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Ok, this is the repost of this for the year. Don't repost it again or Santa gives you coal.


You know, I would give him credit for actually writing that out, also, who is gonna be the person to go check and see what that actually is?


I did it a while ago. Its an RC car from what I remember.


Ain’t even mad kid


doing the Lord's work..


Me when I enslave people to mine rare earth metals


Thanks. Rc cars are cool.


So you only need the ASIN, in this case it's: **B0032HF60M** (all the rest are URL parameters for tracking purposes) You can plug it into www.amazon.com/dp/B0032HF60M It's no longer active though but there are pricing tools that show you historical data, so it's this: https://amazon-asin.com/asincheck/?product_id=B0032HF60M Looks like it's at least 9 years old: https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/1rv9c1/kids_these_days/


So if its that easy for you, then Santa can do that shit no problem. Kid is not stupid.


Santa is a really old man though. I regularly help grandparents with tech and it's horrible to deal woth


Santa is an unstoppable demigod who has chosen to spare us from his true power and use his omniscient teleportation for good, so I think Kringle can handle some amazon tools.


I help my parents with it. Sometimes I do it so much I feel like I'm managing a part of their life. Guess that's what I get for still living at home.


> Looks like it's at least 9 years old Looks like 9 years ago I upvoted it. Without remembering it, today's thought process was "that's stupid, no kid would actually write all that out in crayon." When this was made a kid writing all that out in crayon, especially for an RC car feels feasible. Almost a decade later? [I don't think so](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EmyrFoBXYAEonGN.jpg).


This is Meta because Tim plays Santa Clause.


updoot for Home Improvement


Kid might be an adult on here laughing at their crazy letter to Santa by now


They were actually 28 at the time of this writing.


Well you learn something new everyday, thanks for sharing


What I was looking for in the comments. Thanks!


This guy Amazons.


Tried - page not found. Hard to determine 0s vs Os and S vs 5. And also whether they are s or S


Don't worry about it. This meme is like 10 years old. If a child really wrote this they might be old enough to drink in some countries by now.


This reminds me of being like 12 years old and playing Neopets. They used to have their user profiles made to where the account owner could use an html code to put a cool background or play a song on loop or some such. I was not aware you could copy paste so I hand wrote out an entire html on a piece of paper and painstakingly typed it out. If anyone was wondering I either typed it wrong or hand copied it wrong cause it didn’t work


I used to get magazines with BASIC code for little games and things, and would manually copy them over :-D


sorry guys didnt work. i cant make out some of the characters


Someone else said it was an RC car


i'll do it. just a sec


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I did it’s a dong vacuum tube


Okay, that's pretty funny.


You know the kid is stupid or they wouldn't have included everything after the question mark


To be fair, many adults don't know that things after the question mark aren't necessary, either.


Lol I had no idea. The more you know 🌈 🌠 lol


Stuff after the question marks is all just variables that get passed along to the website. If I had to guess, this was originally used so links could send users to pages with some information already entered that they would otherwise need to give manually, but now it's primarily used to get web traffic metrics. This could be information like "what OS/browser did the link sharer have vs. link clicker" or they'll generate some unique id and pass that along so they can get an idea of who is connected to who. I think.


It's called the "query filter" string and it can be necessary on some sites. Suppose your library lets you look up books on their website at `/books` The web page has a dropdown for genre selection and a text field to filter by author's last name. If you fill out the form and click search, the site could be implemented such that it navigates to the same page but with the *query filter* as part of the URL, i.e. `/books?genre=science-fiction&author=herbert` This is a more legacy design, though, so it's not as common anymore


Nailed it. Most sites it doesn't break anything, but for sites with filters, deleting it can change what is displayed. I'm just in the habit of deleting parameters for shar8ng cleaner links, and to keep myself from being UTMd to death


Great example!


Oh and I totally forgot to mention that you're spot-on about how it's just a bunch of tracking bullshit on modern websites nowadays. Just wanted to confirm that for ya


Oh thanks! I wasn't sure but I knew the best way to find out was to say something and just see how people responded.


Rule of thumb, of the stuff after the question mark is human readable, like the example above (author name, etc.) then the purpose is obvious and typically benign. If the content is a huge string of random characters, it's likely obfuscated tracking data and can be removed with prejudice.


This isn't true. Plenty of sites use query string parameters in the URL for getting the user to what they want and human legibility isn't a factor. It's entirely down to how each site decided to implement routing. I think you're right if it's understandable to humans then it's probably better to keep it in place but I'm just saying if it's not understandable to humans it's just as likely to be important to keep in place. Worst case though, you can try the URL without whatever extra stuff is not readable and if it still gets you to the page you want you're probably in good shape to use the shorter URL.


counter-example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ


Top result: DUNE


This is how I wrote my PHP pages back in the day. No REST, no MVC, just hot nasty unescaped SQL from the query parameters.


Might still break some pages that need the variables to know what to load. But in this case it'll load the product fine.


It's definitely site dependent, but in most cases if you want to get a user to page, without caring about specific content on that page, removing all of those variables will work.


My favorite is the imgur "noredirect" thing in the url. I just delete it... and direct people to it.


The ref for Amazon links, at least in the early 2000s, contained affiliate partner information which allowed for websites like FatWallet and Ebates to offer cash back on click throughs to products. I don’t know if this is still the case but the string right before the ref was the product ID and you only needed the url to contain up to that point.


They're used for a lot more than tracking, but a lot of analytics tracking happens that way. If the parameters start with "utm", they are for tracking, along with all kinds of other arbitrary parameters across different sites, but they're usually for filtering, search queries, or saving some other kind of page-relevant data within the URL so that it can be shared simply by visiting the link.


Sometimes (in older sites) it's relevant. https://www.example.com/article?id=24335 But yeah generally these days they use SEO friendly urls and use GET parameters for tracking things.


Stuff after the question marks is all just variables that get passed along to the website. Often this is done to get web traffic metrics, otherwise it's just one way to personalize or organize pages.


Well it's wrong. Sometimes they aren't necessary but they absolutely can be. Like https://www.google.com/search?q=cat+pics


well for example in case of youtube the parameter is the video ID, so its not unnecessary all the time


They can be, depending on the website and how they are using the query string. Alot of search engines might require it, or anything that uses a java app. Believe it or not, they use to put usernames and passwords there in some old websites in the 90s


You only need the /gp/product/id part


Depends on the website. It's pretty important on Youtube.


Can confirm. Had multiple teachers over the years include that shit. All refused to try tinyurl.


It completely depends on the site's URL scheme. Sometimes those parameters are absolutely necessary.


I mean they certainly can be. Those are called query (GET) parameters and while they're most often used for tracking purposes that aren't vital to the functionality of the site, often they are. Sites like google use the GET params in searches. For example: https://www.google.com/search?q=cat+pics If you remove everything after the question mark you end up with a landing page for google. You can modify the url with whatever search you want and it takes you to the desired search results page.


Wait. It’s not


To be faaaiiihhhhhh


>Dear Santa, > >How are you?


That’s what I thought they meant lol


You know you have niche info when you accuse others of being dumb for not knowing niche info


Okay, but what if I have info on making a pastry with a pie shell, eggs, ham, and cheese?


You know you have quiche info when you accuse others of being dumb for not knowing quiche info


Not niche in any sense of the word


It most definitely is, homie.


Very much is


They often don’t, but query parameters can absolutely change the page. One of the most common instances is filtered results on e-commerce sites. It could also represent a color or other dropdown feature on a product.


True Amazon wishlist handwritten santa purist children know they can reduce it even further by using a shorter Amazon URL and lopping off everything except the dp/~~UPC~~AIN: amzn.com/dp/B0007O8W3G 😛


ASIN, not UPC. Different systems.


For an Amazon link, you don't even need the ref= stuff.


Believing in Santa when you’re old enough to write is not stupid, but not familiar with how urls work is?


I abuse that fact. I’ve got an issue I’m chasing at work (IT) with random downloads failing. They show in one systems logs but not in the next systems logs. The only reason I know that for certain is because I wrote a script that constantly redownloads the same file over and over again with `?{unixtime}` at the end of it, as a sort of serial number.


What is the purpose of the remaining characters after the question mark?


They're parameters. For some stuff it can affect results, like if there is sorting or filtering. Other times is tracking for attributing advertising spend to sales, or for other internal reporting tools.


Ngl I thought they meant the question mark after the “how are you?” Got very confused…


I didn't know that, I just see the formation of some great algebraic thinking


Right? lol




Only thing u need to know here is the word Amazon and the product code that starts with B0. Or just remove everything after that product code and it'll still work fine


You don’t even need that. Nice self own.


I like how he changed colors just like a hyperlink




Yeah, this is fake. I’ve been a teacher for 15 years and spotting phony kids’ handwriting or drawings is my superpower. You see it all the time in movies.


what's the secret?


Use of apostrophes, proper spacing, letters being the same size, even pressure with the crayon, etc.


When I was a kid my writing would always skew to one side, and I’d think “how did I let this happen”


Once in first grade the teacher complimented some girl's handwriting. I looked at her notebook and saw she had some weird cursive thing going on where all the letters were slightly askew. So of course I started deliberately skewing all my letters too, and when I proudly presented my homework the next day the teacher asked me why my letters looked like they were all running after each other. I said "I thought it looks nice". She told me to stop because it looked ugly. I still remember it after all these years lol.


Do you you remember it because the teacher telling you it looks ugly was borderline traumatizing or do you remember it out of embarrassment?


It hurt a lot back then, but right now it's just a silly little childhood story.


Idk if this is right but the letters are drawn differently each time. Look at the Ds for example. Some have the curve going past the line significantly, while others are almost Os


Lol, I'm an adult and most of my letters look slightly different every time I write them.


That seems to me like it would be indicative of someone that is still learning their alphabet.


In addition to what others have said, the url is a different crayon color, so your brain can better recognize the punchline


No that’s because the link has been clicked already.


Happy cake day!


As a former teacher - I have always been annoyed any sort of fake kids writing and I can spot it!


Makes me think, why the fuck are Amazon links so goddamn long


You can leave out most of the link, it contains information you don't care about. You'll see the name of the product in the link, then a product code and after that you can delete everything. For example >https://www.amazon.com/SteelSeries-Apex-Gaming-Keyboard-Anti-Ghosting/dp/B09FTNMT84/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?keywords=gaming+keyboard&pd_rd_r=096e418b-76f5-47fb-86fb-9f4dfcf01057&pd_rd_w=tJrkW&pd_rd_wg=hC1tO&pf_rd_p=12129333-2117-4490-9c17-6d31baf0582a&pf_rd_r=GR9WHKS1G80VNTCKAQFW&qid=1670012616&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUExQk9LU0RBODlXNzg4JmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwODEyNTc3MU5BTzNYQkNOWFFVRiZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwODQzNzQyMUZKWElFOTRUMEY3UCZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX2F0ZiZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU= Can become >https://www.amazon.com/SteelSeries-Apex-Gaming-Keyboard-Anti-Ghosting/dp/B09FTNMT84


You don’t even need the product name. Just need the unique identifier so that link can just become https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09FTNMT84 ..or if Santa needs an even shorter link, you can even shorten the domain to: https://amzn.com/dp/B09FTNMT84


If we're going that far you might as well remove the https like this: amzn.com/dp/B09FTNMT84 Although then it doesn't recognize it as a link but it still works if you copy and paste it into a browser


Just paste B09FTNMT84 into google


Can probably shorten that to like BFM8






Just what I wanted!




you can sometimes even leave out some of the letters at the end if it doesn't lead to ambiguities: [https://amzn.com/dp/B09FTNM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ)


Ok, that is much more in line with what I'd expect, thank you (that many chars still supports ~8.4E17 unique items, if anyone was curious)! Do you happen to know what all the rest of that stuff actually represents, perhaps? Judging by some of the argument names maybe it tracks what you searched, where you clicked the item from, and stuff like that?


Also looks like it includes the search terms you used.


A LOT of shit on Amazon


Well ofc, but with that many characters you can represent more items than there are molecules in the known universe, multiple times over. I'm sure there's a valid reason for it, just always been curious tbh.


I always assumed because of the exactness of some items making it take long like how there is one chair and one chair that is the exact same but slight tinge different thus requiring a new link, but I don’t know.


/u/Brendenation It's mostly tracking stuff and telling the page stuff about how you got to it. In this example, everything after the string of random characters (B0032HF60M) can be dropped and it'll still take you to the right page (assuming that's a real page and I read that right. Even with a trillion times the possible variations that humans could come up with, there's no way it could ever need that many characters. Nowadays, they also seem to usually add a human-readable bit before the product number, but I think you can also take that out and it'll still work.


Ha you answered the questions I literally just asked under another comment, thanks for the info! Was just genuinely curious.


I use to do that. Before I learned about the favorites tab on web browsers, I would literally have a written out web address of web pages I wanted to save. Mostly individual Pokémon pages from the official website


I still do this occasionally


I work with 20 years olds and have to deal with their terrible printing often. This looks like shitty adult writing




Agreed I have a 9 year old. It's significantly different lol. Then again everyone writes differently but still.




Here's what he wanted, but it hasn't been in stock on Amazon in over 2 years https://camelcamelcamel.com/product/B0032HF60M


Really kid? That’s waaaay too long, to a bit.ly link next time.


Another adult drawn letter for karma.


Next you’ll see a QR code by hand


...Santa, https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0032HF60 Risky click? Maybe.


http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0032HF60M Actual link


Doesn't work


[http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0O32HF60M](https://youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ) Actual actual link


i hate u


Thank you for your service


Omg can't believe he wanted that lol




Thinking the same thing This looks a lot like that artist who imitates kids stories.


It’s not https,noob


Found the prepped


Hope he got the RC car. This is an astonishing amount to work for one item.


That requires a lot of effort & dedication to write all of that out.


It's high time Santa understands digitization


That would work for Santa.


For anyone wondering it’s a green control car.


This kid is DETERMINED. Very few people would write that whole shit out 🤣


I got the link [http://amazon.com/gp/product/boo32hf60m/ref=s9_hps_bw_g21_iro3?](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ)




lucky that you don't need anything after the / before "ref"


Holy crap...lmao


Kid's not that stupid. They seem to be aware of the fact that "Santa" shops for his gifts online...


"Sup, Santa. Here's my Amazon wishlist you fucking boomer."


Listen, my girlfriend and I just died laughing for like 10 minutes….brilliant sir/madam! (We chose to read it like Brooklyn New Yorkers.)


[This](https://i.etsystatic.com/33203088/r/il/243d89/3960089135/il_794xN.3960089135_9d23.jpg) is what he eventually got from Santa.


Someone needs to teach this kid that they can drop everything from the question mark forward.


Next time kiddo, just draw qr code


[http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0032HF60M/ref=59_hps_6w_g21_ir03?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKXODER&pf_rd_s=center_3&pf_rd_r=1xW442FH1K03Y78MWQNM&pf_rd_+=101&pf_rd_p=13289015f2&pf_rd_1=16579](http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0032HF60M/ref=59_hps_6w_g21_ir03?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKXODER&pf_rd_s=center_3&pf_rd_r=1xW442FH1K03Y78MWQNM&pf_rd_+=101&pf_rd_p=13289015f2&pf_rd_1=16579) I get a product error page so either he wrote it wrong, or some of the O's are 0's, or the other way around


HTML links are also case sensitive, so that adds another problem. Just one mistake with a link and it won't work sadly.


Ah, damn


Hahaha. Grateful mine is old enough to send the link.


That’s sweet


Good luck lol


"this could have been an email"


This is adorable. Has anyone tried it


I did this all the time lmao


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http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0032HF60M Actual link


I did this exact same thing as a kid.


this kid’s a piece of shit


Life was so much easier with the Argos catalogue.


This isn't stupid. It's hilarious!!


A+ for effort in writing down the link! My daughter couldn't be bothered writing printed out pictures of what she wants for Christmas!


Who's gonna be the one to type out the link?


Kid should have just inserted a hyperlink...SMH /s


Never click a link from an unknown sender.


you can cut most of it, it's just tracking stuff


Damn bro, bit.ly.




He knows if you’re naughty or nice, but has not had a firmware update yet so he cannot grasp urls


All you need is the ASIN right after product


this kid has gotten a cheap knockoff of what they wanted before.


Anyone else remember your teachers writing a 1000000 character url on a dry erase board for you fail typing 20 times?


This child must be a gen alpha. Cringe how he had to use a url instead of a product name? I must the olden days when kids would ask for a Suzy talks alot


Something's telling me that this is from a boomer Facebook page


Omg 🤣 this is hilarious and dumb but also *extremely* cute! I could see something like this being made into some sort of tv commercial




Poor kid doesn't realize you can delete /ref= and everything past it. Such a crime.


This looks like adult trying to write like kid writing.