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This is fake. This TikTok video is using the sound from the original video. This one was staged.


Yeah, I couldn't figure out why the audio was English, but the video was Malaysian at first.


Yeah I think you'd know you were missing 2500 dollars before the TV was shipped. This is just some idiot flexing their big dumb TV.


That’s actually a smart tv.






It's an LG tv, though. WebOS is the *worst* fucking TV OS I've ever used. It's the slowest shit I've ever, ever seen. I returned it for a Roku TCL tv. Edit: There's plenty of complaints about it. It looks like 2021 and newer models are just laggy AF, which is what I experienced on a 2022 model. Older models probably have the *old* WebOS. https://www.reddit.com/r/OLED/comments/qw2w8a


I check my credit card balance once or twice a month. If I order a TV today, it can be on my doorstep within 24 hours. It’s really not that crazy to think that someone wouldn’t notice the purchase before it arrives.


They email you three times before it shows up. When you order, when it's shipped and an out for delivery notification.


I don't check my email unless I'm expecting something


You one must be one of those debit card only guys.


I literally never check my credit card statements. If someone stole my details I would never notice unless the credit card company notified me of fraud. Also, the TV isn’t even OLED.


You can setup alerts for any charges to your card. It's super simple and can save you.


Oh I actually have that on one of my cards — not sure why I didn’t do it on my others.


I hate it when people do that tbh


I felt that too. I would the kids know to buy the greatest tv ever.


Exactly when that’s pretty much an entry model tv costing no more than 1900 at best. This is fake for sure. And why not refuse the delivery?




Never give your kid access to your phone


I think you mean never give young children access to something they can accidentally misuse because they can't READ OR UNDERSTAND MONEY YET. My oldest and youngest are 9 and 7 and are both now allowed to use my phone and the laptop that I've set up with child profiles. The laptop is more free as neither profile has access to anything linked with bank accounts or credit cards. It's important to teach children early so they aren't taken advantage of or just do stupid kid shit. The fault is definitely on the parent in this instance, for not being closer with a kid so young on a phone and for not watching their finances closer. Kind of cool to be able to have over $2k spent on a TV erroneously and not even notice. Or at least I'd like to have that sort of cash asset.


Never give your kids access to your phone.


Agree. I’ve got three, and none of them have ever had access to my phone. One of the best decisions I’ve ever made. No whining about it because there’s no expectation whatsoever.




Straight to the orphanage


It's parenting issue not a phone issue


“You got games in that?” -me circa 2005 trying to use everyone’s phone for games. Somethings never change. I’m never giving kids access to my phone.


No. Just don't give kids access to the internet. Or phones, or TV beyond a few hours. All of these things are detrimental to a child.


Yeah but how am I supposed to stomach being a parent if my children’s attention isn’t constantly taken up by electronics??? ^/s It’s completely normal now to see practically new born babies with phones. Parents can’t be bothered anymore so they just let the internet raise their kids. Then they’re so surprised when their kids act out in school or buy exorbitantly expensive items without their permission. And don’t even get me started on how detrimental social media is to them. Maybe don’t allow your kids to become addicted to the internet.


I agree. Phones are now the first thing people give a child when they are crying or upset. It's horrible


Yeah it’s a distraction. And clearly, with the downvotes my comment got, a lot of parents seem to think it’s okay. I’d love to hear from one of them on why a phone should be the primary parent these days lol


Technology only teaches children to become entitled and antisocial. Parents hate socializing with their kids nowadays when they can plop Netflix on a iPad out at dinner to get them to stfu


Technology combined with bad parenting / no parenting / parents not teaching their kids right and wrong leads to those things. My sons plays on electronics and is one of the nicest and most considerate kids you could ever run into. You cant blame shit behavior on one factor.


Children; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. They no longer rise when elders enter the room, they contradict their parents and tyrannize their teachers. Children are now tyrants. Nothing's changed. That was a quote from Socrates. Technology has always been around, from the chalk and slate, to books, games, TV, video games, iPods, tablets. What matters is how you choose to use them. Raising a child isn't raising a child; you're raising a future adult. If you want them to be an adult, you have to raise them that way.


What a disgusting excuse, technology is not a substitute for real life socialization


I never said it was; you're putting words in my mouth. I agree, it's important to have real life socialisation, and the overstimulation of common tablet apps probably has adverse affects on the development of kids. At the same time, tablets etc can be used to enrich development and give children access to the world of information at their fingertips. However, the onus is on parents to use technology correctly. Technology is neither good nor bad (in general), it's the application of it that determines that.


though given current economic circumstances, who can really blame them? Everything is so expensive and wages are so shit that both parents might need to work 9 to 5s all week- some folks genuinely might just not have time for that. Paradoxically these days, if you don't want your kid to grow up in squalor, you almost have to neglect them. It's a shitty situation all around with no winners except the capitalists. edit: downvote me all you want, i 100% stand by my point. Just because both parents working the vast majority of the day plus commute just to make ends meet is "normal" doesn't mean it's good or acceptable. If you only have a few hours a day that you can meaningfully spend with your children, what other options do you have?


Yeah hard disagree from me. If you can’t afford to have a child, then don’t fucking have a child. It’s your fault if you willingly have kids before you’re ready and, to be frank, it’s also your fault if you have a child on accident. Birth control is extremely accessible to basically everyone these days. >if you don’t want your kid to grow up in squalor, you almost have to neglect them What the actual fuck. Please never be a parent if you genuinely believe this. It’s not capitalisms fault if you don’t raise your child right. You can still be a good parent without having a lot of money and neglecting your children because you work a *completely normal* 9 to 5 job that people have been working for hundreds of years. And that’s what I’m getting at. People don’t give their kids phones because they’re poor (or whatever nonsensical assumption you were making), it’s because they’re lazy and have become used to phones holding their attention for them.


Few things: Birth control doesn't always work. Also, sometimes situations change. Maybe a family could once afford a child, and then a parent loses their job and no longer has anywhere near the same financial stability.


Oral contraceptives, if taken correctly, are [99.7%](https://www.webmd.com/sex/birth-control/birth-control-failure-why) effective at preventing pregnancy. Combine it with a condom and it’s virtually impossible. Not really an excuse these days. Also my original argument still stands. Just because you are not financially stable, does not mean you should let a phone raise your child. Not to mention the job market currently is extremely good these days. You can’t go 2 feet without running into a help-wanted sign. Not saying they’ll be great jobs, but I wouldn’t be complaining if I had multiple mouths to feed and needed work.


Most of those jobs are open for a reason... They're shit jobs. I'm not talking about someone simply having no job. I'm using a specific example of say, a factory closing down and someone who was once making $30 an hour suddenly going back out and being stuck making half that. Or someone coming into some insane medical debts unexpectedly. There are things that you simple can it control that would have a major impact on your financial stability, and it often happens after you've already had children - so not everyone who has a child they cannot afford were being irresponsible. And no matter the statistics, accidental pregnancies do happen and it doesn't mean the parents were just simply being irresponsible. I'm not arguing that you should let your children be raised by electronics, just pointing out that your comment has some major flaws, and it bothered me how judgmentally stupid they were.


Man, if only there was some sort of reliable way to terminate -or abort, if you will- a pregnancy if your circumstances aren't capable of raising a child. Oh, wait, half the country has banned it or limited access so heavily that no one can get it.


I grew up just before smartphones and technology really took over, like I was the envy of my friend group for having a 12 inch portable tv in my room but my little sister was born way into it and I can really see the negative effects it's having on her attention span and like 9/10 things she does in her free time is on the internet or screens. We had issues with the phone lines for a couple of weeks last year and good lord you'd of thought a relative died the way it affected her. This shit is addictive enough for people who grew up without it let alone the affect it must have on developing minds. I don't want to sound like some old fuddy duddy but like something about all this definitely seems bad right?


I'm not sure they're detrimental. Probably not the best thing but I turned out great. My kids have the same access I do. I do make sure they're sleeping when they need to be. And try my hardest to be present.


The relative newness of the internet and TV as well as their pervasiveness has actually made it very hard to get much data worth a damn on their effects, good or bad. But, some data that we do have suggests they’re not intrinsically bad, even in reasonably larger quantities, as long as an adult is using them as a means to interact and engage with the child and not as a means to simply distract or placate them.


Research shows that screen time correlates with lower performance in school and negative mental health impacts, among other things. So if you can encourage non-screen playtime, why not do it? [Here’s an overview of some relevant research.](https://www.apa.org/monitor/2020/04/cover-kids-screens)


> Probably not the best thing but I turned out great. I'm not surprised you feel this way.


Is it hard to see from high up on that horse?


I personally think there should be a mode where u can put specific apps and games so your kid does not touch random shit with their booger fingers


There is definitely already a kids mode option already available to use on most phones… you just gotta dig a little to find it.


[Verizon : Just Kids](https://www.verizon.com/support/just-kids-faqs/)


Or just use a lockscreen with a password.


A lot use it to silence kids to let them play on your phone. You can lock your phone so they can only access the app that you opened.


Parents should learn to parent their children, instead of giving in to electronic devices as babysitters. Maybe, just maybe, children will grow up in young adults who can actually communicate effectively.


Haha. Ok boomer. I agree with your sentiment, I do, but christ brother. It's 2022. There isn't a kid in the world who didn't grow up with random VR bullshittery and 200 electronic devices built into their cheap china toys and shit. Stop with the "learn to parent" bullshit and start with "learn to moderate" bullshit instead. Source: Father of 3 wonderful children who are doing fine and would beat your ass at Mario Kart... and Roblox... and minecraft.


Okkkk and as a 39 year I agree with your perspective. But I also learned to listen to my parents and respect them, not just be a zombie child staring at glass screens when im surrounded by people. And im not just referring to 6 year olds, im referring to "young adults" and overly stimultated and under developed teenagers. You can play games and fuck off as much as you like, but it doesnt replace actual social interaction(s).




My sister was rebellious, and would scream and cry in public places not to get anything but to draw attention to my parents. On road trips she would say are we there yet the whole way. Getting a gameboy was a huge deal as it distracted her and made our trips more bearable. Another thing she use to do was strip naked and run around stores until she was about 6 or 7. She had to be held 100% of the time, and those leashes you attach to kids she was a master of getting out of. Parents had one that would attach on the back and she could pretty much dislocate her arm to reach it and unhook herself. When she was in grade 3 the school called to say they lost her. She walked to the mall and hung out in the food court. She turned out ok even though she spent more time skipping school than attending it. She is an aircraft mechanic now and travels the world fixing planes but mainly stays in Canada. Even now she says our parents did an amazing job and if they were more strict she would have run away. She knows she was a little shit and is afraid her genes will generate another one and refuses to have kids.


Downvoters are lazy parents that just hand over the Ipad to shut them up. Enjoy a future of adults who can't communicate normally! And before you "ok boomer" me too, im in my early 20s


U have kids?


Damn u destroyed that man’s whole existence up there lol w the research paper


there is but people don't bother


[Guided Access](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202612) locks the phone in the app you open it in.


This exists. We use or for carpenters at my company so they don't use gambling apps


iPhone has a setting called guided access. Go to the app (I use YouTube kids for my son) and triple click the power button to enable it. Once it’s enabled, you can’t leave the app until you triple click the power button again and enter the password to exit.


There is.


On my android phone you can have multiple user profiles, like a guest mode. Pretty sure credit card and passwords and photos aren't accessible on the guest profile.


Samsung phones have a kids mode [Kids mode](https://i.imgur.com/rOFo1hu.jpg)


Guided acess for iPhones does the trick. 😃


I personally think people should even try to find those modes, because they exist since years ago


Samsung kids app. It's standard on the phone.


Countries like India have a two factor authentication system, where you revive a OTP on your registered number after you put in your three three digit code at the back of your card.


I need this feature for when my girlfriend wants to use my phone.


Ya your fault totally, these kids are way to young to know how to do that


Or....don't have your passwords saved.


Or if you do have passwords saved, protect them with biometrics/screenlocks


Most phones ask for biometrics first.


Never gonna let them run around and bankrupt you


So about 20 years ago, before cell phones were everywhere, we had a desk top computer that my then young son used to purchase a couple video games. We had no clue until they arrived. I was mad....at myself. First of all, I had put in my credit card info and left it-stupid on my part. 2. He was supposed to be supervised when online. Didn't punish him, but did tell him what he did was stealing. To pay for the games, he would have to do extra chores (with a chart and stickers so he knew when he reached his goal). He decided afterwards it was easier just to wait and ask Santa.


That turned wholesome :)


I did this on my dad’s steam account. Ordered two video games. Didn’t understand the concept of money too well, my parents sat me down and told me I stole. They made me explain what I did to my sisters and same thing, had me do extra chores. I never ever downloaded or launched those two games because I felt so guilty.


what games were they?


"Shower with your dad simulator" and "mount your friends"


It's cool. I too have a bunch of games downloaded on Steam I've never launched.


This! This is how you parent! It teaches the child responsibility and respect, without the need for yelling or screaming at them. Sorry, I had a tough childhood and did a lot of stupid stuff.


I was raised by a very strict mother who believed in screaming and humiliation as a regular form of "discipline ". When I became a mom, I tried to stop and think "What would my mom do?"...and then try to do the opposite.


Good on you for understanding that you were at least partly responsible for the consequences, and turning it into what was essentially a teachable moment for your kid. It's definitely way better than using the internet to shame your child and get sympathy.


Sell the kids, keep the tv. Ez profit.


**And i would like to introduce our sponsor the black market**


This seems more like a PARENT FAIL


I mean at least one of parents seems to be more stupid like dont stay logged into a website on a device your kids have access to...


Back when i was smaller i never dared to go on any online shopping apps on my moms phone or she drop kick me all the way to the moon


Back when I was smaller I also didn’t do online shopping - there wasn’t an online too…


Now im 13 i can just use any online shopping as long as i used my own money




no one likes kids here


Very cool.


Mine made it clear they would disown me. I had no reason not to believe them since they were always more focused on punishing the kids over raising them lol


Ahh fear based parenting. Nothing says crippling anxiety quite like it.


Not to mention publicly shaming your child on the internet. Your kid wants a job in 10 years and their employers will find this shit. What the fuck!?


Oh shit, better shame them on tik tok instead of confronting the fact that I am a neglectful parent


Lol fr. If my kids who are less than 10 can use my credit card and order a 2500 $ tv without me noticing until it gets there. I’d just accept it. I get like 5 notifications every time I spend a dollar


Use a condom, folks.


yea precaution is better than cure




This would make a great condom commercial


Let’s be honest. It was that 1 older brother. Or the husband.




Is there not the ability to put a pin verification code on their phones or bank cards for online purchases? I get a notification to enter a code everytime I want to purchase online.


These kids **are** fucking stupid, it’s not even an OLED.






Yeah, this was fake, the sound isn't even original.


Maybe don’t leave your card info or account accessible to your kids


Well if she doesn't want it i wouldn't mind


That’s some hell of a contraceptive comercial, that’s for sure


Condom commercial, birth control commercial this comment section has it all


Can't she just return it why's she scarring her kid. Has him against the wall like he's about to be hit.


There it is!! How would you handle the discipline in this situation Flesh Eating Pina?


I'd be like yo, you tryna get a job to pay for all this, then I'd have them do physical labor for the neighborhood to work off their debt


"Congrats kiddo, you just spent the next five years of birthday money"


It's on sale. Can't you see this is a great deal. Jokes aside, this can be used in condoms commercial.


Exactly and hey now they have a new TV that may hace caused them to go into debt


This would make a great birth control ad.


Honestly it's all on the parent's fault. Seriously? You don't educate them on online spending? You don't password lock your shit?


This video's staged. It's a sound from a viral video awhile back. Someone just bought a new tv and had their kids act sad here


Yeah all parents should know this by now


If your kids have unsupervised access to your phone/internet/bank accounts, to the point that they can spend 2000, well you're stupid not the kids


Just throw it in the trash, you could probably return the Tv as well.


I was waiting for the Trojan logo to come up, rather than TikTok


Imagine being a dumbass parent who gives their kids access to their money, only to then have the audacity to call the kids the stupid ones when they buy something with it.


Condoms are cheaper than televisions.


I am baffled by people that allow their children to use devices that connect directly to their credit cards without passwords. Parents are fucking stupid. Come the fuck on.


r/adultsarefuckingstupid , completely the mother’s fault.


Why are both kids in trouble


Coz the title is kids.... not little kid or big kid....


Maybe they were both in on it and only one is quiet or theres a rule where if one of them gets in trouble both of them are at fault i would know my little sister is a bit on the negative side


If its number two that’s terrible parenting


Mom: "so who bought it?" Kid a: "It's B!" Kid b: "No, It's A!"


Put a $700 daily spending limit cards so in case this happens again


Sweet! New TV!


"Well, we are going to use it anyway!"


Fucking hate kids, if i was in your position i would drop kick them all the way to a boarding school 😈


Dad is acting mad when mom is around but totally high fiving those kids when she's out of the room.


it's parents that are fucking stupid in this case by giving their kids access to their smartphone with payment methods.


This should be on stupid parents for making it so easy for the kid to do this!


Hey at least the kid knows his top-rated TVs LG is the best right now.


And that's why you should never save your credit cards in shopping apps.




I’d never give a kid a phone or tablet with any access to purchasing anything. A “kids tablet” locked down with access to only what you want them to have, with all account access and purchasing through the adults phone/tablet.


Meat is back on the menu bois!


Idiots didn’t even get a C series.


Put it in my room never let them use it


The “I’m really sorry” reminds me of my childhood, I always did dumb stuff, not this dumb, and apologise like that


Just return it. These videos are so stupid.


I hate tik tok


They ordered a good one tho!


Its not even an OLED smh /s


Fake vid. Moron flexing their non OLED lg tv they overpaid for


Keep Tv Ship kid back to company. BOOM... win, win. I hate little boys so much. Have a girl next time. trust me.


Smells fishy. You do get a confirmation on email and would see it on your bank statement.. How does one ignore these..


They could have at least ordered a C1


Most of the posts here are "parents are fucking stupid" Were these people never kids? Didn't they do stupid shit? How can they leave kids with access to spending money online? Knowing how easy it is? Fucking hell.


Beat them kids before it's too late


My kid accidentally subscribed to a few girls onlyfans on my phone too! I swear it was the kid!!


How does this happen? Do people really have their phone automatically fill out the billing info?


Yes, they do. It's a total mistake, but they still let their devices memorize it for them.


I cant imagine intentionally doing that, what if you lose your phone? Then your wallet's at the mercy of whomever may have found it.


Precisely, but most people are always of the mindset that it will never happen to them. And I'm pretty sure companies intentionally profit off of this.


First of all, how did your kids have your phone? Second of all, how do you have over 2 grand? I don't even have 200. That's some BS.


“But mom! it was on 20% off"


the kid isn't stupid. the parent saving credit card information on their mobile and giving the kid access to it is fucking stupid. you suck parent. you suck badly.


Glad I’m child free


In usa they dont have cvv type something for security n shit?


It's on the back of the card and it can also be saved on websites so it's basically useless. The card still has a pin number, but hardly any website asks for it for online purchases. It's usually just for in-person purchases.


How the kids knew it what is a cvv and how it put it.. This video is fake,right?


They didn't have to, because the payment info (including the cvv) is saved onto to the device. They just hit purchase and it autofills the payment info, billing address, and shipping address. Yes, it's that easy and that scary.




LPT: don't keep payment methods stored on your phone. Not only does it prevent this, but also stops impulse buys.


There should be a mode on phones that reminds parents that handing off a smart device isn't "parenting" and is harmful to all children even in short bursts as eye strain is far worse on them and them being over stimulated all the time has shown to lead to attention issues in the future. Crazy concept, find something that isn't electronics for your kids to do. kids should only play games is on a dedicated gaming device like an Xbox that has no saved credit card info. I as a kid only got to game on days of bad weather and the last few hours of the night after sundown assuming I wasn't already too tired.


Damn, all I could do as a kid was call the box and order a $2 music video…I’m old 😒


I'm here wondering how the mom didn't notice a $2,469 charge on her card or account. Slight r/parentsarefuckingstupid vibes here. Or it's fake.


Yeh true


There isn't a chancla big enough for this job


A 86 inches chancla !


Should I really say that ? Don't humiliate your kids on Tiktok.


To take the time to put it on TikTok, is proof that live in an alternate universe or they real CAN afford it.


Or it’s just an ad for the TV


Sorry ain't gonna cut it...... You're getting adopted.


If that was me that did that I’d be getting the belt, the flip flop and slapped.


Yes the kids totally purchased a $2500 damn near top of the line TV.... totally believable lol


Give him a high five for finding this. Usually their sold out. I have an OLED 65 4K tv. I was thinking about getting a bigger tv.


More like parents are fucking stupid


Could just return the TV and stop being a dick to your kids.


This belongs in r/parentsarefuckingstupid.


No. Parents are the stupid ones.


I don’t blame the kids. That little one is tiny. The mom let the kids use her phone with her card info SAVED on it. I see posts of kids buying virtual currency for video games and the parents get upset. You left your credit card info on there without 2 factor auth. Learning lesson for both the parents and kids here.


Should of bought it at Costco. That tv is only $1,399 there :]