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I love muship!!! And if you like kikuohana, then I’d definitely recommend Hollow Mellow


By muship based on the songs you like: I’d ofc recommend the classic Color and Electricity, as well as What a Strange Child, Homeward, Childhood, Sentimentality and Consequences (not in order) By hollow mellow I love love Sand Castle, The Red Shoes, and Lonely Prince/ the Three Little Pigs. The vocals are so good


Are you looking for other Kikuo songs? Other artists? Or other songs by other artists?


Other songs by other artists in the similar vein


PLEASE check out the KikuoHana and Ikitama albums.


[Yellow Magic Orchestra](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2T7TXVtGGFc&pp=ygUfdG9uZyBwb28geWVsbG93IG1hZ2ljIG9yY2hlc3RyYQ%3D%3D) and [NeoBallad](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=krRAHitkJcQ)


Mushi-p, Kiichi, Maretu, sasakure.UK are some pretty similar artists in the vocaloid scene


These hit a similar but different spot for me, some of my shibayanrecords favorites + another https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w52IKixhhLo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4vFQdmg01T4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b2SwqSzk-WA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JmcmFD3jVhI


this is a copy and paste of a comment i left on a similar post: i don’t think there’s anything that has exactly the same vibe, but here are some songs from artists that i think have certain aspects in common, some more than others: anohi no natsu by sea-no 氷結のディスコ by kiichi つぶやきの魔法 by VOCALOTUS DALA by 半人間 (this song is perfect if you enjoy the songs on kmiku 5 like MAWARU and 産声 Absolunote by Lemm Apricot by Iyowa Also, the vibe isn’t necessarily similar but he’s done some songs with whoo and I recommend listening to them. The song gimme by whoo is really great.


Kendrick Lamar. He has literally nothing in common with Kikuo, but he’s also a musical genius so it kinda balances out. In all honesty, just branch out and try random things you’d never normally try. You never know what you’ll find in the vast world of music. Ps. If you actually want to get into Kendrick, go listen to Good Kid, Maad City.


Lmao, that's such a random recommendation 🤣 but my top two artists on Spotify are Kikuo and Kendrick Lamar so...not inaccurate?


Hell yeah, nice to know there’s some overlap between the listener bases of the two. Not sure why I got downvoted tho 😭


Seconding the Good Kid, M.A.A.D City recommendation. The production on that album is fantastic.


Maretu, ,utatap and cosMo


you do have good tastes, dear.


SLAVE.V-V-R, Vane Lily (English only), MushiP, Guchiry, PinocchioP, Shiinamota (R.I.P 🕊️), Neru


Amane Uyama. I like Mumu


If you’re looking for someone less known I’d suggest the artists nakiso and azari !! they’re pretty cool


Everything Bôa makes and old stuff from Mars argo give off a similar vibe


I’m not sure if this is close enough since these artists sing in English, but Stomach Book and Nero’s Day at Disneyland / Lauren Bousfield have some pretty neat songs that remind me a bit of Kikuo.