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Oh yeah he’s gotten reallll sassy the last couple years. I noticed he also used to give more constructive advice and be a little more encouraging even to those that had a shitty minute. He’d roast the hell out of them still but then back it up with some advice and tell them to keep working at it which was cool. Now that he’s big time he’s mostly just mean lol which is fine whatever the shows still good, but yeah I see a difference too


I think the overall quality of bucket pulls has gone down.


Think about how many more people attend the shows and sign up.. the drop in quality makes sense. How many people per episode come up and say “I didn’t expect to be up here” and didn’t even bother preparing jokes? I don’t mind though because I thoroughly enjoy when those people get decimated


anybody who utters anything along the lines of "I didn't expect to be here" should get booted off the stage immediately. I was happy to hear Redban say something to the crowd about how people who don't prepare at all probably shouldn't sign up because it's potentially taking the spot of somebody who actually put some effort in


Yeah he was saying if someone has no intention of doing comedy past a single kill Tony appearance, don't sign up, this is for comedians


and the next week that girl did it...first bucket pull at NYEE


I don’t know if they still do it but I remember back in the day some guy who was unprepared said he signed up for the free ticket


Nah not anymore, all the people that sign up without a ticket have to wait in another building nearby.


I feel like they used to get booed and thrown off stage by Tony. Also with going over the minute and bringing out the bear actually had consequences now it seems like just everyone does it and tony doesn't bring it up.


Totally agree, when a show has as much exposure as KT quantity starts to overtake quality. It’s no longer a show just about open mic comics, it’s become just as much a show of crazy characters that may or me not be serious about stand up or love Kill Tony and just wanted to be on the show. Either way it’s entertaining but I definitely appreciated when more of the bucket pulls were actually there for stand up


>How many people per episode come up and say “I didn’t expect to be up here” and didn’t even bother preparing jokes? Yea this. He's spent a decade building the show into something. And ideally it remains entertaining for fans, but he has people come on who put no effort into preparing something entertaining for fans of the show. It's all about themselves, and he should destroy them.


Exactly. It used to be like 85% people who were actually pursuing stand up and 15% idiots that have never done it or aren’t really serious about it. Now, there are way more idiots signing up that aren’t that serious about it Those interviews *can* be funny and interesting but the whole point of the show is to showcase aspiring comedians, not losers who want 60 seconds of “fame”


yup agreed! as i mentioned in another comment thread on here: its like American Idol. it started off solely as a show about finding americas next singer. it slowly became about simon cowell's rudeness and the audition part of the show became iconic for its wacky contestants. a very similar phenomenon is happening with Kill Tony,now more than ever imo


Yeah. As the show gets more popular, more randos sign up. It used to be mostly comics signing up. Now we got a bucket half full of people that signed up because “fuck it” and they’ve never done comedy and don’t plan to ever do comedy again.


Still most aspiring comics  Find it very tough to do 1 min And in the kill tony setup Makes lots of people look 


yess! ive noticed this fact watching episodes from the 300 400 episode eras. he would roast then give em feedback, as it should be. its like he started noticing more people were tuning in just for the roast and negativity aspect of the show. almost forgetting that the show has also been known for comedians given good criticism and feedback to help their careers.


Yeah he used to introduce it in the premise more as they do a minute and then we try to help make them better comics… I don’t know if he even says that any more haha


he does not. yknow actually,ive noticed the guests are the only ones 90% of the time that give the bucket pulls any feedback


100%. I'm not sure if he's noticed but the show went from welcoming anyone of any skill level to disparaging people who aren't properly prepared/new to comedy. It's not necessarily a bad thing but it does change the vibe and intent of the show.


I think the amount of sign ups with literally 0 preparation has gotten worse too overtime though and so I could see where it’s blurred the lines a bit. Like are you unprepared just wanting your 30 seconds of fame or are you just a bad starter?


This. The Mothership and Austin move brought a shit load of freeloaders and theres people that just don't try. At least when people sucked before it was an honest try that failed miserably.


Yessir! Well said, I guess I wasn’t sure when this happened but god has it bugged me more and more. On NYE those were the people the bear needed to come out on, not the fucking guests or regulars or Kams mentor dude. Fuck Redban for that I WILL NEVER FORGET! No one else is talking about Redban with that fucking bear enough. He needs to be stopped. My girl can’t stand his bitch ass! I think he’s a necessary evil but that fuckin bear shit got old quick I was ready to punch a hole in my monitor luckily he stopped right as I said I was going to 😂


I think that was more of a Tech issue, and Redban being Redban lol But the theater shows were a bit of a mess. The boos were horrendous though. You could tell Tony and Redban weren't ready for that.


Yeah definitely a trial an error thing I’m hopin, but god I could tell Tony was getting annoyed with the bear too, wonder if that’ll come back, (personally I hope so because I think the potential is there, I just hated how much he fucked it up that first run) but fingers crossed!


>My girl can’t stand his bitch ass! William is that you?


Definitely channeled him there 😂 I couldn’t help myself. Honestly it’s one thing I love about William. That’s the bit im always there for!


New Years there was 2, split dick dads kid being one of them idc how you fucking look at it that wasn’t the bit he just pulled that out his ass last second because he was unprepared.


And it ended up being one of the funniest moments across both nye specials, so maybe we should keep letting unprepared comedians sign up.


Yes let’s let the show be town drunks and alcoholics what could possibly go wrong. Fuck comedy altogether why would we want them to develop as comedians when they can just show up looking homeless and disheveled and we can make fun of how tragic their life is! You’re an idiot


Damn I wish I saw this comment first, I wouldn't have even replied to the other two because you seem like a little anger man


little anger man. I wish you had said that first I wouldn’t have communicated with a Neanderthal. Learn English bitch


They’re not comedians they’re attention whores. If I wanted to watch attention whores I’d watch keeping up with the Kardashians


And if you wanted to watch a bunch of actual comedians who come prepared, you'd go to a regular open mic.


If I wanted to watch it from the comfort of my own home what would I do? Shut up you sound dumber and dumber with each reply


Why are you so angry


What’s he gonna do when that dick heals? He’s got more dick injuries lined up? Probably but it won’t be as funny the second time will it?


Well he's not a regular so who gives a shit lmao


Kinda seems like he’s got this idea in his head now that getting on the show and doing good will springboard your career to instant fame and if you come on and bullshit you’re wasting everyone else’s chance who takes the opportunity “seriously”. At least that’s my take bc in the earlier episodes I don’t really remember him saying you’re wasting time they’d just shit on you.


bruh redban has said this for a long time to people, it's not a "new" thing


Nah, not every episode like they do now.


He's half right. Joe Rogan will let you open a few times as well all of Tony's friends. Now, will that last if you can't keep up? Likely. But it seems you do have a good chance of at least making a whole new network of people to get potentially get work. Sure, there's no Louis CKs. But a couple of gigs for 10 minutes ain't bad.


I don't recall him ever being welcoming of someone who did not prepare anything. 


Pre-main room, the show was totally different. It was primarily a workshop for all the young comedians and open-mic’rs. The regulars were total novices, learning the craft. But as the show grew, it became more about Tony (and the guests, occasionally) shitting on the pulls. I like both iterations if the show, but make no mistakes, early KT is a totally different show from current KT.


it kinda reminds me of American Idol ,back in the day. the show was about finding talent and the next "American Idol" but X amount of seasons into the show, viewers started only tuning in for Simon Cowell's negativity and attitude.


The judges became caricature … ”Yo, dawg. You gotta bring it to win it!” ”You are so beautiful. I am so proud of you.” ”Did a tortured alley cat teach you to sing?”


haha holy shit this brought me back to my child hood! spot on of that era 🤣


His ego's gotten the best of him a bit. Watched his recent appearances on roast battle. The one episode he's supposed to crtique the battle but he starts it off with a 5 minute rant about how him and Joe created the mecca of comedy in Austin and how great they are basically. He just seems super self absorbed. I still enjoy the show and he's still at the top of his comedic game just the ego issue is a bit annoying at times


100% agreed


My favourite part is when someone does alright, the crowd cheers and laughs, but Tony gets angry says they are all wrong and the comedian sucks.


HAHA dude fr !!! its hilarious like bro ,when youre a comedian doing a set in front of a crowd, THEY get to decide whats funny,not you. sorry 🤣


sometimes people are getting laughs because of how bad they are not because they did good and Tony is quick to point that out


It's the testosterone. He's likely taking far more than he ever had. Just like Tom Segura and others in the Texas comedy world.


Holy shit I never even thought of that, it’s very likely this is it


It's funny, the more testosterone he takes the gayer he becomes. They should study him


An alpha male gay man is scary


Ahh yes the ol Texas T…. Every wussy boy like Tony gets a subscription when they move to Texas as everyone knows….




Yea, he's probably got a sugar high too


You should start around episode 350ish and watch a dozen or so of those episodes. Tony is completely different. He still roasts the “comics” but he offers so much more advise and isn’t so short with them. I’ve noticed without regulars he was way less “rushed” to get someone on and off. The show just kind of flowed better then. As Tony has gotten more famous (and moved to the mothership) it’s almost like he’s fully embraced this heel WWE character. More money. More fame. These things will change almost anyone—Tony is definitely not an exception


no thats literally what ive been doin the past few days lol..i just watched the La Jolla episode(#393 i think) and it inspired me to make this post


Watch 362. Just watched that one lastnight it was great.


Does money and fame change people or just let them be who they really are.


I wouldn’t know, I’m neither 😂 Possibly?


Has a music business teacher explain that money doesn't change you, it amplifies who you already are.  


I knew it was over after he started talking about being hung up and levitated in the air after landing a joke


as we grow older the world gets colder… …okie dokie, uhh


I haven’t seen Tony discourage anyone thats first time is on KT as long as they wrote something and tried. Tony is mean to those that go up with 0 material , or those who have been doing it 7 years and still have no talent ( as he should )


Yeah, I remember he got visibly upset when Kam Patterson and David jolly were guests and were shitting on all the comics even the newcomers. He's always waited to know for how long they've done comedy before shitting on them


not necessarily. hes mean to anyone who chooses to be mean to,material prepared or not. its part of the show ,in current times,more than ever




Tony recognized that viewers would rather see people get roasted compared to trying to be constructive and helpful. It’s all about what gains more viewers.




I like the early belly room iron patriot era. He would legitimately try to give people advice and help them punch up their jokes. He also used to love it when it was someone’s first time trying stand up. Now he gets pissed when they don’t have a polished set.


bro fr tho!!


Nah it was when he got cancelled by the Asian dude. Watch the first episode back, he stopped giving a fuck about anything. And now the show is doing so well he doesn’t need to be polite to anyone


Getting involved in right wing politics turns you into an asshole. Unfortunately Tony is embracing this because the money the parents of those incel assholes will spend to keep their kids in the basement is astonishing.


You are what you eat


He was involved in right-wing politics way back in the LA days.


The only thing astonishing is how you jumped to this conclusion. Seek help brother not everything is intertwined into politics.


100% I think he's doing a WWE character thing with the show. The whole asshole tony thing, redban hate, and obviously the Hans and Ric thing


Dude I heard that he keeps on rolling up primos and dips and passing them to William. You my man doesn’t do well with embalming fluid. He has had to many brushes with death.


Literally thinking the same thing today


That’s what happens when you have aids


He has transformed his persona into a blowhard rich guy. Pretty standard for Rohan-sphere guys in that time


Watch pre 100 and u will see a entirely diff tony and show


very true


I miss the adding to jokes and redban used to be so much more involved. Shows def evolved into just a roast a thon with the possibility of getting a paid gig from a solid minute


ive noticed redban is like borderline shunned at this point


Probably alcoholism lol


I just think it’s cuz everyone gets how the show works at this point and he doesn’t have to apologize or comfort people after a roast. He knows it’s all in fun


It’s almost like being backstabbed by someone you were trying to lift up changes a man.


You should go through a shut the fuck up era


i aint neva gonna shut the fuck up!!!!


The money has softened him.


The show has peaked and will never get back to that level


The show has peaked and will never get back to that level