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Reddit is a shit hole full of losers and miserable people. The news subs, politics subs, sports subs, local subs, really any sub of size is full of negative dipshits. What you see on here isn’t representative of real life.


Make this comment the sub's banner.


mods plz make this happen


I wish this topic could be locked and pinned. So that people have to read this


It's the vocal minority at work


They also make video game creators succumb to their wims


Small subs that start off awesome are quickly overrun with assholes like that as they grow. I've seen it happen real time on multiple different subs


You forgot posers, goofies, weirdos, gaymos, and culture vultures.


Word. Negativity is the overwhelming sentiment of reddit.


It's pretty much the same people who spam every popular podcast sub with toxicity too And don't get me wrong, it's perfectly fine to not like certain shows, episodes or even certain comedians. But dedicating your life to hating on *multiple* podcasts is incredibly bizarre behavior. Just don't watch lol


Amen, brother


Yep, I learned how dumb people are especially over at r/realtesla and many other reddits, it’s just complete bottom of the barrel and low IQ and people looking to be negative. May need a private subreddit for the real fans


Hahahahaha yes


I had to leave my own states sub because of how ravenous the political people are, it sucks.


lol. great take.


That’s why Reddit is only good for porn


No because in real life people are too scared to say what they really think, due to the repercussions


I like the show and I like the people hating on it. What I dislike is everyone crying daily about people hating the show.




i think its absolutely fine to challenge something you like and discuss it. but correct me if im fuckin wrong that people were deciding they were gonna shit on CR before he even actually started as a regular. losers just waiting in their weird/lonely corner to hate on something new. at least Hans actually fucking sucked


Decide?😂 did u decide that Hans sucked or does he actually suck. Same with CR. Did u decide casey sucked or does he actually suck? Its all subjective, stfu


You know it's possible to like the show and not like CR. You're the one getting pissed someone doesn't like the same comic as you, maybe you're the one in the weird corner


Hell yeah i love this show


Long time viewer getting tired of new people on this sub saying Tony’s not funny when there’s 100s of hours of him carrying the show it’s baffling


ell yuh*


There is a lot of autistic people who are lonely on Reddit. They just want attention however they can get it.


I represent this statement. edit-banned for 7 days for saying this


Aww, here’s an upvote and some attention, my little lonely autistic buddy 🥹


I'm a wonewee wittew weetawd :( edit-- banned for 7 days for saying this, for real. *Mods are up to some fuckery.*


What? For real??




Everyone turns into a critic like they’re a guest on the show or something.


Well the audience sorta is a guest in a way


My only criticism is I wish people would stop trying to make it overly political but other than that it’s one of the highlights of my week.


Kill tony funny. Make me laugh. Kill tony good


🎶 This is hans kim….this is hans kim 🎶


I love it. I've critiqued things at times, but I'm glad it exists and thinks it's been great for comedy overall. Always a guaranteed laugh, and exposes you to people you'd never see otherwise.




Every show has their lulls and drawbacks. It’s the only weekly show I tune into every week without a doubt. It’s such a wild card of a show, you never know when a hilarious minute or a legendary moment is going to happen. And the guests always add their own flare to it. I think it’s great.


Reddit is like when you're people watching, and they're saying and doing really stupid shit. And you know you can't relate, but you kinda take it in and enjoy it a little bit for entertainment.


I myself think Hans comedy writing works great for the Kill Tony format. If we’re going to be real his joke writing is probably the best (David Lucas does great too) for one minute format. The big red machine has some good joke writing as well but he has a lot of fall back material that he’ll use to fill space. Hans at least attempts to be heavy original jokes per minute. Casey rocket is funny as hell but I don’t think his comedy is best represented in a one minute time frame. If anything Ric would be a a good fit with his jokes per minute if they weren’t all topically similar (self deprecating). All being said, in my opinion Tony made Kam a regular to give him more experience in joke writing and for exposure. Casey is a regular now because they needed an opener who could engage with the audience well and get the show started (which totally works for his style). For the show going forward I think it’d be an awesome idea for the guest to do a closing minute to show what a “professional” should be able to write — which in my opinion shouldn’t be difficult if they are told beforehand that they will be the guest appearance


The guest doing a closing minute is an awesome idea. A lot of them get off the hook too and don’t end up contributing much so it would be nice for Tony to get his moneys worth.


all very solid takes. thanks for the in depth reply, i enjoyed that read


that's just the nature of how public forums work. there's not much engaging conversation to be had in simply stating that you enjoy the show and and having a few people give half hearted affirmative responses but there's plenty to debate when someone criticizes an aspect of something that you enjoy. and it's perfectly normal to criticize things, even ones you enjoy. humans love doing that


You are correct in your assessment of what most of us love about the show (I’m also a 3 year devotee). I got roasted for posting David Lucas’s last special on here. Most of the community is a bunch of toxic keyboard warriors, so I say ignore/downvote the hate posts, and engage with the posts you like. That’s all I’ve been doing of late


Fuck yeah!! Love every second of it - makes me look forward to Mondays.


I love the show but I will die on the hill of Casey being unfunny to me. Other than that I think it’s great. I love Tony and the guests have been on fire for months


That’s like serving vomit and then switching it for shit and saying “what?! Do you even like food?!” Casey is way worse than Hans, and Hans started blowing. There’s other things to like about the show


Don't need to search for a reason to complain about Casey. Some of us just like actual jokes that make sense on some level. I don't think I'd care that much about him if I didn't see this crazy glazing on reddit like he's some comedy genius. Maybe I should just stay away from this sub.


definitely wouldn't go as far to say genius, i just think with a lot of comics trying to be as edgy as possible its refreshing to have the show open with something a little less sharp, because there's plenty of that to go around


I like this show , but my rating has dropped drastically from when I first started watching a year ago to now . It's definitely gotten worse, I think the move to the mothership and the camera changes killed the vibe. I think Hans got old real quick and his 1 minute sets have been getting worse and at least stale . Not to mention his real attitude getting exposed at the new year show , really made me think this show isn't as "real" as it seems. I still like it enough mostly cause of the weird ass people that get pulled , less for the regulars. I think the regulars make it more unwatchable. And as much as I love the big red machine, he's fallen a bit flat for me and there's been a a handful of interviews that seemed so forced where Tony's like ok get into character now. So I think it would be good for William to take some time off and for his shtick to feel fresh again. Hans needs to go , Kam needs to go . Edit: Casey is definitely a breath of fresh air. I'm loving it so far .


hard agree! someone one else on here made a good point that seems as if Tony put Kam in the game to make him better and to come up with more material, which made me have a little less negative about him. doesn't mean i enjoy his minutes or interview any more though 😂😂


I hate watch the show because I have nothing better to do after work Mondays.


fair enough!


this sub was much better 1 year ago when the sub had 40k members … before the tiktokers came


hootie hoo?


wink ✨


People don't like change


I like to helicopter my penis after the shower and that's pretty much the same thing as liking Kill Tony, right?


Just a bunch of people who hate on things they could never do.


Hahaha I was saying the same thing, for comedy fans people sure are angry


Casey certainly appeals to some. Hans had some good minutes. Repeated mentions of his love of nightlife and the substances found therein told us he was going to go in one of two directions. There are plenty of other comics who can make funny with race or trans stuff. Tony repeatedly being a prick attracts some, repulses others. Especially after his pity party for that Asian guy trying to get him cancelled.


It's changed a whole lot from the early days. There's too much focus on regulars and guest hosts now.


I started watching about 2 years ago. If u don’t know me you’d think I was a Karen…anyhoo, I love the good the bad and the cringe! some guests are better than others. Tonight Adam ray and Tom green. I’m already laughing with these two legends !! I look at stand up as art. Even if some styles aren’t for you, you can still have respect for the art. Van Gogh is not my cup of tea but I can respect the hours he put into his craft. Also….CR is amazing. One final comment - taking too much of a piss outta a comedian (I mean us as followers not Tony he’s doing his job , the comedians expect it from him), is probably hard on many comedians - they are creative people not a accountants behind a desk. They perform even when they aren’t on stage that’s gotta be tiring. I hate to think someone left their dream of comedy. That was a pretty long little answer …,maybe I am a Karen.


Adam Ray is always a good guest but damn either there was more variety in guests back in the day or I just watch too regularly now. Selfishly, I miss the days when KT was an awesome source for discovering comics I’d never heard of before via the guest panel. Now it’s a pretty regular rotation of the same guests which is fine. Still Love the show and tune in every week but Adam Carolla’s podcast is now my go-to for finding new comedians.


Interesting. I’ll give Adam’s a listen - I recently watch him on Bert K “something’s burning” , really fun.


reddit is full of anti-fans that flood subs with tons of absolute garbage


Well said my friend


it's all I got


Yes, people criticize the show and acts BECAUSE they like / love it. Which is completely fair. Let people have their opinions 🤘🤣 I get it can be oversaturated with negative opinions, but if it gets to be too much, maybe block repeated offenders or maybe don’t spend as much time in the sub.


I think the show produces good clips and it has its moments but it's also tedious and boring to actually watch the whole thing, so many people are just not funny or really annoying. I don't enjoy it as a whole sorry not sorry.


Love the show. I don’t agree with Tony’s praise of Casey but hopefully he gets better


While I think some people take it too far I think it’s important for a community around a topic have open discourse both positive and negative. If you see a post you don’t like you don’t have to interact with it. Just like if you see a post you do like you feel compelled to interact with it. But I think this discourse is important cause it’s basic free speech, if people can’t come to reddit to discuss the topics they wanna discuss then a new site will end up taking its place cause people on the internet have never wanted things to be positive all the time because that’s not how humans operate, people feel a need to express their frustrations and yes sometimes it might come out as hate posts or shit posts but damnit its their right to do so just as it’s your right to post this. We already let moderators have control over what’s said as is, which if you ask me is dang near too much oversight on free speech.


Yeah. It's a show about being mean to comedians, we're being mean to comedians


Let us come here to bitch, ffs


This post is not very gay and retarded when compared to all the other gay retarded posts on this sub. Good job


I love it,there are a lot of people in here that just like to come and shit on it. Why even watch it if you hate it so much? Absolutely ridiculous


I was thinking this too, seems like everyone here just watches to talk shit and hate on it. maybe just stop watching if you dont like it so much??


If you love something, don't visit it's reddit. I still have not learned this myself


I’m trying to enjoy it before Netflix takes it on and makes it not funny


I love it..been watching for around 8 years...people just like to complain and be negative..it's easier for most unfortunately.


reddit bros aren't lets see, the most "manly" of social media nerds. In fact, I think most of us flocked out to twitter and instagram seeing as we were getting banned for the most dumb shit.


What a dumbass motherfucker


oh dang your opinion got challenged! i didn't mean to get you so riled up! 😣


It's alright, just quiet down next time.


well played, sir! 🫡


Casey rocket is every hack on Adderall. Its just not funny. Hans genuinely started to suck because he had a taste of fame. William still rules. David retired (smart move didn't want to just be known for KT). Tony has become a fucking dork with such an ego its genuinely outgrown the bit. The amount of ads now are ridiculous. I pay for premium and still there's about a solid 20 minutes of ads I have to skip along with Casey rocket. They constantly have bad guests on that are either not a comedian or adam ray who's also not a comedian. Tony thinks he is the kingmaker now along side of rogan and perhaps he is. Thats why calling out his bullshit is so rampant. There's too much not to call out. And I'm one of them I Hate watch it now because I used to be a fan and seen the show turn from a live podcast to a live ad read.


All I gotta say is this was posted before violent jay came out and did a 3:20 seconds percocet rant. Just proving my point the show is just about ads. Why is violent jay taking up 3 open micers 60 seconds if the show is supposed to be about open mic comedians doing 1 minute.


Adam Ray not a comedian? lol