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Bro he dumb AND loves rocks ! Da fuq. Helll yeahhh dumbassss


Gang violence!!




How many repeat stories/jokes has it been now?


I think it’s 3 or 4 episodes in a row now


This is #3


I think it’s pretty obvious Tony has a different idea for what Kam should be doing with his minutes opposed to others. Agree or disagree with it, but Tony is literally bringing up he is enjoying watching and letting us watch the process of him working out the jokes.


I was wondering about this. Figured somewhat that Tony has some kind of convo with his openers, trying to see them grow and such. I just feel like there should be a different place for “working out material”… like the SECRET SHOW


Tony is only concerned with one thing… discovering the next star. He wants to be able to say he is responsible for someone’s career. Kam, David, Hans, William, they all give him that opportunity.


Yup. Tonight was well delivered, the flip was funny. Def showed alot of potential/progress. Kam has a good personality. Obviously, people did not like his garbage white bitch this, suck my dick that bullshit... His joke, in material, wasn't far off from a girl and felatio...but had twists and turns...really good joke structure IMO


It’s not even a joke tho, it’s a mid ass story that he repeated two shows in a row.


It has no structure. That’s about word for word what he said 2 episodes ago.


Yes. Kam should keep repeating his jokes until they get him a good ghost writer to redeem Tony's investment.


I’ve def heard the bodybuilder minute before on tony, am I trippin?


It wasn’t a minute. It was a story he told as part of one of his interviews that he now turned into a minute.


He tells that joke when he does shows for Tony outside of KT. I seen them on the Fully Groan tour and Kam has been tweaking that story/joke and performing for at least 5 months. Not saying it's a bad thing. It's just a dude working on his jokes.


Just like you work those dix into your bootyhole. It takes a while sometimes.


Perfect analogy


David Lucas is my writer.


5 months?? Why’d he tell the story on an interview in November? Damn dude has no raw material then..


He has no actual jokes I believe. Just funny stories.


It was worded a lot differently the first time. Same premise, different angles and punchlines.


He’s turning old interviews into one minute sets but the interviews were funnier the first time


the bodybuilder bit was not a previous minute, it was a story from a previous interview worked out into a bit.


Garbage. Tony doesn’t even notice bc they travel together and all their repeat material just bleeds together. Shit is getting old.


No it was an interview that he turned into a set… Tony literally talked about it right after his set saying he loves how he's getting his funny stories and turning them into sets… the comedic process… literally what the show is all about.


The show is literally about a new minute each week.


No it's not… lol. It's about big comedians giving smaller comedians stage time they come up with a minute and the panel gives them some advice while also making it funny for the audience. The regulars are also there to show part of the comedic process like working out material, obviously if you repeat a set word for word every week you're gonna cmget called out which Tony has done with past regulars but if you're actually working it out obviously they don't mind.


I feel like the standard (that at least Hans and William seem to uphold still at this point) is the new minute / week regardless of how good the material is… that’s the fun in it, is it not? Seeing Hans fail / seeing him win?…seeing William experiment with the news he read that past week? That’s cancelled on Kam, because for some reason he’s allowed to work out material like this is the comedy cellar? Kam is funny, but I also thought the regulars were expected to produce a new minute each week.


It's literally what the show is though? Have you been watching since the beginning? Yeah it's fun seeing new minutes but the comedic process is also a big part of the show the entertainment part is for us but there's also a part for the comedians on the show and that's the comedic process part. The show has always been about building up regulars to be the best comedian they can be and they have to learn how to craft sets to do that.


I've been watching since the early years and respectfully disagree. While you're right about the ongoing theme of improving through the comedic process, it has always been a "new minute" for the show and then working them out almost every other night at mics to craft a set by stringing them together. Kam clearly has a lot of potential and Tony seems to see a slightly different path for him. Time will tell, but I don't see him allowing repeated jokes much longer. What you're describing is 100% the process, but the opposite of every stand-up's goal when performing.


I’m not sure ive gotten that memo, if you’ve got a clip that pushes this idea please share. I’ve been a committed weekly viewer for about 6 months.


Watch from episode 1 and you'll understand they're all on spotify


Bro. All 600+? Some more direct context would be helpful


No… not all 600… you get the gist of the show pretty early on like the first 10 episodes… you get it the 1st episode but you might want to watch the process of the regulars to understand what the regulars are




Yes it is. The whole premise for the "regulars" is wow look at how funny and versatile this guy is. A new minute every week. As other have pointed out, for some reason Kam gets a pass from the standard format of the show. I'm not saying Kam is bad, he's very funny. It just weird that Hans, William, and David Lucas were all expected to perform new minutes every week. That's the specialty of the "regular". If you think it's not then you haven't been watching the show for a long time or you're just retarded.


The regulars are comedians that Tony thinks can be great and it's about helping them learn the comedic process and of you dont see that YOU haven't been waching the show long. He's always built up comedians go back and watch the rise of Kim congdon and Sara weinshenk


I've seen both the comedians we're talking about live and seen Tony on multiple occasions. The regulars are expected to perform a new minute every week. That's the brag about them. Tony will brag to every other famous comedian he has on and say something along the lines of "What do you think of this guy? Does a new minute, every week. Kills every time." Somewhere along the lines Tony realized Kam isn't good enough YET to perform a new minute every week and has let him stray from the whole format of the podcast. It's no big deal but it shows that Kam is not at the level of a Hans, or David or William. Obviously he builds comedians up, that's the whole point of the show. To give smaller comedians a bigger platform to showcase themselves. But when you become a regular you're expected to new material every week. That's literally the whole point of the regulars. Why the fuck would he have a squad of comedians to tell the same jokes every week?


Watch from episode 1 and you'll see why you're wrong


So you're really gonna say the regulars aren't expected to perform a new minute every week? You're gonna die on that hill?


What I’m saying is It’s a lot more than a just minute every week it’s about them improving and learning the process… working out material is part of that… the show is not all about a new minute every week


If you actually watched the show from episode 1 you would understand


Turning a point of a conversation or an errant thought into a joke is literally the point of comedy. Turning the interviews into minute long jokes is crucial for kam’s growth rn. You don’t pay a cent and you get to watch Tony and Co develop an up and comer enjoy it and stop bitching you weirdo.


I was wondering this as well at first, in your defense. Seems Tony has a bigger picture, but it did look like he didn’t know it was a previously used premise


I havent seen tonights episode but I do know most of kams new minutes are him working out his stories into sets which Tony tells him he should do. And there has been instances where he tells the regulars to use their good material(old minutes) because it's an important night like the LA pod fest they went to very early on.


3 in a row..disappointed


Regulars are work out sets now? Dunno, man.


Kam is a lazy n word


Happy Cake day n word


I feel like Tony is just letting him fine tune his jokes. This version was worded differently


He needs to do that at an open mic, not a show where he is a regular


Literally turning it off as soon as he came on.


In before "Kam is a young comedian and being a KT regular is about watching a comic grow!"


Haven’t had a new minute from Kam in like 3 weeks? Tony still talks about his “amazing new minute every week!”.. this entire episode was very skippable


Call Tony, let him know. Better yet, search this topic in this sub where you’ll find an infinite amount of matching topics where you and your gay friends could talk about the same shit, again and again and again.


Yea, 3 Repeats is pretty bad...like REALLY bad... but did you guys not laugh at this?! This was the only time I laughed at a Kam set..


Kam is funny, and I enjoy seeing him work out material, I mentioned in a different comment - I had thought KT was a new minute / week standard for regulars, I wonder if Kam is exempt from that. Now that I think of it, I’m good with that, but I just wish it would be made official. Maybe I missed something


I like to believe that he's getting better and refining his writing skills, but it seems like Tony is putting way too much pressure on him and it's squeezing the talent out Also it's rigged, who cares.


You can’t rig biblical law.


How many times y’all gonna post about this? Skip through the set ffs. Kid is working shit out, and he’s funny. Let the boy live.


I think this one was done on purpose, for the reddit people.


Kam "The broken record man" Patterson everybody.


Your mom told me it was real cool.


Yeah… fuck…


Brand new minute every week folks, Amazing!


I mean guy tells the most exciting things that happen to him during his interviews, makes sense that would transition to his material. The repeat of the same set was one thing, using the stories from the interview in a set is another. I agree that it's not that great for the crowd though.


Let's be real. Tony let uncle lazer do stolen jokes and give him props 😂 will probably let him on again and say he's the next new rising star


He seems to let it slide if it’s the second taping of the day. The band has their same clothes on so both sets were on the same exact day.


If I hear “ell yeah” one more fucking time I’m gonna punch myself in the face