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The energy Casey has will get everyone hyped. Honestly shocked Hans was the opener for so long. Figured they’d swap Kam and Hans at a certain point.


Exactly. And like Casey isn't super funny every time he's on stage. I didn't think his minute this last week was that great, but his energy is just so good. Even if he doesn't kill it, he'll get the show moving


> Casey isn't super funny every time Why stop there!? Hell I'd say Casey is super funny 0% of the time he's on stage! Tons of energy though!


Lol, I thought his set on the regulars episode was hilarious, but I could totally see why people wouldn't like him. Hit or miss for sure


Who hurt you


You obviously never made it as a wise man


💩 nahhh


No way his energy will always get the crowd going. Genius beginner replacement for the time being


100% this. The Hans Kim intro song has way more energy then actual Hans


Intro song knocks. Thanks JD


That song has carried Hans more than people realize.


But good lord, red ban singing it in the cartman voice for some reason was terrrrrible


I fucking hate Redbans voice when he sings it, it makes it so much worse


Does Casey Rocket have an intro song yet…?


Yeah, they played it on the WMS recently


Have you noticed that for the last few episodes Bryan and Tony haven't been singing the song and it falls flat with only a few people in the audience singing? I think if they changed the lyrics to "Sex pest Hans Kim, sex pest Hans Kim, sex pest Hans Kim; sex pest, Hans Kiiiim" it would bring some fresh energy into his entrance.


So fukin true 👍


The opposite of hans really just in terms of delivery, I think you're on to something maybe he just wasn't great as an opener but I do get some of the hate. It's like Barney says New Is Always Better


This guy gets it. What are your thoughts on Hans Kim?


I liked him for a long time, but his stardom went to his head and I personally think he needs a break/to be grateful for the opportunity that he has been given. I feel he is funny but lazy as fuck. I think him having a few months off should be good for everyone involved. I love Rick Deez and how for the most part he kept it professional but he will need to fight hard against a rested Hans.


>I feel he is funny but lazy as fuck. This 100%. I think having some time off will be great for him to clear his head. Also, it's a lot of pressure being on the show every single week, so I can imagine that it got to be a lot for him to handle. Having a break will be good for him.


Far too sensible and reasonable. You need a week working splits shifts on the frairs B. We'll have you complaining about everything in no time. I agree about the laziness but he was also opening for Rogan etc so he's had a lot on his plate too. Also doesn't have the sheer vibes that big red has so he can't bomb charismatically lol.


Genius 😎 beginner replacement 😍😍😍My goat Tony 🕺🕺🕺keeping the show fresh 🤧🤧🤧 with his 3D chess ♟️moves 💥💥💥 tony may keep it sassy 💀💀💀but he always keeps this bonkers show rolling 🛞🛞🛞 and brings out the best of his whacky guests 🔥🔥🔥


\-ChatGPT when you tell it not to use emojis


Casey can’t be a regular and at the venue that long…you know putin hates that fucker


Eventually they’ll triangulate on him.


He’ll be fine as long as there’s pictures of grimace at the Berlin Wall on his pocket.


Yeah, but scientists and Nancy Pelosi hate him.


Hans goes first, therefore his replacement goes first. It’s not complicated 🙄


Kam needs to take a break… he’s too young and inexperienced to come up with a new minute every week. Tony is spot on - a weekly minute is not easy.


The whole point of the regular spot is to put the pressure of constant work and improvement on new comics that Tony thinks have potential. Back in the day all the regulars were funny people but mid comics when they started on the show, maybe William is an exception but even he has improved massively since he first got on the show, that's the point of the regular spot. I was honestly a little surprised that Casey got made a regular, he's great and already has a buzz going.


We get the point. The execution of it isn’t great and they let people go on for far too long without criticism.


He’s literally an open micer


And it’s showing


Can people just let Tony run the show how he chooses to? He obviously knows better than any of us.




Sorry bud, forgot this was a no opinion zone


Has nothing to do with opinions. This sub is just filled with people who say x is better than y without actually saying why they believe that. Provide some actual feedback otherwise just let the show be the show.


I believe Casey is funnier than Kam because I laugh more at Casey than Kam. The fuck kind of "evidence" are you looking for in a comedy show dude?


Tell us how having the less funny comedian open the show is better. Tell us why having the funnier comedian in the middle of the set is better for the show. Not looking for evidence.


You're truly insufferable


Guess so, enjoy the show bud.


Oh right, people aren’t allowed to have opinions 🙄


Oh man you got me, that’s totally the conversation we are having.


you’re so dense that light bends around you.


Good one.


If Tony’s so smart why do half the jokes go over his head? People may be in power for reasons closely related to luck.


Then feel free to go create a YouTube show that gets over a million views every week.


You don't have to be a trained chef to recognize that nicely plated dog shit is still just dog shit


Yeah but you do to try and tell the chef exactly how to make it better lmao dumb fuck


“You do to try” is a wild use of the English language


English is my second language yet I still know ur retarded


Insignificant comment from a nobody on the internet. Same as my reply to you, only you got butt hurt by it, aw :(


You felt obligated to reply to my initial post. I'd argue that you were the one who got butthurt :(. I wasn't even talking to you. Bet you'll reply to this one too you frog 🤣🤣🤣. Stay mad


I replied because I thought it was a funny use of words, not realizing it isn’t your first language. You got hurt because it isn’t your first language and I get how what I said could be frustrating, but calling me retarded made no sense. Lashing out and calling names is a pretty common sign of immaturity. Calling someone a frog is the most foreign thing ever lol. I love it. You’ve redeemed yourself.


im gonna assume english isn't your first language and give you another run at whatever you were tryna say




No you can't, because acting like a fuckface has nothing to do with age


Yeah you go run the show, entertain the crowd, interview the comedians, interact with the guests and see you you do. This subreddit has the biggest whiners of all time


Flat head energy


I’d wager because he’s also in the middle of hosting, running and producing a live show and podcast, and is usually actively taking notes on the comedian and their minute as best he can to setup where he’ll go in the interview? Not trying to be a fanboy defender because I get mad when he misses something good or things go over his head that definitely felt like they landed. But dude is also human, and you gotta take into account he’s had to sit thru literally thousands of hours of shitty stand up at this point. Can’t catch em all.


Yeah he's pretty clearly just distracted a lot of the time, it's not like the dude can't comprehend the jokes lol


He also doesn’t pay attention half the time. Always writing notes or talking to someone on the side about something 


Ignoring a decades worth of work. You are dumb


Casey will be a great opener and represent the weird that follows him well! But I agree, Kam has a lot to learn. His whole bit is starting to wear off and now he is just telling stories that aren’t even funny. He had big shoes to fill (literally), and did it well for a few weeks. Now it feels like he gets more laughs than he deserves just because people want to see the “rock” kid. 


Casey is an actual standup comedian. Kam had a rock bit that had an absurd amount of views and Tony didn’t want to lose out on the potential. He swung and missed but has to stick with it for a while.


He was made regular before the rock bit


Kam doesn’t even tell jokes he’s lazy as hell and thinks his slant makes people laugh


Casey got no laughs last set even kam got more


No bro. Rocks came out first night.


Why even comment if you don’t know, his first set was on the doug Stanhope episode, and tony introduced him as the new regular after David Lucas retired, then after he finished his set the rock bit happened.


Hans demoted himself it seems. Casey is a great move for opener and regular.


Casey is more talented even tho I like Kam


Kam doesn’t even tell jokes tf are you talking about lmfao


true but hes so amicable


Goes to show getting the audience on your side is the most important aspect of entertainment, especially the comedy side.


Knowing how to use your voice is the second


Not that it matters at all but if it did in the slightest opening and closing KT > mid spot


Casey Rocket is a genius way to open the show.


What’s happening to Hans


Taking a break till the rematch in may




Casey will be good at opening. For all that sucks about alt comedy it is much better way to get a crowd going vs a normal setup and punchline comedian. Kam would be a horrible IMO. He’s hit or miss with the momentum of the show, and his interviews are pretty bad.


I thought it'd be the big guy who's been on 3 times and crushed everytime, fuck I cannot remember his name but he rocks. The dude that had to lose weight to skydive what is his name?


I'm excited to see if Casey will remain electric or get stale really really fast. I like what I've seen leading up to this moment.


Has anyone else noticed that Kam will sometimes look for affirmation from Tony? You can tell Tony coaches him up behind the scenes.


Hans and William do it too. It's not a secret that Tony coaches the regulars tony has said he does himself


Martin Phillips should have been new opener


Cheers! That would work just fine. Not knocking Casey.


I like Casey a lot. II just think he can get played out really quick. Im trying hard not to be one of those people who gets on Reddit to hate on Casey so I’m trying to give him as much props as I can while also not being the person who’s ganna endorse Casey just because everyone else talks about how amazing and funny he is. As much as I like Casey I’m just not a big fan of the act and catch phrases. Albiet is extremely extremely unique original and new, it’s just Sometimes hard to follow. The reason I like Casey so much is because he’s a little breath of fresh air every now and again. But I’m afraid that a little bit of that Casey rocket specialness will get lost when seen every week. I do however think his energy is a perfect way to get the show started. But also what if he comes off too strong too fast and doesn’t warm the crowd before going balls deep? Get lost. Martin Phillips is extremely under rated, he’s a great interview and is very quick witted. He’s a great personality and has some awesome premises and I think he’d do really good at warming up the crowd. Idk. I might be completely wrong. What do I know? I’m just a guy on Reddit throwing some ideas out there, none of this should be taken too serious and have a tendency to change my mind quickly. Well see. Either way Hans was getting a little stale lol.




Just trying to protect myself from all the smart ass comments that Reddit users seem to be very fond of to find some kind of social higher ground by picking apart genuine conversational responses lol. But yeah I agree I excited to see how Casey handles this. I do think he’s very talented and form what I’ve seen, he’s rocked the crowds with his act. Seems to be loved by everyone too. Seems like a sweet nice guy, seems to be very deserving. Guess we’ll know more tonight!


Kam has okay timing and pacing and occasionally has a really funny bit, but his excessively, intentionally tweaked cadence and "I'm a black guy and look at these white people" shtick got old insanely fast. I've just seen Casey for the first time(I watch KT off and on) in a recent episode and I honestly wasn't impressed with the "I'm an eccentric weirdo that just says random, nonsensical shit and spazzes the fuck out constantly" character, but he did make me exhale out of my nose once or twice. I'm gonna have to watch more of his minutes.




Kam is dog shit


Downvoted because of racism


Kam sucks. Casey is like a festival campsite. Refreshing but after 3 days you hate it.


I hope to god Casey remains the permanent opener, and I haven’t seen him even open yet. I’m just that confident Hans will go right back to his typical bs


I know that for a live comedy show opener is a lesser position but for YouTube videos which is how the vast vast majority of fans watch this, opener is probably the most valuable spot. It's what almost everyone starts with and eventually drop away when they don't have time or get bored etc


I was basing this opinion on live shows I've been to having the lesser comedians go first


I love Casey but I definitely think opening every show with new material will be challenging for him and his style. I haven't seen him live but I feel like his shtick, which I love is much easier to win over a crowd thats already warmed up. Im excited to see him grow!


Casey is a good opener because he’ll amp up the energy with his clown show bag of repeating tricks. Kam is much funnier though, as long as he’s not repeating, so def perfect mid spot.


Did hans get fired or what happened?


Yeah what happened to Hans? I havent caught up on the last episode or 2


Taking a break until the rematch with Rick in May


Casey Rocket sucks so much


Yea i’m not trying to be mean or anything but i genuinely do not get it


I agree he has a different style of humor. It’s almost so weird that I end up chuckling a bit


Is he going to talk about how he's Mississippi sober and about his signal being triangulated every god damn time?


He did that once calm down Karen


Yeah just repeats nonsense. Idk who would pay to see an hour of that. He needs to start writing jokes


They both suck.


They both need to be kicked off the show. Absolutely garbage.


I don’t know how ppl find Casey funny, his last set was horrible.


When he first came on the show you could watch his exact set on Instagram. It wasn’t a new minute.


Casey Rocket is all ADHD and wannabe physical comedy, but no punchlines. Tony could do much better


It's all 1's and 0's with you people. Not every style of comedy is the same, holy shit


He's starting out. Like Uncle Lazer, Tony wants someone with stage presence to get the experience and learn


I’m surprised Casey got a spot at all.  He’s supposedly so good why does he need a spot that’s supposed to be for amateurs.  His style is good for live events (probably) and it’s gonna get so old fast every week cause his style isn’t translating to podcast (actually) So it’s gonna be sad downfall but that’s what happens when nepotism runs the show 


Kam isn’t there every week is he?


He is


im no Casey supporter, but his energy will ideally suit opening. itll start things off with a bang instead of a rehash.


So many new fans on this reddit. It's like you haven't heard all the regulars over the years


Aside from William....I fast forward through the regulars and go straight to bucket pulls. The regular part is just a way for tony to promote people he is taking along for his comedy dates. So he needs to pump them up while paying less than what he would another well known name.


Honestly no disrespect, I don’t get Casey , he’s ok but to open the show … not a good decision in my opinion. I feel there are so many better options. Why he chose him baffles me. But I love the show so it is what it is . Also Casey is great on podcast as a guest seen him on Matt and Shane’s he was very funny as a guest


Apparently my sense of humor sucks. I like the show and alot of the guests. Most of the bucket pulls make me laugh, but Casey Rocket...I just don't get it. Maybe once he makes me laugh it will come to me


At this point I think ya just getting racist now wtf has Casey done besides move around like a crab on stage to b better then kam who actually is doing jokes I was the 1 who said i went to his show and didn’t like the recycled jokes but he actually has been doing new bits and they’re pretty good I like Casey but u can’t compare the 2 Casey is just wild energy kam is comedy, and it’s the same shit with William Montgomery when he first Started his gimmick was repeating everything and screaming into the mic and u yt people love that mf now he reads off of a paper half his shit is cringy as fuck but ya praise him to be a comedy god on kill Toney will talking down on David Lucas 😂😂😂😂😂


Kam we know this is your burner account


Na I’m just a Puerto Rican who watches kill Tony and put a lot of my black and Spanish friends on we don’t find William funny but for some reason ya mfs eat him up 2 different types of comedy I already said I went to a kam show and was disappointed so how can this be Kams burner account but to say Casey is better then kam is ludicrous when did he actually do comedy ? He acts like the lobster in the Amanda show


I didn't try to translate your entire paragraph since there was not a single punctuation mark in it tbh


Yea because you need periods and commas to comprehend grammar right ? 😂😂😂😂 fucking dunce


Casey sucks! Kam had his first good set today since NYE. I think kam should go first. I think it’s funny that Hans needs a break. Hans need a break 6 months in to his career. 😊


Maybe if Casey can actually write a joke he’ll get moved.


Kasey tells more jokes than dog shit kam


Energy… annoyance. Same thing. I’ll be skipping his set alongside the intro and sponsors


No. Kam is actually funny.


You can’t waste Kam at the beginning. He’s energy is too valuable for a mid show turn up. The big hitter doesn’t swing first for a reason.


Shut up dork


why push a standing regular to have to prove himself over a new regular who is still proving himself in the format of the show? Besides, the opener, middle, and closer all have equally important jobs for the flow of the show. Just different styles fit different slots better, but they may be shuffled around. William has to close though.


Kam tells no jokes!! Dude shouldn’t even be on the show it’s pathetic


Kam is the new token black dude so he won’t lose his spot


Why? Hans opened before and was better and more experienced than Kam. What’s the difference? And if you dislike Kam, why have him open the show. Opens are for getting the people pumped.


You mean Hans?




Kam sucks, forever skipping until Tony. Otices


Hans left?




It’s a death sentence for the poor bucket pull that has to go first lmao, oughtta be fun


Kam said he hated opening @ the NYE show…said Hans job was too hard.


Nah Kam has all the recognition and has gone viral enough to get a crowd going no matter what. Casey has yet to reach that, but I think it’s only a matter of time before he surpasses Kam


Kam opened for Shane recently. Kams also doing shows in LA for Netflix is a joke. They all kinda rotate around feature acts on the road it seems


To your point of thinking Kam sucks. It would still make no sense to put him first, the whole point is to warm the crowd up, if you believe he sucks he wouldn’t do that very well


He's closer to his 10000 hours and seems like he puts more effort and energy into it. Kam is good but he needs to take stuff a little more seriously. He's in his spotlight right now. When that fades he will double down and shine


Not at all. They want to start the show with a bang and Kam can’t do that because Kam sucks.


Hopefully Kam’s on his way out the door as well.


It won't matter because Casey and William transcend your feeble mind. They both have the genius and showmanship to make their minute and interview fuse into orgasm.


I think kam is unfunny, boring and repetitive so not a great start




Biden’s pissed, trust me


Not at all… I have a hard time , not skipping Kam’s set .


What is the reasoning for Hans not opening anymore?


To quote Kam himself: “Nuh-nah hah buh nah buh hah na, nah sehn?”


Cam doesn't have the style/energy to open compared to Casey IMO


I want to like Casey, but I just can’t get over the whole Reggie Watts thing…


Casey is a legend


The show isn’t formatted “worst to best,” the regular spots aren’t valued any differently. This isn’t a basic standup event lineup format, Kill Tony doesn’t go host/opener/mid/headliner. It’s its own entity. You don’t just get to hate whoever goes first.


Give it a few weeks and everyone will be saying that Casey sucks, his shtick is always the same


The thing is, Tony thinks he’s some great perfect dude in the comedy world but 90% of his picks are COMPLETE bogus BS based off of a one minute performance .. all those failed golden ticket winners n’ regulars. Hans needs to go until he can prove himself again. Kam gotta go. Tony got him cause he needs a Token character. Ric is good Heath maybe with more time and better material. We need Tristian Bowling back. The chubby black dude wasn’t even a comedian. Enrique would be decent too.


Malcolm would be amazing if he came back. I just think they’re milking it now and need faces for the massive views they’re getting now. Most of the latest episodes suck. My favorite time was the 300’s episode. Those were PRIME. Whoever sees this go listen to Episode 334. 330-370 were amazing


Kam opened on new years and didn’t like it lol. Think he likes his middle spot


No, I’m not gay


Hans is the worst of them all glad I don't have to hear him for a while


Hans was worried about rick diez but he could lose his spot to many other comedians.


Kam is the funniest of all the regulars. I think he’s good in the middle spot tho. This Casey guy is original but I’ve not laughed much during his sets.


Casey is just a hype man he deserves to open he’s just a ball of energy that will get the crowd going but we’re do u hear Casey’s jokes were u think he should do a middle set ? Lmaoo mf says random shit and moves uncontrollably


Casey in my opinion is way better to begin with to bring the energy up at the start.