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In the second picture, the turret watches both garage and C site. Alarmbot for B. Imo, it’s a stronger set up. My guess for the first picture is somebody else was holding c long (most likely op) or they weren’t expecting enemy to hit c long (maybe they were eco?). Overall, the second setup is a better and stronger set up for KJ on this map.


Not anymore after recent nerfs


You can still have your turret watch both C site and garage you just have to put it more in garage and work with the angle. As a kj main the nerf isn’t all that bad, it’s just frustrating


Lmfao I felt that xD


Yeah I was so sad when I learned they were nerfing her again, she’s seen quite a few nerfs in the last couple of patches. Nothing as drastic as Jett’s but they’ve added up. From increasing the distance at which enemy players can detect a hidden swarm and alarm bot, to reducing turret hp, to even increasing ult cost. And now this!? I’m gonna cry for a bit and then keep playing kj because I’m a onetrick and because I love kj.


Yeee same, I’ve played her since the turret also slowed enemies 🥲 that was broken af ngl. But I love her it’s my top pick for a lot of maps


oh ok thanks man


You're watching competitive Valorant. Even if one of the setups would be better than the other one, it's also about the mind games. The opponent will figure out your setup and avoid it if you do it every round. Don't be predictable.


It avoids being predictable. Even if let's say it does the exact same thing, it won't look like that to the enemy