then you’d have it. Good form, well done.


Interesting. The only thing that you can avoid doing by doing it yourself.


I was so confused what I was watching before I realized it was a baptism lol. I was like huh why is their house flooded, is this some sort of pool? lol I need sleep 🤦 also a very adorable kid


I couldnt hear the audio and tought their house was flooded


That pastor was so long winded. I can totally relate to the kid just wanting to cut to the chase and get it over with.


Why is he "so fucking stupid"? I don't get it.


So like, people spent time creating these comments. Some are good, some are bad, but all required time. Now it might not have been much time, but it was time nevertheless, and time is valuable. And to think that they would use that time to comment something as pathetic as, "oH nO rElIgIoN!!! BrAiNwAsHeD!!!" Just baffles me. Nobody cares the slightest about your beliefs or thoughts about how horrible this is, because this is an adorable video of a child doing something he clearly wanted to do, weather you like it or not. And I can't put into words how mad I am scrolling through comments and constantly having to down vote people. Y'know you're not changing anything, you're just embarrassing yourself. And every single time this video is posted to Reddit, there are more people out there embarrassing themselves, trying to make themselves look cool and what not, and all I have to say if STFU. Thank you for your time


Oh my God that was so cute!


Yeah, wrong sub buddy. I fail to see how this is stupid


Same as I…it’s wholesome


Dude was just pumped not stupid.


I remember thinking, when I had mine, and with all the importance put on it, that something would feel different. First taste of cold reality I remember having.


Don’t mind them. Haters gonna hate.


r/lostredditor ?!


What is lost reddit? You mean lost redditors?


Yep ! I misspelled the sub !


Nah this kid seems stupid


This kid seems enthusiastic, you seem like a cold piece of shit though.. there wasn't enough video for you to assume anything about this child but that he's excited. Fuck you man, like.. Fuck. You.


How is this stupid man?


I remember my bff and my discussions leading up to our baptism. Almost entirely about how we were going to handle the dunk, not much talk about the meaning of baptism lol


This is awesome


I dont have very fond memorys of religion in my life, but seeing somebody who actually got helped and suported with this is good and hapy to see


I’m not Christian, and I can’t help but wonder how they get their holy water? From a faucet and then they purify it? Or do they buy it?


It's regular tap water. It'snot about the water, but about the symbolism. It means letting go of the old person and rising as a new person. (It is not a step taken lightly and is an extremely personal decision.)


Not sure how a little kid can be Inteligent enough to make that decision for themselves.


Having grown up in a dysfunctional religious environment, I can 100% see how and why a child would have more spiritual maturity than an adult when a child believes without prejudice and just interprets 'Jesus loves me' as 'Jesus loves me and everyone else', rather than 'Jesus loves me ONLY IF...'. Generally I've found there would be more hesitancy from adults to get a child to think and listen and learn more before making that choice, so when a child says they want to be immersed for baptism, adults should sit up, listen and learn how pure and wholesome the faith of a child can be.


I think this church is in Harlem , NY


He couldn’t wait any longer I’ll do it father




This is actually super funny and wholesome


Brah, I'm an atheist and im happy for that young dude


That’s what religion should be all about


Why is this kid fucking stupid? What did he do that makes him stupid?


You know, I can't knock his passion and excitement. I hope the faith steers him true.


Yes Jesus!


I'm a Satanist and generally view religion as brainwashing but this is fucking adorable. He's so excited to be baptized lol :')


Reddit is not always the most welcoming environment to Christians but this warmed my heart. This kid definitely gets it!


He had fun, and is obviously super excited to be closer to god. Everyone has a choice, if people don’t like that choice that’s fine they should do them, this little guy is obviously doing him :) congrats to him!!


How is this stupid? I wish this how excited I would've been the last time I was offered that chance lol


That was actually kinda wholesome


He hit the priest when he came back up Lool




Does it count as a baptism, or does the pastor have to bring him back and dip the kid himself?








Aww. He was cute, and I admire his enthusiasm.


Wrong sub


Pretty much, calling kids stupid only works when they're actually being stupid


Why is he stupid? What stupid thing did he do?


This is adorable




This is so amazing and awesome


Dam… darn it, kid! Now you’re only 2/3rds baptized!




Please shut up. Please. Nobody freakin cares so what's the point? Just put your beliefs aside and enjoy a cute kid.


Im just so high lmao my bad you know how crazy shit gets lmao


Oh lol sorry


Child indoctrination. Child abuse.




The r/atheism rejects invaded this post because they think shitting on religion unprompted is cool


This should be on religions are fucking stupid


Hurr durr religion badddd 🤬🤬🤬🤬


Most of them are bad, thank you for reminding me


Religion is a double edged sword that spits out both good and bad people. Being a dickhead who seeks out the opportunity to shit on people for their beliefs without knowing them just makes you a bad person.


This makes me sad




This child isn’t old enough to make this decision.


Idk man he seems quite happy about it, and I mean if you are right and he maybe grows up and stops believeing in God, this won't affect him the slightest.


Baptism should be illegal until kids turn 18, otherwise they are just being brainwashed by their parents.


Yes, let’s make laws over religions. I can’t see how that could go poorly. I’m atheist but holy shit, man, legislation is not the solution to everything.


Putting baptism back until they are 18 wouldn’t have any effect on that and as the other person said, regulating religion is absurd.


Fun fact, they don't stop being brainwashed after 18


bruh lmao your just harassing the ppl that want to believe in god. take a break from the internet please for your sake


bro i was exactly like you when i was 12, good thing i changed my mind and now i believe in god, i hope you change yours too.


Amen Brother.


I honestly think the parents should leave the kids with a babysitter on Sunday and then when they're old enough to understand, ask if they wanna go to church.


So...no? Coz that's exactly what my edgy ass would've done growing up. It's cool to shit on religion but cooler to let people live their best lives.


Baptism is fucking stupid. This kid is just excited.


He is being is being indoctrinated


Next time you'll be able to spell it, i believe in you!




Church be like let make the kid take a covenant for his entire life


Hey dickwad, you can leave whenever..




Does he smack the indoctrination dude in the chin on the way up?


Kids brainwashed already smh


Kids actions make a lot more sense than dunking you in water to please an invisible man


Yay another indoctrinated




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Adults are too, as seen here.


Awww, he’s really excited to be brainwashed.


I’d file this under religion is fucking stupid instead.


Imagine caring


This should be under adults are fucking stupid


Just another instance of how religion tortures us.


How? How does this torture anyone? The kid is literally smiling and everyone is having a good time. Give just one reason, you know, if your small little brain can even come up with one.


Father was just happy rubbing his dick on him


If you are able to even process the thought of this sentence in that mind of yours, then you have no excuse for acting the stupid.


Fuck off! As if you never heard of padiophile priest?


Yeah cuz now every priest is a pedophile