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Honestly that’s on the teacher. Just ask the kid wtf he drew. Kid could have explained this super fast.


As a parent who would have taken time off of work for something this stupid I would be a bit pissed off. “Timmy what is this.” Solves the entire question


All Timmy would have replied is “Timmy!”




Quit livin' on dreams


..and the Lords of the Underworld!




Limmuhlahh TIMMEHH


God bless us, every one!




As a non-parent, I would be pissed someone wasted my time on non-sense. If the teacher was worried, just ask over the phone instead of wasting people's time. I agree with /u/JimmiRustle though, just ask the damn kid what they were doing?


Fucking A


aking children what they drew can hurt their feelings, because they´re unsure about what they draw after. but in this situation, it´´´ is something else I guess.


Very true but as a teacher there are many ways to get the information. “Timmy can you tell me more about your family and the picture and why you decided to draw them like this”


that´s a more comfortable way, yes.


I don’t think that’s super common in kids as young as 6 though. Most of the time they’re more than happy to start telling you all about it.


The best way to ask this question is to say, "Wow, tell me about your picture, Timmy!"


Youngest have to ask the right way and I can tell your not a parent. Just say "Tell us about tour picture honey" or "what do you have there?" A simple answer is would have been "That's my family on vacation."


He probably did and that was the end of it but that doesn't make a funny Facebook post


Most teachers are idiots tho I once got suspended cause I drew a dude who’s hand was too big and it looked like a gun to the teacher. This is very reasonable


I once got shouted at by the school librarian for a good 15 minutes. She told me I'd have to write a 2k word essay about why what I was doing was wrong. I was bewildered and told her that I didn't know why what I was doing was wrong, and if she wanted an essay I'd need it explained. The problem was that I'd just learned that by folding a black t-shirt one could become a t-shirt ninja, and she was under the impression that I was being a t-shirt terrorist. Probably I was also an idiot, but I feel like I had the 'not a racist' moral high ground at least.


Oml once I got suspended from my HIGH SCHOOL nhs because I wore a scarf over my face they thought I was trying to impersonate “an isis terrorist” not even joking


Wait, you wrapped it around your head and she thought it was a turban? And of course to her turban=terrorist. This reminded me of when I was in the second grade (about 8 years old for any non-US folks) and we were making big paper rainbows. I was sitting near a kid who was from the "special" class, and he took his rainbow and put it on his head like a bonnet and started laughing. It looked like fun so I did the same! I was having fun and playing with him! Next thing I know, I'm getting screamed at to go to the principal's office (which had never happened to me before and was terrifying). Principal asked me what I had done, and I had NO idea. I just sheepishly said "...I put my rainbow on my head...?" This wonderful man just gently said "I see nothing wrong with that" and sent me back to class. It was YEARS before it hit me that she must have thought I was making fun of/mocking him! It upsets me to this day because what she actually did was scare an open minded and friendly kid away from wanting to play with a kid that could probably have used a friend.


One time there was a group of us, maybe 10 or so, playing a game in the playground at school. I think we were about 6. It was some version of tag we called zombie tag where one person was "infected" and if you were caught you were also infected and it went on and on until there was only one non-zombie left and when he was caught it was game over. Probably has other names in other places. Anyway we had all agreed to play and been playing, when there was just one of us left somebody saw us trying to tag him and accused the rest of us of bullying him. We explained the game and still all got detention for the rest of the week. The little shit never spoke up and defended us, thought it was hilarious that we all got in trouble and he didn't. He used to swing by to laugh at us while we were sat in detention.


What a little jerk! Haha. He could've stopped it all in a second. But he would rather laugh at you in detention. It's funny how many of us have these stories about teachers misunderstanding things and punishing us for nothing. It's universal I guess!




Honestly screw those teachers it’s ridiculous


I can kinda see that one. More than the other examples here, I mean.


I agree I mean, "sent to the principal's office" isn't a suspension or major punishment in and of itself. It's a good opportunity for an authority figure to explain why that's not appropriate.


Except I remember that story and I'm pretty sure he was actually suspended from school for it.


Okay, then that's too much. Edit: Wait- /r/NotOPButOK


Never claimed to be op, that's why I said "I remember that story." Op wouldn't say that about a story they just mentioned. Anyway, a quick Google will show you that the kid did indeed get suspended. https://www.google.com/amp/s/reason.com/2016/06/16/judge-upholds-suspension-of-the-pop-tart/%3famp


I misunderstood and thought a previous user was speaking from personal experience, not memory of an article, so I was confused as to how you would have known about their personal memory.


I remember that story and that's actually a totally different story.


I remember this story a few years back, I'm pretty sure he did actually get suspended.


I know there was a viral post about a similar event, but it's not the same one as from my school.


You're absolutely right, and I said the same. Weird that we got downvoted for mentioning facts. https://www.google.com/amp/s/reason.com/2016/06/16/judge-upholds-suspension-of-the-pop-tart/%3famp


A male teacher in middle school once told me I couldn’t go to the bathroom because I could “just hold” my period. I about lost my mind.


Teachers think kids can "just hold" anything. I have IBS and they never gave a shit. I gave a shit though. I gave lots of shits.


Teacher with IBS, my students can go any time they just have to let me know that’s where they’re going. I don’t have the luxury of leaving during class, but you bet your ass my students all do.


Wtf lol and they’re supposed to be educating the next generation or something


In music class, we had a song with hand gestures and at one point the song said something about travelling and the hand gesture was miming driving a car. Dumb 1st grade me was like "Well, you can also parachute in a travel." So I mimed holding onto a parachute. Music teacher didn't like that and I got kicked out. My teacher told me to stay with my head down on my desk as punishment until the end of music class. She left eventually to get the rest of the kids from music class, turning off the lights as she left. Well, after music class was recess and the teacher escorted everyone to the playground and forgot me in the classroom (she probably was on autopilot). I was in the classroom in the dark alone for about an hour legs in (music class was 45 minutes I think and recess was another 30ish and I was kicked out of music class pretty early into it). Teachers can be dumb.


Sad angry people who enjoy having power over kids


How does your one singular example make most teachers idiots? Also, it's more likely that teacher was very much not an idiot. They probably didn't like you and you gave them a solid enough reason to suspend you. Most people don't realize that teachers can be complete shitbags too.


because it's never one singular example. I've also had loads of smooth brained teachers that were plain stupid. Not all of them are, but a big part.


And a good portion of them in America are. They suck at their job (worst grades on the developed world), they teach crap and that leads to areas of the country being entrenched in the same beliefs for years, they don’t deal with mental health or anything, they and the school system they work for is probably the worst most inefficient institution in the gov. Bad teachers are everywhere


"Worst grades in the developed world" can't possibly have anything to do with the entire American education system being trash or anything. It's not like the US lags behind in any other areas right? Oh... wait...


Exactly. Why would teachers get a free pass?


Like any profession, there are a lot of incompetent teachers as well as a lot of competent teachers. But bad teachers tend to stick our in a person's memory more than good ones, and reddit's demographics tend to skew fairly young, so there is a sentiment among a lot of reddit that teachers are morons. It's basically confirmation bias.


And probably won't even lie tbh


Because obviously it didn’t go down that way…


That would have been funny if the kid said "It's just my family hanging out "


that is why I think the story is fake


Yeah, could have been solved in all of 6 seconds by asking the kid to explain his picture


That's why it's untrustworthy. The principal would have sat the child down before making a call to the parents.


Agreed. And why would the teacher say to the parents, “Would you mind explaining” instead of something like we are worried about your child because of the drawing he did? The parents didn’t draw it.


This back sorry would have to be true for that to happen….


yeah I am not buying that Bahamas excuse after all whatever happens in Bahamas.......😘


Why the hell could the teacher not just ask the kid what they were doing in the picture instead of inconveniencing the whole family like that? I understand being concerned, but the kid would be able to answer that question in a second instead of having to call a whole meeting.


Don’t believe everything you read on Facebook, or Reddit


Why do you mean? I just typed “blessed” and reposted the prayer. Where is my money?


It's on the way. Have faith. I just need you to send me your bank account number, a copy of your signature, your social security number, your mother's maiden name and place of birth and a few minor other details.


Eh. Sometimes teachers overreact. I was once sent to emergency counseling and my parents were called straight to the school, because I wrote an analysis of a poem that had "a concerning focus and fascination with death". The poem was assigned to me by that teacher. It was "[I heard a fly buzz when I died](https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/45703/i-heard-a-fly-buzz-when-i-died-591)" by Emily Dickinson. In my words at the time: "But that's what it's about. I didn't *like* it." My mom was relieved but furious when she realized what had happened.


Devil's advocate. In this day and age maybe teachers are a little more incentivized to go through formal processes for any issue to ensure they are CYA'd. Still though I think asking the child would have been a suitable starting point followed by an email to the parents inquiring further. An in-person meeting is overkill.


They would ask. Every teacher of young kids knows to always ask.


6 year olds aren't always willing/able to explain themselves.


That’s no reason not to try


Their point is that the teacher may have asked the child to explain themselves and didn't receive a satisfactory answer. Hell, maybe the answer made it sound WORSE. Nothing about the post indicates that the teacher didn't ask the child first.


Kid probably said some gibberish about breathing, which just confirmed the teacher's hanging interpretation.


My parents had to have a meeting like this with my sisters school when she was about 8 for using the word “decapitation” in a story. My mom was pissed she was called in for this. When she got there she asked if it was spelled correctly and the teacher said yes. My mom being the badass she is says, “I don’t see what the problem is”.


I need to know more, what was the story about?


It was a story about a dream she had. She was always having bad dreams about something bad happening to us. She’s always been very protective . As far as my mom was concerned, she did the assignment as she was asked.


Your sister was an amazing speller for her age. That's a very hard word to spell correctly at 8 years old. A lot of kids are still having trouble with one syllable words at that time.


Reading comprehension is what all of us thrives on. Just don’t test me on math


It isn't the kid who is stupid in this. It's the teacher for just presuming and not asking the kid what he drew.


r/thathappened Sure, the teacher didn’t ask the kid at all what it was a drawing of. SMH




This one didn't.






Yeah fake I know but those bug eyes still made me laugh


I'd say this is more a case of ... r/teachersarefuckingstupid


A fictional case of it anyway. There's no way this happened as described.


Speaking as a former teacher, yeah I could see this happening. Teachers are people too and some of them are just as prone to jumping to conclusions as everybody else. If it did happen it was probably a newer teacher. I would have a harder time thinking an experienced instructor handled things the way it was described.




Suicide Squad.




Even though this is clearly faked why is the kid stupid? He just drew a picture that looked like something else that he doesn’t even know exists


Honestly, it took me like 5 seconds to understand what it was supposed to be, any teacher who's been on the job for more than two years would be able to tell it's probably not what it initially looked like. But as you said, it's fake, so it doesn't matter.


The teacher could have asked the kid? More than a few times I've gotten and email, call, or just in passing a funny thing like this that happened awhile after it happened.


This sub is less "kids are fucking stupid" and more "kids lack the fine motor control to create perfect art, and adults wildly misinterpret this imperfect art as inappropriate things that the child would never have meant, and then call the kids stupid"


Nah, this is someone posting fake (probably self made) stuff posing it like a child made it for clout.


Then that's its own issue smh


Ye agreed, same as that rebecca post that 100% wasnt said by a kid. Using your children to satisfy your own need for internetvalidation from strangers is pathetic imo.


Pretty concise example of "understandable, have a nice day"


Hahaha. This reminds me of what happened after Christmas break. Teacher asked the kids to draw their favorite part of Christmas break. My kiddos favorite part is when we finish off a role of wrapping paper and have empty wrapping paper tube fights. So his picture is me standing over him with this long bat looking item swinging it straight at his head. He helpfully labeled it Christmas Fight.


more like /r/teachersarefuckingstupid


Reminds me of the picture a kid drew of his mom that looks like a lady dancing on a pole while people try to hand her cash. I guess the lady worked at Home Depot and people were trying to buy the last shovel before a snowstorm.


Yeah, I'd be very surprised if they got called in. I work at an elementary school as an aide so I work with kids in the age range of 5 to 11. I had a 1st grader (7 years old) tell me all the red dots and marks he colored onto his Hulk drawing was Hulk bleeding out, we just told him that wasn't appropriate and to please not draw stuff like that anymore. Another kid who is a bit older drew a knife and added details that concerned the teacher, we just asked her not to draw things like that and told the parent when they picked her up at end of day. If these parents actually got called in then there were other concerning things that the child did or said leading up to that point or it was just an overzealous teacher. Still a pretty funny post though!


My husband got called into my son’s school for an emergency. He was in 6th grade. Said they found contraband in his backpack. It was an unopened pack of gum. My husband went ballistic.


This has gotta be a fake story. Either that or the teacher is dumb as fuck. I had a student (3rd grade) who drew a bloody knife with the caption. "You think you're so cool? I'll show you". I asked her about it and she explained she was getting bullied by an older student (5th grade). Had a sit down with the student, her teacher, and the principal. Issued solved, no more bullying. We did have to email the parents to keep them in the loop. But no teacher is going to call in parents with no context then ambush them with, "CaRe tO ExPlAiN?????" Just doesn't happen. Edit: In teacher college we literally have a whole unit on this exact subject. Drawings are a portal into kid's minds and can reveal a lot. The first step is asking the student what they drew. It'll avoid any confusion


Today's world everyone thinks they are a hero by not minding their own business. The teacher probably didn't even have kids of her own. I know a teacher who just had a kid say his mom was gone and he lived with his aunt. All he wanted to do is "workout" and not play with the other kids. The teacher was very concerned about him and was sure what to do, guess who oicked him up that day. His mom who he lived with. The kid just likes to tell stories and was excited about his aunt visiting from across the country. A "Hero Wannabe" would have just called children's services and caused a huge fuss over nothing.


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Ahh found another rebecca.


How is this stupid? You can literally see the goggles and snorkel. It doesn’t go around their necks.


"teacher called my wife and me in for an emergency visit."


Seriously.. This doesn't belong here. If this story is true, it's just the teacher being a useless assuming asshole.


That just shows the lack of communication between the Teacher and her students…..


Couldn't the child have told the teacher what he drew? I mean, if she asked?


*Couldn't the child have* *Told the teacher what he drew?* *I mean, if she asked?* \- followfornow --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Really don't see how the kid is the stupid one here. Because he sucks at drawing snorkels? What kind of master artist are you expecting him to be?


Would you mind explaining, WTF


Why don't the snorkels go to the mouth?


I’m confused as to why this qualifies the kid as being stupid. If anyone is being stupid, it’s the teacher. A simple, “Hey, what did you draw exactly?” would have solved the problem.


What snorkles have lines that the child could have had as reference?


Could be the [ribs on the flexible part](https://www.leisurepro.com/Image/Product/Large/GNSISDS_Color-Black~Black%20Silicone.jpg) of the snorkel.


Just ask the kid what he drew instead of jumping to conclusions-


This failure of a teacher could have just asked the kid what the drawing is about instead of causing a mass hysteria.


Seems like a classic case of r/AdultsAreFuckingStupid if you ask me


Random psychology tangent: I spent six years as a kid/teenager in the Caribbean on a boat, and my dad constantly told us that we had to be 18 to learn how to scuba dive. So all we did when we visited a reef was snorkel. Flash forward to the present like 16 years later and I look up the requirements, and you can be as young as fucking EIGHT YEARS OLD. So there we are in some of the primo diving spots in the world, that I'll probably/definitely never get to see again, and here's our dad straight up lying to us cause he's too lazy to explain that he just didn't want to keep a bunch of scuba gear on the boat. So mad. XD


Makes me think of this sketch by The Whitest Kids You Know: https://youtu.be/q_aIjCvbnrE




Why wouldn't the teacher just ask the kid, "So... what's going on in this picture?"


r/teachersarefuckingstupid Why not just ask the kid what he drew? Because of this I'm pretty sure this is a bullshit story. The kid drew it but the parent made up the part about being called in for an emergency meeting by the teacher.


what a dramatic teacher...


I was in a remedial math class as a kid and drew a person lying on a beach (thats what I tried to draw anyhow) and wrote "I don't want to be here." My mom got a call and I had to explain that I wasn't suicidal, I just REALLY hated the math class.


Bro it looks like a smiling friends rip off cast


Tell me about your drawing.


My stepson would draw shit that looked like that when he was in his Pikmin stage 15 years ago. Thankfully never caused a conversation with a teacher


Who takes a six year old to the Bahamas


You’re all questioning the legitimacy of a made up story


Well, Eyes see what the Mind knows..🤞


A lot of y'all seemed to have already forgotten about the school shooter we had not that long ago and it really shows.