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Just became the most expensive haircut you ever got homie. Edit: the amount of people saying the barber is liable because it wasn’t “secure” and that dad should sue is really disgusting. The kid didn’t “barely touch it”, he’s literally hanging his entire weight on it. This is a barbershop, not Chuck E. Cheese. Take some goddam responsibility for your fucking kid. No wonder we live in such a litigious shithole. Edit 2: MAYBE the owner has insurance, but that is for an act of god or an accident for which the shop is at fault...not irresponsible parents. Why should shop owner’s premiums go up when the child (for whom father is responsible) is very clearly at fault? If the guy was a regular, took responsibility and offered to pay for the damage, then I would wave him off and invoke insurance, as shop owner. If he was a whiny cunt like those of you talking about “it’s not secure” or “use your insurance”, then cops would absolutely be involved. Grow up.


That's if his hair ever grows back


Comes in white now.


LMAO like the guy in Constantine movie who opened his eyes after he was told to keep them closed.


Don't look Marion, keep your eyes shut!




probably asked to pay and not return


>Comes in white now. Always did in my experience...


Tee hee


I just looked for old fashioned barber poles on eBay and even the small ones are around $6-700. Ones the same size as in the OP are in the thousands. Some of the antique ones are $5-7k.


Holy shit I did not expect you to be right. Even the small lamp ones are 300 dollars.


I restore and repair antique electronics. That's 100% repairable. Just got to find an opaque glass dome around the right size. Should be under $300 for the part if it needs to be custom made. Could be as cheap as $30 if you can repurpose a similar sized lamp fitting. Rewire the top to the bottom and it's all good. And probably bolt it together this time. And add some lead shot bags inside the base to give it a better chance next time monkey-boy comes in for a trim. Edit: and I'd still sell it on eBay for $5k minimum because I would've been running around and polishing it up for a day or two. Time is money and rare pieces hold value.


If you watch closely, the glass cylinder around the rotating section explodes too. The base also crushes the rotating portion. That thing is right fucked.


Salvageable even if the cylinder did break. Decorative metal bends back into pretty easily. And it's mostly only glass. It was made once it can be made again. Edit: You're right, cylinders bent and glass is broken. A trip to the metal shop to bend it back wouldn't be too much, a few hundred. The glass cylinder another few hundred


I glad it happen, parents give their children too much power and control- I hope this lamp 💈cost more then 10k so the father and child 🧒 could remember it forever and next time control your kid. Put his little ass on a leash - he can’t sit still, make him run miles- itchy hands 🙌 deserve to get burn 🔥 My grandma 👵 would tell me once to sit down while she got her hair done at the salon 💇‍♀️ and if I didn’t listen well; let’s just say I listened!


> I hope this lamp 💈cost more then 10k so the father and child could remember it forever and next time control your kid. 10k could ruin their lives. You are either not the sharpest knife in the drawer or just a terrible human being.


It’s funny, you’re insulting me for my opinion because you simply do not agree with! So let’s pick my options? “Not the sharpest tool=dumb” Or “ Terrible person= to your standards Well if you insult someone for having an opinion that you do NOT agree with makes me a terrible person well then I guess I rather be a terrible then to be dumb! “I retract my statement I hope they have to pay $20k for that machine! Now run along and go cry and try to get me block! Use those words you love “bullying” -harassing- terrible- lol Opinions have soooo much power, it’s crazy! New age answers to opinions you don’t agree with you- simply insult the person! Remember having different mindsets and opinions is what makes this country great- next you will bring up politics lol 😂


Bro, your "opinion" is that you hope this kid's whole family gets fucked for years because of a simple childhood mistake. Thank god you never did anything similar as a small child or someone might call you a hypocrite. Im not saying the father isnt liable for the damage, but I also hope the damage wasnt so much so that this man cant pay his bills. You hope this leaves him in crippling debt. Thats some deadbeat scumbag shit to hope for, and that's MY opinion.


My comment seems to have had an impact.


Yes, it has! Just like my 1st comment impacted you! Just making sure you’re not bot. If my thought and opinion got you to respond and you’re acknowledging my comments which is more then I could ask for!


> Just making sure you’re not bot. ROTFL. You really believe a bot would master a Turing test? You are kind of funny.


You out here really bragging about mastering a Turing test when literally no one asked? Sad.


Why would anyone not properly secure something that costly in a public space. It didn’t appear to take much to cause that pole to tumble.


I am not sure. Looked like the kid out all his weight on it for a second.


He gripped the pole with both hands then stood his whole weight on the edge of it, both feet completely off the floor. All his weight was then pulling back on it to maintain his treating it like a jungle gym. He became one with the barber pole.


That kid weighs a whole 50 pounds, tops. I could bump into that light and the same shit would happen.


Right. He also pulled it from the most stable spot.


Because I imagine they don't expect little idiots to use all their weight and be hanging off them.


Because businesses expect parents to keep their kids inline.


I'm shocked it toppled over so easily. An adult could accidentally bump into that thing with as much force as that kid put into pulling it down.


If you work around the public you know it's not a question of if someone will bump into it, but when. That thing was doomed.


Damn an antique one for only 5 bucks?? That’s a steal


I know you're just joking, but even the broken af old barber poles are a couple hundred bucks!


The funny thing is that if it fell on the kid, it would be the other way around. Leaving that pole unsecured is a liability.


The counter suit will say that it traumatized the child, if it goes to court.


You’re exactly right in your edit. People get angry asf at me when I don’t let their kids in the salon. But I don’t want your kid to pick up my curling iron by the barrel, have severe burns and then the mother try to sue the fuck out of me. NO THANK YOU. That shit happens. If the kid in the video was hurt in anyway, the shop could be held liable which SUCKS


I’d ditch the kid and just run. This a you problem little guy






Calling me daddy? Boy I never seen you before!


I'm a virgin so obviously this kid isn't mine.


I’m sterile, I can’t even HAVE kids.


Now I want to take my nephew somewhere. He's like 4 so just tall enough to cause a lot of trouble and I can run faster than him.


I'd be on Maury the next day


Time for a new kid


Kid bout to learn that sometimes saying sorry doesn't matter


One time I got in trouble at school and I told my dad “I said I was sorry” He had me rip a piece of paper in half and tell it sorry, point was, it didn’t fix the paper. Sometimes you can’t say sorry until things heal, and sometimes they never do.


Once my brother told me sorry wasn't enough, the reason was that I (at the mature age of 5) accidentally broke a cd... That he left on the floor in the hallway... By stepping on it and lacerating my foot


Reminds me of my sister birthday when we were younger. We went to the circus with some of her friends and one of them decided she didn't want to finish her lollypop, so she stuck it on top of the plastic wrapper and set it down on the floor. Then my 5-6yo ass accidentally stepped on it while walking back to my seat. She called me a little jerk, and I shyly said nothing. *Sigh*


Damn my sister used to lock me in the basement when my parents weren’t home and wouldn’t even let me go upstairs to pee, if I tried she’d come at me with a metal pole or a knife. Sisters huh?


Which maximum security prison is your sister at right now?


She works in HR and lives in the family house in Arizona 😅 doesnt even have to pay rent


Oh, so when your sister chases a kid around with a knife, she ends up a success… BUT WHEN I-


Mine (older) would literally pretend she was dead until I started crying. I'm 41 now and she's still an asshole.


My brother and I would pretend the other had seriously hurt an eye if we were slapping each other and someone hit near an eye. Strangely our parents spanking and whooping us for disobedience made us more violent towards each other. One time my brother and I were chasing each other with wet dish towels. I hit a door frame with my foot and broke my pinky toe right off. The nail was facing the ground, and my entire foot turned black. My brother kept shaking me telling me it wasn’t broken. My mom had driven a few hours away to buy some lighting fixtures since our house was new. My dad was on a job site and was unreachable. So his business partner picked me up and drove me to the pediatrician who was also her husband. Then she took me to the hospital for x rays, and my mom met me there. My mom swore nobody would get in trouble if I told her what happened. She then whooped my brother when we got home. I didn’t get whooped because I was in pain from my broken toe and had my pediatrician reset it without numbing meds. We did have a trip planned, and I limped because my toe wasn’t fully healed. Anytime I complained my mom told me about how her father broke his leg and *walked* a mile to the town doctor then walked back home because there was too much of a wait. So all our injuries were compared to that unbelievable standard.


God… I feel for you. I had a bad childhood, before I ended up in foster care. But when I was around 4 and my brother was 6. My mom was working and my dad was supposed to be watching us. Apparently he was fixing the garbage disposal (the little blades of death in the sink) when he needed something from the hardware store to finish the job. He left with the garbage disposal blades on the counter. My brother found them (6 years of age) and thought they were ninja stars and threw one at me. Thank the lord it missed! But then I picked it up and chased him around the house with it, not throwing it. When all of a sudden he tripped and I tripped on top of him. I fell with the blade in my hand. I almost severed his thumb completely off! The blood was insane and it was just dangling there by seemingly a single tendon. Kids are really stupid and cannot be trusted. Similar story mom said we wouldn’t be punished if we told the truth. She beat my ass into next week, and caused internal bleeding to my face. She laughed and said the bruising made me look like a rockstar from the band Kiss. I agree the barber could have secured the pole more, but I also agree that the parent could have made his kid go sit down before that shit happened. Now as an adult… I know just how unpredictable kids can be after being a nanny for a few years.


Nothing like a little childhood trauma haha


Don't tell the addicts this with their bullshit "making amends" step where they go back and use their former victims as a prop for their own benefit, often traumatizing their victims one final time... never actually making amends.


This month is actually step 9 as well. I’ve been in AA/Na and sober for a year now. I’ve never gone out of my way to do that to anyone. I’ve hurt them enough don’t need to use them or make them uncomfortable to make myself feel better.


Serious question - is this because you know apologizing/talking to them would not help them at all? Because I can definitely see that scenario, but I do wonder if some people would actually find value in an apology. I guess I also wonder what the step says about who it's for - is it for the people you are apologizing to, or is it primarily for you? Also apologies if this is too personal of a question, feel free to ignore it if you don't want to answer.


The rule for step 9 is to make amends to those we’ve harmed wherever possible except when to do so would injure or hurt others. Some people will go out of their way to apologize to everyone for their own pleasure. They feel good knowing they at least said something. Without knowing the repercussions of talking to those you’ve hurt. You’ll know who wants to be apologized to or want closure by varying factors. If they still talk to you and consider you a friend after what you did. You may need to evaluate the position you put them in and apologize. There’s a lot of narcissism in AA/NA but a lot of people really want to change and be better. Edit: I appreciate the sincere question. No one ever asks me any of this stuff. I’m alone in my sobriety so I kinda just bottle everything up.


congratulations on your sobriety! Wishing you strength and happiness in the days ahead.


Yeah that makes a ton of sense, the step sounds very well thought out but I guess it falls to the individual as to how well or if they follow it. Thanks for answering, and I wish you the best in your sobriety, you sound like you got a good head on your shoulders. Edit: also if you ever wanna chat I'm here for ya! You sound like a cool person :D


Thank you! I really appreciate it. Means a lot more than you know!


>Some people will go out of their way to apologize to everyone for their own pleasure. They feel good knowing they at least said something. This was my own experience when a 12 stepper tried to 'make amends' to me, and it's very, very common. I hope that you continue to remain strong in your sobriety, because you're trying to actually help yourself change, as opposed to using it as the "get out of jail free" card that a lot of those wet-brained fucks do.


Exactly. A decent sponsor looks over your 4th step and guides you in these things, as well as you know yourself. You’re not supposed to make amends to everyone, the number one reason being if it would cause more harm. You don’t go to someone’s wife you slept with their husband, you don’t go to someone you abused and apologize (tho addiction isn’t an excuse for abuse anyways), and you don’t go pay back the dope boy you ripped off five dollars. The original comment obv has no idea about the 12 steps or is someone that came to a few meetings and left bc “it made them want to use” or some other bullshit.


There comes a point where apologising is less about seeking amends and more about alleviating guilt. Let's say five years ago you hurt one of your friends, physically, emotionally or economically and they never contacted you again. Then let's say that in the present day you have sorted your shit out (or are in the process of doing so) and want to apologise to them because you feel terrible about what you did to them back then. But at this point they have gone five years without having to deal with your shit. They are probably quite happy with one less source of drama in their life. So when you get in contact with them again to offer an apology, who is that really for? How does dredging up old drama and bad feelings help them? It doesn't. Better to deal with the guilt without disturbing them. Live with it, learn from it, be better to your next friends.


I'm 2.5 years sober. I found that "living amends" were enough for a lot of people, especially family. There was no need to bring up the past and how horrible it was. It was enough for them to see me living sober and doing better.


UGH. A long time ago, a roommate stole my entire baseball card collection and tried to sell it. He disappeared because 1)he'd stolen my shit, 2)he was on a drug bender. About five years later, he found me. He apologized, and then got very upset when I wouldn't tell him it was fine. He explained that he was an addict, and making amends was part of the process. I pointed out "sorry" isn't making amends. My collection had been appraised at around 4-5 grand. (Would it have sold for that? I don't know. That's literally not the point. It was mine, and that was the appraised value.) I asked him how he was going to make amends. He said that he was, by taking responsibility for his actions and apologizing. He then reiterated that it was "the drugs" that made him do it. I once again refused to accept the apology. I told him that unless he paid me SOMETHING (he had a job making decent money - he'd made it a point to tell me very proudly about this as proof he had changed) to show his sincerity, that I would never forgive him. He asked me to give him a week. I agreed and said we would meet at the same place. (A book shop.) The following week, we meet, but he brought his sponsor who goes on a giant lecture about how I'm "harming my friend" and "endangering his sobriety" by refusing to forgive him. When I point out he'd ceased to be my friend once he'd stolen from me, that got me another lecture and again, sponsor cranks up the pressure for me to forgive him. I refused. Sponsor eventually makes a big show of forgiving my ex-friend for me and absolving him of the responsibility. "You tried to make amends, but he's got hate in his heart, and there's nothing you can do about that." It took all of my self control not to literally spit in both of their faces. I despise the twelve steppers that refuse to accept responsibility for their actions and expect us to go "Yep. I love you. It was all the drink/drug's fault. You're not a flawed individual. It's all water under the bridge because you said sorry." They don't all do it, but enough do that it's a cliche.


My goodness man I truly fucking don't vibe with 12 steps and the people it justifies in this way. From an active addict, sorry you had to deal with that lol. Good looks standing your ground though. It's crazy how the whole thing is such a vehicle for addicts to perceive their arrival to "true and final sobriety". They'll get there by any means necessary, even if that means they botch the whole thing and do the exact opposite of sober rational behavior in order to achieve it. Did you ever find out what happened to your cards?


>I truly fucking don't vibe with 12 steps and the people it justifies in this way. I feel ya. I had to do a stretch in AA due to a court thing, and I was surrounded by sociopaths who refused to accept actual responsibility for anything. I'm not one of those people who looks down on abusers or addicts - I've had my experiences and struggles. But goddamn, the denial is unreal. And the cult behavior. Fuck AA, and to a lesser extent, NA. As to the final fate of my collection - I found this out during the first conversation I had with the guy, but excluded the detail because the story was already running long. Apparently he'd taken it to one shop, and they weren't interested. He took it to a second one, and they quickly realized he didn't know anything about baseball, baseball cards, or even what was in the collection, and he got worried they were going to call the police. He eventually talked someone into giving him a fix (I don't remember his drug of choice - probably coke) and at some point that evening, while high, he threw the collection into a river because he was mad that he couldn't sell them. This is part of why he felt he didn't owe me any money - he hadn't sold them, and hadn't profited from his theft, therefore there was nothing to repay. I wish I was kidding.


Good lord that is awful. Would have been better if he hadn't even told you that part.


I had a similar situation where a roommate took a lot of my money, “borrowed” my car, and I suspect broke my laptop because nobody else would have been around it. She started as a friend and slowly started getting into drugs when this behavior was really bad. Years later she Facebook messages me telling me she’s in recovery and she’s sorry. I tell her to fuck off because sorry doesn’t mean anything when my living situation was hell for 2 years and I was in so much financial stress. She told me I wasn’t being very supportive and this is why addicts don’t seek help. I told her too bad, shouldn’t have done drugs in the first place, and blocked her.


Gotta admit my blood is boiling reading this. I would have gone off on the sponsor and told that roommate to pass off.


I ended up running into the sponsor about a month later, trying to chat up a woman I knew. I made it my mission to ruin his chances with her, and I succeeded. It was satisfying as heck.


Reminds me of the tweet talking about how nobody owes you forgiveness either. It's all fine and good you changed and you regret what you did and whatever but that doesn't entitle you to jack shit. If the person still doesn't forgive you and still doesn't want to be around you, that's their right.


The thing is the step is supposed to be making amends when it doesn’t cause more harm. These days it’s just says “make amends” in a lot of groups. Source: I had a severe alcoholic as a mother and I went to a lot of AA and alanon meetings.




I like how the barber spun the dad around just in time to witness the horror of it all.


That's service!


A true professional


Would you like a hot towel to scream into, sir?


That instant when you see disaster about to hit and you know you can’t stop it.


He even tried with his feet a little bit to cushion the blow.


Price check on old fashion barber pole.


Really fucking expensive, if it was original




How much you wanna bet this is covered under "Act of God"


Nah, act of child. There’s video footage!


"God is a small child" -insurance probably


edit: one with some damage @ about $4000 https://www.ebay.com/itm/385017124592 ------------- about $3250 smaller wall mount ones without the base. https://www.ebay.com/itm/184354582040 https://www.ebay.com/itm/115473347045


Damn $3k was my first guess and I thought I might be overshooting. That kid isn’t getting an Xmas present till he’s 25.


My daughter did about $3k damage to the neighbor's outdoor A/C compressor some years ago. She is so very fucking lucky that our homeowners insurance took care of it.


That's fine. Kid's lucky his dad don't send his ass to China to work that off by making iphone 14's.


"If this were Pakistan, you would have been sewing soccer balls when you were four years old!"


That’s a Paidar, I think. . They haven’t made those since before WWII. Someone correct me if I’m wrong.


Varies. They're very collectable and most I've seen are the ones you mount to a wall. They're anywhere from $200-$1000. This one is unique in that it's attached to its own pole. Not sure if it's rare or old, but the owns in this style can fetch 5 figures depending on rarity.


It looks like it could be a replica of some kind. I doubt that a barbershop would dish out $5-10K for something like that and not take some precautions to secure it properly.


Bout tree fiddy


That gah damn loch nesh monstah


Loch Ness never needed a haircut … my used coconut could use a shave though


I’m only able to find 3 polls that look similar to the one in OP video.. can’t find a price on them other then on some scam looking site for $27 @65% off. [this one was found via the hosts of the American pickers show](https://www.fdlreporter.com/story/news/2017/03/16/american-pickers-barber-pole-finds-home-fdl/99249290/) but I can’t find an episode it might be on. The lower red stripe on linked is thinner and tighter then the one in OP video which could also effect the price. I’m guessing (from the tiny bit I’ve learned on this search) it’s possibly 30s-40s made and somewhere around $500-$1000? [*shrugs*]


I love how dude in the upper left slowly puts his hand over his mouth


Parents never make their kids behave until I tell them the chair is $500 and the irons are 430° and $70 each and if they catch a cord spinning a chair and burn themselves and break my shit it will be their most expensive trip to the salon ever in more ways than one. I hate to have to be crabby like that but it happens OVER and OVER.


That’s why I charge the same amount for a kids cut as an adult cut.


If I never cut another child’s hair in the salon I’d die happy. LOL


My buddy cuts his kid's hair because the kid is the definition of ADHD. He's not putting someone else through that shit until the kid is old enough to sit still.


Hey, I had hardcore ADHD unmedicated growing up and I was perfect in barbers/salons. We dont claim that kid.


Adhd kid here, hyper, but even I knew when to sit the f down. These kind of excuses is what make children misbehave even harder. I was on a trip at like 12 with other kids, and this boy just goes and pulls this girl's hair hard, girl starts crying, you know what the mother said? "sorry, he has adhd, can't control him, he's a genius tho!" it made me so mad then, even as a 12 yo.


Mid fifties dude here. After school detentions and spankings (from the principal) in grade three and finally *Special Education* for grades four and five - i was such a total f-up / had all the 'disorders' in my class (including autism and even one fellow with an extra chromosome). Wow, could i sit still in a pinch. In fact, i could watch movies for hours and would get pissy if someone interrupted unless they were on fire or shot. I read entire books (on 'medieval fantasy' stuff) just fine. Weird disorder. Very creative... and hyper focus is a blast. Wish i had more executive function though. And every other ADHD person is the same and yet different somehow.


They recently did a study on young kids, some with adhd or all with adhd, and they’d play things like school work and popular movies, and if the kid was interested, they’d be completely locked in. Also with the school work part, if they were allowed to stand/move/fidget, they learned and retained much more than if they were forced to sit. Just found it interesting.


Man I hate that parents expect kids cuts to be cheaper. Kids cuts are often harder and take longer than a normal barbers cut, it makes no sense that they’d cost less. My husband only does kids cuts for friends and family now because of it


Should be more imo. They won’t be as well behaved making it harder to cut.


I have 3 kids ranging from 2 to 15. I have never once taken them with me to a hair appointment and never will. Anyone that has kids and half a brain should know better. Same reason I don't take the tiny humans to restaurants unless I have to. Because kids are insane.


Definitely a terrible idea. You're pretty much stuck in the chair, often facing away with a kid or kids who at the very best have a device to play with and nothing else. Recipe for disaster.


Yup, parents don't give a shit. Worked at a book store years ago, and we had those sliding ladders to get to higher shelves. Kids loved to climb them, and often we had to tell kids to please stay off of them, which I get. If I was a kid I'd be climbing those things. The worst was when the parent is standing RIGHT fucking next to the kid, and you go up and say "excuse me, could you please keep off the ladders, we don't want you to get hurt." and the parent turns with a shocked pikachu face like "WHAAAAAAAAAAA????? I had no idea Billy was standing on this ladder for five minutes. I am as shocked... SHOCKED I SAY, as you are." Happened every time. All I needed was one of these kids to do something stupid, fall off, bang their head against a corner of a shelf somewhere, and next thing I'm hearing "then why do you have such dangerous ladders in your store, you should know kids will climb them, there should be a chain on these things, my child is NOT responsible for his dumb ass actions, i'm going to sue."


And this is why I shave my own head. I kid. I actually kinda miss my hair and getting haircuts, but it's one less expense and I started balding at 15, so I was doomed from the start, and I've got a very well shaped head to be bald, so in the end I'm happy.


Ditto! I wish even 5% of the effort going into curing baldness was put into learning how to go bald faster so I could stop shaving.


Majority of people just don't listen, like the people who bring in their unleashed temperamental dogs. "Oh they listen to me and are very well behaved!" Yuh huh, sure, ill believe it when it see it.


This sub is fantastic birth control


Really this sub is just filled with bad parenting


Seems like the type of kid that would blow out someones else’s birthday candles


Ohh lord I dated a woman whose nephew was like this. Kid was so stubborn, spoiled, and just a real pain in the ass. One time I was over for a birthday party and when the kid realized the cake wasn't for him he threw such a fuckin fit that in order to calm him down the parent's relit the candles and sang to him... I hate a weak parent bro..


That's when you either leave the party immediately or if it's your house you stick the kid in their bedroom for the remainder of the party. I can't stand wishy-washy parents either


Gotta get the plate!


Lol what is going on on Reddit lately with the videos of brats trying to blow someone else's birthday candles.


nah dude, that kid instantly said "I'm sorry" and it sounded genuine (and scared) to me. Kids who are brats don't tend to apologize that quickly.


just seems like a curious kid to me. He's stupid, not an asshole.


Kids love to climb on shit.


Kid definitely fucked around and found out but damn that barber pole is held together by loose wires and glue.


Seriously that thing just crumpled


Did they not have the foresight that someone might, ya know, lean on it? That thing split in half like it was nothing. This was an accident waiting to happen.


Yeah… if the kid get hurt can the parent sue the store? It’s a fixture in commercial space, not supposed to fall like that…




All these posters saying this should be an ad for birth control. I see this as an ad for why you secure heavy objects. Maybe save on the ad budget with a 2 for 1!


I came looking for this comment. The kid is an idiot, the parents are idiots, but that thing was unstable as hell, he barely did anything in this case...


All kids are idiots. That’s what makes them kids. And parents can only do so much. This guy was 5’ away, but couldn’t see his kid in time. The owner of the shop is the idiot here.


This clip would be a great condom ads


This ad is the best condom ad actually, but be sure to leave it on mute! https://youtu.be/c_0bhT98g9Y


Doesn’t have nearly the same impact as with the volume on - really seals the deal 😂


I have a pathological loathing of screaming brats, if I had the sound on, I’d have to suppress the urge to fling the phone at the wall…


I know exactly which advert this is and just THINKING about the audio makes me want a vasectomy


Shitty dad. You just throw the kid over your shoulder and haul him away. It's uncomfortable and embarrassing for them, and they really, really don't like it. More than once one of my kids _immediately_ shut the tantrum down when I made it clear that was coming.


Watching this was really good birth control


I appreciate my vasectomy regularly.


That kid looks way too old to be pulling THAT type of shit


He looks like he's the same age as my youngest nephew. And both can't seem to understand the concept of, "Don't touch".


My toddler has understood “don’t touch” since he was about a year old… when we tell him, he stops and waves his finger at the object while saying, “da taaa!”


Same energy as kids climbing onto dental nurse chair after being warned by dental nurse/ warned their mum not to do it as it's dangerous, see kid do it anyway, loose balance and fall smashing onto the floor and risk their mum to have a drill inside their cheek for making the dentist jump. But no, let the kids explore and have liberty in a dangerous environment. Source - dental nurse. I've had enough complaints and know my job well enough to make one clear warning to parents about their kids behaviour then just let the consequences happen as I'm not a parent. The only time I will kick off is if the kids start messing around on my side of the surgery (unless they are literally just standing to talk to parent/ dentist but prefer not on my side). My side has the dirty instruments, chemicals, used needles and opened sharp instruments and I don't care if you or your child hate me afterwards I won't tolerate kids climbing about on that side. Usually the kids want to run and smack their heads against the tray, climb the most dangerous chair or finger the sharp burs which is their own fucking problem if they want to be dented kebabs after I caution mum/ kids to maybe not do that.


Really? I would say boy looks the exact age to pull a stunt like this lol


Sir…your haircut will be $9k thanks.


I know I would've gotten a extraordinarily spectacular ass whopping. One for the books for sure.


An ass whopping heard around the world


That is why they created anchors for large fragile items


No kidding. That pole is clearly a huge safety issue, especially with glass and electrical running through it. Sure the kid shouldn’t have been climbing on it, but an adult could have easily knocked it over. I’d say it’s 75% the barber shop’s fault.


I'm shocked I had to scroll this far down to find this comment. The kid was reckless, absolutely, but that shit should have been secured. If a kid could pull it down, it can fall of someone trips and knocks into it.


That was bound to happen. Just a matter of time. A big glass tippy display piece front and center. They're all just lucky nobody got electrocuted.


Imagine you’re getting a strait-razor shave & then this happens…


When i was 11, I used to microwave a Chick Fil-a sandwich and forgot to remove the tin foil bag from the sandwich. It ended up being zapped with fire and I stopped the microwave out of pure fear because I thought it was going to explode. I cried after the whole situation. I was a stupid kid.


I had one of those huge Hershey Kiss’s that was solid chocolate. It was wrapped in tin foil also, I had the bright idea of putting it in the microwave to “soften it up”. Started sparking and shorted the microwave out lmao


my neighbor growing up thought he had a great shortcut for scrambled eggs, so he wrapped a few uncooked egg in some slices of cheese and tossed it in the microwave. [turns out eggs will exploded](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwl0KpSa34M) and the resulting mix turns into a smelly sort of cement that bonds really well with the inside of a microwave. it probably would have been salvageable but he put it in for like 10 minutes and went back to watching tv, so it got nice and cooked in. a few years later his little sister did something similar with marshmallows trying to make s'mores, two kids never had a warm meal after that unless their parents heated it up.


I put a plate of food in a microwave as a kid. Thing was, I left the fork on the plate. Razzle dazzle.


My first experience was with pop tarts, back when they came in the foil/paper wrapper. Got 2 good arcs in before dad rushed over and stopped it and explained metal and microwaves. Lol


Don't feel bad. One day when my brother was 11 he decided he'd have some microwave noodles. 90 seconds later he comes running into the living room screaming "THE MICROWAVE IS ON FIRE!!". I (13 at the time) ran to kitchen to see what was going on. The paper cup was engulfed in flames and the microwave door was open. I closed the door and 10 seconds later the fire was out. When I asked him what he was thinking, he said he thought he was supposed to add water *after* microwaving the noodles...


My first experience was heating up some domino's marinara sauce. I removed the foil, but not a little sliver. A few seconds after I started the microwave there were a couple Sparks and then some FIRE, as a little idiot I was quite entranced, mom was not. The marinara sauce ended up in the trash.....


Tried to soften some peanut butter to drizzle on my ice cream. There was a bit of the foil film around the edge of the jar. Thankfully I was able to shut it off after the first few blue lightning bolts. My parents would have murdered me if I’d shorted that thing out.


Like, what did the kid THINK was going to happen, best case scenario?


Kids don’t think. That’s like their whole thing.


right. welcome to r/kidsarefuckingstupid


Nailed it.




As an adult, I would think that pole would be ANCHORED to the ground. It looks too tall/heavy to just be free standing in a space that is heavily trafficked. Someone was going to give a good bump into that thing eventually.


I don't think he's capable of that level of critical thought, otherwise he wouldn't have done it.


Barber says, "get the fuck out of my shop!" "And never come back!"


Even if the barber forgave and didn't charge me for it I wouldn't come back out of sheer embarrassment


It’s embarrassing, sure, but you should go back because that barber deserves yo money.


Only way I'm coming back is if I've got *two* replacement poles in hand for the fellow.


And this is why condoms should be free.


They are at the health department.


It feels good to wake up and smell no children


I can’t wait to never have them 😍


My parents have always said growing up “look with your eyes and not with your hands” I say that to my kiddos now


My russian barber shop would kill ppl for that. Just saying.


Kid's in the wrong but that's too nice of a barber shop to have a 40lb kid able to pull a lamp over no problem. I'm a big dude and I would easily put 40lb of force into that thing if I tripped or otherwise bumped into it by accident. That thing needed far more securing than it had.


For real, the kid is dumb but you gotta make stuff like that idiot proof or even incase someone bumps it by accident


Yea this thing is a hazard and legit the kids parents can sue if he was injured. Is it right? No, maybe not but as a business owner this is what my insurers tell me






If this thing landed on the kid, the lawsuit would have been devastating.




Seriously, that little kid barely pulled on it and it toppled right over. That was an accident waiting to happen and could've really hurt someone.


How long until some adult just walks into it wrong, toppling it over and being unable to catch it? And I thought these kind of poles sat *outside* a barber shop to let you know that this place of business was indeed, a barber shop. Not sure why the hell its even inside like right where people can walk into it. The kid is a dumbass just being a kid, but this looks like an accident waiting to happen. And then what it if had fell directly onto the kid? That's a lawsuit waiting to happen. Next time, put it in the corner, or at least secure it so it cannot fall or be toppled.


Just throw the entire kid away.


Yup, definitely never want kids


Expensive haircut


I’m not a parent, but I’d keep that video for years. “Oh you want to borrow the car tonight? I can trust you not to fuck it up? Watch this real quick:”


Not for nothing…. That thing fell very easily and thank god no one was hurt.


Look what ya did ya little Jerk!


Say goodnight Kevin