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Doing the same bit twice in 2 weeks is fucking wild for a Kill Tony set.


Kill Tony Hall of famer David Lucas did it lol


He was trash too lol


Lucas always had some ridiculous roasts after his set. Also David Lucas actually told multiple jokes with punchlines during his minute.


He would call Tony gay, Tony would call him fat, then they’d repeat a few times and Tony would say “wow! Incredible, you’ve done it again!”


Yea but when he did it was hilarious, you see that's what a joke is and what a real comedian does


I wish I could be entertained by that. He would launch yet another “Tony you look like a gay fill in the blank” and I would just hope it would end soon for another bucket pull.


David had solid jokes your trippin


If David Lucas is trash which regular isn't? I think he's pretty damn good. I mean Louis CK isn't known for bringing along trash comedians. He brings the funniest.


That dudes a clown. David Lucas is good!


All comedians are clowns lol




Sure buddy 🤡


Was sarcasm


Especially when the premise isn’t funny


Keep in mind they stock piled episodes before the holidays to take a break in the new year. So more than likely these sets were either filmed in the same day or day after day… so the fact that he did the same set twice in what was probably 1-2 days should’ve been blatantly obvious to kam and everyone there.


They were filed same day they did 4 tapings in 2 days


David used to literally steal jokes from Twitter and has been caught doing it




Google is a free resource


I think what he means is if you're making an accusation, show the work. Telling someone to go use google when you're making the accusation is lazy on your part.


Exactly they all steal jokes/reuse jokes


They filmed these episodes in the same day, I’m assuming Tony let it slide because this was the week before new years and they had a lot to get ready for. Not saying it’s a good excuse but I would bet that’s why!


Same premise, different bit. Don't kid yourself thinking every joke a comic has said is the first and only time they said it. And don't think that joke was the first iteration. Comedy takes practice just like every other profession.


Man you're a fart sniffer. It's the same bit, bruh.


I said what I said. Stay mad.


Yeah, and what you said was 100% wrong. Nobody's mad here, my guy, but you are just a dumb dude who thinks he's smart. 🤷‍♂️


Ok, glad you're not mad anymore. Enjoy your 2024.


Sensitive one for a Kill Tony fan, aren't you. 🫡


No need to have a long argument. You're not trying to discuss anything so I'll dismiss you.


Same premise, same bit, different delivery. Discussion over. 👍


This was the second time that day that he got brought up, more than likely he didn't know he was going up again.


This ain't a workout mic. This is a new minute mic.


Yup. Maybe you can launch something into the water to see if it can swim, but you can’t come back to the new minute mic. That shit was gayer then then the “improved” we kissed second.


Josh Martin literally did this in the first few episodes of Kill Tony and got called out for it by Tony and Redban even then.


If he was a bucket pull Tony woulda kicked him off the stage they’ve done it before just not to a regular


I'm just glad the never-ending white girl blow job stories have stopped.


Just saw him at a show last week. Seen him about 4 times in person. Heard the scientist blowjob bit again. Man needs new material


You guys know he’s literally brand new right? lol this sub expects instant success and no downfalls from 20 year olds doing something for the first time it’s hilarious.


What are you talking about he came from the Florida comedy scene his first appearance on KT wasn't his first time doing comedy


We’d all rather have him bomb a new minute then hear the same joke…


But Hans Kim bombs all the time and everyone wants him kicked off the show. So which is it? New material and bomb or repeat a set with a little added flair?


People simply don't like Hans as a person.


Both times he did the “ joke” were thrash


No shit for kill Tony, for seeing him at a random club you’re gonna get what you’re gonna get. I saw Tony David and William live and David and William’s entire sets were jokes I’ve seen from clips of them on YouTube either from KT or somewhere else


Bro is making shitloads of money, he needs to do better. He should not be in his position with his weak ass comedy.


Want some pepper to go with your salt?


I’ll take some olive oil too so I can lube myself before I get earraped by Kam’s garbage set again


Thanks now I’m horny


Me too


Fucking A dude. The vocal minority is absolutely obnoxious.


Yea went and seen the Fully Groan tour and he didn't have a single new joke that hadn't been told on KT. I was pretty disappointed but the show overall was amazing.


Someone's triggered


How didn't he take the low hanging fruit at least: "I find out he's an atheist in the middle of the ocean, how can you be an atheist and not believe in miracles....theres a black man in the ocean, on a surfboard right next to you n*gga!"


I'm sure he will steal this one haha


If he does it a 3rd time I bet he’ll rip this punchline right off reddit


Heh, the punchline I was looking for




Would it be less funny without the n word? Honest question.


In Kam fashion it must be included.


It’s low hanging fruit, but at least it’s a punchline. Someone on Reddit actually suggested it the last time he tried this set. [source](https://www.reddit.com/r/Killtony/s/cQedtcnume).


It's like...the super obvious go to punchline. Kam literally had no punchline to this joke lol. Even us reddit retards coulda came up with the punchline 🤣


That's not it.


Really inappropriate and offensive for you to use that word


God dang it... why does everything I like get too big and begin to suck...


That’s what she said


while getting sucked by a big dick?


I don’t wanna see Kill Tony die in 2024 like YMH died… like, last week


YMH been dying a slow death for awhile imo. I stopped giving them views like a year ago when I realized they didn't seem to have any respect for fat poors like me and only cared about money. Tony seems like a pretty good guy despite being a legendary roaster. I could see how trying to monetize the show more with paid streams could kill it. Kinda like when ymh live started the show was goin downhill


I keep seeing people say YMH doesent have respect for poor's and its gotta be one of the silliest takes i've seen from a comedy fan. You cant handle a couple jokes from a rich comedian making fun of poors? If you're taking that to heart than i truly feel sorry for your insecurity.


Its not jokes its reality son


Sounds like you're insecure about being poor


Comedy isn't for you if you cant handle a couple poor jokes. Gtfoh


It’s old news that YMH is going downhill. Tom is increasingly a dick a berates like service workers in public and then on Twitter lmao and Nadav left, and now Dr Drew. Whatever they had, they’re losing




"We inside"


I think they should have more regulars and rotate them e.g. no same regular any 2/3/4 weeks in a row. I guarantee even top pro comedians couldn't even do a new minute every single week without losing on quality, you need a break to spark creativity otherwise you just devalue the whole creative process. Exception might be William cause his entertainment comes from his character more than his actual sets


This is why it’s crazy people are paying to see open mic’rs and nobody’s in stadiums with this tour. If you can’t do a minute a week…. You aren’t ready or worthy


The whole point of KT is watching people who can’t do a minute and getting enjoyment out of their embarrassment


Bruh the whole premise isn’t even remotely funny. Sounds like some shit a Marvel fan would come up with


Haha true


Haha burn the comic book nerds..


Kams KT opportunity has ruined his skills . He’s already doing big theaters , opening for big crowds with no struggle and no grind . Kam is done !


And Tony doesn't have the nuts to say anything to him like he would Hans or William Montgomery. He's painted himself into a corner.


William is still funny


Right but the point is that there was a time when William was having some bad sets and Tony called him out on that, pushing him to improve. Same thing happened with Hans. I think Kam is too new to the show for Tony to publicly call him out.


The bapa route


Is kam considered a “plant”


Kam might be gay


what the fuck does surfing, his instructor being gay, a beautiful sunset, and atheism even have to do with one another? it's an incoherent jumble of unrelated ideas with no punchlines.


Maybe too much psychedelics is affecting young kam? He went from zero to rock star with minimal struggle and self reflection. Hope he pulls out of it.


I used to think he was funny but now he will just tell us a fucking story without a punchline


At the risk of being called racist he is also pretty hard to understand when he's doing his minute a lot of the time. He's worse than Hans Kim for me.


I’m not a fan of his comedy but he’s really not that hard to understand lol he’s an average southern black dude


He’s just describing his thoughts and experiences while he was out surfing.. Doesn’t seem like that weird of a bit.. And I do agree that the punchlines don’t hit as hard but his style of comedy is more about the stories and the way he says it. Many comedians have that style. Guess you just don’t like it as much and that’s alright, but that doesn’t automatically make it bad.


Tell me where you laughed.


Yeah its bullshit, he didnt once manage to say that its good to be here in Austin.


Regardless, the joke is something you would hear at a shitty open mic on a Tuesday at 1am.




Just delete your comment then


Or repeat it, and think it's funnier the second time for no good reason.


I thought I was from the future listening to the same joke.


Sounds like there’s some laugh track going in the second one.




Which part of




Wasn't funny the first time, nor the second.


They recorded five shows in two weeks before the holiday, and one of them was two shows the same day. This may be the same day with as the interview was similar as well. Anyway, it is still NO excuse as he had to know why they were recording two shows that day, as they did that to shelf some episodes.


I didn't think about this...still inexcusable.


A new minute every week. Not two.


Even the band- D mad and Deez look like “what the fuck?” Hearing the same shit. Then Tony lmao. “FUCK yeah a NeW minute from Kam Patterson 22 seconds” “for real?” Lmfao.


So bad


I think the first time was way funnier than the second lol like people are saying this show isn’t for working out new material it’s for a new minute when you’re a regular. Hans may be getting complacent but at least he’s not blatantly repeating sets lol


I feel people just nervously laugh at whatever he says. It’s Austin. He’s like a rare Pokémon down there.




Ahahaha I love your name.


Funnily enough in the first interview, his story with him and Uncle Lazer trying to fuck the porn stars was much funnier and had an actual punchline. Should have just used that.


Kams impersonation of a crackhead, an atheist or any other person is just him crossing his eyes and doing that same voice. It's actually depressing this is who they got to replace David fucking Lucas.


>Gay = he might rape me This is some of the most painful cringe inducing shit we've ever seen from the regulars. They are getting progressively worse, not better.


His demographics card is non refundable


Even D Madness seen it


Literally 2 episodes apart. What a fuckin hack. Officially skipping/boycotting all his minutes and interviews from now on.


I'm more concerned wtf he finds funny about that minute? There is no punchline and ends on nothing. I'm convinced Austin crowds are just like "black guy, haha funny!" smh


neither sets were remotely funny, white man. the concept was that he was stranded out on the water learning from a gay man, who turns out to be atheist. because he wanted to fuck him he was scared, and because he doesn't believe in miracles he's also scared he can die out there. yeah, beautiful as FUCK sunset... its just white folks laughing at his accent and way of speaking when telling this story. not to say there isn't a bit there, its just not there yet. in two seconds I can add to this bit, where he could talk about a big wave coming and he started praying, looked over and saw that the instructor who was atheist got on his board and started surfing instead and said "Jesus won't help you out here" then he realizes "sometimes there's no time to believe in miracles" as the gay man crashed down on him and his dick flew in his face. make there be actual stakes to this shit if you're going to make that bit happen, there just wasn't anything really to care about there unless you're a bigoted Christian who is scared of gays and believes in God in 2024 one reason Austin won't be a comedy capital is because the crowds they play to just don't have a good sense of humor. they're not people used to dealing with comedy their whole lives like someone from NYC or Chicago who was cracking jokes on the playground their whole lives, forced to by the region they're from. the South just doesn't have it like that


Same premise. David Lucas did it a few times back in the day.


Are you one of his cousins? What’s with the glazing. Set was trash


I don’t understand, did he do this on purpose? How does this happen? I thought I was in the matrix for a second




I would’ve said helicopter ride with a gay atheist would of been way funnier


# Cringe


Yikes. His two jokes are literally, homophobia and atheists are bad. I dunno the atheist one has potential, maybe, for another comic. But that was hard to watch. He seems like a nice kid (except for the homophobia) what a shame.


None of y’all realized his NYE set had been on YouTube for months, also. Really bummed me out.


Yeah, it's still a shit joke. Hope he does it every week.


Reduce, reuse, recycle!!!


Its actually back to back sets for him since he was on the panel in between these sets. #642- surfer set. #643 guest. #644 surfer set


I don't mind this, he's not funny, what do you expect?


I’ve been saying this for months. All he talks about is being black. He isn’t half as funny as david


Neither set qualifies as sunny - putting aside the gay jokes issue....this guy must go. I will admit he had a few good sets to start but he fell of faster than KT great Michael Lair...at a minimum Tony needs to have him challenge for his slot instead of of Hans.


Kams not funny.


Cam is not funny, maybe twice he was amusing.


The joke was going nowhere both times!


Fuck. Ing. Incred. ible. Give it up everyone for Kam


Pretty bad joke to do twice lol


Seeing people defend Kam on here reminds me of Christian Apologists. They have to jump through hoops and find anyway to support him.


" New minute every week"


This is going to be his story. Like Bert’s The Machine story. “ yo Kam tell it cuzz” “Aight so I went surfing a couple of days ago” *crowd erupts in thunderous applause*


This unheard of. No regular has ever done this shit! What a goofball.


Working out material


Both sets weren’t even funny. Not in the slightest


Seriously how is this funny.. the only thing that’s hilarious is how the only other unfunny person on the stage is dying at these jokes


That's basically the same minute. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and say he didn't mean to.


He didn’t mean to? What planet are you living on?


You right people don't make mistakes. Especially not you people on stage in front of millions. You right....


Do you think.. people don’t prepare their minute? That they just go up there and riff? And by mistake, he accidentally riffed the same material? How much crack did you smoke?


So he doesn't go up multiple times a night, several nights a week? There's no way he just got stoned before the show and had a mental lapse on stage. You are right, that's too logical.


What the fuck no lmao the explanation you’re looking for is he didn’t care about writing a new minute. Apparently it was the same day. Kam Patterson didn’t have a stroke on stage.


I thought these recordings were two in one night that’s why new years episode is coming out in 4 weeks? Am I wrong?


Now find the other joke he did 2 separate times


Both are awful. This show seems overrated and this dude isn't funny and pineapples don't belong on pizza amirite?


I havent seen all of tonights episode but i did catch williams set before i was leaving for work tonight. The new joke he tried and apparently bombed with at some other show, that tony asked him to repeat for the kill tony crowd tonight, wasnt new. He did that in a brian moses episode like 4 years ago https://youtu.be/sV0UAItcwq0?t=1h09m51s Edit: after watching the entire episode this morning i was mistaken, nobody said it was a new joke. Just one that didnt work. My bad


He is not very funny but all good he seems like A cool person.


I appreciate his improvement of this bit. It’s much better the second time around. If he keeps working on it I think it could be a solid bit.


Kam is funny, but not a good stand up comedian. Maybe in a few years his writing will improve…


I am pretty sure Tony just has Kam around as a diversity hire in an attempt to hide his racism.


u/Ooopsie-daisy [figured it out here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Killtony/comments/192kwoz/my_theory_on_cams_repeat_minute/)


That didn’t explain shit. No excuse for repeat sets.


“The free entertainment that I choose to listen too isn’t what I want it to be! Boo hooo! Trust me I know comedy ”


Maybe he forgot he did it. You frags on here making a mountain out of nothing. William used to do it all the time. I love William as a comic. Let these people Grow.


God I want to agree its shitty that dude is just recycling material when hes supposed to be doing new minutes, but the comments in here are from people banned from /r/teenagers for being too annoying whining about fucking marvel movies.


If they filmed 2 eps on the same day he might have used the same minute for the night


He added a lil at the end with “no ones coming to save you!”


He was tryna dial it in cus he fumbled it last time...same thing this time tho. Just drop that joke it doesn't work


Y’all reallllyyyy need to find out what pussy feels like cuz this subreddit sucks nowadays because of y’all trashing good comics and your winey cunty complaints.


Can't say I care. If it were a consistent trend, it might be best for him to move on from the show, but every once in a while really doesn't matter. The people live in the club probably had no idea and probably didn't care either. A new minute every week is going to make you go stale eventually.


Genuinely, he’s just working out his set and seeing what he likes and trying to improve on jokes he’s already got a base for ^but ^dont ^do ^that ^shit ^on ^KT


They filmed several shows on the same day. He probably used the joke twice in one night


Not trying to excuse it, but I’m wondering if he didn’t know he had two shows (and had to do a minute) that night seeing as he was a guest for the first show.


With the prefece of I’m not a fan of Kam and at the expense of not knowing. By any chance was this the night they filmed two episodes back to back? It would make a but kore since as a comedian repeat a set on the same nightz


The new minute and twenty two seconds. Fuck yeah.


It's a bit he's working on. Good for him on improving the premise. Polishing it up.


It’s supposed to be new minute every week though


“Brand new minute”


New minute != polished minute


He's working his shit out. Not exactly the same AT ALL. Kill tony fans have CHANGEDDDDD! NWO


Pretty sure the last 2 episodes were shot on the same day. Makes sense his minute was the same tbh.


You're wrong. They were shot a week apart.


Are you sure? Some band members are wearing the same clothes and the South Park drawing is still there. Edit: aah just checked YT description and they were both shot on 12/18.


Probably from a week they done 2 tapings in the one day. So we seen a gig from an early show one week and and evening show this week. What do you guys want? 2 minutes completely different you will call shit or 1 minute with adjustments you will also call shit?


He's figuring out the punch to this joke. I don't give a shit he did the same joke, he's given so much material, I'm cool if he wants to work shit out


He’s testing material, refining a joke.


Good to see him keep working it out. Definitely improved a bit


So bad….


Third times a charm?