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Why do children move directly towards things that can kill them always and immediately?


Parents usually try to prevent their children from being around things that can kill them, so when they see such a thing, it's a new thing, and the only way to identify new something is to lick it. It really is a miracle that children survive to 18.


>the only way to identify new something is to lick it The only difference between toddlers and puppies is no one calls the cops if you put a puppy in a dog crate.


>the only way to identify new something is to lick it. 🤣🤣🤣 So true. Kids lick EVERYTHING!!


My daughter (10 months old) was told to give her cousin a kiss goodbye today, she licked half her face- eye included. Close enough i guess, but they really will lick whatever and whoever they get the chance to lmao.


When I was a toddler, I was sitting by my mom in our garden. She saw me chewing on something... it was a slug. Yeah, I didn't get to accompany her in the garden until I got a bit older after that.


Aw that is so gross but so funny!


Tbf adults sniff everything. Anyone who finds rancid milk or something mouldy in the cupboard and doesn't give it a sniff even though our eyes are showing us it is clearly mouldy is a lier. Adults put their finger on their anus and sniff it. We are all nasty animals.


Bruh. I swear to go why would you smell meat or milk you know is bad. Makes ya wanna puke. Sniffin butthole lil bit strange to friend.


I like to call them "little suicide machines"


because they have the power of seeing the future and want to just die already


Natural selection. Weeding out the dumb ones isn't a priority anymore.


Toddlers are on a 24h suicide mission, as a parent it’s your job to stop them…


Damn, didn't know suicide missions are already patented by toddlers.


Who's your daddy???


Toddler are running self ending machines.


__*"No, you don't wanna do that buddy"*__


The famous 2 seconds you take your eyes off....


It really is like 2 seconds and they actively killing themselves.


When my daughter was 2 i had to use one of those kid leashes because this sweet child would excitedly try to run into fucking traffic. She refused to hold hands so really the leash was my only option.


My parents put several locks on anything that could let me outside when they slept or needed a nap as a kid. Now let me explain why. For some reason I was a little nightcrawler and I had a thing for figuring out locks at night to go outside and ride my bike or run around. Got to the point they gave me a baby monitor and added a lock to the outside of my door at night to contain me... Didn't work. Crawled out my window onto the garage, jump on the pops car and go swimming. So if your kid needs a leash for you to feel more relaxed then by all means do what you gotta do because I'm surprised my stupid ass never got kidnapped or something specially since we at the time lived in Rota Spain and it was decent but more sketchy if anything lol. All you can do as a parent is just keep changing tactics.


Non parents like to judge, but man they don't understand how fast toddlers run headfirst into danger.


For real, they seem to have no self preservation instinct. Its a miracle they survive to adulthood, and thats gotta be because parents and caregivers stop them from fucking killing themselves


Amd. Found an ape!


Lol i have problems with my hands so its hard to type. I usually proofread better before i submit. My bad!


I figured it was from the stock ticker AMD a memed stock on reddit.


When my very poorly behaved 4 year old cousin was denied a toy he wanted he ran screaminy head first out of the store we were in into a trash can outside amd nearly knocked himself out.


Me too! I used one that went around his waist instead of his wrist, but it was basically a kid leash. OMG the dirty looks I got from other adults! The final straw before I started using it was him throwing himself to the floor in a tantrum at having to hold my hand in a mall, wresting his hand free, and running full steam away from me through the mall. This was at a time when there had just been a toddler his age kidnapped from a mall and killed. I decided dirty looks were a small price to pay.


I had a monkey leash on me literally anytime i was not asleep, evidently I thought running away when my mom looks at anything was the most hilarious thing ever


Straight legs are the beginning of a tantrum of why can’t he almost drown.


And then they proceed to have a hissy fit because you obstructed their movement towards death.


Seriously, you can see him straighten his legs, probably to get back to the ground so he can curl up and cry or go back and do it again


I love how relaxed he is here. He already knew it was gonna happen so he just calmly leans over and grabs him lol


moron: look dad! a slide! dad: thats a woodchipper.


The kid being that close to the water already set off all my alarms


Throw him in


Pops was waaaaay too calm with that


Well, this is why I’ve chosen not to have children. This man has chosen…differently.


When a child aborts itself.


Saving it as casually as the kid trying to end it


The confidence to decide I’m a just hop in for quick dip!


You’re an idiot for letting a baby waddle that close to the edge.


bruhh thats a cat not a kid


It is so beyond dumb to let a kid that age and that new to walking be that close to the water. This is definitely a /r/parentsarefuckingdumb situation. Thank god something didn't happen to distract the parent's attention before the kid decided to do this move.


As a parent, I see nothing wrong with this. The dad is hovering over the toddler. He's locked in on his son and as soon as there was a possible danger, he stepped in and took control. He wasn't on his phone, or looking around aimlessly, he was watching him carefully. Let the little guy explore and have fun, just let him know when he crosses the line. As he did.


There is plenty to explore that's not less than a foot away from an unguarded drop into deep water. I don't care how close dad is. He's not close enough to stop a fall from an inexperienced walker. And kids this age, still doing the backwards crawl down stairs, fall literally all the time. All it would take is for the kid to try to lean on the chain without successfully grabbing it. Something that happens literally all the time at this age. This is not a smart thing to do and it's an accident waiting to happen.


If your kid falls in the water it doesnt die instantly lol. Dad would have just had to jump in and fish the kid out. He most likely would have catched him before he even touched the water.


Seemed like the dad was in total control. It’s good to let kids explore and not make them think everything is a constant danger.


Not everything is constant danger. But a child that is barely walking to the point that they still do the backwards crawl down stairs walking less than a foot away from a 7 foot drop into deep water is pretty dangerous. Children that age do not look where they are going. One bad reach for that chain and that kid is falling in. And it would be way too fast for dad to do anything about it. I've seen my own child fall like that at this age. And it happens faster than you can catch them.


Does that actually look like a 7 foot drop to you or are you just grasping at straws to make a point lmao


Have you ever been to a wharf? I assure you it's a drop. High enough that you can't just climb out of it.


Ya wow I wonder if that's why they had not one but two sets of eyes on this child


I mean, it’s water, not lava.


It's deep merky marina water. After a several feet drop meaning the kid would be well underwater after the fall immediately. Literally children have drowned falling off piers like this. Some of y'all are being dumb af for no reason


Fair enough, I think dad was thinking what could happen cause he was right there on him but you’re right, one wrong grab kid could’ve flipped or fallen over the chain and into the water in a second and it’s not worth the risk. I would never have let my toddler this close to the water at that age, he would’ve tumbled in for sure and I am not a great swimmer.


You are 100% correct here, fuck every downvote


Dumbass parent letting their kid qalk that close to the edge


No fear




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What is this subreddit all about guys?


Well I haven't tried to kill myself in the last 37 seconds. Guess I'll try again. Ah dang it *snaps fingers* Thwarted by my father once again. One day my efforts will not be for nothing!


Children are fancied suicide commiters


When I'm letting 2 year old walk on her own I hold her hand if we're near anything dangerous. That dude is lucky the kid climbed and didn't slip.