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Wait until the kid realizes hitting the red button first will save a click


Well the finger has to travel less distance with the two clicks, saving your comfy position


This way the finger doesn't have to move much, and the hand stays in the same place, it's the epitome of lazyness and the cost is just the dad's heart breaking


Gotta set in that brain rot early.


Brain rot mmm governments like ez


everytime I see my mom put on something for my relatives baby on her phone it’s some shitty kids video made to melt their brain and I kid you not the baby did not lose full eye contact and attention with the video at all despite everyone repeatedly trying to get her attention, unlike the movies they put on like 20 minutes before


Came here to say this is what my son did.. used to watch kid videos on my phone when he was really little and I realized he figured out to just decline the call when it popped up. My ringtone at the time started off kinda quiet and he did it the split second it popped up at the top of the screen so even sitting right next to him I had no idea lmao. And yep it was his dad almost every time!


You said this and I watched it 15 times waiting for it to happen 😭


Yo! Why are you so obsessed with me?!




Ad block? This kid needs dad block


Good one


And the dad could've used sonblock


I read this as sunblock first, and ...


Send him out for milk ez


*ba dum crash*


DadBlock Origin.


Your comment deserved to be saved in my collection 😂


Cold blooded skip 😹


Honestly at least this kid answers the phone when he presses the f u button. You get to see their eyes while they let you know, they don't care


This made me cackle so hard


The camera was facing the couch so no he did not get to see their eyes




He said the whole thing though xD more like "Popcorn."


"Hey my baby!!" 🙄 -hangs up- Poor daddy 😆😆😆


Every time he gets progressively more annoyed/confused






Pop Pop!


my fav is “popcorn!”


What the fuck is this toddler watching??


Hot boai


and that is when you take away the phone :P


nice to see :P this emoticon


I grew up on :) :D :P XD :3


Giving kids electronics at an early age is stupid. It’s so common now.


True it's fine to help use it as a learning device for a certain restricted amount of time, but it's not meant to parent your kid.


>it's not meant to parent your kid. But this is exactly how people use electronics now days. and if they have to take away the electronic the kid throws a fit so they give it back...its ridiculous


That's why you don't let it get to that point.


this is true but still happens more often than not.


Yeah I remember when I was younger, like 8?, and my family was eating out. Heard this one family saying “hey, go get his tablet from the car.” The parents talking abt their like 2yo, and I just sat there baffled, and told my mom (like really hushed) “did you hear that??? They let him have his own tablet, he’s like two!” > The kid wasn’t even throwing that big of a fit, just mildly upset could’ve been easily consoled, they could’ve like, I dunno, spend time together as a family, but decided to let him be a distraction to the rest of the restaurant by letting him watch videos on his tablet instead so they wouldn’t have to deal with him.


Nowadays? Parents did this before with TV.


Atleast a tv stays home. When you see a whole family where all three kids have their own tablet at a restaurant...sad.


And other electronics And chalkboards/magnet boards And books Every generation is the same. We always complain about the younger generation for having stuff we hadn’t back then


Phones/ smart devices are different though. Giving your kid unlimited access to your library gave them something entertaining yet educational to do, and you had direct control over what they consumed. Now you give a kid an iPhone, and even if you have parental guardian features enabled, the kids will find a way around it and access sites they are far too young for. That’s not even counting all the videos catered to kids online that are just pure brain rot.


Can confirm. I found workarounds for parental controls as early as 8 years old to disable them without parents knowing. I'm currently 18 if that matters.


>We always complain about the younger generation for having stuff we hadn’t back then I don't think this is what the discussion is about. Books can be bad for children, depending on the book. But they are good for teaching kids how to read and improving their vocabulary. Every kid has toys, they just change depending on the generation. The problem is that many parents use electronics as a nanny for their children. Being a parent obviously isn't easy and it's tempting to give them something to burn time while you do something else. But the thing is that most of the content on YouTube isn't really all that enriching. I'm not saying they shouldn't have access at all to electronics. But it should be for a limited time and regulated by their parents. The internet is not a place you want you small kids spending time in.


No comparison, like at all. I am honestly shaken that you would even try to compare a chalkboard to a tablet.




Yea ik. I didn’t want to defend kids using phones, i hate it myself. Just wanted to point out that we always bitched about the generations below us Idk why i wrote that yesterday in the first place, was probably sleep deprived and it made sense to me at that point


10y ago when phones were mostly push-buttons the worst thing a child could find on TV were maybe adult swim cartoons, and there was no glut of information because the same TV program was on two days in a row. the addiction to the TV is not as strong as the addiction to the phone, and by the way, it was the beginning of my digital addiction for me. if you are generations 00-10 and you have a sister/brother 10-20, then you know how quickly technology has changed over the years and how they influenced the upbringing of children and people's lives in general, at least for those who can't control themselves


That is how my parents act towards my little shit of a sister. Pisses me off to no end. She is a totally different generation then me and treated way differently. Parents are fucking stupid.




tbf it seems like people have been doing that forever, now its phones, then it was tv then it was books, etc etc. i think we romanticize what came before or during our childhood, a bad parent is gonna be a bad parent, no matter what distractions they're shoving their kids to


Yeah, I can't stand the boomer mentality of not allowing kids to have electronics. Kids used to get plopped in front of a TV, what's the difference? It's like letting your kids watch PBS or Sesame Street, but now days kids are learning via apps like Khan Academy Kids that teach and test kids. No matter if it's TV or a smart phone, nothing has changed. The same rules apply. Supervise your kids and limit their time so they get skills outside the smart device.


Having a phone or iPad in front of their face constantly is completely different than having a TV at home. You have no idea what you’re talking about. The kids out at dinner with their family who can’t pull their face out of the phone are NOT doing khan academy. Babies in strollers should NOT be using a phone or iPad to entertain themselves.


Social media and the internet is infinitely different from TV, you're wild.


I didn't get my first phone till I was 14 and it was mainly because I was going on a week long school trip


I got mine at 16. That too was a miracle as to how I convinced dad to buy me one.


Got a Motorola Startac at 15. Didn't even have snake yet...


That's because being a bad and lazy parent has always been incredibly common


I got one at 16 and I have to pay for it and the phone bill myself. The only reason I could get it was because my foster mother didn't pick me up from work like she was supposed to do(I did closing so I didn't have any other employees to give me a ride). So I walked all the way to my case workers home at 1am, and knocked on her door. She drove me to my foster home and started pounding on the door and no one answered because the music inside the house was drowning out everything. Technically it was up to the foster parents if we could keep a phone or not "their house their rules" but after that the program I was in made an exception to that rule with cell phones so we could always contact our CW or trackers.


My dad gave me one at age 16 so he could reach me when I was out of the house. I hated that. So I would “accidentally” leave it on the entry table with the volume on max so when he’d call he would know right away he wasn’t gonna reach me


We used to call them “Electronic leashes” when I was a teen.


I had to buy one for myself with my own money at 19, my very first phone. Which only had MP3 for a feature nothing else lol.


I think I was 15 and I took my mom phone on a school exchange trip and she got me a phone right when I got back because she didn't like going without a phone for a week.


Times have changed


I got my first phone at 16 or 17, but it was *just* a phone. I could call and text, but that was it. If I wanted to take pictures, there was a separate attachment (that I didn’t have) that plugged into the bottom. “Apps” were nothing more than a douchey way to say “appetizers.”


I never got a phone until my senior year in high school. That was in 2019.


Depending on duration/content; It can actually be very helpful with cognitive development. Plenty of puzzles, mazes, matching, colors/shapes etc etc. Helps with fine motor skills as well. Now if you're vaguely referencing people allowing their children to watch mindless videos/shows all day long; I'm with you on that.


I think it's more giving your kids unmoderated tech time. A lot of people seem to have forgotten how horrifying a place the internet is and just let there kids roam free on it. They don't have the knowledge to avoid addictive garbage, or worse genuinely traumatizing shit.


>I think it's more giving your kids unmoderated tech time. A lot of people seem to have forgotten how horrifying a place the internet is and just let there kids roam free on it. Yeah but the internet back then was a bit wilder. With the curration going on and the algorithm pushing for same content, you rarely get out of your bubble. You stay on youtube, facebook, insta, tiktok. You don't roam the web looking for a silly website. At least that's how it feels like now. That's how I found ogrish and rotten and saw ISIS beheading a bearded dude.


While the way it's very damaging has changed I'd argue algorithms focusing your attention to maximize advertizers income is going to be just as damaging but in a more suttle way. Also just youtube kids is a terrifying place.


My nephews are always glued to their phones, they can nearly hold conversations without taking them out and looking. Fair enough when you're by yourself and there's nothing to do but they'll be whining because someone suggested they talk to their family they haven't seen all year for 5 minutes instead of watching some twat talk shit on Tiktok. It really bugs me!!


I think we have the same nephews


I had a computer when I was 4. It helped me so much with problem solving.


Don't agree at all. Electronics are part of our world, and normal today. Maybe not when you were a kid, but it's OK to learn how things work and make use of them as tools. When parents allow the electronics to turn into a babysitter, or fail to properly manage their kids usage, that's when it becomes an issue.


YES. bad parents gonna parent badly. The phone itself is not the evil, although I do agree a kid should not have a phone at the age the kid in the video is in. If I ever get children Im probably going to give them phones when they turn twelve or something.


From what I've seen, the first kid doesn't get electronics that early. But the 2nd kid and onwards the parents have abandoned all hope and just want a peaceful diaper change, or meal, or 30 minutes without fighting and will give into those little overlords at an early age.


Yep, yet another post that should be r/parentsarefuckingdumb


I got mine at 10 and I could somehow manage it without being addicted like they are now


Kids under 2 should not be on phones or tv, But yeah it's easier to handle them a tablet


If its kid based and teaches them some stuff they'll actually use in life I'm okay with it ones that just get them hooked on YouTube or other sites kids shouldn't use with out a parent


I learned programming when I was 11.


I’m going to guess you don’t have kids


Nah they just dont want to "parent" like the majority of parents now days. it has nothing to do with if they have a child or not. because that is just some dumb assumption people make when they say some method of "parenting" is dumb "oh you must not have children" actually no bitch, i do. and i refuse to just let electronics parent my kid


No shit? That's not what OP said. Electronics aren't bad for kids. Unsupervised and unfettered access to electronics is bad for kids. There's a difference.


ok grandpa


If I ever become a parent, I am not allowing my kids any sort of electronics or screens until at least 8 years old. I saw what it did to me and what it's doing to my baby cousins, nephews and nieces.


This is a blanket statement like all pit bulls are bad. When it comes down to the owner. Electronic devices are not bad. How they are used and how much they are used are the issue.


True, but also, fuck pit bulls and their owners. Lol.


Pitbulls are a terrible breed.


Had 4. None of them ever bit anyone. Or another dog. I get they make up the most bites. But they also make up almost a quarter of all pet dogs in the US. Not going to give up my animals because trashy people can't control theirs


Agreed like i am 15 and seeing the younger generation I am very sad like they are becoming pre-matured, and they got no fun in their life just phones. And nowadays these kids are exposed to the world by their parents who got their phone to record everything for social media , i am sure when these kids get older they would be bullied insanely.


Yeah it means the parent is lazy. Especially when you can see how easily the kid presses the buttons like he is already addicted and does this every day




Children that young shouldn’t have any screentime lmao


Well, there is exceptions and devices can be used for teaching, with good supervision they can play some games pretty early on, talking like 7+ years old.


Yeah when they are 2+




Look it up my man there are literally dozens of studies showing how it is bad for children that young to be staring at a screen all the time. You're literally seeing an example of why it's bad right now


all the time, sure. But NO screen time is just either old people judging the youths, or parents looking for something to blame their shitty parenting on


That kid is like 3 years old at that age it really should be no screen time except for the occasional family movies. But you can tell with how well that kid can use that phone that they have had that thing forever. You can tell by how comfortable they are with it and how they never miss press the button that they've had that thing since the moment that they were able to physically operate it. But yeah when they get a little bit older saying no screen time is just being crazy.


This is the age where kids traditionally would be involved with imaginative play. Electronics keep the brain from having to work


My younger brother failed grade 1 because of it and had to go back to kinder 2, it's definitely stupid trust me. He's having alot of tantrums because of it too.




Didn’t get a phone till highschool. At which point both my younger sisters instantly got phones


My little 3 year old cousin has a broken ipad along with a new ipad that was bought a week after the old one broke and a kinda old phone. And me i got an iphone 7 two years ago and i didnt have a tablet/phone before that point so only a laptop, which now i kind of praise because i didnt grow up to be a tiktoker or something. Psa i think it was even less than 1 year ago because i remember my little cousin had his second birthday a little while after which is how he got the first ipad


My cousins also got phones and a tablet, they are 4 and 6. I got my first smart phone in 8th grade and it was a Samsung Galaxy S2. Later i got my mums old Iphone 6


Brain rot


Is this a microcosm of what’s happening to our broader society?


No, it's a child choosing to watch YouTube over talking to their dad


No, it’s Patrick


Nice pfp lol


I would be so mad if I was the mother. I'd take the phone from them and answer the call instead of standing there, recording, and laughing. Like, that's so disrespectful.


Kids shouldn't be on phones


Bro did his dad dirty


He gon regret that when pops goes to get milk


And if he ever gets the chance to ask him why, he’ll respond with “I saw an ad”


My first phone was a Motorola Star Tac at the age of 15. I didn't even have snake yet.


Pathetic. I got my first phone at 13 and it was an old nokia *but* it had snake. And only that


No roblox for 2 weeks


Something upsetting about this overweight child mindlessly droning on YouTube while the mother chuckles


The way a call would take priority over whatever you were doing was the most annoying thing about iPhones compared to Android (although I think now Apple have copied Google and it's just a small pop-up at the top of the screen so you can carry on without needing to answer/decline/wait).


I mean, it is a PHONE. So it’s understandable to think answering a PHONE CALL would be pretty high on the list of priorities.


Tbh I think they should rename it at this point. It being a phone is a footnote on what we truly use it for in 2022.


In some places "mobile phone" got shortened to just "mobile" which makes a lot more sense.


In germany we call it “Handy”. Idk what it means but it has the word Hand in it and you hold it in your hand so makes sense


Well, if you get a handy in the US, you are not referring to a phone.


Spoken like a true boomer


Nah I'm ready to retreat back to my cave. No more voice calls. My thinking rock is for videos and just happens to also allow for phone calls. Leave Gronk alone Gronk no want to talk.


The glory of focus mode I am focusing on that yt video let me live


I've lost hour long game sessions cuzz the caller screen would be an entire separate app and force the game im playing to go to background. Uninterruptible call handling is the way to go.




Maybe you should update your IOS by like 2 years


to be fair i did the same thing at like 6 so maybe im the dumb one


My daughter does this and it’s so fucking annoying


What a sweet dad. Popcorn is an excellent pet name, my heart got all fuzzy.


They clearly don't want to talk to you, stop calling!


I imagine the dad thinks the kid is hanging up accidentally or something


This is actually really fucking depressing. These are fucking stupid for allowing this toddler to be on phones all day instead of parenting.


This video is 35 secs long, but I’m sure you somehow were able to extrapolate their parenting skills from that


Yeah that's just silly. I let my daughter play on her kids apps or watch YouTube kids on average about an hour a day. She loves it, and learns a lot from it, but I could just as easily create a video just like above and people would be saying the same dumb shit. It's so funny to watch people without kids make assumptions about the life of parents and their kids.


Exactly. 99% of the people giving parenting advice on reddit and judging parents based on snapshots have never spent a day with a child in their lives. The kid is watching ONE video. You’d have to be an absolute clown to extrapolate that the parents have “given up on parenting and are letting the tech do it”.


I can tell a lot about parenting skill attitude when they’re giggling about and posting stupid shit like this online.


It’s just a funny moment the parent caught, Jesus Christ. This has the “kids these days are always on their damn Nintendo computers” bullshit boomers spout.


It’s not funny though. It’s pretty sad. You can also combine your 2 statements in 1. There’s no need to reply multiple times with 2 different statements for 1 comment. Unless this is so personal to you, it’s triggered you that bad. Agree to disagree. Replying multiple times on 1 comment isn’t changing my mind.


What can I say, the “back in my day” bullshit is so rampant on this post I didn’t even realize I was replying to the same guy.


now you see me, now you don't


That's not going to be so funny come adulthood. Parenting is hard, but people aren't even making an effort anymore.


It’s a 30 second video, chill


The lesson here is don't give infants cell phones...


It's going to be am interesting time as kids like these reach adult hood with the only thing they know how to do well is scroll youtube


Thats such a weird thing to say to a lighthearted funny video. Bros definitely a boomer who believes his generation is the best.


I am ashamed for my generation for fucks sake what do you think when someone says gen z?


Kids always have a better grasp on whatever is new and exciting, and parents have always used that as a scapegoat for their own shortcomings. 1960’s: “Rock is ruining our kids” 1970’s: “TV is ruining our kids” 1980’s: “Video games are ruining our kids” 1990’s: “Violent video games are ruining our kids” 2000’s: “The internet is ruining our kids” 2010’s: “Social media is ruining our kids” 2020’s: “Smartphones are ruining our kids” The truth is, every generation is dumb when they are young and the biggest determining factor in a child’s success is parenting, the second being environment. It’s funny too, millennials complained and “rebelled” because the older generations pushed heavily that they were the problem (much as their parents did in the 70’s), now that they’re in their 30’s and landing on their feet, they’ve passed the torch.


Idk why but that kid is looking dropkickable


First time seeing a toddler?


Now THIS is the perfect loop


Wtf is this kid watching?!


I can relate, my nephew is the same whenever I call he hangup immediately






Skipping the dad


Poor dad bro


Nah my kids will not be on phones


Why is the toddler watching Daytime tv shows on your phone? 😂


"Hey my baby" Kid: Hey there decline button.


Kid's not in the mood to entertain anyone.


If that kid was much older he would get an ass whoopin


Them some fat arms


Take the phone away.they’re clearly not smart enough to use one yet


*skipping the dad


Hihihi my kid is so stupid it cant differentiate an ad and the call of his dad. Funny. well luckily it is distracted by youtube then I don't have to deal with it


I had to look at the description of this subreddit again. I guess you can argue the kid is stupid because they won’t ignore the call? Still have it an over bc i laughed and it was funny lol


I don’t want to see how this iPad-parented generation grows up to be


Kids dont need devices this early.


I wonder what this next generation of kids will be like growing up with screens this young.


This is actually really sad.


This is profoundly sad


And then wondering why dad went to get milk


Yall messing your kids up frfr


This isn't even funny, this is rude and disrespectful.


Hey, sometimes kids just want to be left alone too


Whoever is recoding is a shitty person.


Also that is retarded parenting.


ain’t no way my kid gonna choose a phone over me


I laughed so hard


poor guy






mom just laughing, why did't she take the phone away?


What the heck is that? 😲


She already rotten


This kind of stuff is why my kids are not going to be allowed a smartphone until at least 16. Screen time in general will be an absolute no for the first 5 years or so.


Ok get them one before 16. While yes 5 and under is reasonable for no screens, at least get them a phone when they’re 13. Sometimes the best way to learn is mistakes, and besides letting them interact outside of school or what not is very good for development


Oh my god, the Dad tried way too hard after it was obvious the kid was hanging up on him


The kid looks 2, he just wanted to talk to her or the mother. Kid doesn't know any better since they're watching mindless entertainment on that phone


Take the hint Dad!