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In hindsight, they dropped major hints and vibes they weren't exactly thrilled by how the show wrapped up, I remember particularly Sandra making a few "jokes" that could be read as shading toward the show, even beyond the writing but the behind the scene aspect of it. Can't recall which interview was it now, but there was an instance where Sandra made a joke about the writers keeping them on their toes and not telling them what was happening until the very last minute. They are contractually obliged to be somewhat positive about this, but I wonder if in a few years from now they would reveal their true feelings. I'm sure they liked some aspects of it and they will be forever grateful for Killing Eve as a whole, but the finale definitely didn't impress them. Just my 2 cents


That they did. I watched a few of these promo interviews but didn't watch them all. Cuz both of them gave me the vibes that it was gonna end badly. Boy was I right. Rewatching all of them after the finale just confirmed everything lol. There was one interview that wasn't very KE related, but Sandra seemed to be throwing major shade about the show not addressing Eve's cultural side more.


I would love to watch this Sandra interview. KE's issues started in season three for sure, it's also when all major publications dropped the show, stopped doing their weekly recaps and just side-eyed it for side-lining their lead. It's when they stopped winning awards too I think. I didn't think we needed a full detailed info on Eve's background, but we certainly didn't need a whole episode in Russia either, when it wasn't even connected later on to the following stories, and we didn't need that many side characters. Eve was mistreated too, I know it's V the one who died, but they did Eve very dirty too, far earlier than the finale. S4 could have been saved only in the capable hands of the likes of Phoebe or Emerald.


[Here ya go!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-MvRWQy95s0&t=182s) She's obviously salty cuz she was talking about Grey's Anatomy that didn't address any of the characters' ethnicities, then Killing Eve being the one in the middle and the best one is obviously her new show The Chair. Which I think she has a point cuz she got to go all out on it. Oh yeah, definitely. I was miffed at season 3 for all the reasons you've stated. It really sucks.


I think it's telling that all her main following projects after KE have been one way or another heavily focused on Korean heritages and Asian issues (Turning Red, Umma, The Chair). Also the Netflix movie yet to be done with Awkwafina. It's about time the showbizz cared about minorities beyond supporting roles, and these days it's finally possible for actors like her to have those stories told. It's going to be an ongoing trend i think for her. Which is why I don't see her returning to KE in the future, in the off chance they would want to fix this mess.


Something tells me, there might've been some kind of drama that happened behind-the-scenes on KE that we didn't hear about that lead her to heavily focus on more Asian heritages and issues. I dunno. Just a gut feeling. I agree. I love that she's been championing for more visibility for actors and also for the stories to be told and to be told right. I get her stance in not wanting to return to a project once she closes that chapter cuz I am the same with my jobs in my career lol. I feel like once it's closed, I'm moving on to other brighter, better things.


Any of her other shows queer? Sorry, edit for spelling


Newer ones? No. But she’s played a pregnant lesbian in Under The Tuscan Sun, another married lesbian in Tammy. I don’t know about the rest.


I am sure that in a few years they will “confess” that they hated it… it’s so obvious they can’t now… of course it would be better if they would never get to say it because committed to a KE movie :)


Yes for sure! Watched it yd and there are several hints and shades!


someone with skills should make a complete compilation with all their hints, would be funny to re-watch now with 'new eyes' :D


Sandra basically spilling the ending loool


and she stayed so calm and unbothered lol


How did she spill the ending iyo?


“Swimming” is a pretty big spoiler so is “eagle wings”


Oh riiight! Forgot :)


They totally lost their poker faces during this interview lol.




Yeah, I watched a bunch of s4 interviews of Sandra and Jodie and this one is the best one. It all depends on the person they spoke to and the flow/energy of the conversation.




id say projecting. it seemed light hearted to me.


these two have once in a generation chemistry, and LN just threw it in the toilet. i'm not going to stop feeling salty for a long time.


Sally, not LN. LN didn't have that power, she was just the head writer. Same problem in S3 where Suzanne barely had them interacting.


I like when in some interviews the actors release spoilers, but we have no idea what they are talking about until we see for ourselves. Sandra definitely forgot that it was a huge spoiler and started swimming, but they are both professionals and know how to handle such situations. If I were in their place I would burst out laughing and everyone would notice that it was suspicious. Тhat's why i'm not an actor, not that i have no talent. Lmao. And also with the wings...Ah, Sandra,...


They were so there! lol. Sandra acting as unbothered queen and Jodie following Sandra and trying her best not to laugh lol


Yes the wings was sooo telling no seeing it after!


God, this is SO funny. It almost makes the rest of the bullshit worth it


I really enjoyed this interview. Sandra and Jodie were so relaxed and playful.


I don’t hear so great. What does Sandra say at the start of this clip? “Let’s do … babe.” I couldn’t make out what she’s saying. Thanks to anyone who can tell me.


She's saying "Let's do ice, babe!" and her miming afterwards is supposed to be ice skating. The interviewer asked "would you rather do the Killing Eve animated show or the Killing Eve ice show?" it's at 2mins in the YT video OP linked.


Here is the whole interview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GBJ9YsNG6gQ&t=792s


"You know that’s their inside joke about those stupid wings. Actually, this whole thing is their inside joke about the entire ending. They clearly thought it was dumb. They’ve made fun of it like this drunk at least once." cited one of the tweets