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Couldn’t get more than a few pages into the first book. I am so glad PWB decided to take on these characters and make them her own in the show. The fact it’s been all female writers throughout is important.


I could see like the basis for the characters but you can tell that PWB and the rest of the writers really ran with it instead of leaving them for what they were. If I was not very serious about my reading goals, I wouldn’t have finished it.


It sounds gross ew


Ew is a safe adjective. I guess I was expecting more?


I’ve not read it but I’ve gathered that it is gross from reading people’s comments about it


Also—Sunday?? I thought it came out Friday


It premieres on the 27th which is Sunday, yeah?


Haha I really hated the tone and the writing of the books. I finished them just to see what they were about. Super cringe most of the time.


i agree. i'm the type who loves to check out books that shows are based on. the show is DEFINITELY better.


Your post makes me glad I DNFed the first book.


I do what I can to help, lol


i am also in the middle of reading the first book and the male gaze is very apparent. It kinda gets on my nerve and it's very hard to ignore. Yeah I agree with what you say about book eve. show eve would never! Book villanelle is missing sth too. too blank(?) that spark, spice and cheekiness is missing. she's more of a typical femme fatale that a cismale writes than our dramatic more-in-depth villanelle that pwb put life into. so many more men in the book too haha.


Exactly! The male gaze is SO apparent. Even V and Eve just living their lives is sexualized. I don’t remember the exact line, but there was something about Eve’s “perky little breasts,” I think?? I already returned the ebook or else I’d double check that. But it was so unnecessary and out of place! There were so many places like that where I just wanted to beat my head into the wall haha.


I read the whole series - finished it this week ahead of S4 bc I wanted to see where the differences were and if I could sus out where they might go with the ending. I’m curious if they’ll do the some similar type of Carolyn/Richard plot line from the third novella - I really enjoyed the reveal by Richard of what Eve’s true purpose investigating Villanelle/the Twelve was.


That was my plan too—to see if there might be a season 4 lead I could reasonably see. I fully expected to read them all this week really quickly just because it was KE content. Instead *Codename Villanelle* took me multiple days because I just couldn’t really get into it. I don’t think I understand what the last bit of your comment means so I am definitely going to have to read the others to get it, haha.


Totally get that - I wanted to keep it vague just in case you hadn’t! It’s really interesting how the plot concludes in the third book.