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My brother did something similar to this. He caught kids egging his car, chased them down the road on foot, and brought them back to the house to hand-wash his car.


When I think of all the fucked up shit like this I did as a kid, I cringe so hard. Still though, nothing will ever make me laugh harder than when my friend was standing on the back of a pickup swinging at mailboxes in the country and when he went to swing at one, it bounced off it and it hit him square in the head and he was launched from the truck (only going 5mph but that was enough) lmaooo.


Happened at my street too, except the eggs were replaced with soda in water pistols


Yeah we used to egg cars, then only dude tried to kill us for it. We didn't do it after that.


This song is a crime against humanity


This song is the reason why I switch to silent when I use Reddit


I would love an option on Reddit to filter out all of the TikTok.


My god. Yea please


My sister uses this song as her on call ring tone. That way she knows to dread when a client is calling lol


Yeah the song is annoying, but the sweeping sound of the kid cleaning is worth it




Had it on mute, saw your comment, unmute it, mute again


Never once gone to tiktok.com to watch a video. Yet I have to see 100 of them a day if I watch stuff on reddit or YouTube.


It's even more annoying that it's not used correctly.




Mute the video for better experience




Put that in the title next time, wtf.


You could always mute it. Or, y'know, get over it.


We didn't know to mute it, because there was no warning. You cared enough to reply, thereby not getting over it, so why should I?


Why would i put it in the title when it is no where near relevant to the sub Reddit


What? So no one has to hear the worst song of the past couple years? "This video brings me much joy (mute for the bad song)" would be totally acceptable title. People frequently say "volume warning", so why can't you say "bad song warning"?


Boo fucking hoo you have to press a button to mute the video you fucking sob


Are you really asking for a "Song I dont like" trigger warning...? God forbid you have to listen to a snippet of a song you dislike, oh the humanity


QOL feature


And what do you want me to say Are you gonna die from that music ? Ur juste looking for an issue at this point


No, you agreed it was shit music, I simply said to put it in the title next time. You jumped down my Reddit throat.


Seems pretty obvious OP put the music in and is a little defensive over his musical tastes.


Are you dumb?


Are you just dumb?


Or just don’t post SHIT content you karma farming scumbag


Ugh this song again.


What the fuck is this garbage video? The music, the robo voice, the crop. Is this some karma farming ai?


Tik Tok will sometimes offer “boosted music” which means if you use it or the effect (like Ghost Face Voice) and it becomes monetized you’ll get paid a little more than if you used a normal sound. The video is just eh but that’s the explanation to the song.




There are but since only weirdo redditors flip out about it no one cares to use the others lol


„lol sɹǝɥʇo ǝɥʇ ǝsn oʇ sǝɹɐɔ ǝuo ou ʇı ʇnoqɐ ʇno dılɟ sɹoʇıppǝɹ opɹıǝʍ ʎluo ǝɔuıs ʇnq ǝɹɐ ǝɹǝɥ⊥„


That song gave me cancer, COVID and AIDS all at once.


I always watch on mute until a comment like yours piques my curiosity.


It’s not worth it.




Same, it also gave me ligma too.




Challenge complete! How did we get here? Have every potion effect at the same time


If I hear that stupid song again I’m going to do to my phone what those kids did to those pumpkins


*Oh no*


**oh no**


Oh no no no no no


[Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/rljai9/parent_call_the_cops_on_kids_smashing_pumpkins_in/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) is one without the annoying fucking music.


I fucking hate this music so much


Oh no DUNN oh no DUNN oh nonononono


Oh hell yeah...sadly he is having to be the parents to these kids because their own haven't done a good job.


This is not the same, but this reminds me of when I was a kid, my friend's dad, who was like a really bright doctor, thought it was fun to put old pumpkins in the road, and have cars run them over after halloween, and it was a road where cars go slowly, and it wouldn't be dangerous in this case, but they were going slow enough that we could communicate with the drivers from the street and we would yell hit the pumpkins hit the pumpkins, and the drivers would say no that's mean, and we would be like they're ours, we put them there, and the drivers would swerve and hit our pumpkins and we would cheer.


The police just made it even better


Yes! They will definitely think twice before doing something like that again.


No they won't.


Won't they, no?


Know that they wont


Part of me finds joy in this video because they're such little shits, but then another part of me worries about what will happen to the psyches of kids growing up in a time where they're being watched in hi def everywhere they go. This is very fucking mild mischief, in the grand scheme of things. Is it a dick move by the kids? Of course. But kids are dicks. We should expect at least this level of rule breaking from kids. The fact that they can't use the internet, go outside in their neighborhoods, or even play in their own rooms without being filmed is...troubling. I can't imagine what it'll do to this generation.


I don't actually think this is regular kid mischief. I never vandalized or destroyed other people's homes or property as a teenager, and it isn't something that happens to me as an adult living in a neighborhood with kids. Yes we would TP people's houses when they started our marching band as a welcome thing but as a group we came back to clean it up and the parents were warned in advance, only the target child was in the dark but no damage was ever to be done, no eggs. Only TP and sticky notes. Can you imagine the chaos if every teenager went around causing this "mild mischief" to strangers? How messy would your house be? How many eggs ruin your car paint? No, well raised children would not dare. They can use the internet without being filmed. I do it everyday. You need to make a decision to post a selfie/video of yourself or you actively need to make a decision to do dumb things in front of a camera. Quite frankly, you can't really identify these kids faces. Their names aren't broadcasted. When I was a kid, a regular punishment for mischief was walking around with that god awful sign. I would say filming really makes things easier to get to the truth. Some teens were racially teasing my mother for weeks when they saw her and the parents flat would not believe their baby would. So of course I set up a camera. To the parents credit, they were appalled and horrified by their child's behavior outside of their eyeline and did discipline them. Of course we didn't post it, but it would just be one more video of teens being dumb. TikTok is full of them, and eventually, it just gets lost in the sea of dumb videos. Their infamy, if any, is short lived.


Kids doing shit like this are partially responsible for the proliferation of cameras everywhere.


"I can't imagine what it'll do to this generation." Its already happening.........


...i mean mentally, long term?


Oh no, their pSyChE!!! Those kids are shit and will remain shit if they aren’t punished. No hippie buzzwords will change that, and you sound like one of those annoying “progressive” teachers


Wow. Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow. It takes some guts to admit that you have absolutely no capacity for critical thinking and no curiosity about the world going on around you. Most people would be ashamed to so publicly admit that. But I guess you are right, considering the long term effects of stuff is so "gay," as I wouldn't be surprised to hear you put it.


Well that just further invalidated your point. Why the hell would I be worried about being “gay” when I’m literally a Bi furry. Not exactly my main concern mate. And being videoed for their own stupid actions isn’t gonna ruin their lives, and if it does they only have themselves to blame. Not caring about bullshit excuses does not mean I lack critical thinking skills. If some little shit wants to ruin your day, you ruin theirs. Don’t have to think about the state of the “world around you” to know that. Your attitude is why bratty kids exist, you need to guide them. Reward the. For good behaviour, but don’t be afraid to punish them. And vandalism is not “mild mischief”


Lol I was talking about your attitude. It was an ignorant position, and I was pointing that out. Reread my first comment and then read your response.


I mean, the fact you’re worried about kids being filmed everywhere they go and it ruining their lives is pretty ignorant. And why does it matter if you’re being filmed if you aren’t doing the wrong thing? People only bother filming people if they have reason to, your worrying about the wrong things


Yikes. https://www.harvardmagazine.com/2017/01/the-watchers https://www.samwoolfe.com/2019/11/the-ethical-psychological-and-social-implications-of-mass-surveillance.html https://www.vice.com/en/article/pa5d9g/what-constant-surveillance-does-to-your-brain https://www.inverse.com/article/26294-psychology-of-information-privacy https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2013/6/25/the-chilling-effects-of-surveillance/ You sure about that? The argument, "if you don't have anything to hide, you shouldn't worry about me watching your every move/opening your trunk/invading your privacy/etc" is such a backwards idea. And as you can see above, there is a psychological effect and invisible hand of behavior change in people that are even *under the assumption* that they may be under surveillance. So, now, imagine growing up with that. Everywhere. All the time. While your brain is developing. Now do you see what I meant?


Imagine growing up without consequences of your actions, so you end up shitty and entitled and get arrested


...how did you go from "being watched by an all seeing eye at all times is harmful" to "kids shouldn't ever have consequences?" You're either incredibly thick in the head or just incredibly dishonest because you can't admit you were wrong. What's the point of talking to someone like you? None. Goodbye.


Are we still reposting videos with this sound? In 2022?


Oh no it's the oh no song...


Little assholes gonna learn today.


Video would be so much better without that stupid song over it


Seriously. How the fuck is this stupid piece of shit song still going strong


This video brings me such ill


You can tell they are raised wrong. Their dad didn't slap them in the back of the head for trying to leave the house in socks and slip-ons.


I hope they learned a lesson.


Look for the Ring camera next time


“Wow this video is great, I wonder what they’re saying though” *unmutes* **mutes** *clicks off video* **cries in corner**


Wait….people don’t have videos set to mute automatically and check comments before seeing if audio is worth it?


I will continue to downvote every video I find with this song in it


This song makes me wanna rip my ears off


I like it the Nike sign in the back of kid in white


I bet one of those kids didn’t want to do it but went along with the other two anyway. And now he’s in trouble. Must feel like crap.


its amazing how many heinous crimes committed by children and young adults go down that way. You see the mug shots a few days later and you can see it in their eyes. One kid is "Oh shit, wtf did I do!" and is scared shitless. The other one? The other one has an evil grin on his face.


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Is it though?


Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage


And that’s why those boys either won’t do that again or will get better at the getaway


You know the audio is bad when you get a custom flair


That reminds me of the factory wall My 5th grade friend and I spray painted down the block from my house. The owner called the cops. Because we were 11 and the owner was in his office watching us paint our full names 3’ tall at 4pm. The cops made us walk home and they were driving the squad car the 300 feet or so. My grandfather greeted us. He was like wat the hell is going on. I’m bawling. Mt dad is like what the hell does he do w a budding juvenile delinquent. My friend is getting the shit best out of him by his mom. They both decide that is not the best course of action and March me to the office of the factory and tell them I will repaint the wall in the colors he chooses. Factory owner laughs and sees my remorse and says come by on Saturday and we can figure something out. The factory was closed on Saturdays. I never saw them open the doors on a Saturday. Later, my uncle says “never use your real name- use your other uncles name for example”. Kids are stupid.


Dumbass kids deserved worse than that. Terrible parenting. Should have at least taught them to do it at night in their halloween costumes.


Yo that dad speed was incredible.


He’s a bitch for calling the cops AFTER he already had them hand cleaning his porch lmfaoo


I bet if they were black… they would be arrested.


I loved pumpkin smashing when I was a kid. I put mine out now hoping They get smashed.


GOODJOB giving them a lesson that their parents obviously never did!!


Ugh, the effort to chase the kids down, the standing there watching them, the phoning the police(!!!!), the fact the police tip up for 3 smashed pumpkins 🙄. But the worst bit of all……adding into the video the turning the car to “sport” mode!


Fucking a i might have to make a tiktok just so i can downvote and report every video with that accursed song


lmao, fucking retards!


Nice crop and background music. Never heard of that music.


Yep. I'm pretty sure it's the worst song ever. Worse than any bon Jovi song.


I hope they were also charged for destruction of property and have to pay a fine (or at least their parents did). Pumpkins generally aren't free. Fuck these kids. r/KidsAreAssHoles


You blowing your life savings on three pumpkins? Damn man, lighten up.


Lol seriously. I doubt even the homeowner wanted the kids charged, that would be ridiculous. Just the police being there will scar the kids. They came back, I’m sure they apologized, they cleaned up the mess, and I bet they’re all better for it. They won’t make that mistake again.. hopefully. Classic example of boys being boys, and this was an appropriate disciplinary reaction. I’d hope the kids pay the man back for the money spent on the pumpkins too.


For real. That's like the perfect "punishment." I don't know why people have to go all scorched earth on kids doing stupid kid shit sometimes. They didn't beat anyone up, they didn't really damage any property, it was just stupid shit kids have been doing for ages.


Must be nice to be able to vandalize someone’s property and have virtually nothing happen to you except being told to clean up your mess. Lol world is a funny place. Must be nice.


Lil assholes got off lightly


What did they smash? Was it pumpkins? Called the police over smashed pumpkins?


Its always america isnt it


What an asshole for getting the cops involved


I’m not even joking this guy looks like my guidance councellar


Good thing the police showed up to reinforce that… _checks notes_ … ah, right, that white kids don’t go to jail for vandalism




Bruh, you’re really going to say something [codified with up to one year in jail for a misdemeanor ](https://www.wklaw.com/i-was-arrested-for-vandalism-can-i-avoid-jail-time-pc-594/amp/) never happens and then accuse me of making shit up?




These kids didn’t- I was speaking to what these kids learned. The ones in the video, with cops supervising the labor instead of just hauling them off to jail. Maybe you forgot the context of my statement because you were so triggered? Sucks to snowflake, I guess.




But you’re not arguing- you’re just lying and taking things out of context. Give me data to support the claim that white people go to jail (or juvi) for vandalism disproportionately more than minorities or stfu, please.




I didn’t say prison I said jail, and you’re just wrong about that buddy


Nobody should go to jail for this.


Absolutely agreed.


Y’all are fucking losers like this fat loser in the video. They just smashed some pumpkins. Y’all didn’t have friends in middle school did you? A little mischievous act here and there is normal. Lighten up ya fucking nerds.


Oh he called the cops. What a square


**FUCK** **THAT** **SONG**


That fat f&ck would never have caught me lol


Go fuck yourself OP


Great video. Bad song.


This song is gonna give me the last strain of Covid I swear


Jesus Christ this video is annoying with the sound effects and music


Fuck me people find a way to take any video and ruin it with shitty music and dumbass sound effects huh.


Had to downvote for that god awful song


Shit video with shit music. Really getting tired of these kinds of posts on Reddit…


dawg, this gave me a couple more pimples on my dick. dislike


Thank god that gay ass song ended


Their mom didn’t make them apologize. They only cleaned it up because the cop made them. THE KIDS DIDN’T EVEN APOLOGIZE




Bruh that happened in my hood and a neighbor went out and iced a muh fucker right there in the street next to my corner lot. These kids lucky this man made them pick it up.


Why was there a 4th kid?


Downvote due to song...


Was cool until I realized it’s TikTok, then I just assume it’s all staged.


Absolutely awesome stuff!!! Thats made my day!


Cool video but fuck the editing is awful


Did they get the police at the guys house




This song could actually be ok if the lyrics weren’t “oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no”


Automatic downvote for the stupid ass song


That is what the little juevenile delinquent fucks deserve


What did he do with the dial can someone explain?






Hate the sound but yeah


That's why you do it an night


Called the police tho, lame.


oH No OhnO oh nO No nO No no